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In this paper we implement dynamic term structure models that adopt bonds and Asian options in the estimation process. The goal is to analyse the pricing and hedging implications of term structure movements when options are (or are not) included in the estimation process. We investigate how options affect the shape, risk premium and hedging structure of the dynamic factors. We find that the inclusion of options affects the loadings of the slope and curvature factors, and considerably changes the risk premium and hedging structure of all dynamic factors.  相似文献   

金融市场的效率内涵及我国政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李青 《武汉金融》2001,(10):20-22
本文从资金运用角度阐述了金融市场的效率内涵 ,并对金融市场的效率进行了分析和衡量 ,最后在分析我国金融市场效率现状的基础上 ,提出了一些提高我国金融市场效率的看法和建议。  相似文献   

If commercial producers or financial investors use futures contracts to hedge against commodity price risk, the arbitrageurs who take the other side of the contracts may receive compensation for their assumption of nondiversifiable risk in the form of positive expected returns from their positions. We show that this interaction can produce an affine factor structure to commodity futures prices, and develop new algorithms for estimation of such models using unbalanced data sets in which the duration of observed contracts changes with each observation. We document significant changes in oil futures risk premia since 2005, with the compensation to the long position smaller on average in more recent data. This observation is consistent with the claim that index-fund investing has become more important relative to commerical hedging in determining the structure of crude oil futures risk premia over time.  相似文献   

Understanding how financial crises spread is important for policy-makers and regulators in order to take adequate measures to prevent or contain the spread of these crises. This paper will test whether there was contagion of the subprime financial crisis to the European stock markets of the NYSE Euronext group (Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal) and, if evidence of contagion is found, it will determine the investor-induced channels through which the crisis propagated. We will use copula models for this purpose. After assessing whether there is evidence of financial contagion in the stock markets, we will examine whether the ‘wealth constraints’ transmission mechanism prevails over the ‘portfolio rebalancing’ channel. An additional test looks at the interaction between stock and bond markets during the crisis and allows us to determine if the transmission occurred due to the ‘cross market rebalancing’ channel or the ‘flying to quality’ phenomenon. The tests suggest that (i) financial contagion is present in all analyzed stock markets, (ii) a ‘portfolio rebalancing’ channel is the most important crisis transmission mechanism, (iii) and the ‘flight-to-quality’ phenomenon is also present in all analyzed stock markets.  相似文献   

This article presents a pure exchange economy that extends Rubinstein (1976) to show how the jump-diffusion option pricing model of Merton (1976) is altered when jumps are correlated with diffusive risks. A non-zero correlation between jumps and diffusive risks is necessary in order to resolve the positively sloped implied volatility term structure inherent in traditional jump diffusion models. Our evidence is consistent with a negative covariance, producing a non-monotonic term structure. For the proposed market structure, we present a closed form asset pricing model that depends on the factors of the traditional jump-diffusion models, and on both the covariance of the diffusive pricing kernel with price jumps and the covariance of the jumps of the pricing kernel with the diffusive price. We present statistical evidence that these covariances are positive. For our model the expected stock return, jump and diffusive risk premiums are non-linear functions of time.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the information that stock prices provide about the financial condition of federally insured thrift institutions. In order to assess their financial condition from the different perspectives of stockholders and the federal insurer, we calculate the value of the put option of federal deposit insurance available to thrift institutions. Our results demonstrate that the two perspectives often provide, particularly for unhealthy institutions, quite different views of the financial condition of individual institutions.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of optimal unemployment insurance (UI) in a repeated moral hazard framework. Unlike existing literature, unemployed individuals can secretly participate in a hidden labor market. This extension modifies the standard problem in three dimensions. First, it imposes an endogenous lower bound for the lifetime utility that a contract can deliver. Second, it breaks the identity between unemployment payments and consumption. And third, it hardens the encouragement of search effort. The optimal unemployment insurance system in an economy with a hidden labor market is simple, with an initial phase in which payments are relatively flat during unemployment and with no payments for long-term unemployed individuals. This scheme differs substantially from the one prescribed without a hidden labor market and resembles unemployment protection programs in many countries.  相似文献   

The authors investigated how the formal national provisions for pricing in the National Health Service (which are a form of prospective payment, known as ‘Payment by Results’) are operationalized at local level. Transactions costs theory and existing evidence predict that actual practice often does not comply with contractual rules. A national study of pricing between 2011 and 2015 confirms this and indicates that such payment systems may not be appropriate to address the current financial and organizational challenges facing the NHS. As the NHS struggles radically to reconfigure services, it is necessary to reconsider the appropriateness of a wider range of pricing mechanisms to facilitate moving care out of hospitals.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of microstructures and financial reforms on time-varying informational efficiency in an emerging equity market setting. Our data comprises of firm level data from the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange, over the period 1990–2013. Using a dynamic panel regression framework while controlling for firm size, we find that microstructures, specifically liquidity, volatility, automation and the number of shareholders have an important role in influencing the time-varying efficiency of this emerging market. The financial reforms, namely liberalisation and regulation are not found to have a notable influence. We also consider heterogeneity at the firm level, finding that the microstructures of the banking firms listed in this market have a greater impact on market efficiency, in relation to the other listed firms.  相似文献   

Numerical integration methods for stochastic volatility models in financial markets are discussed. We concentrate on two classes of stochastic volatility models where the volatility is either directly given by a mean-reverting CEV process or as a transformed Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. For the latter, we introduce a new model based on a simple hyperbolic transformation. Various numerical methods for integrating mean-reverting CEV processes are analysed and compared with respect to positivity preservation and efficiency. Moreover, we develop a simple and robust integration scheme for the two-dimensional system using the strong convergence behaviour as an indicator for the approximation quality. This method, which we refer to as the IJK (137) scheme, is applicable to all types of stochastic volatility models and can be employed as a drop-in replacement for the standard log-Euler procedure.  相似文献   

We investigate whether liquidity is an important price factor in the US corporate bond market. In particular, we focus on whether liquidity effects are more pronounced in periods of financial crises, especially for bonds with high credit risk, using a unique data set covering more than 20,000 bonds, between October 2004 and December 2008. We employ a wide range of liquidity measures and find that liquidity effects account for approximately 14% of the explained market-wide corporate yield spread changes. We conclude that the economic impact of the liquidity measures is significantly larger in periods of crisis, and for speculative grade bonds.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the dynamics of price changes and information flow to the market in the Athens Stock Exchange in Greece using daily data over the period 1988 to 1993. A generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) model in stock returns is shown to reflect time dependence in the process generating information flow to the market. Using daily trading volume or value as proxies for information flow, we find them to be significant in explaining the variance of daily returns and to reduce GARCH effects substantially. This has implications for the informational efficiency of the market.  相似文献   

We consider the equilibrium in a capital asset market where the risk is measured by the absolute deviation, instead of the standard deviation of the rate of return of the portfolio. It is shown that the equilibrium relations proved by Mossin for the mean variance (MV) model can also be proved for the mean absolute deviation (MAD) model under similar assumptions on the capital market. In particular, a sufficient condition is derived for the existence of a unique nonnegative equilibrium price vector and derive its explicit formula in terms of exogeneously determined variables. Also, we prove relations between the expected rate of return of individual assets and the market portfolio.  相似文献   

We consider a complete financial market with primitive assets and derivatives on these primitive assets. Nevertheless, the derivative assets are non-redundant in the market, in the sense that the market is complete,only with their existence. In such a framework, we derive an equilibrium restriction on the admissible prices of derivative assets. The equilibrium condition imposes a well-ordering principle restricting the set of probability measures that qualify as candidate equivalent martingale measures. This restriction is preference free and applies whenever the utility functions belong to the general class of Von-Neumann Morgenstern functions. We provide numerical examples that show the applicability of the restriction for the computation of option prices.We are indebted to the editor Marti Subrahmanyam and two anonymous referees for very constructive comments. We have also benefitted from conversations with Nour Meddahi. We would like to thank seminar participants at Université de Montréal, Washington University, HEC Montréal, Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, Institut Henri Poincaré, Trento Mathematical Finance Conference (1997), Aspet (FIQUAM) Conference (1998) as well as the participants at the Quantitative Methods of Finance Conference, Australia, 1997.This author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of INQUIRE-Europe.  相似文献   

This note examines a numerical approach for computing American option prices in the lognormal jump–diffusion context. The approach uses the known transition density of the process to build a discrete-time, homogenous Markov chain to approximate the target jump–diffusion process. Numerical results showing the performance of the proposed method are examined.  相似文献   

Do mergers and acquisitions (M&A) improve the wealth status of investors, and if so, amidst persistence of volatility shocks? This paper tests these propositions by employing in the first step, a modified event study approach, and estimating a long-memory conditional volatility model, in the second step. The financial and policy implications of M&A are varied and contestable, yet, from an investor’s perspective, the long-term adjusted gain from M&A depends not only on the immediate growth of wealth, but also the fact that such a growth would accompany reduced rate of volatility persistence. Although in the beginning, a high persistence of volatility cannot be ruled out, its presence in the longer-run implies that the wealth gains from M&A are unstable, leading perhaps to a further collapse of both the merged/merger and acquired/acquiring firms. We estimate a long-memory Generalized Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model with a Markovian transition for a number of international firms, specifically in Asia, to show in the first place, whether volatility shocks display differential memory in the pre- and post-M&A periods and whether the asymmetric high persistence is in the aftermath of M&A. Our results point at a significant ‘non-zero’ and positive gain for investors following M&A, but this is combined with greater volatility persistence.  相似文献   

Option replication is studied in a discrete-time framework with proportional transaction costs. The model represents an extension of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial option-pricing model to cover the case of proportional transaction costs for one risky asset with different interest rates on bank credit and deposit. Contingent claims are supposed to be 2-dimensional random variables. Explicit formulas for self-financing strategies are obtained for this case.Received: March 2004, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 62P05JEL Classification: G11, G13The authors are grateful to an anonymous referee for numerous helpful comments and to Yulia Romaniuk for final corrections. The paper was partially supported by grant NSERC 264186.  相似文献   

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