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This study investigates the causal dynamics of the U.S. sector price changes and oil price changes using the symmetric nonlinear and asymmetric nonlinear causality tests. We find a unidirectional causality from each sector to the oil market using the Granger and MWald linear causality tests. However, the symmetric nonlinear and asymmetric nonlinear causality for negative price changes tests yield unidirectional causality from the oil to the sector price changes which sharply contrast the evidence using the linear models. We find bidirectional causality using the asymmetric nonlinear test for positive price changes, suggesting temporal, dual and nonlinear information flow during bull markets. Our results from the nonlinear and asymmetric causality tests remain robust after accounting for structural breaks. The empirical findings unravel nonlinear interactions between sector price and oil price changes as well as the importance of signs of changes in the interacting variables, implying oil returns may need to be priced when forecasting sector returns.  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear Granger causality tests are used to examine the dynamic relation between daily Dow Jones stock returns and percentage changes in New York Stock Exchange trading volume. We find evidence of significant bidirectional nonlinear causality between returns and volume. We also examine whether the nonlinear causality from volume to returns can be explained by volume serving as a proxy for information flow in the stochastic process generating stock return variance as suggested by Clark's (1973) latent common-factor model. After controlling for volatility persistence in returns, we continue to find evidence of nonlinear causality from volume to returns.  相似文献   

We examine the interactions between commodity futures returns and five driving factors (financial speculation, exchange rate, stock market dynamics, implied volatility for the US equity market, and economic policy uncertainty). Nonlinear causality tests are implemented after controlling for cointegration and conditional heteroscedasticity in the data over the period May 1990 – April 2014. Our results show strong evidence of unidirectional linear causality from commodity returns to excess speculation for the majority of the considered commodities, in particular for agriculture commodities. This evidence casts doubt on the claim that speculation is driving food prices. We also find unidirectional linear causality from energy futures markets to exchange rates and strong evidence of nonlinear causal dependence between commodity futures returns, on the one hand, and stock market returns and implied volatility, on the other hand. Overall, the new evidence found in this paper can be utilized for policy and investment decision-making.  相似文献   

The Causal Relationship Between Real Estate and Stock Markets   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
This paper examines the dynamic relationship that exists between the US real estate and S&P 500 stock markets between the years of 1972 to 1998. This is achieved by conducting both linear and nonlinear causality tests. The results from these tests provide a number of interesting observations which primarily show linear relationships to be spuriously affected by structural shifts which are inherent within the data. Linear test results generally show a uni-directional relationship to exist from the real estate market to the stock market. However, these results are not consistent with financial theory and for all sub-samples of the data. In contrast, the nonlinear causality test shows a strong unidirectional relationship running from the stock market to the real estate market, and is consistent in the presence of any structural breaks.  相似文献   

This paper offers fresh empirical evidence on the relationship between leverage loans and US debt markets by investigating the distributional predictability and directional predictability between leveraged loans and treasury bonds, fixed income securities and corporate bonds in the U.S economy. We use daily price data from January 2013 to April 2021. First, we analyze the causal relationship between variables by applying non-parametric causality-in-quantiles test and find that quantile causality in variance shows the stronger impact of leverage loan market returns on US debt market returns over the entire quantile range. Second, quantile dependence and directional predictability between leverage loan market and US debt markets are analyzed by applying cross-quantilogram approach and estimated results show the heterogeneous quantile relations from leverage loan market to US debt market. Moreover, the cross-quantile correlation results demonstrate the evidence of negative predictability from leverage loan market to US debt market in low, medium and high quantile range. These evidences are important for US investors and portfolio managers.  相似文献   

This paper uses both linear and nonlinear causality tests to reexamine the causal relationship between the returns on large and small firms. Consistent with previous results, we find that large firms linearly lead small firms. We also find a significant linear causality in the direction from small firms to large firms, particularly in the more recent time period where the impact from small firms to large firms is greater than from large to small. More important, in contrast to the received literature, we find significant nonlinear causality that is bi-directional and of the same duration in either direction. Using the BEKK asymmetric GARCH model we are able to capture most of the detected nonlinear relationship. This indicates that volatility spillovers are largely responsible for the observed nonlinear Granger causality.  相似文献   

Using daily price data for Bitcoin and 10 representative financial assets from the stock, commodity, gold, foreign exchange and bond markets from 2011 to 2019, we study the tail dependence between returns for Bitcoin and these other financial assets using the novel “quantile cross-spectral dependence” approach of Baruník and Kley (2019). We find evidence of right-tail dependence between Bitcoin returns and the S&P 500 in the long term and weaker normal return dependence between Bitcoin and the US Dollar (USD)–Euro (EUR) foreign exchange rate in the monthly term. In addition, we note that the dependence between Bitcoin and commodity as well as oil, and silver decrease the most within their respective medium return quantiles over the short term. Furthermore, we document a one-way causality running from each of the financial assets considered to Bitcoin in different quantiles of the return distribution. In sum, our findings support the notion that Bitcoin can provide financial diversification in certain return quantiles (i.e., bear, normal, or bull asset conditions) and time frequencies (i.e., short, medium, or long term investment horizon).  相似文献   

This paper employs univariate and bivariate GARCH models to examine the volatility of oil prices and US stock market prices incorporating structural breaks using daily data from July 1, 1996 to June 30, 2013. We endogenously detect structural breaks using an iterated algorithm and incorporate this information in GARCH models to correctly estimate the volatility dynamics. We find no volatility spillover between oil prices and US stock market when structural breaks in variance are ignored in the model. However, after accounting for structural breaks in the model, we find strong volatility spillover between the two markets. We compute optimal portfolio weights and dynamic risk minimizing hedge ratios to highlight the significance of our empirical results which underscores the serious consequences of ignoring these structural breaks. Our findings are consistent with the notion of cross-market hedging and sharing of common information by financial market participants in these markets.  相似文献   

We provide empirical evidence of nonlinearities in the present value (PV) model of stock prices. We test for nonlinearity both in the contemporaneous and in the dynamic stock price–dividend relation for the UK, the US, Japan, and Germany. We employed three nonlinear nonparametric techniques, namely nonlinear cointegration, locally-weighted regression, and nonlinear Granger causality tests. Whilst there is no evidence of linear cointegration and Granger causality for any country, there is significant evidence of nonlinear cointegration and nonlinear Granger causality for all four countries. Furthermore, out-of-sample forecasts obtained from the locally-weighted regression are more accurate than out-of-sample forecasts obtained from the linear model for the UK, the US, and Japan. These results are robust to sub-period analysis. The results are in line with empirical evidence that expected stock returns are time-varying.  相似文献   

This paper explores the causality and cointegration relationships among the stock markets of the United States, Japan and the South China Growth Triangle (SCGT) region. Applying the recently advanced unit root and cointegration techniques that allow for structural breaks over the sample period (October 2, 1992 to June 30, 1997), we find that there exists no cointegration among these markets except for that between Shanghai and Shenzhen. By invoking the Granger causality test and considering the non-synchronous trading problem, we will show that stock price changes in the US have more impact on SCGT markets than do those of Japan. More specifically, price changes in the US can be used to predict those of the Hong Kong and Taiwan markets on next day. Similarly, price changes on the Hong Kong stock market lead the Taiwan market by 1 day. Furthermore, the stock returns of the US and Hong Kong markets are found to be contemporaneous. Finally, there is a significant feedback relationship between the Shanghai and the Shenzhen Stock Exchanges.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the hedging relationship between gold and US sectoral stocks during the COVID-19 pandemic. We employ a multivariate volatility framework, which accounts for salient features of the series in the computation of optimal weights and optimal hedging ratios. We find evidence of hedging effectiveness between gold and sectoral stocks, albeit with lower performance, during the pandemic. Overall, including gold in a stock portfolio could provide a valuable asset class that can improve the risk-adjusted performance of stocks during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we find that the estimated portfolio weights and hedge ratios are sensitive to structural breaks, and ignoring the breaks can lead to overestimation of the hedging effectiveness of gold for US sectoral stocks. Since the analysis involves sectoral stock data, we believe that any investor in the US stock market that seeks to maximize risk-adjusted returns is likely to find the results useful when making investment decisions during the pandemic.  相似文献   

By partitioning asset return prediction errors, we show explicitly the dual role of magnitude and sign prediction of return instruments. We demonstrate analytically that sign prediction directly affects heteroskedasticity in asset returns; increases in precision attenuate the heteroskedasticity. Our findings with monthly asset returns are consistent with earlier evidence and indicate that our proposed analytical model captures the sign predictive component of returns. Our results are supportive of a nonlinear return generating model that can be thought of as the product of a model, perhaps linear, for forecasting return signs and a model for forecasting return magnitudes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the random walk hypothesis in the emerging Indian stock market using daily data on individual stocks. The statistical evidence in this paper rejects the random walk hypothesis. The results suggest that daily returns earned by individual stocks and by an equally weighted portfolio show significant non–linear dependence and persistent volatility effects. The non–linear dependence takes the form of ARCH–type conditional heteroskedasticity and does not appear to be caused by nonstationarity of underlying economic variables. Though conditional volatility is time varying, it does not explain expected returns.  相似文献   

This paper models and explains the dynamics of market betas for 30 US industry portfolios between 1970 and 2009. We use DCC–MIDAS and kernel regression techniques as alternatives to the standard ex-post measures. We find betas to exhibit substantial persistence, time variation, ranking variability, and heterogeneity in their business cycle exposure. While we find only a limited amount of structural breaks in the betas of individual industries, we do identify a common structural break in March 1998. We propose two practical applications to understand the economic significance of these results. We find the cross-sectional dispersion in industry betas to be countercyclical and negatively related to future market returns. We also find DCC–MIDAS betas to outperform other beta measures in terms of limiting the downside risk and ex-post market exposure of a market-neutral minimum-variance strategy.  相似文献   

This paper considers the Granger-causality in conditional quantile and examines the potential of improving conditional quantile forecasting by accounting for such a causal relationship between financial markets. We consider Granger-causality in distributions by testing whether the copula function of a pair of two financial markets is the independent copula. Among returns on stock markets in the US, Japan and U.K., we find significant Granger-causality in distribution. For a pair of the financial markets where the dependent (conditional) copula is found, we invert the conditional copula to obtain the conditional quantiles. Dependence between returns of two financial markets is modeled using a parametric copula. Different copula functions are compared to test for Granger-causality in distribution and in quantiles. We find significant Granger-causality in the different quantiles of the conditional distributions between foreign stock markets and the US stock market. Granger-causality from foreign stock markets to the US stock market is more significant from UK than from Japan, while causality from the US stock market to UK and Japan stock markets is almost equally significant.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the extreme loss tail dependence between stock returns of large US depository institutions. We find that stock returns exhibit strong loss dependence even in their limiting joint extremes. Motivated by this result, we derive extremal dependence-based systemic risk indicators. The proposed systemic risk indicators reflect downturns in the US financial industry very well. We also develop a set of firm-level average extremal dependence measures. We show that these firm-level measures could have been used to identify the firms that were more vulnerable to the 2007–2008 financial crisis. Additionally, we explore the performance of selected systemic risk indicators in predicting the crisis performance of large US depository institutions and find that the average stock return correlations are also good predictors of crisis period returns. Finally, we identify factors predictive of extremal dependence for the US depository institutions in a panel regression setting. Strength of extremal dependence increases with asset size and similarity of financial fundamentals. On the other hand, strength of extremal dependence decreases with capitalization, liquidity, funding stability and asset quality. We believe the proposed indicators have the potential to inform the prudential supervision of systemic risk.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the structural stability of predictiveregression models of U.S. quarterly aggregate real stock returnsover the postwar era. We consider predictive regressions modelsof S&P 500 and CRSP equal-weighted real stock returns basedon eight financial variables that display predictive abilityin the extant literature. We test for structural stability usingthe popular Andrews SupF statistic and the Bai subsample procedurein conjunction with the Hansen heteroskedastic fixed-regressorbootstrap. We also test for structural stability using the recentlydeveloped methodologies of Elliott and Müller, and Baiand Perron. We find strong evidence of structural breaks infive of eight bivariate predictive regression models of S&P500 returns and some evidence of structural breaks in the threeother models. There is less evidence of structural instabilityin bivariate predictive regression models of CRSP equal-weightedreturns, with four of eight models displaying some evidenceof structural breaks. We also obtain evidence of structuralinstability in a multivariate predictive regression model ofS&P 500 returns. When we estimate the predictive regressionmodels over the different regimes defined by structural breaks,we find that the predictive ability of financial variables canvary markedly over time.  相似文献   

We develop a Vector Heterogeneous Autoregression model with Continuous Volatility and Jumps (VHARCJ) where residuals follow a flexible dynamic heterogeneous covariance structure. We employ the Bayesian data augmentation approach to match the realised volatility series based on high-frequency data from six stock markets. The structural breaks in the covariance are captured by an exogenous stochastic component that follows a three-state Markov regime-switching process. We find that the stock markets have higher volatility dependence during turmoil periods and that breakdowns in volatility dependence can be attributed to the increase in market volatilities. We also find positive correlations between the Asian stock markets, the European stock market, and the UK stock market. The US stock market has positive correlations with all other markets for most of the sample periods, indicating the leading position of US stock market in the global stock markets. In addition, the proposed three-state VHARCJ model with Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) and break structure under student-t distribution has a superior density forecast performance as compared to the competing models. The forecast models with structural breaks outperform those without structural breaks based on the log predicted likelihood, the log Bayesian factor, and the root mean square loss function.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether external political pressure for faster Renminbi appreciation affects both the daily returns and the conditional volatility of the Renminbi central parity rate. We construct several political pressure indicators pertaining to the Renminbi exchange rate, with a special emphasis on the US pressure, to test the hypothesis. After controlling for Chinese macroeconomic surprise news, we find that US and non-US political pressure does not have a significant influence on Renminbi's daily returns. However, evidence suggests that political pressures, and especially those from the US, have statistically significant impacts on the conditional volatility of the Renminbi. Furthermore, we conduct the same exercise on the 12-month Renminbi non-deliverable forward rate. We find that the non-deliverable forward market is highly responsive to macroeconomic surprise news and there is some evidence that Sino-US bilateral meetings affect the conditional volatility of the Renminbi non-deliverable forward rate.  相似文献   

This paper examines the predictability of corporate bond returns using the transaction-based index data for the period from October 1, 2002 to December 31, 2010. We find evidence of significant serial and cross-serial dependence in daily investment-grade and high-yield bond returns. The serial dependence exhibits a complex nonlinear structure. Both investment-grade and high-yield bond returns can be predicted by past stock market returns in-sample and out-of-sample, and the predictive relation is much stronger between stocks and high-yield bonds. By contrast, there is little evidence that stock returns can be predicted by past bond returns. These findings are robust to various model specifications and test methods, and provide important implications for modeling the term structure of defaultable bonds.  相似文献   

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