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While China's rise has been much discussed, its meaning continues to be contested. This is true in radical international political economy, where, for example, it was the subject of (often polarised) debates between Giovanni Arrighi and David Harvey prior to Arrighi's death in 2009. This reflected a broader debate in IPE between development theory and radical globalisation analysis. The key point of contention is whether China's rise represents a challenge to or further consolidation of neoliberal hegemony on a global scale. This article critically scrutinises some of the key assumptions of the radical globalisation approach, specifically, that China represents another form of the ‘competition state’ whose development aspirations have been radically constrained by global ‘new constitutionalism’ and American monetary power so as to conform to neoliberalism. Deploying a structurationist approach to global governance and an eclectic/regulatory analysis of the Chinese state, I argue that China has challenged neoliberalism by projecting its growing power through constitutionalised global governance. In the face of (declining) American power, global constitutionalism has provided an opportunity structure that may help China consolidate its long-term strategy of consensual development. Far from anchoring ‘neoliberal hegemony’, global economic governance is increasingly central to its unravelling.  相似文献   

While recognising that most pre-capitalist formations exhibitedelements of commodity exchange, Marx argued that capitalismdifferentiates itself as a genuine commodity system by virtueof two interdependent processes having reached a critical stageof development: a ‘stretching’ of commodity relationsto the point where production for the market displaces subsistenceproduction as the primary form; and a ‘deepening’of commodity relations such that these encompass not only goodsand services but the capacities for producing them. This paperargues that globalisation can best be understood as the culminatingstage of these stretching and deepening processes: the formerin the sense that commodity relations now embrace the entireplanet and the latter in the sense that they cover not merelygoods, or the capacities for producing goods, but also everyother type of capacity and every other type of outcome.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a review of the literature on the labour market’s impact of globalisation. An interesting case-study is provided by the province of Brescia, an industrial area in Northern Italy, where both de-localisation and immigration have been two important means of reducing the pressure of labour demand on the locally scarce human resources. The conclusion is that, in order to preserve competitive positions in the long run, it is worthy to consider the qualitative consequences, e.g. the indispensable changes in the structure of production, rather than focusing on the quantitative effects on domestic employment. This paper was presented at the International Conference on “Developments in Economic Theory and Policy, Institutions and European Integration”, Bilbao, 15–17 July, 2004. It is part of a wider research: see the Working Paper by Albertini and Marelli (2003). The sections prepared by S.Albertini, referring to organisational change and human resources management implications, are not included in this final paper. I am grateful to anonymous referees for helpful comments.  相似文献   

在当今国际货币体系下,美国利用美元霸权优势控制全球.本文根据斯蒂格利茨三步骤,分析中国当前也很可能陷入美国控制一个国家的三步骤,即利用市场化进行投机、制造通货膨胀、低价收购核心资产.最后提出四点对策建议,即保持人民币汇率稳中有升、控制外资大规模流出、审慎放开资本市场、积极培养复合型国际金融人才.  相似文献   

The literature on mainstream economics usually takes the United States as the main geographical reference. However, the various criteria that define mainstream economics can be applied outside the United States. The ideas that have prestige and influence in a given country’s academia may not be the same ideas that constitute American mainstream economics. Brazil has been an example of pluralism. An institutional perspective helps explain why several people in Brazil conform with institutional rules of thought and of behavior that differ from those of the American mainstream, including the norm of pluralism, and how these rules influence many people.  相似文献   

In this paper I analyse the role of openness and globalisation in Latin America's economic development. The paper is divided into two distinct parts: I first ( Sections 2 to 4 ) provide an analysis of 60 years of the region's economic history, that go from the launching of the Alliance for Progress by the Kennedy administration in 1961, to the formulation and implementation of the market oriented reforms of the Washington Consensus in the 1990s and 2000s. I conclude that Latin America's history has been characterised by low growth, high inflation and recurrent external crises. In Section 5 I deal formally with the costs of crises and I estimate a number of variance component models of the dynamics of growth. I find that external crises have been more costly in Latin America than in the rest of the world. I also find that the cost of external crises has been inversely related to the degree of openness.  相似文献   

In recent years, zombies have enjoyed a dramatic renaissance in various forms of popular culture. This essay argues that the current obsession with the walking dead, and particularly the looming threat of human-zombie conflicts, is a reflection of the dangers of invasive alterity associated with uncontrolled spaces in a globalised world. This shift is especially prevalent in the United States following 9/11, as zombies have become phantasmal stand-ins for Islamist terrorists, illegal immigrants, carriers of foreign contagions, and other ‘dangerous’ border crossers. Through three case studies which examine zombie ‘outbreaks’ on the local, national, and global levels, respectively, I discuss the importance of borders and geopolitical spaces in recent fictional depictions of human-zombie conflicts. As metaphors for illicit globalisation, zombies have emerged as a key pop-culture referent of the porous nature of socio-cultural, political, and physical boundaries in a global age defined by an emotional geopolitics of fear.  相似文献   

This paper situates globalisation in historical perspectiveto analyse its implications for development. It sketches a pictureof globalisation during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.A comparison of these two epochs reveals striking parallels,unexpected similarities and important differences. It showsthat globalisation did not lead to rapid growth and economicconvergence in the world, either then or now. Indeed, growthslowed down, and income levels diverged, while the gap betweenthe industrialised and developing countries widened, in bothepochs. The story of globalisation, it turns out, does not conformto the fairy tale about convergence and development.  相似文献   

Globalisation and the Market for Team-Mates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The globalisation of firms is explored at theoretical and empirical levels. The idea is that a global firm is a multi-cultural team. The existence of a global firm is somewhat puzzling. Combining workers who have different cultures, legal systems, and languages imposes costs on the firm that would not be present were all workers to conform to one standard. In order to offset the costs of cross-cultural dealing, there must be complementarities between the workers that are sufficiently important to overcome the costs. The search for the 'best practice' is analysed and empirical support from an examination of trading patterns is provided.  相似文献   

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