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This study investigates the relationship between unequal regional development and racial and gender wage inequality in Brazil. Using sample data from the 1991 Brazilian census, I estimated monthly wages for a white, brown and black women and men working in the states of S"o Paulo and Bahia. The findings suggest that while women and Afro-Brazilians in Brazil's most developed region of S"o Paulo had the advantages of higher levels of state sponsored work benefits and more equitable occupational and wage distribution, they nevertheless experienced the greatest discrimination. In contrast, the less developed state of Bahia where racial and gender gaps in education, occupation and wages were the most severe, wage discrimination was lowest.  相似文献   

This paper, using data from the 1992 Boston Federal Reserve study of mortgage lending, reports preliminary evidence of patterns of gender and familial status discrimination that differ markedly by race in the US. White couples with children experienced familial status discrimination if the female partner was in the labor market, but not if she was at home raising her children. However, African-American or Hispanic couples with children suffered familial status discrimination if she stayed home to raise her children, but much less so, if at all, if she was in the labor market. This pattern of racial differentiation may reflect social norms dating back to slavery that have favored labor force participation for African-American and Hispanic mothers but not white mothers. On the other hand, it was true across racial groups that single women, more than single men, were disadvantaged in the mortgage market by children.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the contributions of differential fecundity, social heterogeneity, assortative matching and search frictions to aggregate marriage behavior in 18th century Quebec. The reduced form estimates show that a simple random matching model of the marriage market, in which there are gains to assortative matching and women may leave the marriage market at a higher rate than men, can explain these data. The estimates also show that the marriage market was segmented by social status.  相似文献   

In Italy, women's advancement in economics has been curtailed by the structure of editorial boards of Italian economics journals. In this paper, we examine the presence of men and women economists on the editorial boards of thirty-six Italian economics journals published since 1970 and analyze the gender distribution across different kinds of boards, roles, and fields. Because boards are hierarchically ordered, women work mostly in the lower positions, and the increase in women's participation has led only to more "editorial secretaries." Since men and women tend to have different scientific interests and men's standards of academic value prevail, women economists cannot build publication records as strong as those of their male colleagues, which, in turn, affects women's hiring, promotion, and wages, as well as the shape of the discipline.  相似文献   

Case studies in Canada, Australia, and the U.S. have found that pay equity (or comparable worth) has reduced the gender-based wage gap substantially, and results of research on the gender composition of jobs have been used guiding pay equity implementation. But, in general, the racial composition jobs remains overlooked in the literature and in public policy. We extend previous work on eliminating the wage penalty of employment in female-dominated occupations to estimating the potential effect of adopting comparable worth to alleviate race- as well as gender-based wage discrimination. First we report the negative impact of racial-ethnic and female composition of jobs on pay in the U.S. Correcting for this form of wage discrimination, we find that implementing comparable worth would appreciably narrow the race- and gender-based wage gaps and significantly reduce the percent of workers earning poverty-level wages, especially among women of color. Close to 50 percent of women of color and 40 percent of white women currently earning less than the federal poverty threshold for a family of three would be lifted out of poverty. Second, we show that, in addition to the effects of occupational concentration, being a woman, an African-American, or a worker of Hispanic origin negatively and significantly affects pay. Not every type of wage discrimination is alleviated by a pay equity policy, which is why activists have also supported anti-discrimination and affirmative action policies for women and people of color.  相似文献   

Theories of dual social citizenship in the US welfare state postulate that two tiers of citizenship rights are defined by the state, with first-class citizenship status offered to some individuals (historically, white male industrial workers) and second-class rights to others. Unemployment insurance (UI), as an employment-based right, is often characterized as a first-tier right. However, this examination of the original UI law shows that many levels of stratification were incorporated within this one program. Workers of color were excluded from UI benefits under the agricultural exemption, and the exclusion of private domestic workers barred an additional three-fifths of African American women from receiving UI benefits. The UI system built on existing stratification in the labor market to restrict this new right of social citizenship, as policy-makers re-examined and reified overlapping hierarchies of race, gender, and class advantage.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes employment hours, supplemented by interview data, from large highway construction sites in Boston, Los Angeles, and Oakland in the 1980s and 1990s. This study suggests that affirmative action positively affects the employment of women in construction and where there is more pressure, there are strongr results. Second, white women and women of color tend to work in trades that reflect the existing racial hierarchies among men. Therefore race as well as gender should be reflected in the design and measurement of the impacts of employment programs. Community organizing, advocacy for women and men of color, judicial oversight and positive efforts by unions and employers are still critical to bridging the gap between policy intentions and outcomes.  相似文献   

Following the introduction of economic liberalization policies in 1991, India has registered steady gains in terms of conventional economic indices such as external trade, investment inflows, and foreign exchange reserves. However, globalization has also caused the feminization of poverty. To counter this trend of marginalization of women, it is necessary to address the gender imbalance in decision-making positions. A Constitutional Amendment Bill seeking 33 percent reservation for women in parliament and state legislatures has, however, been scuttled by three successive governments since 1996, even while each party swears by its commitment to gender equity. The reasons for this curious schism showcase a classic example of gender-class-caste alignments and divisions, under political compulsions. This paper examines this ongoing gender-caste-class imbroglio, in the context of Indian affirmative action policies (economic, social, political), which have generated "backlash" reactions.  相似文献   

种姓、阶级与地位——以南印喀拉拉邦为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴晓黎 《开放时代》2007,(5):123-135
在印度宪法允诺一个"无种姓"社会五十多年后,种姓尚没有显示出任何要消失的迹象,但变化也确确实实地发生了。本文在南印喀拉拉邦的背景中探讨了这一变化的一些方面。基于田野调查材料,本文指出,在相互依赖的种姓体系已不复存在的今日喀拉拉,种姓等级价值已从公共领域退却,但并未就此消失,种姓歧视仍在个人的层面存在。家庭地位坐标系显示出浓厚的中产阶级特征,但社群背景并未完全失去意义。种姓内婚制不仅再生产种姓身份,也是种姓等级价值的隐居之处,这使种姓还不能等同于族群,尽管后者可能是它的方向。  相似文献   

性别收入差异及性别歧视的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别歧视带来的性别收入差异一直备受关注。文章基于吉林省1990-2010年间三期妇女地位的调研数据分析了吉林省的性别工资差异问题,并运用Oaxaca-Blinder对性别收入差距进行了分解。文章对20年间吉林省的性别收入差异进行了横向和纵向的分析,实证研究得到如下结论:性别分割是我国劳动力市场上一直存在的一种现象,性别收入差距总体趋势在扩大;个体特征差异能够在一定程度上解释性别收入差异,现阶段性别收入差异在很大程度上是由于劳动者本身的人力资本水平引起的,是正常合理的范围;歧视仍然是造成性别收入差距的一个原因,女性在获得教育的机会上还是比男性要低,而且女性很难进入到高收入行业和职业,使得在教育方面女性仍然处于不利地位。但是经过20年的发展,对女性的歧视逐步减弱。  相似文献   

This paper explores women’s entrepreneurial activities in the Oman and Qatar in light of the state attention given to promoting entrepreneurship in the region over the past decade. In the Gulf Arab countries, like in many rapidly developing economies, neoliberal growth discourse abounds. Along with this, the promotion of entrepreneurship and embrace of individual enterprise is paramount. Despite the dominance of the state in political and economic spaces, Gulf governments have embraced the rhetoric of the market and entrepreneurship. Drawing from semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and participant observation conducted between 2011 and 2015, this paper examines this phenomenon. In a region stereotyped with weak gender development outcomes, female entrepreneurship is largely cast as a positive development aimed at liberating and empowering women through individual enterprise. In contrast, this paper finds that the same forces that are meant to empower women often reproduce or reinforce certain gender norms while introducing new forms of dependency. Gulf female entrepreneurs confront competing tensions within three intersecting political economy logics: the structural logic of the economy, the logic of development narratives, and the logic of socio-economic organisation.  相似文献   

Since 2008, a surge in large-scale land acquisitions, or land grabs, has been taking place in low- and middle-income countries around the globe. This contribution examines the gendered effects of and responses to these deals, drawing on nine studies, which include conceptual framing essays that bring in debates about human rights, studies that draw on previous waves of land acquisitions globally, and case studies that examine the gendered dimensions of land dispossession and loss of common property. Three key insights emerge: the evolving gender and land tenure literature provides valuable information for understanding the likely effects of land deals; some of the land deal issues transcend gender-equity concerns and relate to broader problems of dispossession and loss of livelihoods; and huge gaps remain in our knowledge of gender and land rights that require urgent attention and systematic integration of gender analysis into mainstream research.  相似文献   

Barbara Bergmann argues that economic gender equity requires equity not only in paid employment, but also in household work. We examine the household task arrangements of a sample of married 1981 graduates of Stanford and Tokyo (Todai) Universities, about a decade after their graduation. No less than 43 percent of Stanford graduates shared household tasks about equally with their spouse, a much higher sharing rate than for the whole U.S. population. However, only 12 percent of Todai women and 8 percent of Todai men had egalitarian household task arrangements, a sharing rate about equal to that of the whole Japanese population. Holding other variables constant, Stanford men who did at least half of household tasks paid an earnings penalty of about 10 percent. Women who did more than half of household tasks did not pay an earnings penalty. Our examination of task arrangements among dual-career couples provides support for bargaining power theories of the division of household tasks, but suggests that societal ideology plays a critical role in defining the scope for bargaining.  相似文献   

Using Karl Polanyi's analysis of the social construction of markets in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Europe, the paper applies his analysis to the formation of global markets in the late twentieth century. The paper argues that Polanyi's work needs to be engendered in order to take into consideration women's and men's different links to the market and to understand the construction of "economic man" gone global. The paper also addresses the feminization of the labor force across the globe and the possible effects on women's behavior and on the construction of "economic woman." The concluding section discusses alternative interpretations of this behavior.  相似文献   

In a recent contribution to this Journal , Tony Lawson (1999) claims that the methodological framework of critical realism fits the "explanatory and emancipatory projects" of feminist economics. This essay challenges his claim on the basis that a "naive" notion of science underlies critical realism. It argues that for feminist economists, a rethinking of traditional notions of scientific inquiry is just as important as the rethinking of methodology, and that one cannot be done without the other.  相似文献   

Gender and attractiveness have been studied as affecting employment, incomes, and politics. We focus on these characteristics in influencing judgments of unethical behavior of accountants. Vignettes involving unethical behavioral were displayed to 4102 subjects in different versions accompanied by the image of the perpetrator. Unethical behavior was judged with more severity if the behavior was illegal than if there had been a violation of professional norms. The same behavior by male accountants was evaluated as more ethical than when undertaken by female accountants. There was however a high beauty premium for women. The greatest tolerance was shown toward plain-looking male accountants, who represent the traditional accountant stereotype whose likelihood of behaving unethically is regarded as low. Our results show compromise of fairness and of equality before the law. We propose explanations for our results based on accountant-stereotype hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on explaining the demographic transition and some of the broad patterns that are associated with it. We present an endogenous growth model that incorporates altruism and son preference within the family as well as gender wage gap and gender wage discrimination in the labour market. We show that with the accumulation of physical capital and human capital, the output share of mental labour increases and the gender wage gap narrows. In the early stages of economic development, gender discrimination is becoming prevalent and the substitution effect of capital accumulation, which raises the cost of child rearing, is dominated by the income effect, so the growth rate of population increases with income. When the degree of gender wage discrimination starts to decline, the increased cost of child rearing induces families to invest more in the human capital of children and the growth rate of the population falls. The quantitative analysis shows that gender wage discrimination is indeed an important contributor to the demographic transition.  相似文献   

The literature on the gender wage gap and wage discrimination has exclusively analyzed observed wage differences, ignoring inactive or unemployed individuals. In order to obtain a more complete overview of gender wage differences, this paper analyzed inactive or unemployed individuals in terms of offered and reservation wages in Spain in the years 1994, 2000, and 2006. The results show that the observed wages give a more positive perspective of the gender wage gap than offered ones. Furthermore, the existence of an important gender wage gap for reservation wages has been noted, which is possibly because women take charge of household and family caregiving tasks to a greater degree than men. The results show that Spanish women had higher reservation wages and lower offered wages than men, which explains their lower participation in the labor market.  相似文献   

高梦滔  姚洋 《经济研究》2004,39(7):115-125
本文使用来自中国 8省农户的数据 ,从家庭内部资源分配框架出发对处于不同性别、生命周期的家庭成员的健康投资进行经验研究。在控制了测量偏误和选择偏误的前提下 ,通过经济计量模型发现 ,在两周就诊概率和费用方面 ,处于生育期和抚育的女性往往在健康投资上获得优先地位。这个结论拓展了已有的家庭内部成员人力资本投资的研究成果 ,揭示出家庭人力资源投资导向必须同时考虑市场和非市场的经济机会 ,尤其是女性在抚育后代方面的比较优势 ,对于女性的健康投资至关重要  相似文献   

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