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Since 1992, accounting for Spanish local governments has been undergoing substantial change. The application of a new regulation has introduced the double entry system, an approximation to the accounting terminology used in the private sector and the presentation of financial statements beyond the purely budgetary reporting. In this context, the paper attempts to examine the extent to which the new regulation has achieved the objectives of financial reporting, who the users of the information could be, what the usefulness of the financial statements is and what they are used for in local governments. The results prove that the financial reporting of local governments can be useful for potential users like audit institutions, financial institutions or creditors. However, there is a long way to go before we can say that the information is used to the maximum. This implies that further progress is necessary in the use of financial information in local governments, and fundamentally it is necessary to introduce techniques of financial analysis traditionally used in business entities.  相似文献   


Portugal and Spain have reformed their national standards to adapt them to the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). This paper explains the process of implementing the IPSAS for consolidated reporting in the two countries and the advantages and disadvantages which have emerged. The results highlight the role of the IPSAS in improving the quality and use of consolidated financial statements (CFS) and will be of interest to other countries that are intending to implement the IPSAS.  相似文献   


This paper investigates consolidated financial statements (CFS), which have been implemented by several countries. In Italy, CFS implementation was preceded by a testing period in which local governments could participate on a voluntary basis. This paper explains why this was a useful preliminary step to implementing CFS: the local governments that took part in the testing period were able to enhance their knowledge of the topic while improving their employees’ skills.  相似文献   


In recent decades, as the use of derivatives by financial institutions has expanded, the shortcomings of historical cost accounting approaches have become increasingly apparent. Since derivatives can create large exposures to risk that go unnoticed under historical standards, the accounting industry has focused on how to change the standards so that these risks are reflected appropriately in a company’s accounting statements. New standards such as SFAS 115 and SFAS 133 have been adopted in part to achieve this goal. However, both of these standards use a piecemeal approach to risk measurement that may be adding to the problem rather than creating a solution. This paper will use a simple equity-indexed annuity to illustrate the problem with historical cost accounting and with the standards that have been adopted to correct it. The paper then argues that the only legitimate means of reflecting risk properly on a company’s accounting statements is to adopt full fair value accounting for all assets and liabilities on the company’s books.  相似文献   


In this article, we estimate the effect of China’s regional financial development on total factor productivity (TFP) growth using large provincial panel data for the years 1990 to 2009. Using the nonparametric stochastic frontier data envelopment approach, we analyze how financial development is related to efficiency improvement and technological progress, the two components of TFP. The study shows that Chinese financial development plays a significant role in promoting TFP growth via technological progress rather than efficiency change. The faster the financial development takes place, the better it could correct the mismatch of resource allocation, thus promoting TFP growth. The results imply that China needs to both further optimize the allocation of financial resources and perfect the regional financial system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine whether audit committee financial expertise matters when making commercial lending decisions. Commercial lenders rely on audited financial statements in making lending decisions, and the quality of these financial statements is impacted by the capabilities of audit committees having oversight of financial reporting. It is widely believed that this oversight is enhanced when audit committees contain members with financial expertise. A behavioural experiment is conducted where commercial lending officers make risk assessments and provide probabilities of granting loans based on a hypothetical scenario. This paper finds insufficient evidence to conclude that the existence of financial expertise on audit committees makes a difference to lenders. When replacing audit committee members, however, financial expertise does appear to matter to lenders in some cases.  相似文献   

Our purpose here is to assess whether the innate properties of the double entry bookkeeping system are such that financial ratios, calculated from the balance sheet summary measures implied by it, will be generated by distributional forms with non‐convergent moments. Our analysis begins with a brief summary of some important analytical properties of the debt and equity components of the double entry bookkeeping system. We then use these to determine the time series and distributional properties of the debt to equity ratio itself. Our analysis shows that even when the evolution of balance sheet summary measures like debt and equity can be described by 'well behaved' distributional processes, there is a distinct possibility that ratios derived from them will evolve in terms of distributional forms with non‐convergent moments. We argue that this has serious implications for parameter estimation as well as the integrity of the regression and/or discriminant procedures which underscore bankruptcy and financial distress prediction models based on financial ratios derived from the double entry bookkeeping system.  相似文献   

Many accounting and finance studies investigate the time-series properties of historical accounting records from corporate financial statements. Some of them have recognized the potential benefits of using disaggregated monthly accounting records. Disaggregated data are beneficial because one can use more data points within a relatively short period of time, thus reducing the chance of structural change. The added data points and reduction of the number of variables needed to accommodate potential structural changes can enhance the statistical power of any subsequent analysis. The use of disaggregated data may also improve the predictive ability of time-series analytic approaches. In order to systematically assess various financial indicators and investigate the effects of different organizational characteristics, a large number of monthly statements with certain predetermined characteristics are desirable. However, such statements are not readily available. At best, monthly statements can be obtained from a few volunteer companies. Under this circumstance, simulation of controlled financial statements seems to be a reasonable solution. This research explores a methodology for simulating complete monthly financial statements based on actual company quarterly financial statements. The methodology incorporates the interrelationships among accounting numbers and the effects of exogenous variables. To test the empirical validity and whether the monthly results derived from the quarterly data can accurately track the real monthly figures, we compare the results simulated by the proposed method and those generated by a naive random walk model. We test both complete financial statements for three companies and sales statistics from the retail industry. The results of both tests demonstrate the superiority of the method proposed by this study over a naive random walk model. The proposed simulation method provides an opportunity for researchers to examine the time-series properties of financial statement elements by using the monthly data of a large number of companies. In addition, the simulation approach allows researchers to perform cross sectional comparisons on companies with different characteristics (e.g., sales behavior patterns and degrees of stability) in their financial and economic activities. Moreover, it enables the researchers to manipulate some of these characteristics to test various hypotheses.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between working capital efficiency and corporate profitability and in particular, to determine their significance across countries with differential industrial levels.DesignThe paper adopts a quantitative approach using balanced panel data of manufacturing firms in Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. We accessed financial statements of manufacturing firms from the Orbis database for the period 2005–2009. The database is known to be reliable and has universal acceptability.FindingsThe study reveals that there is a strong negative relationship between profitability, measured through net operating profit, and cash conversion cycles across different industrialisation typologies. The negative association implies that, when the cash conversion cycle increases, the profitability of the firm declines.Practical implicationsManagers can create positive value for shareholders by reducing the days customers settle their accounts, ensuring that they sell off their inventories as quickly as possible and delaying the payments to their suppliers, as long as this does not affect their credit rating.OriginalityTo the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to provide a fresh perspective on how working capital management influences profitability across Africa within different typologies.  相似文献   

Recent accounting research (Bahnson, P., Miller, P., & Budge, B. (1996). Nonarticulation in cash flow statements and implications for education, research and practice. Accounting Horizons, 10, 1–15 has shown that firms implementing the indirect method for reporting cash flows under SFAS 95 rarely produce financial statements that articulate cleanly. The purposes of this paper are (1) to provide financial accounting educators with a list of companies for which articulation does exist, (2) to describe the process by which educators can update the list in the future, or modify it to suit their own preferences, and (3) to present an analysis of firms’ reporting practices on the cash flow statement, which may be of interest to more advanced students studying the complexities of the statement of cash flows. This analysis of reporting practices involves an assessment of the articulation of individual COMPUSTAT line items (e.g. inventory) and subsets of line items (e.g. inventory, receivables, deferred taxes, and depreciation) for the 1998 data year. The findings indicate that relatively few firms report consistent values for single line items and that very few firms report consistent values across subsets of line items. Although the rate of articulation decreases as firm size, and hence reporting complexity, increases, 74 large, publicly-traded firms for which clean articulation does exist were identified. This list of firms should prove useful to introductory accounting educators who use real-world examples for classroom purposes.  相似文献   


We analyse the total and directional spillovers across a set of financial institution systemic risk state variables: credit risk, real estate market risk, interest rate risk, interbank liquidity risk and overall market risk. We examine the response of the spillover levels, within the set of systemic risk state variables, to a number of events in the financial markets and to initiatives undertaken by the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. The relationship between the time-varying spillovers and policy-related events is analysed using a multiple structural break estimation procedure and looking at the temporary increases in the spillover indices. Our sample includes five European Union countries: core countries France and Germany, periphery countries Spain and Italy, and a reference country, the UK. We show that national stock markets and real estate markets have a leading role in shock transmission across selected state variables. However, the role of the other variables reverses over the course of the crisis. We document that the total and net spillover indices react strongly to the events relating to financial assistance packages in Europe.  相似文献   


In this study, we test for convergence in financial development and economic growth in China’s financial deepening reform process by using system GMM method. The results show strong evidence of the mutually interactive and systematic relationship between financial development and economic growth, and the system is in a condition of long-run divergence. The main cause of divergence in the system changed after 2008 from financial depression to asset price expansion. This study provides evidence that the government should intensify financial deepening reforms and pay attention to financial resource flows to prevent excessive asset price expansion.  相似文献   

This paper studies in detail the performance of a general equilibrium model of the financial system when applied to the case of Colombia. This model was designed following closely the work by Goodhart et al. (Ann Fin 2, 1–21, 2006b). The results suggest that the model performs satisfactorily, especially in the prediction of short-run trends (2 years). A shortcoming of the results is a slight overestimation of several trends in the medium to long-term. There is however room to progress, particularly in terms of the incorporation of idiosyncratic features of the Colombian financial system into the model.   相似文献   


This paper investigates whether Chinese firms utilize trade credit as an alternative financial intermediation to alleviate financial constraints, and whether trade credit matters for firm productivity. The results show that trade credit significantly affects firm productivity in private and foreign-owned firms but not state-owned enterprises, indicating that trade credit is an efficient financial intermediation for non-state firms. Second, trade credit better helps firms that have severe financial constraints grow. Third, the mechanism of trade credit and TFP is by the substitution effect of cash flow, the smoothing effect of working capital and the drive of innovation. Finally, the impact of trade credit on productivity is driven by the regions under a more institutionally developed environment.  相似文献   


We investigate how Finland has applied Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council to the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings. In addition to the implementation process and general implications of the Finnish Accounting Act, we emphasize its implications and interplay with IFRS. We conclude that the national implementation of Directive 2013/34/EU successfully diminished the administrative burden experienced by small companies.  相似文献   

从本次金融危机对国际金融监管体系提出的新挑战出发,本文探讨了金融国际化与金融监管体系改革的关系,以及金融危机对金融监管体系改革的影响。未来,金融监管将日趋国际化,更加注重风险性监管和对创新业务的监管,重视金融机构的内部控制制度和同业自律机制,而统一监管将成为监管体系发展的趋势。在此基础上,本文提出中国金融监管体系改革应走综合监管、统一监管之路,以适应混业经营发展和金融创新的需要;要加强宏观金融审慎监管,保证整个金融系统的稳定;注重保护投资者的合法权益;并不断完善与金融监管体系改革相配套的其他制度与措施。  相似文献   

衍生金融工具会计风险问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大多数衍生金融工具为表外业务,无法在财务报表中加以确认和计量的特点,本文讨论了衍生金融工具存在的计量风险,以及采用公允价值方法与及时信息披露方法结合对衍生金融工具计量和披露,由于会计计量属性的原因,会计难以全面披露衍生金融工具的风险,由此讨论如何规避由于采用衍生金融工具而导致的会计风险的方法和措施。  相似文献   

2008年,山东省区域经济呈前高后低走势,上半年经济高位运行,下半年在经济周期调整压力和国际金融危机冲击下,各项指标渐次回落。但总体看,由于国家宏观调控政策果断调整,有力发挥了反向调节效应,金融体系在支持经济发展、结构优化和增长方式转变等方面发挥了积极作用。银行业体现出较强的抗风险能力,证券、保险业起伏明显,金融基础设施的支撑作用进一步突显。下一阶段区域金融稳定状况主要取决于各地贯彻落实宏观政策措施的及时性、有效性和长效性,尤其有赖于能否尽快扭转经济下行态势。在不确定性增多的环境下,金融管理部门和金融机构须倾力协作,坚持改革创新,努力捕捉"化危为机"的契机;积极健全风险防范化解机制,在逆境中谋求进取发展。  相似文献   

In January 2005 the Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) issued three new accounting standards that require Canadian firms to mark-to-market certain financial assets and liabilities and recognize the holding gains and losses related to these items as other comprehensive income or as part of net income. The Board’s objectives for issuing the new standards are (i) to harmonize Canadian GAAP with US and International GAAP, (ii) to enhance the transparency and usefulness of financial statements, and (iii) to keep pace with changes in accounting standards in other countries that are moving towards fair value accounting. This paper investigates empirically whether requiring Canadian companies to report comprehensive income and its components provides the securities market with incremental value-relevant information over the traditional historical-cost earnings approach.Previous empirical studies provide mixed evidence on the value relevance of other comprehensive income and its components. This mixed evidence may be attributed partially to the use of as if methodology to construct an ex-ante measure of other comprehensive income prior to the implementation of SFAS 130, which introduces measurement error. In contrast, this study uses actual data on other comprehensive income for a sample of Canadian firms cross-listed in the US in the period 1998–2003. We find evidence that available-for-sale and cash flow hedges components are significantly associated with price and market returns. We also find that aggregate comprehensive income is more strongly associated (in terms of explanatory power) with both stock price and returns compared to net income. However, we find that net income is a better predictor of future net income relative to comprehensive income. Our findings suggest that mandating all Canadian firms to adopt the new accounting standards is expected to enhance the usefulness of financial statements. Our findings, therefore, should be of interest to Canadian accounting policy makers as they provide ex-ante evidence on the potential usefulness of mandating firms to report comprehensive income and the components of other comprehensive income in their financial statements.  相似文献   

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