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East Asian countries have recorded large increases in per capita GDP over the last fifty years. Some observers have referred to this growth as an “East Asian Miracle.” One popular explanation attributes the rapid growth to state led industrial development planning. This paper critically assesses the arguments surrounding state development planning and East Asia’s growth. Whether the state can acquire the knowledge necessary to calculate which industries it should promote and how state development planning can deal with political incentive problems faced by planners are both examined. When we look at the development record of East Asian countries we find that to the extent development planning did exist, it could not calculate which industries would promote development, so it instead promoted industrialization. We also find that what rapid growth in living standards did occur can be better explained by free markets than state planning because, as measured in economic freedom indexes, these countries were some of the most free market in the world.JEL classification: O200, O170, O530, B530, P170  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, developing country policymakers are offered different market-led role models and varied interpretations of ‘developmental state role models’. Despite this confusion, African countries pursue emulative strategies for different purposes – whether they may be for economic transformation (in line with developmental state strategies), market-led reforms or simply to signal the implementation of ‘best practices’ to please donors. Rwanda has been lauded for the country’s economic recovery since the 1994 genocide, with international financial institutions and heterodox scholars both praising different facets of its development strategy. This paper argues that Rwanda is an example of a country that has simultaneously pursued emulative strategies for different purposes – often even within the same sector. Two studies of emulation are explored: the emulation of Singapore’s Economic Development Board through the establishment of Rwanda’s own Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and the evolution of Rwanda’s financial sector with reference to the use of contending market-led and developmental state models. The paper argues that in Rwanda, incoherent emulation for different purposes has resulted in contradictory tensions within its development strategy and the construction of a neoliberal developmental state.  相似文献   

Twenty years after its horrific genocide, Rwanda has become a model for economic development. At the same time, its government has been criticised for authoritarian tactics and the use of violence. Missing from the often polarised debate are the connections between these two perspectives. Synthesising existing literature on Rwanda in light of a combined year of fieldwork, we argue that the Government of Rwanda is using the developmental infrastructure to deepen state power and expand political control. We first identify the historical pressures that have motivated the ruling Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) to reimagine the political landscape. Sectarian unrest, political rivalry, wider regional insecurity and aid withdrawal have all pressured the RPF to identify growth as strategic. However, the political transformation extends beyond a prioritisation of growth and encompasses the articulation of ideologies and new mindsets, the provision of social services and infrastructure and the reordering of the social and physical layout of the territory. Growth and social control go hand in hand. As such, this paper's main contribution is to bring together the two sides of the Rwandan debate and place the country in a broader sociological literature about the parallel development of capitalist relations and transformations in state power.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of the rise of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and social entrepreneurs on economic development, with a special focus on how they have been used in Africa. The paper describes the decline of the state and the rise of NGOs as a force in economic development under neoliberalism. We then turn to two of the major problems with the roll-back of the state in Africa: the inherent weaknesses of nonstate actors in the development process, and the significant cost that is incurred by undermining the role of state. The paper concludes by suggesting the necessity of reinserting the state as the major vehicle for economic development, albeit in productive partnership with NGOs and social entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

本文在对我国劳动力市场形成的必然性、必要性、发展过程及其现状的分析基础上,较详细地提出了对我国劳动力市场进行科学化管理的设想  相似文献   

对于近代中国经济发展的研究,学者们从不同角度提出不同见解。尝试从近代制度变迁与政府管理作用角度对近代中国经济发展进行研究。发现在近代中国经济发展中,宏观上的正式制度与非正式制度变迁以及政府管理对经济增长起到了巨大作用,但也造成了近代中国经济发展的混乱。  相似文献   

黄宁 《经济研究导刊》2008,(14):186-189
基于贸易引力模型、相互依赖理论以及“支配-依附”理论,研究能力结构对区域经济合作的影响,通过对中国地区能力结构的差异分析和东亚其他国家能力结构的评价,说明中国能与东亚不同能力结构的国家开展持续稳定的经济合作,并通过实证予以证实。中国能够对东亚区域经济合作的持续性和稳定性发挥重要作用,中国的参与是东亚经济合作的“稳定器”。  相似文献   

常安 《开放时代》2020,(1):111-132,M0006
在民族区域自治制度的奠基过程中,通过社会主义宗旨所要求的贯彻群众路线、培养少数民族干部,成功促进了中央政府和各族人民群众的直接沟通;通过让各族人民群众翻身当家做主、改善民生福祉等社会主义性质的政治举措,形塑起各族人民群众对党和国家发自内心的认同;通过民族平等之制度前提、社会主义经济制度等制度性组织模式,以及相关具体实践途径,实现了中国各族人民大团结;在社会主义国家单一制、人民共和、中国共产党领导的制度基础之上,民族区域自治成功地将国家内部的不同民族凝聚成为具备有机整体结构的中国人民,呈现为一种促进沟通、赢得认同、实现团结、巩固统一的统一多民族国家的国家建设过程。因此,民族区域自治成功实现清末以来统一多民族国家之国家建设质的飞跃的制度要义,恰在于社会主义这一国家根本制度。  相似文献   

海外华人与崛起的中国:历史性、国家与国际关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘宏 《开放时代》2010,(8):79-93
本文以海外华人与当代中国的对外关系为切入点,分析国际移民与国际关系之间的理论与实证联系。作者指出,我们需要从历史性、结构性以及社会性等方面来解释海外华人在中国的外交政策制定和实施过程中的作用,除了注意到海外华人社会自身的分散性和多元性之外,中国对国家利益界定的集中性,以及侨务政策和外交政策之间关系的复杂性也是必须考虑的重要因素。本文认为,政治、族群和文化认同——它们是国际移民理论和国际关系中的建构主义思潮共通的研究对象——可以成为联结海外华人与具有中国特色的国际关系学派的纽带。  相似文献   

后经济危机时代,如何确保经济实现共赢发展?面对国际经济形势持续低迷的现状,我们必须对未来如何深入发展进行深入思考。为此,对以东盟为先驱和奠基石的东亚、东亚太和泛东亚区域经济合作路径的发展历程进行了研究。  相似文献   

普通人的“国家”理论   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
项飚 《开放时代》2010,(10):117-132
20世纪80年代以来,中国学界和政府提倡国家和社会之间的分化,视“社会”的发育为改善民生的结构性条件。但在普通人看来,“国家”依然是最受认同的范畴,而“社会上的”人和事则意味着不正规和不可靠。同时,在普通人眼里,国家总体上的正当性不可置疑,具有高度的道德性,但是地方国家机构则不可信任,与它们的交往倾向于利益化、无规则。这一“普通人的国家理论”在一定程度上解释了当前中国社会“总体稳定”和“具体失范”并存的现象。本文由此认为,追求社会和国家之间的分化在现阶段缺乏基础,更重要的是重构彼此之间在多个层面上的有机联系。  相似文献   

中国与东北亚各国和地区农业资源整合前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
处于发展更低阶段的中国 ,与高收入东北亚国家和地区整合农业资源 ,实行区域经济一体化 ,是各方的根本利益所在。各国和地区农业与非农产业间的水平分工 ,农业的垂直分工 ,是现阶段农业资源整合的具体形式。这需要各方、主要是高收入国家和地区的农业集团克服短视 ,推动贸易—投资自由化。  相似文献   

谢冬水  黄少安 《财经研究》2011,(10):103-112
文章在一个简单的人才配置模型中分析了传统中国农业经济的停滞问题。文章认为,经营式农业发展不足是造成传统中国农业经济停滞不前的一个重要原因。经营式农业的发展需要具有企业家才能的经营式农场主的投资和创新,而传统中国社会的制度环境却鼓励人才流向官僚阶层。受官僚阶层高报酬的吸引,具有企业家才能的人大都热衷于进入官僚阶层而无心从事农业经营。这种人才配置模式阻碍了经营式农业的发展,抑制了农业技术创新,农业经济因此陷入停滞状态。  相似文献   


This article scrutinises and criticises the notion of efficiency and the role of state in the emergence and evolution of institutions and property rights within the tradition of new institutional economics. Specifically, the attempt is to criticise the efficiency view of the formation of property rights and institutions. It is shown that the efficiency concept cannot provide a sufficient rationale for explaining the origins of private property. Additionally, some recent developments of North's thought are critically scrutinised, showing that his theoretical apparatus could be conceived as a paradise for the eclectic. Further, the role of the state in different versions of the theory of property rights – with a special reference to North's treatment of the notion of state – is, also, critically examined. Although North’s work has virtues compared to the ‘naïve model’ of property rights by recognising and addressing the role of the state and the issue of power in the formation of property rights and institutions, he does not succeed in fully accounting for the existence of institutional arrangements, due to his adherence to an individualist framework.  相似文献   

国有金融资产管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章总结了我国国有金融资产管理的现状,分析了目前管理中的问题,在借鉴国外管理经验的基础上,提出目前我国国有金融资产管理关键是要明确工作目标,强化管理职责,完善管理制度,实现保值增值,在此基础上,可以探索管理体制的完善与改革,并初步分析了几种管理体制的优缺点.  相似文献   

戴志敏  罗燕 《技术经济》2016,(5):118-123
基于2000—2014年中国中部地区六省以及黑龙江和吉林两省的省级面板数据,运用静态面板固定效应模型,研究了区域金融发展、产业结构优化以及两者的相互作用与城镇化的互动关系。结果显示:金融发展与产业结构优化对中国中部地区的城镇化均有显著的正向影响;金融发展与产业结构的交互项对城镇化具有阻碍作用,两者发展不协调;区域工业化水平和对外开放程度对城镇化具有正向的促进作用。最后,提出推动中国中部地区城镇化发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于数据包络分析模型的工业固体废物管理效率评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业固体废物管理效率是对工业固体废物管理过程中各投入与产出指标间关系的综合评价.文章基于数据包络分析模型,纳入非期望产出指标,构建了"投入-期望产出-非期望产出"效率评价模型,对我国30个省、自治区及直辖市的工业固体废物管理效率进行综合定量评价.评价结果表明,我国不同地区的工业固体废物管理水平存在明显的区域差异性,经济发达的东部地区的效率值高于中西部地区;通过对天津、青海、黑龙江、重庆四省市进行个案比较分析发现,不同的投入与产出指标对工业固体废物管理效率值产生显著影响.最后,基于实证分析的结果,提出了提高各省、自治区及直辖市工业固体废物管理效率的政策建议.  相似文献   

吴腾华 《经济管理》2006,(20):86-90
积极发展和培育债券市场乃是金融危机后东亚新兴市场经济体调整金融结构的重中之重。本文就东亚新兴债券市场的市场规模、债券期限结构、二级市场流动性、债券投资者基础以及债券市场的基础设施建设等进行了比较。虽然都属于新兴债券市场,但所处的发展水平并不是整齐划一的。  相似文献   

加快西部大开发具有重大的经济、政治和社会意义。作者认为,劳动力市场缺乏是西部地区落后的重要原因之一。文章通过对制约西部劳动力市场发展的因素分析,提出了西部劳动力市场的几个设想;发展非公有制经济,加快劳动力市场信息网络建议,以及尽快形成西部地区的区域性劳动力市场。  相似文献   

论行政机关国有资产管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庄序莹 《当代财经》2005,(11):43-47
行政性国有资产在没有统一明确的监管机构和制度制约的情况下,管理混乱,漏洞很大,如账外资产大量存在、国有资产产权混乱、管理方式落后等。为此,制定国有资产管理原则是非常重要的,因为借助它我们才能为行政机关国有资产管理制定正确的目标。  相似文献   

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