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为什么阿多诺说“在奥斯维辛之后写诗是野蛮的”?在二战胜利六十周年之后的今天,世界各国尤其是曾经的纳粹国对二战的看法和做法相差很大。是什么造成了这种差距?从文学的角度来说,我们应该做些什么? 相似文献
眼下正闹着金融危机,且不说酒店业,几乎所有的与衣食无关的行业都受其影响,百业不振。但什么时候也有发财的,多萧条也有暗地里偷着乐的,在一些从来不缺想法的人心目中,萧条、衰退这两个词是没有的,只要勤动脑筋,广开门路,挣钱就不是一句空话。最近西班牙一家杂志就列举出世界十大黑色旅游景点,引起众多在家里闲不住的人的关注,涉及到这十大旅游景点的酒店闻之大喜,仿佛是在漫 相似文献
Bernhard Schlink 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2009,(6):2-2
The Reader (Der Vorleser) is an award-winning novel by German law professor and judge Bernhard Sehlink. It was published in Germany in 1995 and in the United States (translated into English by Carol Brown Janeway) in 1997.
It deals with the difficulties which subsequent generations have in comprehending the Holocaust; specifically, whether a sense of its origins and magnitude can be adequately conveyed solely through written and oral media. This question is increasingly at the center of Holocaust literature in the late 20th and early 21st century, as the victims and witnesses of the Holocaust die and its living memory begins to fade. 相似文献
It deals with the difficulties which subsequent generations have in comprehending the Holocaust; specifically, whether a sense of its origins and magnitude can be adequately conveyed solely through written and oral media. This question is increasingly at the center of Holocaust literature in the late 20th and early 21st century, as the victims and witnesses of the Holocaust die and its living memory begins to fade. 相似文献
宁德时代崛起于中国新能源汽车的风口,因连续押对技术路径而一飞冲天。但在日韩电池、科技巨头环伺下,在各国的技术竞赛中,谁也不会一直屹立不被淘汰。学者型领袖曾毓群是个危机感很强的人,2017年4月,宁德时代的电池出货量一举超越比亚迪和松下,成为令人惊诧的全球第一时,他就已经开始为以后没有补贴而忧心了。他发出内部信警戒全体员工:当台风来时,猪都会飞。 相似文献
大企业是否就是大品牌愈来愈多的行销人运用品牌的力量进入新的领域,以创造新的成长。全球品牌因为领域的扩张而被建立起来:"大品牌"或"超级品牌"则是因跨越多项产品或品类而被建立。这种扩张及延伸,让这些大品牌必须重新重视并保护品牌的资产。随着品牌的扩张,品牌有被稀释的危机,这些危机的因素如下: 外资品牌本土安营扎寨 相似文献