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New data on Thailand's industrial firms shed light on the originsof the East Asian financial crisis and on the response of themanufacturing sector to the structural adjust-ment program supportedby the international financial institutions. Before the crisis,Thai firms had declining profitability, but they neverthelessmaintained high levels of investment, often in domesticallyoriented areas (notably the auto sector). Thai firms financedthese investments with short-term borrowing from financial institutions,which in turn borrowed short term on foreign markets. That only40 percent of firms provided audited financial statements totheir banks meant that the financial sector had poor informationfor assessing the true riskiness of these investments. The financialstructure was thus vulnerable even to small shocks. How well did the adjustment program deal with the crisis? Thaifirms had difficulty increasing their exports quickly becauseof investment in the wrong sectors, a decline in regional demand,and bottlenecks that included red tape and poor customs administration.Because of the poor export response, the brunt of adjustmenthad to come through compression of demand and of imports. Inretrospect, the macroeconomic program— which assumed quickexport recovery— was too tight.   相似文献   


In this article, we attempt to estimate whether firm-specific exchange rate exposures affected by hedging activities can be improved through financial regulation or supervision. To analyze this, we compose three-step estimations by using a sample of KOSPI 200 firms during 1,803 trading days between 2005 and 2012. We first estimate the relationship between exchange rate exposure and hedging activities and see whether financial regulation had any effect on hedging activities. Furthermore, using TSLS analysis, we estimate the effect of hedging activities on exchange rate exposure, which is caused by tightened financial regulation in the form of corporate governance. We report the following findings. First, firms are less likely to be exposed to exchange risk with more hedging activities. Second, corporate governance has a strongly positive effect on the hedging activities. Firms use more hedging tools when they have a strong structure of shareholder’s protection, clear outside ownership, and a better monitoring system; but the relationship becomes weaker in times of crisis.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between working capital efficiency and corporate profitability and in particular, to determine their significance across countries with differential industrial levels.DesignThe paper adopts a quantitative approach using balanced panel data of manufacturing firms in Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. We accessed financial statements of manufacturing firms from the Orbis database for the period 2005–2009. The database is known to be reliable and has universal acceptability.FindingsThe study reveals that there is a strong negative relationship between profitability, measured through net operating profit, and cash conversion cycles across different industrialisation typologies. The negative association implies that, when the cash conversion cycle increases, the profitability of the firm declines.Practical implicationsManagers can create positive value for shareholders by reducing the days customers settle their accounts, ensuring that they sell off their inventories as quickly as possible and delaying the payments to their suppliers, as long as this does not affect their credit rating.OriginalityTo the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to provide a fresh perspective on how working capital management influences profitability across Africa within different typologies.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that managers select financial policies partially by mimicking policies of peer firms. We find that these peer effects in capital structure choice are unique to firms operating under weak external corporate governance. Cross-sectional tests suggest that this finding is best explained by a quiet life hypothesis in which managers may be able to avoid the effort required to optimize financial policies and the scrutiny of market participants. Leverage ratios of mimicking firms display less sensitivity to a profitability shock. Finally, mimicking correlates to higher financing costs and lower future profitability, especially if it results in high leverage.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the consequences of the liquidity shocks in wholesale funding markets during the 2007–2009 financial crisis on bank lending and corporate financing. We show that banks that relied more heavily on wholesale funding contracted lending more severely than banks that relied more on insured deposits. We then examine the effects of loan contraction on the financial positions of publicly traded firms. We find that both during and after the crisis, the change in leverage of bank-dependent firms is less than that of firms with access to public debt markets. In addition, bank-dependent firms rely more on cash than net equity issuance to finance operations. We also find that firms with established bank lending relationships weather the crisis better. Such firms are able to attain higher levels of leverage during the crisis, add to their cash holdings, secure new bank credit, and achieve higher profitability as a result.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the leverage choices of an entrenched controlling party. If debt effectively curbs the private benefits of control, the controlling shareholder is given incentives to avoid debt. Using estimates of the private benefits of control and financial statement data from selected Korean firms, we find that a controlling party with large private benefits tends to lower debt. This relationship was concentrated after the Asian financial crisis. However, before the crisis, firms that affiliated with Korean conglomerates, chaebols, used more debt as private benefits increased. A financial reform program triggered by the crisis seems to have actuated the disciplining role of debt. JEL Classification G32, G34  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between financial crisis exchange rate variability and equity return volatility for US multinationals. Empirical analysis of the major financial crises of the last decades reveals that stock return variability increases significantly in the aftermath of a crisis, even relative to the increase in stock return volatility for other firms belonging to the same industry and market capitalization class. In conjunction with this increase in total volatility, there is also an increase in stock market risk (β) for multinational firms. Moreover, trade and service oriented industries appear to be particularly sensitive to these changing exchange rate conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the impact of board gender diversity on the association between firm opacity and stock price crash. We utilize the negative shock of the 2007–2008 financial crisis to capital markets to examine whether firms with gender-diverse boards witnessed lower stock price crashes due to their lower opacity ex ante. Using a sample of S&P 1500 firms spanning the period 2005–2008, we employ a difference-in-differences research design and find that firms with high opacity ex ante witness more negative returns ex post. We also find that gender-diverse firms ex ante witness less negative returns ex post. Finally, our analysis reveals the moderating role that board gender diversity plays in the association between firm opacity and stock returns around the financial crisis. We subject our results to a range of robustness checks, including instrumental variable regressions, matched-sample analyses, and a set of falsification and placebo tests. Overall, we provide evidence that board gender diversity is associated with increased transparency in financial reporting, which pays off in times of crisis.  相似文献   

This study focuses on systematic differences in security analysts' forecast accuracy and dispersion between high- and low-tech firms. In line with the recent development in theoretical models and empirical findings, it posits that security analysts' unsigned forecast error and forecast dispersion are expected to differ between high-tech and low-tech firms. The results of this study provide evidence of lower unsigned error and dispersion for high-tech firms vis-à-vis low-tech firms. The higher forecast accuracy and forecast convergence for high-tech firms relative to low-tech firms in financial analysts' forecasts of earnings can be attributed to the information effect prevailing over the noise effect. Given the lack of empirical studies that compare analysts' forecast accuracy and dispersion between high-tech and low-tech sectors, the results of this paper provide a fresh basis for assessing how market participants vary in their treatment of New Economy stocks and factors that affect such decisions. In the light of the fact that the 1990s is a period characterized by the start of the Information Revolution through the Internet, the results of this study shed light on the usefulness of examining factors that differentiate between high-tech firms (New Economy stocks) and low-tech firms (Old Economy stocks) in financial analysts' forecasting earnings.  相似文献   

U.S. firms recorded an unprecedented number of asset impairments during the recent financial crisis. We investigate the timing of these losses in the context of two competing views on how firms use discretion over asset impairments. The first view posits that firms record impairments to convey private information as part of their commitment to a conditionally conservative reporting strategy. The second view argues that firms use their discretion to report opportunistically by delaying the recording of bad news. Consistent with the first view, we find that firms recorded timelier asset impairments during the financial crisis if they reported more conservatively in the five years preceding the crisis. Further tests show this relation is greater for firms with strong corporate governance, industry‐specialist auditors, and high leverage, indicating the importance of monitoring mechanisms in determining how firms handle the discretion involved in impairment decisions. We also test for the consequences of timely asset impairments during the financial crisis and find that firms reporting conservatively both before and during the crisis were able to acquire more debt financing, and their publicly traded bonds suffered smaller increases in illiquidity. Collectively, our study highlights the role of asset impairments in firms’ accounting choices over time.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the impact of environmental performance on financial performance. We argue that environmental performance heterogeneously affects firms with different profitability level. Using data for 288 European manufacturing firms over the period 2005–2016, we investigate the said relationship under the financial slack argument and the contrasting paradigms of neoclassical and the instrumental stakeholder theory. Employing a quantile regression framework enriched with a set of instrumental variables to more effectively approximate environmental performance, we find (i) firms with superior environmental performance tend to be more profitable; (ii) the relationship between environmental and financial performance can be characterised as positive and heterogeneous across the conditional distribution; (iii) financial and environmental performance are endogenously related only when high profitability firms are examined.  相似文献   

The questions of whether there ever existed excessive risk-taking incentives from executive compensation in the financial industry, and whether top executives of financial services firms actually responded to such excessive incentives that eventually led to the crisis remain unanswered. The prior research has attempted to answer the second question, however, with conflicting evidence and without a clear definition of excessive. To answer the first question, this paper uses a numerical calibration approach to estimate the optimal level of CEO pay and derive the excessive compensation which provides excessive risk-taking incentives. We then examine the extent of excessive compensation in the financial industry relative to the non-financial industries during the 2000s and whether there were changes in compensation practices between the post Sarbanes–Oxley period and the pre-crisis period. We find mixed evidence in favor of the presence of higher excessive pay in the financial industry, and the CEO compensation practices remained largely unchanged over time. In addition, the relation between excessive pay and excessive risk-taking in the financial industry is somewhat weak, suggesting that CEO compensation might not be a major cause for the crisis in 2008.  相似文献   

Empirical investigation of the external finance premium has been conducted on the margin between internal finance and bank borrowing or equities but little attention has been given to corporate bonds, especially for the emerging Asian market. In this paper, we hypothesize that balance sheet indicators of creditworthiness could affect the external finance premium for bonds as they do for premia in other markets. Using bond-specific and firm-specific data for China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand during 1995–2009 we find that firms with better financial health face lower external finance premia in all countries. When we introduce firm-level heterogeneity, we show that financial variables appear to be both statistically and quantitatively more important for financially constrained firms. Finally, when we examine the effects of the 1997–1998 Asian crisis and the 2007–2009 global financial crisis, we find that the sensitivity of the premium is greater for constrained firms during the Asian crisis compared to other times.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of extreme uncertainty on disclosure behaviour by analyzing the quality and quantity of forward‐looking disclosures during the global financial crisis and pre‐crisis periods, controlling for other determinants of disclosure behaviour. Prior research has struggled to distinguish between the quality and quantity dimensions of forward‐looking disclosures. Also, the impact of the recent financial crisis on these forward‐looking disclosure attributes has not yet been examined systematically. We address this gap by exploiting the unique setting of German publicly traded firms. These firms must provide forward‐looking information within their audited financial statements, although relevant regulation is sufficiently vague to allow great variation in the quality, scope and quantity of forward‐looking disclosures actually observed. Using hand‐collected data from 2005 to 2009, we provide evidence of a significantly negative association between crisis and disclosure quality. This finding is robust to several different disclosure quality proxies and regression specifications. In contrast, we find no negative significant relation between crisis and disclosure quantity; rather, there is evidence that reported volume increases during the crisis. Our results are consistent with extreme uncertainty, as occurring during times of crisis, negatively affecting the quality of voluntary disclosures, while firms maintain or increase disclosure quantity, ultimately diluting the information density of forward‐looking disclosures.  相似文献   

Financial Architecture and Economic Performance: International Evidence   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The paper examines the relation between the architecture of an economy's financial system—its degree of market orientation—and economic performance in the real sector. I find that while market-based systems outperform bank-based systems among countries with developed financial sectors, bank-based systems fare better among countries with underdeveloped financial sectors. Countries dominated by small firms grow faster in bank-based systems and those dominated by larger firms in market-based systems. The findings suggest that recent trends in financial development policies that indiscriminately prescribe market-oriented financial-system architecture to emerging and transition economies might be misguided because suitable financial architecture, in and of itself, could be a source of value. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G1, G21, O1, 04.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the recent banking literature centred on the core themes of performance, risk and governance of financial institutions. We write this review against the backdrop of the recent financial crisis and the major changes it caused to banking sectors in many countries. Several themes emerge, but the overarching issue relates to the need to better understand bank risk-taking incentives and the implications for systemic stability. Specifically, there is a need for more work on: the role of safety net subsidies and how these relate to systemic risk; financial innovation and the adoption of new products and processes; and how innovative behaviour links to risk-taking, market returns and contagion. Future research could also be directed to provide a better understanding of the inter-connections between competition, capital, profitability, liquidity and risk.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on the impact of local banking market structure on SME's access to credit and emphasize the comparative advantages of regional versus national banks in alleviating SME's financial constraints. Matching a unique dataset on bank branch-level and firm-level information for a sample of 33,165 French manufacturing firms over the 2005–2013 period, we rely on two alternative indicators to capture different dimensions of SMEs financial constraints and find significant differences in the drivers of these constraints. While higher market share of regional banks or stronger presence of geographically-focused banks helps to alleviate SMEs' short-term credit constraint, higher market share of national banks or stronger presence of geographically-diversified banks is beneficial to reduce SMEs investment cash-flow sensitivity. Moreover, in both cases, SMEs' financial constraints are strengthened in functionally-distant markets. In addition, during crisis times, the benefits of relationship banking on short-term credit constraint remain and, in some cases, are reinforced. We also find that these benefits differ according to SMEs pre-crisis financial health. Regional banks facilitate access to short term credit for firms which were more profitable before the global financial crisis and particularly those who experienced a sharp decline in profitability in troubled times, supporting the hypothesis of continuation lending by relationship banks during economic downturns.  相似文献   

This paper examines how economic policy uncertainty affects financial firms' capital shortages in the event of a new crisis. By employing a global economic policy uncertainty index, we show that an increase in policy uncertainty leads to future capital shortfall increases in the event of a severe market decline. This effect of policy uncertainty is of a similar magnitude for all firms across all regions and sectors, albeit with a few exceptions. As expected, well-capitalized financial firms are less affected. Our findings have important implications for policymakers and politicians, since if their response during a severe market decline is not timely and decisive, the delay will come at a cost. Further, in terms of the implications for firms' managers, we show that during periods of elevated policy uncertainty and a severe market downturn, firms will face additional, unexpected capital requirements.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether and how financial technology (Fintech) affects the cross-border M&A decision-making and the performance of acquiring firms. Using a sample of Chinese A-share listed firms over the period of 2011–2019, we find that local Fintech development effectively facilitates firms' cross-border M&A activities. This effect is more prominent for firms with lower innovation capability, with higher profitability, and those in key participant provinces of the Belt and Road Initiative. We provide evidence that Fintech supports the decision-making of cross-border M&As due to the mitigation of financing friction and the decrease in information disadvantage. Further analysis also shows that the acquirer's cross-border M&A performance is higher when it is located in a province with better development of Fintech. Our paper provides new insights into the impact of technology-enabled innovation in the financial industry on the behavior of firms in non-financial industries.  相似文献   

Using financial and ownership data from eight East Asian emerging markets before the Asian financial crisis, we document that while the sensitivity of a firm's capital investment to its cash flow decreases as the cash-flow rights of its largest shareholders increase, this sensitivity increases as the degree of the divergence between the control rights and cash-flow rights of the firm's largest shareholders increases. We interpret the results to be consistent with the free cash-flow hypothesis, which postulates that too much free cash flow in the hands of entrenched managers is likely to lead to overinvestment. This is particularly true for firms with the greatest divergence between the largest shareholders' control rights and their cash-flow rights and for firms with lower profitability.  相似文献   

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