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刘宪 《消费经济》2020,(2):20-28
从长期消费需求的视角来看,居民消费需求的释放遵循一定的次序,从基本的“吃穿住行”到较高层级的精神文化产品,是逐级释放的,这要求产业的生产活动也遵循同样的次序。中国40多年经济增长的基本逻辑在于产业的生产活动始终回应了居民的基本消费需求。在20世纪80年代到90年代中期,主要解决居民的温饱问题,以农业、日用化工及轻纺工业等产业为主导;2000年之后,主要解决居民的住行问题,以房地产、汽车、高速公路、高铁等产业为主导。从这一产业逻辑来看,中等收入陷阱实际上是“吃穿住行”等基本消费需求满足之后,居民的消费层级上升,产业需要进行相应的转型升级,但更高一级的消费需求出现了与以往完全不同的特点,导致产业生产活动无法有效跟进的结果。当前,我国居民更高一级的消费需求开始出现,产业处于转型升级的关键期,存在跌入中等收入陷阱的风险,因此,在产业战略上要关注更高一级消费需求的发展趋势,同时要积极寻找外部需求,且在这一过程中企业的治理结构也要做出相应的改变。  相似文献   

李爽 《中国电子商务》2014,(24):200-201
财务报告从诞生到今天,已经有70年的历史。自21世纪,随着科学技术的飞速发展,电子技术突飞猛进,财务报告日益成为连接金融信息提供商,接受者,监管机构和审计师之间的纽带。然而,传统的财务报告逐渐显示出了其局限性,无法满足财务报告使用者的需求。本文从财务报告的发展历程入手,阐述社会经济的发展决定财务报告的发展变化。也就是说,社会经济的发展是财务报告发展的根本动力。接着,文章通过分析现行财务报告存在的缺陷,以及造成的重大事项,论述改进现行财务报告的重要意义。然后,文章详细指出了我国现行财务报告存在的种种局限性:财务报告的内容不够完整,财务报告的信息披露方式不够完善等。据此,文章进一步对现行财务报告在信息的披露内容、披露模式等方面提出了具体的改进建议。  相似文献   

基于2005—2017年长三角41个城市数据,文章采用修正的引力模型构建加权有向商贸流通关联网络,并借助社会网络分析、OLS和QAP回归方法实证研究了长三角商贸流通网络结构特征及其效应和影响因素。研究发现:长三角商贸流通网络中节点联系日趋紧密且连通性增强,但存在明显的冗余联系和等级化特征;网络中各节点影响力的差异正在缩小,且省会城市仍占据商贸流通枢纽中心主导地位;特征向量中心性显著强化各节点商贸流通关联强度,中介中心性显著强化网络极化效应;收入水平、地方保护主义、金融发展、产业结构合理化、互联网、物流业发展和贸易开放的城际差异将显著影响商贸流通网络结构演变,其中金融发展、互联网信息基础设施和物流业发展发挥着关键性作用。  相似文献   

近年来,经济的迅速发展带来越来越严重的环境问题,社会各界逐渐认识到保护环境的重要性。企业作为经济活动的基本组成单位,既是环境效益的最大受益者,也是环境质量的最大破坏者。因此,研究企业环境行为和企业价值之间的关系非常重要。本研究在总结国内外相关文献研究的基础上,以采矿业,造纸业,金属冶炼及压延加工业,电力、热力、燃气、水的生产和供应业的A股303家上市公司为样本,从上市公司2017年年报、社会责任报告、可持续发展报告和环境报告书中搜集整理得到环境行为相关数据,提出研究假设,选取“三废(废气、废水、废渣)”排放量、排污费、企业从政府获得的环保补助、环保设备等方面的投入以及上市公司及其子公司是否属于环境保护部门公布的重点排污单位五方面作为企业环境行为的代表变量,以企业价值作为被解释变量,引入控制变量有企业规模、第一大股东持股比例和净资产收益率,建立分析模型,对数据进行统计描述、相关性检验及回归分析,以验证假设是否成立。研究结论表明,“三废”排放量、环保补助、重点排污单位与企业价值相关关系不显著,排污费与企业所有者权益比值和企业价值负相关,环保投入与企业总资产的比值与企业价值正相关关系显著。企业规模与企业价值负相关关系显著。净资产收益率和企业价值正相关关系显著。第一大股东持股比例与企业价值之间的相关关系不显著。最后提出有针对性的若干建议。通过本文的研究希望可以促使更多企业提高环境管理水平,提升环境责任意识,实现可持续发展理念。  相似文献   

中日两国由于各自独特的地理环境、宗教习俗、审美观念等的不同,从而形成了不同的色彩现。其中红色认识差异最为显著。在中国,红色有祖先崇拜、辟邪、吉祥和女性之红等特征;在日本则有魔力、辟邪、禁忌和女性之红等特征;在红色能辟邪和象征女性方面,中日两国是相同的,其他文化特征则有差异。从中日两国传统红色彩文化意识的演变中可以看出:在中国,传统“红色”依然占据中心地位,受到人们的喜爱;而在日本,红色的负面文化含义越来越弱,“中国式的红”正在慢慢被日本社会所接受。  相似文献   

绿色物流的发展瓶颈与对策研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
发展绿色物流有利于社会经济可持续发展,增强企业的社会责任感和竞争力,降低企业的经营成本,是一种新的物流管理趋势。但是我国绿色物流的发展现状不容乐观,存在绿色物流观念尚未普及、政策缺乏、技术落后、专业人才短缺等瓶颈。针对这些问题,政府、企业、消费者三方面都应采取相应的对策。政府应完善绿色物流的管理,制定相关政策法规,以标准化促进绿色化,积极传播绿色理念;企业应大力推行绿色采购,进行绿色流通加工,加强绿色包装管理,完善绿色仓储与保管,推行绿色运输,实行绿色营销策略;消费者要积极倡导绿色需要、绿色消费,通过绿色消费行为方式迫使企业实施绿色物流管理,以绿色消费舆论促进政府加强绿色物流管理。  相似文献   

一头是菜贱伤农,一头是菜贵伤民,在这一流通怪圈中,谁是真正的赢家?何时出手?何时放手?考验着各方智慧及政府决策的执行力……  相似文献   

Franchising has been and continues to be a very popular way to do business for a number of retailers and service businesses. However, the type of franchising that has been growing the most, namely business-format franchising, has not grown at the kind of phenomenal rates that the trade press often suggests. Since the Department of Commerce (DOC) canceled its publication Franchising in the Economy, we no longer have access to census-type data on franchising in the U.S. However, looking at the period during which the DOC did publish these data, one finds that the number of business-format franchisors is highly correlated with the number of units in these chains. Thus, we use data from recent issues of various franchisor directories to assess the number of franchisors in the U.S., and infer from this how business-format franchising has grown in the U.S. We find that business-format franchising has been growing over the last decade at a rate that is, at best, commensurate with the growth of the economy as a whole.We believe that the confusion about the extent of growth in franchising arises, in part, from the fact that many new firms enter into franchising each year, leading to the notion that this way of doing business is growing tremendously. However, we show that many firms also exit from franchising each year, for a net growth rate much below the entry rate.This paper shows that franchising is not a panacea for entrepreneurs, whether franchisor or franchisee. From the franchisor's viewpoint, the high rate of exits suggests that many firms fail despite franchising, and many others choose to stop franchising after trying it for a few years. Clearly, these firms have found that franchising is not right for them. Furthermore, the results show that the characteristics of the chain at the time it becomes involved in franchising, as described in the main franchisor directories—such as the royalty rate, the advertising fee, the franchise fee, the amount of capital required, and the sector of operation—have little capacity to explain “survival.” The main variable that affects “survival” among those that are typically reported in franchisor listings is the number of years that the franchisor has been in business before starting to franchise. Hence our results suggest this is one dimension in which franchisors can make decisions that affect the probability that they will be successful in franchising. Although we are unable to explain most of the variance in outcome, the results mostly imply that other, less easily observed or quantified characteristics of the chain and the franchisor, such as maybe the “innovativeness” of the product, the amount of support provided to franchisees, the financial backing of the franchisor, etc., likely influence “success” the most, and thus, are worth investigating further.From the perspective of franchisees, the amount of exit found here suggests that in the majority of systems, franchisees cannot expect that their franchisor will be around for the whole duration of their contract—which averages about 15 years according to the Department of Commerce. This does not mean that the majority of franchised businesses will find themselves in an “exiting” system—a small minority of very well-established franchisors accounts for the majority of franchised businesses, and these are likely to remain successful for years to come. But entrepreneurs buying franchises from less established systems are likely to face franchisor exit, either failure or departure. This paper confirms that franchisees should thoroughly investigate the franchise system they want to invest in, going beyond the information about royalty rates, advertising rates, rankings, etc., found in franchisor directories, and toward more product, market, and other less easily accessible information about the chain.  相似文献   

2020年新冠肺炎疫情的爆发和蔓延对我国旅游业造成了巨大冲击,但这只是阶段性的,不会改变我国旅游业敏感却不脆弱的基本预期和判断,疫情过后我国旅游业仍将极具韧性地呈现快速复苏势头。与2003年非典型肺炎疫情相比,2020年新冠肺炎疫情对我国旅游业的影响更加严重,一定要在高于非典型肺炎疫情影响的预估下,客观吸取非典型肺炎疫情时期经验教训,更加充分地考虑应对之策。对政府而言,既要充分加强危机管理,引导企业自救,强化政策支持,又要分预案、分区域、分市场提早谋划;对旅游相关企业而言,既要积极担当,为疫情防控贡献力量,又要积极开展经营自救,对疫情结束后旅游市场的需求变动进行分析和预测,为在产业复苏中抢抓机遇做好准备。此外,还要重视新冠肺炎疫情在创新应用、供需对接、旅游管理等方面催生的改革机遇,化危为机,推动旅游业进一步改革升级。  相似文献   

随着农村经济的不断发展,农村居民的生活方式发生了变化,生活方式的变化引起了农村居民消费行为的变化。本文把农村居民的生活方式划分为金钱型、尊重型、传统型、权力型和道德型,以这五种生活方式为基础把农村市场细分为守旧型、享受型、现实型、权威型、欲望型、创造财富型、个人价值增值型和守法型,这种市场细分对企业开辟农村市场有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

东北地区物流产业的发展与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,东北地区物流产业的发展尚处于起步阶段,资源利用效率不高,物流成本居高不下,多数物流企业网点密度小,服务功能单一,物流业总体规模小,并呈明显的行业性、区域性特点,本土专业物流公司少,企业竞争力弱,但其大物流体系已现雏形。文章提出,制约东北地区物流产业发展的原因主要在于观念、制度、人才和环境等方面。为促进东北地区物流产业发展,应鼓励第三方物流企业进行兼并、重组、联合与技术升级,完善网络,做大做强;发挥高校、科研院所、行业协会在人才培养、物流技术改进等方面的重要作用;支持行业领先企业拓展业务范围,发展增值服务;加强基础设施建设,制定行业发展规划和行业标准。  相似文献   

当今世界经济处于失衡之中,而在众多关于世界经济失衡的解释中,只有马克思主义的观点才真正抓住了失衡的本质。文章以马克思的《资本论》为基础,从探讨资本失衡导致世界经济失衡的过程出发,对资本在全球的积累、配置、流动、竞争和要素分配进行了分析,认为资本的失衡是世界经济失衡的本质原因,资本在全球的积累、配置、流动、竞争和要素分配的失衡导致了世界经济的失衡,从而勾勒出资本失衡导致世界经济失衡的全过程。  相似文献   

This article assesses if innovators outperform non-innovators in Brazilian manufacturing during 1996–2002. To do so, we begin with a simple theoretical model and test the impacts of technological innovation (treatment) on innovating firms (treated) by employing propensity score matching techniques. Correcting for the survivorship bias in the period, it was verified that, on an average, the accomplishment of technological innovations produces positive and significant impacts on the employment, the net revenue, the labor productivity, the capital productivity, and market share of the firms. However, this result was not observed for the mark-up. Especially, the net revenue reflects more robustly the impacts of the innovations. Quantitatively speaking, innovating firms experienced a 10.8–12.5 percentage points (p.p. henceforth) higher growth on employment, a 18.1–21.7 p.p. higher growth on the net revenue, a 10.8–11.9 p.p. higher growth on labor productivity, a 11.8–12.0 p.p. higher growth on capital productivity, and a 19.9–24.3 p.p. higher growth on their market share, relative to the average of the non-innovating firms in the control group. It was also observed that the conjunction of product and process innovations, relative to other forms of innovation, presents the stronger impacts on the performance of Brazilian firms.  相似文献   

This paper extends the discussion of business ethics by examining the issue of corruption, its definition, the solutions being proposed for dealing with it, and the ethical perspectives underpinning these proposals. The paper’s findings are based on a review of association, think-tank, and academic reports, books, and papers dealing with the topic of corruption, as well as the pronouncements, websites, and position papers of a number of important global organizations active in the fight. These organizations include the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Transparency International, USAID, the United Nations, the International Chamber of Commerce, the Organization of American States, and the Council of Europe. Our discussion departs from prior analyses by adopting a Foucaultian theoretical framing and by incorporating insights found in the virtue ethics literature. Implications are provided for international business organizations.  相似文献   

关于中国市场体系建设和流通现代化的几个问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,从市场体系和市场机制的完备程度来看,我国还不能称之为发达市场经济国家。因为我国要素市场特别是资本市场发育程度不够,一些重要商品和服务还没有真正市场化,国民经济中还存在一些价格机制管不到的领域。当前我国大量存在的工业消费品和生产资料批发市场,应当成为一种开放式的经营业态,一切好的流通方式,都可以学习引进,同时也不排除向一切先进业态转化。推进流通现代化,要从中国国情出发,鼓励各种业态平等竞争;要突破禁区,打破垄断,进一步解放流通生产力;要转换政府在流通中的角色,从市场的“创造者”转变为市场的“服务者”,从“运动员”转变为“裁判员”;要积极应对“入世”,加快整合国内市场,发掘中国流通企业的自身优势,尽快实现改造和升级,真正把服务质量和流通效率搞上去;要加快流通立法,整顿和规范市场秩序;要充分发挥流通行业协会的作用。  相似文献   

During the first third of the twentieth century, U. S. railroadexecutives offered local collection and delivery trucking operations.Railroad managers claimed, with justification, that these serviceswere necessary to reduce congestion at urban freight terminals,and to increase the operating efficiency. Yet, executives alsoemployed collection and delivery practices to discriminate againstshippers and communities, and to draw business away from rivalcarriers, in violation of the 1887 Interstate Commerce Act,the 1903 Elkins Act, and the Transportation Act of 1920. Duringthe 1920s, as competition from independent truckers became moreintense, railroad managers used their inherent advantage inline-haul service to cross-subsidize local delivery services,to the detriment of independent motor carriers—an issueof considerable concern to Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)commissioners, following the passage of the 1935 Motor CarrierAct. The railroads' emphasis on the productive efficiency associatedwith local trucking operations conflicted with the allocativeefficiency advocated by federal courts and by the ICC. CommissionerJoseph B. Eastman, in particular, emphasized both the potentialbenefits and the potential dangers associated with coordinatedrail-truck service. More broadly, the status of that service,as one of the few forms of transportation that lay beyond theICC's authority, stemmed from a complex interaction, over severaldecades, between all three branches of the federal government.By 1938, the ICC commissioners had concluded that the railroads'local delivery operations occupied a nebulous region betweenrail and truck regulation. While lawful, they did not serveas a model for post-1945 efforts to achieve integrated, multi-modaltransportation services.  相似文献   

顾颖 《江苏商论》2020,(2):58-61
一带一路倡议是我国近年来经济发展的重要方向,在一带一路倡议的带动下,常州市作为长三角经济带中的重要城市,也迎来了不可多得的发展契机。对此,本课题厘清一带一路、优势产业、城市对外开放等关键概念内涵,介绍研究思路、研究方法、可能的创新和不足。以常州市为研究对象,从服务主体、服务客体、服务内容、服务方式和服务体制等方面分析常州市推进对外开放新格局存在的问题并分析背后成因。系统梳理常州市优势产业转型升级形势和城市对外开放格局现状,在一带一路的背景下分析问题产生的主要原因,结合国内外城市优势产业助推城市对外开放格局建设的经验,根据常州市实际提出具体对策建议。  相似文献   

企业竞争优势持久性的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,企业的竞争优势通常来源于成本优势、差别化优势、集中一点优势、关联与整合优势、技术优势等。成本优势主要源于规模经济、生产能力利用模式及学习模式,其持久性在于竞争者难以复制或模仿;差别化优势的持久性在于企业拥有的核心技能(如技术领先、组织机构优势、质量优势、销售领先等)的可否替代性及其程度,不可替代的核心技能才不容易被复制,多样的差别化优势才更持久;集中一点优势主要来源于成本集中和差别集中,其持久性在于目标市场足够大,可以赢利,具有很好的成长潜力,公司拥有有效服务目标市场的资源和能力及借此建立起来的商誉;关联与整合优势在企业之间形成一种链式结构,有利于减少成本,扩大市场份额,形成规模经济,提高抗风险能力;技术优势的持久性取决于技术模仿的难度、技术持续开发和创新能力、技术专利等。同时,竞争战略的持续性和稳定性、部分战略的随机调整能力、竞争战略向竞争优势的转化能力等,也对企业竞争优势的持久性产生影响。  相似文献   

浅议美国量化宽松货币政策背景下我国的经济对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为应对金融危机带来的经济衰退,美国政府采用了量化宽松的货币政策,对全球经济产生了深远的影响,对我国经济的影响同样不可忽视。美国的量化宽松政策一方面导致我国出现严重的输入性通胀,另一方面迫使人民币升值压力加剧。更为严重的是我国的货币政策陷入到两难的境地。为了应对美国这一政策,我国需要全面运用货币政策、财政政策、收入政策、产业政策等政策组合,避免成为美国货币政策的牺牲品。同时以此为契机,加快我国经济结构调整和收入分配体制改革,并积极推进人民币国际化。  相似文献   

实施逆向物流的效应分析与策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,逆向物流通过对资源的再利用,可有效地避免资源浪费,加强环境管理,实现资源的循环再生。同时,逆向物流活动对核心企业、供应链各环节、消费者、政府、社会公众等相关主体的经济、环境和社会效应有较大影响,产生利润效应、协同效应、价值效应、环境效应和生态效应。文章提出,企业实施逆向物流,应将重点放在物品回收和对回收品的处理上;供应链合作企业应通过信任机制和奖惩体系来保证供应链合作的稳定性;消费者应树立逆向物流理念,倡导逆向物流行为,并积极从自身做起;政府应灵活运用经济手段,对不同的企业征收不同的环境税,对一些自身没有能力构建逆向物流的中小型企业集中管理,以园区为单位构建逆向物流系统,达到信息、资源和设施的共享,建立回收中心并对产品实施智能标签,提倡并鼓励消费者自觉退回可逆向物流的产品,加大舆论宣传力度,鼓励企业和消费者参与逆向物流活动,出台有关资源、能源和环境保护的法律法规,尽快实施并严格执行。  相似文献   

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