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The relationship between communication in the form of influence strategies used by suppliers in marketing channels and dealer satisfaction is examined in the two diverse cultures of the US and India. The frequencies of use of six types of influence strategies by suppliers-information exchange, recommendation, request, promise, threat and legal plea-are measured. The same measurement scales for the six influence strategies and dealer satisfaction are applied in the electric lamp and lighting equipment channels in the two countries. In both cultures, a structural equation model relating the influence strategies with dealer satisfaction is found to be statistically significant. However, when the impact of individual influence strategies on dealer satisfaction is considered, differences are found between the two countries. In the US, recommendations affect dealer satisfaction positively whereas requests and threats affect it negatively. In India, recommendations and legal pleas impact on dealer satisfaction positively.  相似文献   

The importance of understanding and managing the channel conflict process has been well discussed, however little research has been conducted to examine the relationship between channel conflict and channel structure. In order to provide the focus for an in-depth research effort, this investigation was restricted to one type of channel structure, a retailer-owned co-operative wholesaling-retailing system, and to an examination of the role and importance of legitimate power as it contributes to channel conflict. A cross-sectional study was conducted of management and boards of directors of the wholesaler and 165 member-retailers of the Co-operative Retailing System. Results from correlational analysis of the aggregated data from sixty-four retail outlets indicated that a co-operative retailing-wholesaling system offers a model of distribution where the benefits of independence and co-ordination have been melded. From the retailers' perspective, autonomy for the independent retailers and a degree of control over channel decisions is offered. For the wholesaler, the decision-making structure provides a model for managing relations between large and small organizations which incorporates a mechanism for conflict resolution, while maintaining standardized delivery of products and services.  相似文献   

The concept of 'internal marketing' has received considerable coverage in the literature, but even its most ardent supporters have noted problems in translating the concept into reality. This paper discusses the findings of an exploratory case study carried out within 35 UK high street retail banks. Internal marketing is an initiative adopted by the organizations studied in order to nourish a marketing orientation.The implementation approach shapes the nature and form of the internal marketing communications that organizations adopt. Even though UK retail banks intend to implement internal marketing effectively, in reality the current implementation approach appears to be counter-productive to the achievement of the core aims of the initiative. The core finding from this exploratory research suggests that there are substantial barriers to the successful implementation of internal marketing within the banks studied, barriers such as the focus on short-term sales goals, the lack of a formal and 'holistic' implementation approach and the creation of 'personnel discrimination' and negative internal competition.  相似文献   

The paper reports on an empirical study of purchase decision making in grocery markets. Against the central research question, 'Does decision making become more extensive with more involved product purchases?', measurements of attitude- behaviour consistency were made in three product fields which are known to engender significantly different levels of consumer involvement. The extended Fishbein model was used as the metaphor for purchase decision making and models were estimated for each product field using LISREL VII to determine the fit between product and normative beliefs, behavioural intention and actual purchasing behaviours. The results of our analysis are consistent with prior theory and support the hypothesis that the efficacy of the model in grocery markets increases as the purchase involvement increases. The implications for marketing communications within each market are discussed and the limitations of our research design are highlighted.  相似文献   

This study investigated and assessed organizational and motivational determinants in creative and successful marketing communications campaigns by analysing a sample of Korean workers. The study revealed the relative importance of organizational and motivational factors for campaign creativity and performance in marketing communications in Korean workplaces. The findings provide evidence that managerial encouragement is essential to Korean workers' intrinsic motivation for planning, learning orientation and creativity. The intrinsic motivation for planning in turn generally had a strong effect on their creativity, learning orientation and performance. Related implications are discussed for managers in marketing communications, where creativity may fall into the realm of the required aspects of the workers. From the findings it is implied that deliberately designed organizational means for enhancing creativity must be sought.  相似文献   

Product and packaged goods marketers have responded to changing consumer and media environments by adopting integrated approaches to marketing communication. The value and utility of such approaches likely extend to a wide range of marketers, but there have been few published attempts to examine the viability of the integrated marketing communication concept in retail and service marketing. This study addresses this void by using a seven-stage model of integrated marketing communications to examine the media and message delivery practices of national and regional retailers and consumer service marketers. The results of a national mail survey found many of these marketers using such key integrated marketing communication elements as multiple media, databases, individual-level consumer information and behavioural response measures in their media and message delivery practices. Few, however, were using these elements in a strategic or coordinated fashion. Integrated approaches thus appear to have much value in retail and service marketing, particularly as a means for coordinating media and message delivery elements in a fashion that provides a way to link behavioural responses to media vehicles and advertising messages.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method designed to segment a customer file for direct marketing using behavioral data. The results of this method are tested against the traditional Recency-Frequency-Monetary Amount segmentation model, as well as other parameters of consumer behavior. Strategic applications and future research orientations are suggested.  相似文献   

Brand equity is now receiving significant attention, both as a result of changes to international accounting standards relating to intangible assets and as a result of the renewed focus on the impact of marketing communications on brand performance. This paper reports on an investigation of the perceptions of senior marketing and advertising agency personnel regarding (1) the importance of brand equity as a valuation and performance measurement tool and (2) whether financially based brand equity measures and marketing-oriented measures can be translated into a single composite measure of brand equity/value. The findings reported herein indicate that, although financially based brand equity valuations have been a low priority in the past, there is increasing interest in this area and in the evaluation of the long-term impact of promotional activity as part of a wider drive for marketing accountability.  相似文献   

In the battle for high-value talent, managers need to think like marketers, creating job offerings and employment relationships that provide mutual value for firms and their employees. This article provides a 3-stage framework for the application of marketing techniques to the recruitment and retention of high-value employees. In the first stage, the 4Ps of the marketing mix are used to create compelling job offerings that attract high-value employees. In the second stage, firms use relationship marketing concepts to build long-lasting employment relationships that create mutual value for the firm and its employees. The third stage involves the outcomes of high-value employment relationships, which include greater employee commitment and satisfaction, which then lead to greater employee advocacy of the firm and lower levels of employee turnover. The ultimate proposed outcomes of this approach are increased performance and stability of the firm.  相似文献   

This aim of this research is to analyse the role of firm resources and skills in the decision to cooperate as a method for developing entrepreneurial activity. We use a sample of 967 entrepreneurial operations undertaken between 2000 and 2004 by 323 EU-15 companies. Results suggest that skills are more important than resources when choosing how to undertake an entrepreneurial activity. While experience in cooperation and possession of technological resources make the choice of an alliance more probable, experience in entrepreneurial activities and possession of physical resources may lead the company to opt for other alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate if a manufacturer can simultaneously maximize own and channel profit with any quantity-based pricing policy, including a quantity-discount policy, when selling through heterogeneous retailers. We show that the manufacturer's best possible pricing policy, when retailers self-select quantities, is a quantity discount. However, this policy does not maximize channel profit. Driven by the manufacturer's inclination to reduce the quantity sold through a high-cost or low-demand retailer, this result holds whether or not retailers compete. We discuss implications of our analysis for the manufacturer.  相似文献   

The authors propose that the current trends and developments in the international marketplace call for a new theoretical concept-based approach to inform and guide cross-border marketing strategy. Specifically, the authors label this approach marketing ecosystem orchestration (MEO). The marketing ecosystem is defined as connected, interdependent, and co-evolving sets of actors, activities, and institutions enabling the marketing of an offering that has value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. MEO is a new strategic approach for an internationalizing firm to achieve sustained value creation, value appropriation, and growth in a host market. Orchestration involves developing and/or coordinating the ecosystem’s interdependent – but independent actors, resources, information, processes, and services to create, co-create, and appropriate value from firms’ market-based assets. The authors theorize three components of MEO – the orchestration of supply chains and fulfillment networks, marketing communications, and transactions and payments sub-ecosystems – and develop a conceptual framework and propositions influencing the determinants of MEO adoption by the focal firm. This paper concludes with managerial implications and offers several new directions for international marketing research.  相似文献   

This paper develops a maximum likelihood based methodology for simultaneously performing multidimensional unfolding and cluster analysis on two-way dominance or profile data. This new procedure utilizes mixtures of multivariate conditional normal distributions to estimate a joint space of stimulus coordinates and K ideal points, one for each cluster or group, in a T-dimensional space. The conditional mixture, maximum likelihood methodology is introduced together with an E-M algorithm utilized for parameter estimation. A marketing strategy application is provided with an analysis of PIMS data for a set of firms drawn from the same competitive industry to determine strategic groups, while simultaneously depicting strategy-performance relationships.INSEAD  相似文献   

Research on strategy in emerging markets is based on overly static representations, paying insufficient attention to the impact of contextual change on the value of firms’ resources. This article examines how a sample of the most successful Vietnamese private companies during the first decade of their country's transition from central planning was affected by the shifting rules of the game in their business environment. I suggest the primary takeaway is that sustained superior performance in an environment with changing keys to success requires dedicated and ongoing strategic renewal. I also suggest the need for both scholars and managers to immerse themselves in emerging markets if they care to fully understand the granular ways in which these settings differ from more familiar advanced economies.  相似文献   

Emerging market exporting firms in advanced economies must manage a highly dynamic landscape owing to factors such as changing market needs and fierce competition. Hence, these firms need to develop unique marketing skills for superior performance. Accordingly, this study draws on the resource-based and dynamic capability theory to empirically examine the role of marketing skills in developing a dynamic capability—market responsiveness—for improved marketing performance, and the changes in this relationship under highly competitive intensity. Using a sample (n = 98) of firms originating from an emerging market (Pakistan) mainly exporting to advanced markets (the United Kingdom, the United States or both), the findings show that marketing skills, positively mediated by market responsiveness, influence the marketing performance of such firms in advanced markets. The indirect relationship is positively moderated by a higher level of competitive intensity. This study extends the dynamic capability and export marketing streams of literature, particularly for emerging market exporting firms in advanced markets, and provides useful performance implications to export marketing managers.  相似文献   

The linkage between logistics performance and overall firm performance has received attention in the literature for more than 30 years. However, researchers have not investigated if differences in performance between primary and secondary suppliers affect customer satisfaction and the percentage of business allocated to suppliers. In this research, primary suppliers received more than four times as much business as the secondary suppliers. We investigated the impact of the Marketing Mix on customer satisfaction and share of business for primary suppliers and secondary suppliers, and identified differences between the two groups, using multigroup structural equation modeling. The results indicate that perceived performance on logistics attributes significantly affects customer satisfaction and the percentage of business that is allocated to primary and secondary suppliers, which is key information for developing competitive strategies. Our research findings challenge the practice of providing service levels to customers based on current revenue or profitability which does little to convince customers, who are using a company as secondary source, to make it the primary supplier.  相似文献   

This study identifies and assesses synergies between export channels in emerging and mature markets. The results indicate that exporters' performance determinants in emerging markets are different from those in mature markets. Exporters transfer funds between export channels. Experienced exporters' channels in fast‐growing emerging markets and their channels in mature markets where they have developed product or brand advantages require heavy funding. Other channels will be used as the fund sources to support and control these export channels. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(3):385-394
Firms must excel at both exploration and exploitation to ensure long-term survival and prosperity. However, firms often have difficulties in doing so because they have to accommodate the contradictory logics of exploration and exploitation. This article examines the logics of exploration and exploitation, evaluates the difficulties of accommodating both logics, and identifies dynamic ambidexterity as a new way to overcome these difficulties. To achieve dynamic ambidexterity, firms need to support structural ambidexterity at the corporate level, contextual ambidexterity at the business-unit level, and sequential ambidexterity at the project level. I believe that the notion of dynamic ambidexterity and its managerial practices can help firms manage exploration and exploitation and ensure long-term survival and prosperity.  相似文献   

Marketing thrives on secrets, yet surprisingly little formal attention has been paid to how the marketing of secrecy and the secrecy of marketing can play a significant role in contemporary organizations. We draw upon the fields of organizational studies, psychology, and marketing to develop a typology of secrets that reflects their marketing value and their knowledge value. Marketing secrets can have value to the firm (strategic value), to the customer (marketing value), or to both parties. Based on these two dimensions, we identify four different types of marketing secrets: (1) appealing secrets have high strategic value, as well as high marketing value; (2) mythical secrets mean little to the firm but a lot to the customer; (3) plain secrets are critical to the firm but are irrelevant to customers; and (4) weak secrets have neither strategic value nor marketing value. Our typology enables academics to formulate research questions regarding secrecy in marketing, and serves as a guide for practitioners in the construction of strategies that can exploit the strategic value of secrets by ‘romancing’ them, and increase their knowledge value by ‘educating’ the secrets.  相似文献   

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