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This paper considers the real interest rate parity (RIRP) in OECD countries applying a sequential panel selection (SPS) method on alternative panel unit-root tests. Our approach exploits the enhanced power of panels to uncover evidence of stationarity, but also identifies the exact countries for which the RIRP holds in a panel. Moreover, we construct real interest rate measures using alternative approaches, including a Markov regime-switching procedure, which is consistent with the forward-looking nature of inflation expectations formation. Considering US as the benchmark economy, we produce strong evidence of stationarity in real interest rate differentials, which resuscitates RIRP, especially given the inconclusive results in the related literature. Our results are robust to different panel unit-root tests, measures of inflation expectations, and interest rate maturities. The RIRP appears quite resilient in the face of the global financial crisis and the low real interest rate environment after the great recession. The SPS allows to calculate half-lives, which avoid the pitfalls of over/underestimating the speed of adjustment and are lower as compared to the typical estimates in the literature.  相似文献   

寿险公司分红保险具有最低保障利率,并能使投保人分享保险公司的经营成果,但很多购买分红保险的投保人对其收益分布并不了解。本文利用随机模拟方法给出我国分红险的收益分布。结果表明分红合约在风险与收益的平衡方面有较好性质。如果保险人的投资组合的波动率较高,分红合约的收益相对资产组合有显著的下方保护作用。由于实际中寿险投资组合波动率并不很高,如果市场风险溢价较高,选择直接投资到资产组合会以较大概率获得比分红合约更高的收益。  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the issue of long-run PPP using multiple panel tests in the framework of confirmatory analysis. Application of six panel tests under competing null hypotheses to the real exchange rates of 21 industrial countries yields seemingly contradictory evidence on the parity during the post-Bretton Woods period. Regardless of numeraire currency, four I(1) panel tests unanimously reject the null hypothesis in favor of long-run PPP, whereas two I(0) panel tests lend little support to the parity at conventional significance levels. Confirmatory analysis suggests that this puzzling result can be explained either by nonlinear dynamics of the real exchange rates or by a mixture of I(0) and I(1) series in the panel. Monte Carlo experiments indicate that potential mix of I(0) and I(1) series is more relevant to the empirical finding. The use of a sequential classification method sorts out six real exchange rates which exhibit most persistent deviations from long-run equilibrium. Systematic behavior of these series can be characterized better by country specific factors than by observable macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the relationship between deposit insurance and bank market values have usually been limited to consideration of minor changes in bank regulations, but the 1987 initiation of deposit insurance in Denmark permits examination of a potentially major policy shift. It is found that the market values of large Danish banks exhibited a modest positive reaction to the announcement of insurance, but that small risky banks responded negatively. These results partially contrast with those previously found for the USA, an outcome that seems likely to reflect the interaction of deposit insurance with the particular characteristics of the pre-existing Danish regulatory system.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the source of momentum profits, while inferring the validity of the assumptions underlying rational and behavioural theories. Using a unique sample of securities listed in the Italian Stock Exchange from 1950 to 1995, we observe that buying better performing stocks in the previous 3-12 months and selling worse performing stocks over the same period yields significant profits in the short term (less than 1 year). Results also hold when conditioned upon different risk specifications. On the other hand, the continuation effect seems to significantly revert over a longer period. More importantly, in contrast with Conrad and Kaul [Rev. Financ. Stud. 11 (1998) 489], bootstrap and Monte Carlo simulations show that momentum profits are more likely to be generated by stock returns time series properties rather than by their cross-sectional differences. While the overall findings cannot reject the market efficiency hypothesis, we argue that behavioural theory may be a possible “story” to interpret the continuation effect.  相似文献   

Studies have found that interest rates create incentives for insurance firms to focus on financial markets through investments. Using a cross-country context, we conjecture that interest rates affect the life insurance market’s development. Using an initial sample comprising the time series of interest rates and insurance markets’ measures from 34 countries across 1998–2017, we found that the density and penetration of the life insurance market is low in countries with high interest rates. Using another sample of 6,451 observations from insurance firms operating in the same 34 countries, we verified that the financial and operational incomes are equally significant in predicting the net income for life insurance companies that operate in countries with high interest rates. Our study contributes to observations that the lack of governmental control over public expenses impacts interest rates and, thereby, the opportunities for insurers.  相似文献   

D&O保险的立法问题是我国司法实践中一个亟需澄清的问题,同时亦是保险法学界关注较多的基础理论问题。本文通过考察D&O保险合同在公司治理中的价值,细致分析在2019年日本第二次《公司法》修改之际学界对D&O保险规则立法与否的争论及立法演进历程,并对增设D&O保险合同规定的初衷以及在决定该保险合同内容时的决策程序进行系统阐释。研究发现,增设D&O保险合同规定、明确公司有权全额负担保险费用,有助于提高管理层的风险承担水平和管理效率,进而促进企业创新。在探讨我国《公司法》是否应当构建D&O保险规则这一问题时,应注意到公司法上的补偿制度是D&O保险存在的前提。就D&O保险合同内容的信息披露问题,一方面,为防止公司费用无限地用于提升填补限额,可采披露D&O合同信息的手段;另一方面,就具体的信息披露事项,不可盲目“照搬”美国做法。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some aspects of the robustness of the classical insurance paradigm with respect to departures from the independence axiom of expected utility theory. The discussion focuses on the significance of the distinction between risk aversion and outcome convexity and the role of smoothness of the preferences in non-expected-utility analysis of insurance.  相似文献   


A Monte Carlo (MC) experiment is conducted to study the forecasting performance of a variety of volatility models under alternative data-generating processes (DGPs). The models included in the MC study are the (Fractionally Integrated) Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity models ((FI)GARCH), the Stochastic Volatility model (SV), the Long Memory Stochastic Volatility model (LMSV) and the Markov-switching Multifractal model (MSM). The MC study enables us to compare the relative forecasting performance of the models accounting for different characterizations of the latent volatility process: specifications that incorporate short/long memory, autoregressive components, stochastic shocks, Markov-switching and multifractality. Forecasts are evaluated by means of mean squared errors (MSE), mean absolute errors (MAE) and value-at-risk (VaR) diagnostics. Furthermore, complementarities between models are explored via forecast combinations. The results show that (i) the MSM model best forecasts volatility under any other alternative characterization of the latent volatility process and (ii) forecast combinations provide systematic improvements upon most single misspecified models, but are typically inferior to the MSM model even if the latter is applied to data governed by other processes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach to constructing the insured portfolios under the VaR-based portfolio insurance strategy (VBPI) and provides a comprehensive analysis of its hedging effectiveness in comparison with the buy-and-hold (B&H) as well as the constant proportion portfolio insurance (CPPI) strategies in the context of the Chinese market. The results show that both of the insurance strategies are able to limit the downward returns while retaining certain upside returns, and their capabilities of reshaping the return distributions increase as the guarantee or the confidence level rises. In general, the VBPI strategy tends to outperform the CPPI strategy in terms of both the degree of downside protection and the return performance.  相似文献   

Corporate cash holdings play a significant role in the U.S. property‐liability insurance industry yet the topic of insurer cash holdings policy has largely been overlooked by prior empirical research. While a number of studies have investigated firm‐specific factors related to cash holdings in the insurance industry, prior research has not examined how market concentration and potential predation risk impact cash holdings. We propose a new measure of market concentration and provide evidence in support of the predation risk theory. Specifically, we show that insurers exposed to more concentrated markets tend to hold more cash. Furthermore, the relation between market concentration and cash holdings is influenced by access to internal capital. While unaffiliated insurers without access to internal capital hold greater levels of cash in more concentrated markets, group insurers with access to internal capital do not hold greater levels of cash to mitigate predation risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines the return predictability of the US stock market using portfolios sorted by size, book-to-market ratio and industry. We use novel panel variance ratio tests, based on the wild bootstrap proposed in this paper, which exhibit desirable size and power properties in small samples. We have found evidence that stock returns have been highly predictable from 1964 to 1996, except for a period leading to the 1987 crash and its aftermath. After 1997, stock returns have been unpredictable overall. At a disaggregated level, we find evidence that large-cap portfolios have been priced more efficiently than small- or medium-cap portfolios; and that the stock returns from high-tech industries are far less predictable than those from non-high-tech industries.  相似文献   

Flood risk insurance can be an effective tool in assisting the restoration of damaged property after a flood event and sustaining communities through difficult times. It can also form part of a wider flood risk management strategy. In the light of recent flood events in the UK and in the context of changing property insurance markets, the universal cover previously enjoyed by floodplain residents has been called into question. Conflicting media and industry views leave the floodplain resident and the wider community in confusion. A survey of floodplain residents in England regarding their experience with flooding and flood insurance in England has been undertaken. The results reveal that some floodplain residents do indeed encounter difficulties when seeking insurance for their homes. However, despite the risk‐averse policies of some insurers, availability of insurance is still strong in both at‐risk and previously flooded locations. Success in gaining insurance may lead to complacency among residents who see no advantage in pursuing other, more costly, damage mitigation actions. As a tool in risk management, therefore, the market is prevented from realising its potential by competition, which results in a lack of a consistent approach, rewards homeowners' search strategies and reduces information flow.  相似文献   

Using variation across countries and time in the degree to which regulations restrict banks and insurers from engaging in the same activities, we find that property/liability insurers' connectedness to the banking sector declines when regulatory restrictions increase, but life insurers' connectedness to banks does not. The results suggest that the connectedness between life insurers and banks is largely due to these institutions sharing common underlying economic and financial risk factors that exist even when regulation restricts these institutions from engaging in each other's activities.  相似文献   

"助推器"还是"稳定器":保险业对经济产出作用的经验证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田玲  高俊 《保险研究》2011,(3):26-35
现存理论与已有实证结论就"我国保险业对经济产出发挥的作用及程度"问题尚未达成统一共识.本文运用1999年~2009年保险市场以及GDP的相关季度数据,使用向量误差修正模型(VECM)论证我国保险业对经济产出的现实作用.研究结果表明,近十年来,中国保险业主要发挥的是抑制经济波动的"稳定器"作用,而对经济增长的"助推器"作...  相似文献   

民以食为天:关于农业保险研究的一个文献综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对有关农业保险的中外历史文献进行了全面回顾,并在此基础上评估和回答了可能会影响中国农业保险试验的若干问题:第一,为什么会有农业保险?第二,农业保险市场为什么会失灵?为什么各国政府都对农业保险大加补贴?而农民对待农业保险又会有怎样的反应?第三,既然农业保险产品设计的核心问题是费率厘定,那么有关此项的研究有哪些进展?第四,中国政府在发展农业保险的过程中,尤其需要注意哪些事项?本文的目的在于,提醒各级政府部门要积极参与农业保险试点,认真解决试点过程中发现的各种问题,立足长远,真正建立起农业保险这个褔惠三农的风险保障机制。  相似文献   

保险周期存在性的协整模型检验:基于中国市场的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对宏观经济波动可能引致保险周期的内在机理作了理论分析,然后利用协整模型并辅以误差修正模型验证了中国的现实情况,发现保险行业运行在长期来看与经济体系的发展较为一致,其周期特性得到间接证明,但经济的短期扰动对保险行业影响不大,同时,保险经营业绩与利率变动负相关,产险业的发展与宏观经济的联系不太紧密。  相似文献   

This paper provides new information on the effects of organizational structure on efficiency by analyzing Spanish stock and mutual insurers over the period 1989–1997. We test the efficient structure hypothesis, which predicts that the market will sort organizational forms into market segments where they have comparative advantages, and the expense preference hypothesis, which predicts that mutuals will be less efficient than stocks. Technical, cost, and revenue frontiers are estimated using data envelopment analysis. The results indicate that stocks and mutuals are operating on separate production, cost, and revenue frontiers and thus represent distinct technologies. In cost and revenue efficiency, stocks of all sizes dominate mutuals in the production of stock output vectors, and smaller mutuals dominate stocks in the production of mutual output vectors. Larger mutuals are neither dominated by nor dominant over stocks in the cost and revenue comparisons. Thus, large mutuals appear to be vulnerable to competition from stock insurers in Spain. Overall, the results are consistent with the efficient structure hypothesis but are generally not consistent with the expense preference hypothesis.  相似文献   

This article investigates the under-researched sphere of insurance. It uses empirical research data to focus on one case study, the London art world, to analyse how the global art insurance industry ‘does’ security and how it enables risk and security to be embraced. Examining how the industry plays a crucial role in the security of art and within the art world itself, the article argues that the global art insurance industry’s role is largely beneficial for the art world because by enabling risk to be embraced through insurance, its pre-crime and post-crime responses, and its influence ‘beyond’ insurance, it emboldens and fuels the dynamic, thriving global art world.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of institutions and the structure of the banking system on the cost of debt for a sample of firms from 37 countries. The cost of debt decreases with the rule of law, the protection of creditors’ rights and the weight of banks in the economy. Bank financing and bank concentration have a positive differential effect on the cost of debt in those countries where the financial difficulties of banks are greater. Legal enforcement, the protection of creditors’ rights and the weight of bank financing have a greater influence in countries with a lower degree of economic development.  相似文献   

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