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This study investigates how the impact made on stock market integration by macroeconomic determinants such as various measures of convergence and financial volatility, as well as crisis episodes, varies over the period 1935–2015. We gauge how the level of integration between the UK and US stock markets changes across three monetary regimes during this period: pre–Bretton Woods (BW), the BW fixed exchange rate, and the post-BW flexible rates. Our empirical results suggest that integration was strongest under the post-BW regime and weakest under the BW regime. We further demonstrate that stock market integration between the two markets has been driven largely by macroeconomic convergence and financial volatility as well as by crises, especially since the demise of the BW system.  相似文献   

There is now substantial evidence that daily equity returns are not normally distributed but instead display significant leptokurtosis and, in many cases, skewness. Considerable effort has been made in order to capture these empirical characteristics using a range of ad hoc statistical distributions. In this paper, we investigate the distribution of daily, weekly and monthly equity returns in the UK and US using two very flexible families of distributions that have been recently introduced: the exponential generalised beta (EGB) and the skewed generalised- t (SGT). These distributions permit very diverse levels of skewness and kurtosis and, between them, nest many of the distributions previously considered in the literature. Both the EGB and the SGT provide a very substantial improvement over the normal distribution in both markets. Moreover, for daily returns, we strongly reject the restrictions on the EGB and SGT implied by most of the distributions that are commonly used for modelling equity returns, including the student- t , the power exponential and the logistic distributions. Instead, our preferred distributions for daily returns are the generalised- t for the US and the skewed- t for the UK, both of which are members of the SGT family. For weekly returns, our preferred distributions are the student- t for the UK and the skewed- t for the US, while for monthly returns, our preferred distributions are the EBR12 for the UK and the logistic for the US. We consider the implications of our findings for the implementation of value-at-risk, a risk management methodology that rests heavily on the distributional characteristics of returns.  相似文献   

We investigate whether access to bond markets affects acquisition activity of the European firms between 1999 and 2014. Our study provides insight into the effect that the growing European bond market has on corporate investment activity. We find that access to the bond markets, measured by the existence of a credit rating, has a significant effect on the tendency of firms to make acquisitions. The effect is strongest in Continental Europe and during times of high acquisition activity. We further find that consistent with prior U.S. evidence, bond market access has an inverse effect on abnormal returns generated by the acquisitions. That finding suggests that firms with superior access to financing pursue targets of lesser quality.  相似文献   

We employ extreme Bitcoin returns as exogenous shock events to investigate the impact of investor attention allocation on worldwide stock return comovement. We find that (1) these shock events decrease worldwide stock return comovement, (2) there is an asymmetric effect in which a crash shock event has a greater impact on return comovement than a jump shock event, and (3) the impact of these shock events on equity comovement is more pronounced in emerging markets. Our results suggest that identifying extreme Bitcoin returns will benefit portfolio construction. Our results may be of considerable interest to investors, as well as to academics interested in portfolio diversification, asset comovement, and cryptocurrencies.  相似文献   

This paper analyses stock market co-movements around recent crises and explores the international portfolio diversification benefits available for UK investors holding a portfolio in the BRICS and MIST emerging markets. The application of conventional and regime-switch cointegration techniques suggests an absence of diversification benefits. Further evidence from application of a multivariate time-varying asymmetric model (i.e. AG-DCC) suggests that conditional correlation among the stock markets exhibits higher dependency when it is driven by negative shocks to the market. The asymmetric causality test provides supporting evidence of the decoupling hypothesis. The results indicate that the Chinese stock market is the most attractive option for the UK investor.  相似文献   

Stock issuance predicts future stock returns in the Korean market. This creates profitable trading opportunities. Abnormal returns exist in the zero-cost portfolio that short the firms issuing large numbers of shares and longs those issuing small numbers of shares. Their average abnormal return is 12 percent per annum, which is highly significant even after controlling for market, size, value, and momentum factors as well as transaction costs. The authors suggest the possibility of fixed costs in equity market timing. Only the sizable benefit from market timing over fixed costs motivates firms to increase net equity shares.  相似文献   

This note presents evidence on the predictability of UK stock returns using a database of companies in the FTSE-Allshare Index newly constructed towards the beginning of 1998. The tests used are autocorrelations at various lags and variance ratios for several aggregations of base observations. The evidence is consistent with that published for US stock returns, namely that daily stock returns contain a strong element of predictability.  相似文献   

We assess the connection between stock market linkages and macroeconomic linkages by using a world index model. Specifically, we test the association between the stock market beta (the sensitivity of country stock market index to world index) and macroeconomic betas (the sensitivity of national output and inflation to world output and inflation). Output betas account for about 20–26% of the cross-section of stock market betas. Controlling for previously-documented factors affecting stock market comovements: world output volatility is somewhat significant, while inflation betas, trade openness and world stock market volatility are insignificant in accounting for variation in stock market betas.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive evidence on how product and market dynamics affect the value relevance of trade payables. Using a sample of 2559 UK listed firms over the period 2005–2014, we find a positive relationship between trade payables and firm performance. Our evidence suggests that trade payables increase (decrease) performance in firms with differentiated products and demand uncertainty (larger market share). We demonstrate that the relative value relevance of bank credit versus suppliers’ credit is dependent on the nature of the product, the level of sales volatility, and market share. We use an innovative approach to assess the robustness of our results to omitted variable bias.  相似文献   

The stock analysts have a relevant role in the capital market, since, directly or indirectly, they contribute to the paper pricing and to the composition of the investment portfolio. The purpose of this study is to verify if it is possible to obtain extraordinary returns, above those offered by a market portfolio, with the monitoring of the stock recommendations issued by Brazilian capital market analysts, one of the most important in Latin America. Based on a wide range of consensual recommendations concerning the period from 2000 to 2010, and with the monitoring of the historical series of paper returns covered by the analyses, the performance of two portfolios were compared, one formed by stocks that received favorable and the other one formed by stocks that received unfavorable analyst recommendations. The results showed bias in recommendations, since there is, systematically, a greater number of favorable against unfavorable recommendations. The results mainly showed that the analysts were unable to identify the stocks that actually offered greater returns within the period considered.  相似文献   

This paper examines takeover and divestiture activity at the industry level for the population of UK firms over the period 1986–2000. Consistent with US research, takeovers in the UK cluster both across industries and over time. The evidence for divestitures indicates clustering across industries only. The paper further investigates whether broad and specific industry shocks (e.g., growth, free cash flow, concentration, deregulation, foreign competition, technology, stock market performance) explain takeover and divestiture clustering at the industry level. The results suggest that broad shocks increase (decrease) the likelihood of takeovers (divestitures), although not significantly for takeovers. Specific industry shocks that increase the likelihood of takeover activity include low growth, the threat of foreign competition and high stock market performance. For divestitures, high industry concentration and deregulation increase activity. Little evidence is found for deregulation as a significant factor in explaining takeover activity.  相似文献   

Abstract:  During 1999 and 2000 a large number of articles appeared in the financial press which argued that the concentration of the FTSE 100 had increased. Many of these reports suggested that stock market volatility in the UK had risen, because the concentration of its stock markets had increased. This study undertakes a comprehensive measurement of stock market concentration using the FTSE 100 index. We find that during 1999, 2000 and 2001 stock market concentration was noticeably higher than at any other time since the index was introduced. When we measure the volatility of the FTSE 100 index we do not find an association between concentration and its volatility. When we examine the variances and covariance's of the FTSE 100 constituents we find that security volatility appears to be positively related to concentration changes but concentration and the size of security covariances appear to be negatively related. We simulate the variance of four versions of the FTSE 100 index; in each version of the index the weighting structure reflects either an equally weighted index, or one with levels of low, intermediate or high concentration. We find that moving from low to high concentration has very little impact on the volatility of the index. To complete the study we estimate the minimum variance portfolio for the FTSE 100, we then compare concentration levels of this index to those formed on the basis of market weighting. We find that realised FTSE index weightings are higher than for the minimum variance index.  相似文献   

This paper is the first to look directly at the reaction of the London market to company announcements of changes to employee count. Using event study methodology, we examine market reactions to 54 redundancy announcements during the period 1990–1999 and 52 announcements of new jobs during the period 1993–1999. In line with previous US studies we find that market reaction, measured by cumulative abnormal returns, is negative before the day of redundancy announcement. The actual redundancy announcement is greeted positively by the market when measured in terms of the mean, but negatively when measured in terms of the median. Thus, in a minority of cases the announcements are seen as value enhancing. The market reacts positively before new job announcements and this positive reaction is highly significant when the announcement is made. The results suggest that new job announcements contain value–relevant information for the market. Potential causal factors other than announcement size are not significant.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Most UK companies separate the roles of CEO and Chairman. The former runs the company and the latter runs the board. Using turnover data on 2,180 separate Chairmanships of the top 460 UK firms over the 1990–1998 period, I find that the Chairman is more likely to be replaced when the CEO is dismissed. Detailed data on the dismissal events suggests that Chairman replacement is associated with board restructuring. This may be necessary to bring in different skills and experience which, in turn, might facilitate changes in future corporate decisions. Moreover, I find that the Chairman's previous position, or the type of Chairmanship, does not affect the association between Chairman removal and CEO dismissal. But, the increase in the dismissal likelihood of the Chairman at the time of forced CEO departure is higher when she is involved in the appointment of the failing CEO. This, in turn, can be interpreted as an indication of effective governance.  相似文献   

This article examines the potential for private sector organizations to contribute to public sector innovation. Specifically, the study explores how partnering with the private sector can go beyond delivery and extend to development of new services and new markets. The term ‘commercialization partnership’ is coined for such partnerships and the article describes an exploratory investigation of this emerging form of innovation.  相似文献   

Studies of the persistence in the returns series of UK stocks, using inter alia variance ratios, have documented clear differences between the relatively low levels of persistence in individual security returns and the relatively high levels of persistence in the returns of portfolios composed of these same securities. In this paper, I reconcile this contrast by showing that portfolio return variance ratios should not be expected to reflect (own) persistence levels in the component security returns, but instead should reflect a 'cross-persistence' between the securities. I calculate synthetic portfolio variance ratios from measures of security return 'cross-persistence' and find that they replicate closely the observed portfolio return variance ratios, which provides empirical support for the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We examine the financial performance of UK listed companies surrounding the announcement of permanent employee layoffs. We find that poor operating and stock price performance, increased gearing, and threats from external markets for corporate control precede employee layoffs. Layoff announcements elicit a significantly negative stock price reaction, which is driven by announcements that are reactive to poor financial conditions. We also find that layoffs result in significant increases in employee productivity and corporate focus. We conclude that layoffs represent an efficient response to poor financial conditions, but that their occurrence is strongly dependent on pressure from external control markets.  相似文献   

In this study, the three-factor model of Fama and French and the ‘characteristic model’ of Daniel and Titman are tested using the French Stock Market. Stocks are ranked by size and book to market ratio and then by ex-ante β, HML or SMB loadings. Based on average returns, results reject the factor model with ‘characteristic balanced’ portfolios. In contrast, in time-series regressions, results are consistent with the factor pricing model and inconsistent with the characteristic-based pricing model. Because the value premium is small, conclusions must be interpreted carefully. However, size and market premiums allow more powerful tests of the two models.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether estimated loss reversal probabilities are fully reflected in UK stock market prices. Overall, we provide evidence of varying degrees and types of loss firm mispricing with respect to estimated loss reversal probabilities. In particular, a significant and positive relationship between loss reversal probability and annual returns is found only for firms with higher trading costs. When looking at monthly returns, however, especially for the financial statement release month subsequent to the loss year, a significant and positive relationship is found for all firms. Thus, the evidence is consistent with UK market participants not fully incorporating relevant information into the pricing of loss firms and, as a consequence, being surprised by the content of the earnings for many or all UK loss firms.  相似文献   

This paper examines the stock price behavior in the trading and non-trading periods for stocks listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange over 1971-96. The results indicate that the trading-time return variances are higher than the non-trading-time return variances especially for the larger trading-volume quintiles. This result is consistent with the private information hypothesis. Moreover, open-to-open return variances are higher than close-to-close return variances. Since both the opening and the closing transactions are conducted by the call auction procedure, the results are consistent with the trading halt hypothesis but not with the trading mechanism hypothesis.  相似文献   

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