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Multi-life models are useful in actuarial science for studying life contingency. Contingent probabilities are well-understood by most actuaries and are discussed extensively in the existing actuarial literature. However, the mean of a life in a multi-life model involving order of deaths is often found to be rather challenging to interpret by most actuaries who do not understand measure-theoretic probability. Standard textbooks on actuarial science or statistics do not elaborate on the correct interpretation of contingent means, leaving the actuaries at risk of making a blunder. This paper presents the correct interpretation both heuristically and rigorously using a non-measure-theoretic language, so that actuaries will be aware of some common misconceptions and avoid pitfalls in their work. The primary audience of this paper is practicing actuaries, actuarial students and actuarial educators. So we have given several actuarial applications. We hope that applied statisticians also will find this paper useful.  相似文献   

In this study we analyze the effect of order imbalance on the quotation behavior of Nasdaq market makers. We find that Nasdaq market makers use both price and quantity quotes when dealing with order imbalances. However, order imbalance affects only price movement, not spreads. We also find that Nasdaq market makers quote more shares and compete more intensively on bid-side (ask-side) when public sells (buys) exceed public buys (sells). These suggest that market makers increase liquidity supply when order imbalances exist. More interestingly, we show that both market conditions and price movements affect investors' trading behavior.  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance of different policy rules. Our comparisons focus on simple feedback rules versus rules which are optimal, given knowledge of the correct economic structure and the appropriate loss function for the policymaker. First, we compare rule performance when the correct model is not known. Second, we compare rule performance with respect to the frequency-specific behavior for variables of interest. Taken as a whole, our results indicate how the case for a model-specific optimal rule can break down when one relaxes the assumption that the true model is known as well as the assumption that the appropriate loss function is known. Links are made to the literature on monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the implications of the uncertain timing and usage of loan commitments for the optimal level of bank capital. We use trended Brownian motion to proxy the stochastic takedown of credit lines. Relying on “time to first passage” mathematics, we derive a probability density function for the time to depletion of the bank credit line as well as the likelihood for the time to exhausting the sources of liquidity that fund the loan takedown. Armed with these analytical results, we solve for the optimal level of bank capital within a simultaneous equation framework in order to capture the interrelationships of the endogenous variables. The optimality conditions produce a system of integral differential equations which refuse to yield reduced form solutions and provide no immediate intuition. Therefore, the maximizing values of the bank’s decision variables were simulated over a host of realistic scenarios. We document the comparative static behavior of the bank’s decision variables when equity is unencumbered by capital requirements and, also, examine the impact of the same parametric changes on bank behavior when equity is a fixed proportion of lending. Further simulations produce the expected time to liquidity depletion under different capital requirement schemes.  相似文献   

Partial adjustment toward optimal cash holding levels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recognizing that industry and capital market conditions may impede a firm's desire to achieve its targeted cash holding levels, we estimate a dynamic model that allows firms to adjust their cash holding levels over time and find evidence consistent with a trade-off type behavior in cash holding levels. We estimate a partial adjustment model and find that firms rapidly correct any deviation from their targeted cash levels. A typical firm in our sample closes this gap within two years. Inconsistent with the agency view of excess cash holdings, we find that cash holding levels for firms with excess cash persists over time compared to those that have a deficit. We also find that smaller firms typically hold excess cash and are quicker to correct deviations than large firms consistent with the view that it is more costly for financially constrained firms to operate at sub-optimal levels of liquid assets.  相似文献   

This paper performs lower boundary condition tests based on rational pricing of call options and an implied standard deviation test based on the bid/ask prices of options. These efficiency tests attempt to closely approximate conditions in the option markets to avoid the pitfalls indicated by Phillips and Smith (1980). The tests use transactions data and account for the effects of stock and option bid/ask prices, simultaneity of stock and option prices, depth of market, execution lag and transaction costs. The small and relatively infrequent profits due to market mispricing disappear in the lower boundary tests when transaction costs are taken into account. Frequent violations of the tighter boundary conditions in the implied standard deviation test are reported, but the estimated profits cannot be unambiguously attributed to option market inefficiency.  相似文献   

This article examines forecasting pitfalls through a consideration of problems raised in the philosophy of science. It is argued that recognition of these pitfalls will serve as a first step towards developing forecasting as a fully fledged scientific discipline.  相似文献   

本文通过数据分析详细刻画了中国上市公司融资行为和资本结构的特征,发现中国上市公司融资行为与G-7国家实践和西方经典公司金融理论的预期截然相反.为了有效解释这一背离现象,论文以西方公司金融学的最新进展为基础,结合中国资本市场融资条件和产品市场竞争的实际状况,对中国上市公司融资行为给出了新的分析框架.论文最后针对如何规范资本市场融资秩序提出了建议.  相似文献   

In their well-known article, Madan and Unal (1998) presented one of the first intensity-based credit risk models. In this approach the default intensity is directly linked to the market value of the firm's equity. In order to derive the probability of default Madan and Unal have to solve a partial differential equation (PDE). Here, we show that one of the transformations in the derivation of the solution of this PDE is not correct and analyze the difference between the correct solution of the PDE and the solution based on the incorrect transformation. As a consequence of the transformation error the credit risk of a debtor is systematically underestimated.  相似文献   

When agents first invest in financial markets, they are relatively inexperienced. The agents best positioned to educate the inexperienced stand to earn trading profits at the expense of inexperienced agents. Owing to this phenomenon, we show that the equilibrium amount of financial education does not fully correct the biases of the inexperienced agents. In a dynamic setting, large levels of uninformed trading volume may be generated by the inexperienced agents. This is because, in equilibrium, the experienced intermediaries may delay educating the inexperienced in order to earn commissions in earlier rounds of trade.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of proprietary algorithmic traders in facilitating liquidity in a limit order market. Using order‐level data from the National Stock Exchange of India, we find that proprietary algorithmic traders increase limit order supply following periods of both high short‐term stock‐specific volatility and extreme stock price movement. Even following periods of high marketwide volatility, they do not decrease their supply of liquidity. We define orders from high‐frequency traders as a subclass of orders from proprietary algorithmic traders that are revised in less than three milliseconds. The behavior of high‐frequency trading mimics the behavior of its parent class. This is inconsistent with the theory that fast traders leave the market when stress situations arise, although their limit‐order‐supplying behavior becomes weaker when the increase in short‐term volatility is more informational than transitory. Agency algorithmic traders and nonalgorithmic traders behave opposite to proprietary algorithmic traders by reducing the supply of liquidity during stress situations. The presence of faster traders in the market possibly instills the fear of adverse selection in them. We document that the order imbalance of agency algorithmic traders is positively related to future short‐term returns, whereas the order imbalance of proprietary algorithmic traders is negatively related to future short‐term returns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of capital market conditions and target leverage on the marginal financing decisions of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), which include both capital raising and capital reduction activities. We investigate the relevance of a hybrid hypothesis whereby REITs have target leverage, but they also choose and time their marginal financing decisions according to the capital market conditions. The empirical results suggest that target leverage behavior plays a secondary role to market timing behavior in the financing decisions of REITs. In particular, we find strong and consistent evidence that REITs exhibit market timing behavior in terms of when and what type of capital to issue or reduce. Such market timing practices, motivated by attempts to take advantage of capital market conditions, may shift the firms away from their target leverage. However, we observe that in the long run, most REITs do move their capital structure towards the target debt level.  相似文献   

In this paper the role of information asymmetries between regions and a centralized authority is analyzed. In a model with inter-regional externalities due to capital mobility and a source-based tax instrument, we first derive conditions for which the optimum can be implemented by an adequately designed institution even with decentralized information about preferences for redistribution. Second we demonstrate that social-policy does not have to be centralized in order to implement the optimum. Decentralization of social policies is compatible with efficiency even when source-based taxes have to be used if decentralized authorities can rely on the enforcement of bilateral contracts.  相似文献   

We survey the theories on why banks promise to pay par on demand and examine evidence on the conditions under which banks have promised to pay the par value of deposits and banknotes on demand when holding only fractional reserves. The theoretical literature is divided into four strands: liquidity provision; asymmetric information; legal restrictions; and a medium of exchange. We assume that it is not zero cost to make a promise to redeem a liability at par value on demand. If so, then the conditions in the theories that result in par redemption are possible explanations why banks promise to pay par on demand. If the explanation based on customers’ demand for liquidity is correct, payment of deposits at par will be promised when banks hold assets that are illiquid in the short run. If the asymmetric-information explanation based on the difficulty of valuing assets is correct, the marketability of banks’ assets determines whether banks promise to pay par. If the legal restrictions explanation of par redemption is correct, banks will not promise to pay par if they are not required to do so. If the transaction explanation is correct, banks will promise to pay par if the deposits are used in transactions. We examine the history of banking in several countries in different eras: fourth century Athens, medieval Italy, Tokugawa Japan, and free banking and money market mutual funds in the United States. Each of the theories explains some of the observed banking arrangements and none explains all of them.  相似文献   

Inflation shocks are one of the pitfalls of developing economies and are usually difficult to hedge. This paper examines the optimal strategic asset allocation for a Brazilian investor seeking to hedge inflation risk at different horizons, ranging from one to 30 years. Using a vector-autoregressive specification to model inter-temporal dependency across variables, we measure the inflation hedging properties of domestic and foreign investments and carry out a portfolio optimisation. Our results show that foreign currencies complement traditional assets very efficiently when hedging a portfolio against inflation: around 70% of the portfolio should be dedicated to domestic assets (equities, inflation-linked (IL) bonds and nominal bonds), whereas 30% should be invested in foreign currencies, especially the US dollar and the euro.  相似文献   

Using a laboratory market, we investigate how the ability to hide orders affects traders’ strategies and market outcomes in a limit order book environment. We find that order strategies are greatly affected by allowing hidden liquidity, with traders substituting nondisplayed for displayed shares and changing the aggressiveness of their trading. As traders adapt their behavior to the different opacity regimes, however, most aggregate market outcomes (such as liquidity and informational efficiency) are not affected as much. We also find that opacity appears to increase the profits of informed traders but only when their private information is very valuable.  相似文献   

We examine the lending behavior of banks during anxious periods. The main characteristic of anxious periods is that the perceptions and expectations about economic conditions worsen for economic agents even though the economy is not in a recession. We identify distinct periods of anxiety for consumers, CEOs (firms) and analysts. Subsequently, we study the lending behavior of US banks during the anxious quarters from 1985 to 2010, using bank-level data. The results show that banks’ lending falls when consumers and analysts are anxious, and this effect is more pronounced when banks hold a higher level of credit risk. These effects are more pronounced in anxious periods that were followed by recessions, and in these periods loan growth also responds negatively to the anxiety of CEOs. Yet, these effects are quite less prevalent in the period after 2001.  相似文献   

谭德凯  何枫 《金融研究》2019,468(6):39-57
不够稳定和报价易被操纵是Shibor基准利率地位的两个主要挑战。本文结合ARJI-GARCH模型构造了一种较新的可以检测更轻微羊群行为的方法,在此基础上,基于2007到2017年Shibor报价的日度数据,分析了市场利率自律定价机制对Shibor波动性及报价中羊群行为的影响。研究发现:自律机制明显降低了Shibor的波动程度,尤其是极端波动明显减少;但报价中的羊群行为在自律机制发挥作用后有增强的态势,报价行出于维护声誉动机在Shibor波动较大时会倾向于从众报价。自律机制改善了Shibor的稳定性,但在应对羊群行为方面还需要进一步完善有关制度。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the pitfalls in the pricing of barrier options using approximations of the underlying continuous processes via discrete lattice models. To prevent from numerical deficiencies, the space axis is discretized first, and not the time axis. In a Black–Scholes setup, models with improved convergence properties are constructed: a trinomial model and a randomized trinomial model where price changes occur at the jump times of a Poisson process. These lattice models are sufficiently general to handle options with multiple barriers: the numerical difficulties are resolved and extrapolation yields even moreaccurate results. In a last step, we extend the Black–Scholes setup and incorporate unpredictable discontinuous price movements.The randomized trinomial model can easily beextended to this case, inheriting its superior convergence properties.  相似文献   

We first applied cluster analysis on selected stock market indexes (NASDAQ, DAX, Nikkei 225, FTSE 100, and Dow-Jones) for identifying four global fundamental patterns of stock markets behavior (to be named “market conditions”). On each of these patterns (attesting similar market conditions) we then applied Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification technique to test for the similarities and differences in the behavior of investors in the various stock markets. Our results show a good degree of separation of investors' behavior for the selected national stock markets (i.e., investors in different national financial markets react differently, facing the same market conditions, while the two US national markets (NASDAQ and Dow-Jones) behave the same). The results could be interpreted as a positive evidence for different investor behavior (and risk attitude) in different national stock markets. The presented approach could be used for further classification of financial indices behavior, and investment strategies associated with multinational investment portfolios.  相似文献   

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