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构建理论模型从企业生产技术关联视角考察出口企业成本加成变化,并基于中国制造业企业微观数据进行经验验证。研究结果显示:生产技术关联会显著促进出口企业成本加成的提升。从要素密集度看,相对于资本密集型和劳动密集型出口企业,生产技术关联对技术密集型出口企业加成率的正向影响更大。从区域异质性看,生产技术关联对东部地区出口企业加成率的促进作用明显强于中西部地区的企业。从路径机制来看,企业能够通过生产技术关联形成的质量提升效应和成本效应提高出口加成率。企业通过技术关联产生的溢出效应从生产关联主体获取技术和知识信息提高产品质量,凭借排他性的质量提升因素在海外市场获取更高的产品定价;同时,生产技术关联能够减少区域内生产要素流动壁垒,优化要素投入效率,有效获取市场信息,从而降低企业成本,提高利润率。  相似文献   

数字化是新发展格局全国统一大市场下国内产业结构转型升级的重要表征。从产出、成本双视角建构理论解析我国生产性服务业数字化水平对其制造业全球价值链(GVC)地位的影响与调节机制,以2014—2019年我国省级制造业行业层面的面板数据为研究对象进行实证分析,结果表明:第一,“十三五”时期我国生产性服务业数字化水平对制造业总体GVC地位的积极影响尚未充分发挥,而在东部地区与中部地区则表现出较强的正向影响,行业竞争在东部地区与中部地区生产性服务业数字化水平与制造业GVC地位的影响中发挥着正向调节效应,而科技创新能力在西部地区与东北部地区发挥正向调节效应;第二,我国生产性服务业数字化水平同期积极推动资本密集型制造业GVC地位攀升,行业竞争在技术密集型制造业GVC地位影响中发挥正向调节作用,而科技创新能力、制度环境在劳动密集型和资本密集型制造业GVC地位影响的调节效应较弱。这一结论为新发展格局阶段利用国内超大规模市场优势、双循环驱动下国内产业数字化高质量发展和实施区域异质化调节措施提供了可行的政策着力点和优化的路径选择。  相似文献   

本文以“十一五”以来环境规制政策的实质性推进为“准自然实验”,基于2000—2011年《工业企业污染排放数据库》和《中国工业企业数据库》合并得到的微观面板数据,运用双重差分倾向得分匹配方法(PSM-DID),考察环境规制政策实施对制造企业成本加成率的影响效果及其微观作用机制。研究发现,环境规制政策显著提升了制造企业的成本加成率;环境规制对成本加成率的促进作用主要通过创新补偿机制实现,市场结构变动机制对成本加成率的影响不明显,遵循成本机制对成本加成率的影响为负;环境规制政策对高污染行业和中部地区制造企业成本加成率的促进效果更强。  相似文献   

以制造业跨境资本流动产生的正负效应为切入点,考察行业技术水平对中国制造业双向FDI影响其全球价值链分工地位的调节效应。以2003-2014年中国制造业15个细分行业为样本的实证结果表明,虽然从整体上看,行业技术水平对单向FDI促进中国制造业全球价值链地位提升产生正向调节效应,并且双向FDI良性互动显著加强了这一作用,但存在显著的行业差异性:仅有劳动密集型行业的双向FDI协调发展水平能促进全球价值链地位提升,并且现有行业技术水平仅能扩大劳动密集型和资本密集型行业内向FDI的正向效应;由于外向FDI、双向FDI互动仍处于初始阶段,尤其是在技术密集型行业,暂时无法有效通过行业技术水平来扩大对全球价值链地位提升的正向作用;国内生产配套能力的加强有助于同一行业全球价值链地位提升,体现出国家价值链对全球价值链地位升级的支持效应。  相似文献   

谢众  李明广 《技术经济》2021,40(9):146-158
出口增加值的国内份额能够良好地反映企业参与国内国际双循环的状况.基于2000—2013年中国微观企业数据,本文研究了交通基础设施对企业出口国内增加值率的影响与机制.研究发现,国内交通基础设施改善会对企业出口国内增加值率产生双向效应:一方面会提高企业成本加成率与国内中间品投入,进而提高企业出口国内增加值率,促进企业参与国内大循环;另一方面则会增加企业从事加工贸易的比重与进口中间品投入,进而降低企业出口国内增加值率,推动企业嵌入国际大循环.交通基础设施对企业出口国内增加值率的总体影响则取决于以上两个效应的相对大小.实证结果显示,负向效应大于正向效应,交通基础设施对企业出口国内增加值率的总体影响显著为负,且企业异质性特征显著.本文从微观层面上解释了我国"内外循环"联动发展的经济事实,为构建"双循环"新发展格局提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

现阶段我国整体就业形势不容乐观,分析最低工资对就业的影响具有重要的现实意义。通过对我国劳动力市场分割条件下最低工资的就业效应进行实证分析发现,最低工资对竞争性行业劳动力市场(城市二级劳动力市场)就业有显著的正面影响,对行政垄断行业劳动力市场(城市一级劳动力市场)就业的正面影响则很小。因此,根据我国劳动力市场的具体情况,合理设置最低工资标准有利于促进就业。  相似文献   

本文利用1998—2007年工业企业微观数据,实际考察了FDI技术溢出的水平联动效应和垂直联系效应对中国汽车制造企业市场势力影响的显著性和程度,并对私营企业和国有企业进行了比较估计。研究发现,外商直接投资引进对汽车制造企业存在显著的正向溢出效应,具体细分的四种溢出程度为市场竞争效应下游行业后向联系效应示范模仿效应上游行业前向联系效应;企业的所有权属性对其FDI技术溢出的吸收能力有很大影响。  相似文献   

流通服务业是我国接受FDI增幅最快、规模最大的行业,这引发了学术界对流通服务业FDI是否会危及国家经济安全的争论。本文以2005—2008年中国省际面板数据为基础,对流通服务业FDI溢出效应及其影响因素进行了实证检验。研究发现:我国流通服务业FDI在行业内存在显著正向溢出效应,东、中、西部地区流通服务业FDI溢出程度为中部>东部>西部;我国流通服务业各个子行业的FDI均存在显著的正向溢出,其中零售业FDI溢出程度最大,其次为餐饮业,再次为批发业;投资硬环境、投资软环境、行业市场竞争程度对流通服务业FDI溢出效应存在显著正向影响,经济发展水平、内外资技术差距、内外资人员流动对流通服务业FDI溢出效应的影响不显著。  相似文献   

利用我国2005-2015年省际面板数据,引入国内研发投入、人力资本两个中介变量,通过中介效应模型检验了OFDI逆向技术溢出的直接效应与间接效应。结果显示,总体上我国OFDI未显现出积极的逆向技术溢出效应,而呈弱负效应,但通过以下两条路径会对全要素生产率产生一定正向效应,即"OFDI→国内研发投入→全要素生产率"和"OFDI→国内研发投入→人力资本→全要素生产率";分区域看,东部地区OFDI的逆向技术溢出直接效应为负值,中部地区的正向直接效应最为显著,西部地区的OFDI逆向技术溢出直接效应未通过显著性检验。OFDI通过国内研发投入产生的间接效应,仅在西部地区较为显著;OFDI通过促进国内研发投入再带动人力资本产生的间接效应,在东中部为正、西部为负。  相似文献   

利用我国2005-2015年省际面板数据,引入国内研发投入、人力资本两个中介变量,通过中介效应模型检验了OFDI逆向技术溢出的直接效应与间接效应。结果显示,总体上我国OFDI未显现出积极的逆向技术溢出效应,而呈弱负效应,但通过以下两条路径会对全要素生产率产生一定正向效应,即“OFDI→国内研发投入→全要素生产率”和“OFDI→国内研发投入→人力资本→全要素生产率”;分区域看,东部地区OFDI的逆向技术溢出直接效应为负值,中部地区的正向直接效应最为显著,西部地区的OFDI逆向技术溢出直接效应未通过显著性检验。OFDI通过国内研发投入产生的间接效应,仅在西部地区较为显著;OFDI通过促进国内研发投入再带动人力资本产生的间接效应,在东中部为正、西部为负。  相似文献   

For a 1963–1992 panel of US manufacturing industries, the relationship between seller concentration and both price-cost margins (PCMs) and prices is investigated for industries divided by whether concentration has recently increased or decreased. Regressions of PCM in levels and first differences, and price equations in first differences, establish that the positive effect of concentration on prices and profits is always weaker in industries where concentration has recently increased and always stronger in industries where concentration has recently decreased. These results are attributed to the different endogeneity biases in the two samples. Increasing concentration industries are more likely the ones where leading firms have lowered prices to gain share, while decreasing concentration industries are more likely the ones where smaller firms have lowered concentration by lowering prices. An additional conclusion is that the cost-reducing effects of changes in concentration are greater for increasing concentration industries, meaning that increasing concentration industries have lower price increases compared to decreasing concentration industries.  相似文献   

Analysis of margin flexibility is an important item on the research agendas in macroeconomics and industrial economics. Using a new panel data set for U.S. manufacturing industries, we offer new evidence on the cyclical sensitivity of price-cost margins and on the concentration-margins debate in industrial organization.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of firms’ competitive behavior in the EU by studying the dynamics of firms’ price-cost margins (PCMs) across four countries (France, Italy, Poland and Sweden), in three manufacturing and three services industries for around 170,000 firms over the period 1999–2007. By looking at density distributions of the PCM across firms, we detect an aggregation problem affecting country specific measures of PCM levels, with PCM changes providing instead an unbiased representation of industry dynamics. A Laspeyres-type decomposition of PCM changes shows pro-competitive effects over the period, induced mainly by the reallocation channel, and a tendency to a quality upgrading of firms, revealed by the positive interaction term. These trends are stronger after 2002. We also observe a trend towards lower PCMs across manufacturing industries, while the latter is not true for services. These findings are confirmed by a dynamic panel econometric exercise performed on the pooled firm-level sample.  相似文献   

Using a novel data set on new product introductions in U.S. manufacturing, the paper studies the relationship between new product introductions and the intensity of market competition as it is measured by industry-specific price-cost margins. New product introductions intensify market competition and depress price-cost margins. These results draw significant empirical support from a sample of five U.S. manufacturing industries. A 10 percent increase in the number of new product introductions causes price-cost margins to drop by approximately 0.5 percent. Although price-cost margins appear procyclical with respect to fluctuations in industry sales, new products make price-cost margins less procyclical and therefore, the intensity of market competition more procyclical.The author would like to thank the Board of Research at Babson College for their generous financial support. The author would also like to thank Jane Cloran for assisting with some of the data. All of the remaining errors are the responsibility of the author.  相似文献   

This study finds an unexpected, positive and significant association between price-cost margins and import-domestic shipment ratio for the U.S. textile and apparel industries, using pooled cross-section and time-series data. Distortions created by import quotas account for this anomalous finding.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the extent to which small firms' price-cost margins follow those of large firms. A two-equation model is used with data for 36 Dutch three-digit manufacturing industries over the period 1975–86. The effects of market structure characteristics are also examined. The main result is that small firms (10-50 employees) appear to have the freedom to set prices above cost independently of larger firms in the same industry.  相似文献   

文章选取中国高技术产业1995-2008年行业和地区两个层面的面板数据,运用面板单位根检验、面板协整检验、面板FMOLS估计方法和面板DOLS估计方法对高技术产业垂直专业化的影响因素进行了经验分析。研究表明,外向度和资本密集度对高技术产业垂直专业化有着显著的正向影响,但对各行业和各地区垂直专业化的影响程度存在一定差异。为此,政府应采取相关政策措施,促进高技术产业垂直专业化趋势的不断深化。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examining the controversy in the literature, surrounding the simultaneity between concentration and price-cost margins. As earlier studies have tested this problem in the context of developed countries only, this paper examines the relationship between concentration and profitability using data from a developing country, Malaysia. Empirical results indicate that simultaneity between concentration and margins may be ruled out in the case of Malaysian manufacturing industries. [L19]  相似文献   

This article decomposes the impact of imports on domestic price-cost margins into separate price and cost effects. Using data from 24 food-processing industries, the empirical results show that although the direct impact of imports on prices is always negative, a positive net impact on price-cost margins occurs in industries characterized by low own-price elasticity of demand and diseconomies of scale. Further results show that the disciplining effect of imports is more preponderant the lower the degree of domestic competition. First version received: September 2000/Final version received: March 2002 RID="*" ID="*"  Professor and Associate Professor, respectively, in their respective departments. They can be reached at rigoberto.lopez@uconn.edu or elena.lopez@uah.es. The authors are grateful to two anonymous referees for their fruitful and helpful comments. Financial support provided by the USDA CSREES special grant No. 00-34178-9036 and by the Cátedras del Banco Santander Central Hispano-Universidad de Alcalá. This is Scientific Contribution No. 1794 of the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station. RID="*" ID="*"  Professor and Associate Professor, respectively, in their respective departments. They can be reached at rigoberto.lopez@uconn.edu or elena.lopez@uah.es. The authors are grateful to two anonymous referees for their fruitful and helpful comments. Financial support provided by the USDA CSREES special grant No. 00-34178-9036 and by the Cátedras del Banco Santander Central Hispano-Universidad de Alcalá. This is Scientific Contribution No. 1794 of the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

陈燕 《技术经济》2012,31(6):43-49
从产业内贸易的形成机理出发,利用1997—2010年我国29个制造业的相关数据,利用面板数据变截距模型分析了我国制造业整体的产业内贸易对其自主创新能力的影响,利用面板数据变系数模型分析了29个制造业行业的产业内贸易对其自主创新产出的间接影响效应和直接影响效应。实证结果表明:不同的制造业行业的产业内贸易对其自主创新能力的影响有所差异;在自主创新能力高的制造业行业中,产业内贸易对其自主创新的影响比较显著;在自主创新能力中等的制造业行业中,除了医药制造业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业的产业内贸易对其自主创新能力有显著影响外,其他制造业行业的该影响均不显著。  相似文献   

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