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运用协整、弱外生性和因果关系检验对我国股票市场与货币需求的关系进行的实证研究发现,股市不影响M2的总量但影响其结构;M1对股市不产生直接影响,而M2对股市的直接影响处于有与无的临界状态;M1、M2均通过GDP对股市产生间接影响,但没有形成利率传导机制,我国股市是关于协整向量的弱外生变量.基于以上结论提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

香港股市与内地股市的联动性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分3个阶段考察了香港回归以来,香港股市和内地股市之间的联动关系及其变化。协整分析表明,香港股市和内地股市之间存在长期的均衡关系,这种均衡关系在内地资本市场实行股权分置改革后更趋于稳定。Granger因果检验表明,香港回归以来香港股市和内地股市之间的引导关系在经历B股开放和股权分置改革后发生了变化。脉冲响应函数分析从动态的角度进一步验证了香港股市和内地股市之间的引导关系及其变化,并深入分析了单个变量的波动或冲击对其自身及另一变量的影响程度。  相似文献   

优化股市政策化解股市失灵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前我国股市缺乏吸引力源于股市失灵,其特征为市场机制失灵和政府政策失灵共存.股市失灵的真正原因总是归根为政策失灵.化解股市失灵关键是采取积极的态度,不断改革、创新,从根本上消除股市理论失灵,以优化政策资源配置,促进我国股市健康、稳定发展.  相似文献   

The practice of shorting stocks was put forward as one of the causes of the recent financial crisis whereas Shiller (2003), for example, considers shorting an essential element of an efficient market. Shorting involves selling borrowed stocks and subsequently closing the position by purchasing and returning the stock to the lender. A profit will be realised if the stock's price decreases. Shorting enables investors who do not own a perceived overvalued stock to sell. Using a high-frequency UK dataset for the period between September 2003 and April 2010, our findings suggest shorting indicates evidence of overvalued stocks as significantly negative abnormal stock returns appear to follow an increase in shorting. These results do not hold, however, for shorting which occurs around the ex-dividend date. We further find that these results hold during the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

陈运森  黄健峤 《金融研究》2019,470(8):151-170
资本市场的持续对外开放是党的十九大强调的重要举措。本文基于沪港通开通这一准自然实验,检验了股票市场开放对企业投资效率的影响。结果发现:沪港通的开启促进了标的公司投资效率的提高,这一影响主要体现在信息环境不透明、治理水平低的公司;机制分析发现,沪港通开启后,公司信息质量的提高和分析师预测准确度的增加是股票市场开放影响标的公司投资效率的重要渠道;最终标的公司在沪港通开通后经营业绩也得到提升。本文结论表明,股票市场开放改善了公司的投资效率,提高了对实体经济的服务能力,这对党的十九大提出的“深化资本市场对外开放”和“金融服务实体经济”系列改革有重要启示。  相似文献   

This article reviews the empirical evidence for equity returns, bond returns, and the equity premium in the German capital market for the period from 1870 to 1995. Taken together, the studies reviewed provide convincing evidence that over longer investment periods, average equity returns have been higher than average bond returns. These excess returns, however, have been highly volatile and negative in many years, illustrating the higher risk of equity investments. Moreover, market timing had a major positive or negative impact on overall returns. Despite the historical evidence of a substantial equity premium there is still little equity investment by German households.  相似文献   

在后创业板时代,应当构建股票场外交易市场制度体系以推动其迅速发展。本文认为,股票场外交易市场制度应当遵循法律定位的差异化、上柜企业的平民化、投资者的机构化、交易方式的创新化、监管制度的高效化这五项原则。  相似文献   

Previous studies that examined the relationship between stock returns and inflation have used a symmetric test specification, and have reported evidence of an inverse relation. We use an asymmetric model to re-examine this fundamental relationship between stock returns and inflation. We partition the study period into sub-samples of high and low inflation regimes. An inverse relation between stock returns and inflation forecasts is found during only low inflation periods, while a positive relation is detected through high inflation periods. In combination, results from both high and low inflation regimes suggest that stocks have delivered favorable inflation protection.   相似文献   

股指期货市场金融加速器效应的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融加速器理论认为,由于存在着摩擦成本,金融市场的波动可能是非对称的,体现为相对于扩张金融市场状态,紧缩金融市场状态下冲击的波动更加剧烈,由此产生加速效应。本文采用向量自回归模型系列对次贷危机期间S&P500股指期货市场波动状态进行了计量检验,验证了其非对称波动的金融加速器效应,揭示了股指期货市场与股票现货市场之间的风险衍生机制,旨在为我国沪深300指数期货交易的风险防范提供借鉴。  相似文献   

股票市场和银行间市场是我国金融市场中两个主要的子市场,随着金融市场发展和创新步伐加快,两者之间的关系日益密切。在近年来我国股票市场快速发展的背景下,研究股票市场发展对银行间市场的影响,有助于理顺和改进我国股票市场与银行间市场相互间的关系,促进两个市场协调健康发展。  相似文献   

产品市场势力、公司治理与股票市场流动性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文实证研究了我国股票市场的流动性问题。结果表明,产品市场势力能够促进信息传递,提高股票的流动性。这种影响即使控制了公司治理因素依然显著,同时随着信息不对称程度的提高而更为明显。另外,在对股票流动性的影响上,产品市场势力与董事会规模、高管薪酬激励之间存在替代关系。同时,股权分散能增强产品市场势力的影响,但是产品市场势力会削弱股权分散的积极作用。  相似文献   

In the last few years several research studies have challenged the traditional weak-form efficiency tests of the stock market. These studies suggested an alternative to the random walk model, containing temporary and permanent components. If stocks follow such a model then the traditional tests, using returns computed for short intervals would be unable to detect them. To investigate the evidence for such models in the Portuguese stock market ten stock indexes were created. This is a pioneer study of the Portuguese stock market, and uses nominal, real and excess returns, computed for longer horizons. Three methodologies were used: variance ratios, ordinary least squares regressions and weighted least squares regressions. The statistical significance of the results was studied using traditional parametric tests as well as non-parametric tests. The evidence is mixed, as the presence of tendencies towards mean aversion and mean reversion were detected. Results also show that the evidence is very sensitive to the methodology used and the signifcance tests performed. These results, however, do not necessarily reject the weak-form market efficiency hypothesis.  相似文献   

Although a good deal of research effort has been allocated to understanding the time-series volatility of stock returns – as both market (or systematic) volatility and idiosyncratic (or non-systematic) volatility – the relationship of such volatility with cross-sectional volatility or dispersion of outcomes is sparse. Nevertheless, the quest to understand one must involve the quest to understand the other. In this paper, we investigate the dispersion of returns in relation to inter-temporal volatility, as well as the dynamic of dispersion of returns in generating a portfolio’s return outcome. We find that the level of such dispersion is highly significant for portfolio performance and the notion of risk.  相似文献   

探讨股市和房市对货币流速的效应是对货币流速影响因素进行实证研究的一个方向。实证结果表明,我国股市、房市变量与狭义货币流速、广义货币流速均存在长期均衡关系,且与货币流速负相关,狭义货币流速主要受股市影响,广义货币流速主要受房市影响。股市和房市导致货币流速下降的原因,有助于解释我国的一些经济现象,同时也提醒我们应进一步规范股市和房市的发展,央行制定货币政策时应该考虑股市和房市对货币需求的影响,要采取预防性货币政策,保持经济与金融的稳健运行。  相似文献   

陈坚  张轶凡 《金融研究》2018,459(9):107-125
利用高频股票指数数据,本文构造了中国股票市场的已实现偏度,并检验了其对中国股票市场收益率的预测能力。实证结果显示,当前较低的已实现偏度可以显著预测下个月中国股票市场较高的超额收益率,样本内和样本外的R2分别达到了3.39%和2.24%。在控制了一系列的其它股票预测变量之后,该结论依然成立。此外,基于四种不同的构造方法,已实现偏度对上海和深圳两个股票市场都具有显著的预测能力。在将所有不同的已实现偏度指标进行组合之后,预测能力得到了进一步提升。从经济解释上,本文发现已实现偏度对股票收益率的预测能力是通过影响股票市场的交易活跃程度,从而传导到股票市场收益率。  相似文献   

谢谦  唐国豪  罗倩琳 《金融研究》2019,465(3):189-207
本文基于2000-2017年上市公司的财务及股票交易数据,研究了上市公司综合盈利水平与股票收益之间的关系。我们使用目前资产定价文献中较新的偏最小二乘法和组合预测法,从12个衡量公司盈利能力的指标中提取了一个测度上市公司综合盈利水平的指标。研究结果显示,上市公司综合盈利水平能够显著预测未来股票收益。使用单因子偏最小二乘法、取12个月斜率的平均值构造的综合盈利水平最有效,以其构建的多空对冲投资组合能产生15%的年平均收益,夏普比率达到0.75。与此对应,组合预测法提取的上市公司综合盈利水平的预测能力稍低,但依然显著。在控制了其他公司特征变量后,综合盈利水平对于股票收益的解释能力依然稳健。本文还从经济机制的角度出发,探讨了综合盈利水平对收益的预测来源。我们发现,上市公司综合盈利水平与股票预期回报的正向关系在投资摩擦更低的组中更高,而在错误定价程度更高的组通常更低。这些结果支持了基于投资摩擦的Q理论,而与行为金融的错误定价理论相悖。  相似文献   

中国股市晴雨表功能辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国民经济周期变化影响上市公司业绩和资金供求关系,反过来股票市场通过筹资功能、价格发现机制、资源配置功能和财富效应对国民经济发展产生影响,这是股市晴雨表功能的理论基础。近几年中国股票市场与经济增长背离,具有诸多复杂多变的各种因素,要使中国股市晴雨表功能全面反映,还需以进一步深化改革为依托。  相似文献   

本文通过构建回归模型,考察了次贷危机前后我国股票市场与世界股票市场联动性的动态变化过程,并且与巴西股票市场进行了比较分析,从而对我国市场与国际市场的互动进行了客观的评价。实证结果表明,总体上我国股票市场与国际市场的联动性不强,并且时而为"即期联动",时而为"滞后联动",联动方式不确定。然而,次贷危机发生后.我国与国际市场的联动性有逐渐增强的趋势,尤其是与英国、香港地区等市场的联动在不断提高。这主要是由于次贷危机使国内外投资者的预期形成机制和投资理念发生了变化。  相似文献   

我国股票型基金投资行为的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羊群行为是股票市场中投资者行为的重要方面。本文以我国公募股票型投资基金为分析对象,对2007—2008年的数据进行HM值的整体检验和收益检验,得出了我国股票型投资基金羊群行为的投资特征,并对产生羊群行为的原因进行了探讨,最后提出了改善基金投资行为的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

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