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Summary This paper is a detailed review and critique of Jan Tinbergen'sIncome Distribution: Analysis and Policies. In Part I, the books primary findings and their bases are recounted. This presentation serves as the basis for a number of questions regarding the merits of the overall approach — in particular, the empirical methodology — and the reliability of the findings. These questions are posed in Part II. In Part III, an overall appraisal of the work is offered.North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1975.Professor of Economics and Fellow of the Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison. This article was prepared while the author was a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study. The work was supported in part by the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study and by funds granted to the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare pursuant to the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Helpful comments on an earlier draft by Hans Daudt, Arthur Goldberger, Victor Halberstadt, Arnold Heertje, and Jan Pen are acknowledged. A discussion with Jan Tinbergen on issues raised in his volume was especially valuable, This review article appeared in a slightly different form in the Winter, 1975 issue of theJournal of Human Resources.  相似文献   

Extreme demand pressures coupled with acute skill shortages in the run up to World War II caused British engineering companies to break down existing production processes into smaller constituent parts. This allowed the employment of persons trained over narrower ranges of skills and helped to create an exponential growth of female jobs, from 10.5% of total engineering employment in 1939 to 35.2% by 1943. Women were officially classified into those doing men’s work and those doing women’s work. Using a unique data set provided by the Engineering Employers Federation, this paper examines female work and pay from 1935 (the first year of rearmament) to 1942 (the peak of production activity) in more detail than has been previously undertaken. It features the pay and hours of piece- and time-rated women, female-male wage ratios, and an assessment of the war’s longer term impact on the female labor market.  相似文献   

On the basis of new archival evidence and a reading of other materials, this article demonstrates that economic policies in North Korea after 1945 very closely resembled those implemented by the Japanese towards the end of their colonial rule. This resemblance was a natural consequence of the collectivist spirit dominating both regimes. This conclusion challenges the standard interpretation of formation of the North Korean regime, which asserts discontinuity of the regime with the colonial one.  相似文献   

说大渡口,就不得不提重钢。曾经,飞溅的钢花,奔腾的铁水和烟囱里喷出的滚滚浓烟是重钢环境的真实写照,“通红炉火映脸膛,风吹烟尘半天扬”也是重庆人对十里钢城大渡口的深刻印象。但是,2009年9月,随着重钢搬迁,大渡口的重钢时代也宣告结束,取而代之的一座森林之城、公园之城的崛起。  相似文献   

This paper finds the first empirical evidence of the time zone-related continuity effects on international trade. Several recent studies in the fragmentation/distance literatures provide theoretical justification for both positive (continuity) and negative (synchronization) effects of increased time zone differences on global export flows. This paper explicitly tests for the presence of both effects using bilateral manufacturing and service trade for 20 countries and 56 partner countries from 2000 to 2008. Results consistent with the theoretical expectations are found using a Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood estimator. The general time zone difference effect on total exports is negative, suggesting the synchronization effect dominates. However, for services trade, the positive continuity effect is noted, indicating that time zones affect manufacturing and service trades differently. These results are robust to changes in the time zone, distance, and language measures, as well as alternate estimation techniques.  相似文献   

《World development》2002,30(7):1255-1270
Research into the political economy of agrarian change was undertaken in 1974–75 in West-Central Nepal, as part of a wider study of the effects of road construction in the region. The field research centered on a comprehensive income and expenditure survey of 667 rural households. An explanatory framework was developed in which class analysis was combined with dependency theory. Few signs were found of a dynamic which might lead to capitalist development in the rural (or urban areas) of the region. In a book, Nepal in Crisis, based on this fieldwork, this analysis was generalized to Nepal as a whole. A re-survey of rural households in the same region in 1997–98 confirmed that, indeed, very little capitalist development had taken place, and that the disposition of rural households within the social classes and forms of production identified 20 years before had remained remarkably stable. The paper examines the significance of continuity and change both in theoretical approaches and in the dynamics of change affecting the lives of local people.  相似文献   

Mark Casson 《De Economist》2002,150(4):409-438
The influence of culture on economic performance is analysed using a rational action economic model. Culture is defined as shared values and beliefs. It is shown that functionally useful values can reduce transaction costs and improve economic performance. Leadership is an important transmission mechanism where culture is concerned. Good leaders can improve economic performance but bad leaders can impair it. Good leaders promote a distinctive combination of values, including both altruism and deliberation in decision-making, whilst bad leaders promote a combination of selfishness and spontaneity. Bad leaders survive because it is easier for them to appropriate pecuniary rents, since they are uninhibited by moral scruples. The globalisation of the mass media has favoured bad leadership at the expense of good. Unless corrective policies are introduced, economic performance will deteriorate as the quality of leadership continues to fall.  相似文献   

Assessing skills for work: two perspectives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Changes in the nature of work have created demands for new skillsand education and training policies to enhance skill development.To successfully accomplish the latter, policymakers must firstdefine and measure skills, then understand how they contributeto economic performance. This paper contrasts two theoreticalperspectives for skills measurement: the economic perspectivethat dominates the policy discussion about skills, and the socioculturalperspective. The paper explores the basic assumptions aboutskills from each perspective and considers how each addressesdifferent issues concerning skill requirements. It argues thatthe sociocultural perspective has some advantages over the dominantparadigm.  相似文献   

After a discussion of the background of development, the evolution of social work and its place in development is examined. Internationally, social work has only lately started focusing on community work rather than just on case or group work. In South Africa such concern with development has not been so evident, although there have been some dramatic turns in the past decade.

The profession of social work and its training are discussed and finally attention is drawn to the need for cooperation with a number of other professions. The author's conclusion is that social work in South Africa has not kept in close enough touch with social changes taking place.  相似文献   

谢辉 《中国经贸》2005,(12):16-19
2005年是中国国际货代协会成立以来的第五个年头,也是货代行业不平凡的一年: 制定货代协会发展五年规划纲要;货代协会顺利召开换届大会;货运代理由审批制改为登记备案制,货代协会受商务部委托,组织实施货代企业业务备案工作;急企业所急,依法合理维权; 成功进行货代业百强排名活动;成功召开中外货代物流企业洽谈会;获得国际同业组织认可的 FIATA证书培训资质;积极开展国际交流活动,为企业走出去、请进来搭建平台…… 2005年是辛勤与热诚相互鼓励走过的岁月,也是中国国际货代协会走向未来的新起点!  相似文献   

王平 《开放导报》2003,(1):47-48
以金融改革为主的新一轮改革 我国以往的改革基本上以牺牲国家金融效率为代价,金融改革长期滞后于整个经济改革进程.长期以来,国有经济高度依赖金融,银行主要扮演国有企业"提款机"的角色,国有银行商业化进程虽然使这种局面有所改观,但银行对企业无成本输血的脐带没有从根本上剪断.金融在改革中发挥巨大资金动员功能的同时,也积累了大量的系统性风险,据有关部门统计,到2001年末,我国四大国有商业银行总资产规模达到13万亿元,公开的不良资产比率就占到了25%左右,而同期北美100家最大商业银行的平均不良资产比率仅为0.96%,较高的日本,73家最大商业银行平均不良资产比率也只不过5.99%.  相似文献   

中美贸易与气候变化——基于投入产出法的分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
贸易的全球化对人类环境产生了重要的影响,碳泄漏问题成为环境与贸易冲突在气候变化领域中的体现。本文以投入产出法为基础建立经济模型,计算了1997~2007年中美贸易对气候变化的影响。结果表明,中美贸易使得美国的CO2排放量减少了2%~4%,中国增加了14%~20%,全球增加了2%~4%。因此,在设计国际气候制度时应考虑国际贸易的影响,美国应该为中国的部分CO2排放负责,中国应提高工业部门能源效率,改善出口商品结构并且在环境与贸易利益方面做出权衡取舍。  相似文献   

发展中国家都有一个从传统战略转变为新战略的过程。中国作为大国,情况复杂,认知和提出较早而实施较慢,现在到了转型的关键时候。否则,不利于今后的开创新局面。中央对此已有全面部署,贯彻落实,从理念到行动,要有一系列的应对。本文梳理出10项重点,应当抓紧促其成功。  相似文献   

跨国公司新组织形态:网络组织   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
20世纪90年代以来,网络已经成为描述当代组织的一个时词,大到跨越公司,小到企业家型的小企业,从新兴产业如生物技术到传统 为一如汽车制造业,从地区经济硅谷到韩国和的整修国民经济,越来越多的组织被描述成网络,如果说,工业时代的组织模式是大的层级制企业,那么,在以知识经济为标志的后工业时代,用于替代等级体系最好的管理结构就是网络化。显然,在这一网络化过程中,作为网络中心(轴心)的大型跨国公司的行为是非常得关注的。  相似文献   

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