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正自2013年以来,互联互通成为了APEC合作的热点之一。2014年的APEC会议将"加强全方位基础设施和互联互通建设"列为三大核心议题之一。该领域的合作涵盖基础设施建设、人员跨境流动,以及规制的协调与融合等多个层面,前景非常广阔,将在构建新型亚太伙伴关系的进程中发挥重要的作用。APEC互联互通合作的意义当前,经济全球化和区域经济一体化持续深入发展,APEC成员通过  相似文献   

2009年以后增长战略成为APEC合作的重要议题。为了提高经济增长质量,继续发挥世界经济引擎的作用,APEC确定了平衡、包容、可持续、创新和安全增长的新经济增长战略并制订了行动计划。APEC增长战略蕴藏着机遇,同时也面临较大困难与挑战。  相似文献   

APEC"中国年"对APEC自身来说很关键。对于APEC合作的有效推动来说,内部任何一对双边关系的紧张化都是不利因素。比如中日关系,能否在这次峰会期间实现两国领导人的双边会谈是各方都在关注的议题。目前看,日方似乎不想再做更多,只是希望能有一次"走廊偶遇"的机会。  相似文献   

中研 《宁波经济》2014,(12):12-12
当我国众多网民在“双十一”打折季进行“血拼”时,在北京进行的亚太经合组织(APEC)会议上,“互联网经济”作为中方首次引入的新议题被频频提及,有关专家及企业界人士认为,迅猛发展的互联网经济将成为拉动亚太经济增长的新引擎。  相似文献   

本文在对APEC合作最新进展进行总结分析的基础上,重点对2011年APEC会议的优先议题,即:供应链连结问题、中小企业参与全球生产链、FTAAP的发展和EGS的贸易自由化和便利化等议题进行了评析;在此基础上提出了中国相应的策略建议。  相似文献   

李士萌 《中国报道》2023,(12):64-67
<正>作为亚太地区层级最高、领域最广、最具影响力的经济合作机制,APEC机制依然在地区合作中发挥重要作用。当地时间11月15日至17日,亚太经合组织(APEC)第三十次领导人非正式会议在美国旧金山举办。今年APEC会议的主题为“为所有人创造一个有韧性和可持续的未来”,重点讨论可持续发展、数字化、贸易便利化、能源安全和粮食安全等经济议题,包含高级官员会议、财长会议、外交部部长和贸易部长会议、工商界领袖会议及领导人会议等多项议程。  相似文献   

正楼继伟:"这个议题大家讨论最为热烈,几乎占了将近一半的时间。"2014年10月22日,作为亚太经合组织(APEC)第22次领导人非正式会议前最后一个亮相的专业部长级会议,北京举行了第21届APEC财长会议。这是一次高规格的闭门会议,由中国财政部部长楼继伟主持,共有21  相似文献   

张龙 《亚太经济》2002,(5):17-20
本文简要回顾了APEC经济技术合作的发展历程,指出了上海会议之前APEC各个历史时期经济技术合作发展的成果、特点和不足,重点介绍了APEC上海会议在经济技术合作方面取得的重大成果及意义,最后分析了现阶段经济技术合作亟待解决的问题及其对策.  相似文献   

盛斌 《亚太经济》2001,(5):7-12,32
市场功能建设是APEC于1999年9月提出的一项新议题,文章介绍了APEC成员经济体就市场功能建设的8个方面的工作进展情况,并对经济制基础设施的改进和加强提出意见。  相似文献   

罗薇  辑录 《产权导刊》2014,(12):7-8
亚太经济合作组织((Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,简称亚太经合组织或APEC)是亚太地区层级最高、领域最广、最具影响力的经济合作机制,其宗旨为通过推动自由开放的贸易投资,深化区域经济一体化,加强经济技术合作,改善商业环境,以建立一个充满活力、和谐共赢的亚太大家庭,成立于1989年。2001年10月21日,APEC第九次领导人非正式会议在上海举行,会议达成《领导人宣言》及相关的《上海共识》等文件。时隔13年,APEC再度回到中国。11月5日至11日,2014年APEC会议周在北京成功举办,“共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系”的主题紧扣时代的脉搏。〈br〉 11月11日,APEC第二十二次领导人非正式会议在北京怀柔雁栖召开,全部21个经济体成员国家领导出席了会议,中国国家主席习近平主持会议。各成员领导人围绕“推动区域经济一体化”、“促进经济创新发展、改革与增长”、“加强全方位基础设施与互联互通建设”三项重点议题深入交换意见,共商区域经济合作大计,达成广泛共识。习近平在讲话中强调,面对新形势,亚太经济体应深入推进区域经济一体化,打造发展创新、增长联动、利益融合的开放型亚太经济格局,共建互信、包容、合作、共赢的亚太伙伴关系,为亚太和世界经济发展增添动力。会议发表了《北京纲领:构建融合、创新、互联的亚太—亚太经合组织领导人宣言》和《共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系—亚太经合组织成立25周年声明》。  相似文献   

2010年后的APEC进程:格局之变与中国的策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着2010年茂物目标第一个时间表的到期以及亚太区域经济一体化的不断深入,APEC在未来的合作进程中将面临一系列新的问题和挑战,在合作目标、领域和运行方式方面都有可能作出相应的调整。中国应从自身的战略利益出发,以新的思维参与和推进APEC合作进程。  相似文献   

There is a growing consensus that competition‐oriented policy framework would be instrumental in achieving the Bogor goal of trade and investment liberalization by 2010/2020. As of now, only eight economies have the experience of operating competition policy for more than a decade. Many emerging economies of the APEC have only begun to introduce competition policy. The Auckland APEC Leaders Meeting of 1999 adopted the APEC competition principles. It is a significant step forward, but more hard work lies ahead: the issue of developing specific and concrete work program to implement the competition principles within the APEC and how to put competition policy in the much broader context of a multilateral trading system. The paper maps out a specific strategy to move the competition policy agenda forward at the APEC and how to link to the WTO and identifies the sources of such value‐added and makes a proposal in order to best utilize them.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamics of output connectedness of Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies using time‐varying, region‐specific, generalised connectedness measures. We find that the connectedness of APEC economies with the rest of the world is quite substantial, with the 2008–09 Global Financial Crisis increasing the connectedness measures above their precrisis levels. The USA, China, and Korea are shown to be systemically important and to dominate APEC’s real activities, while outside the APEC region the roles of India and the UK are also non‐negligible. These results suggest that the majority of APEC economies are considerably open to output shocks from the dominant economies such that policymakers in APEC must be continuously conscious of headwinds originating from these sources.  相似文献   

2011年元旦期间,气温骤降,大雪弥漫,将平时爱到超市买零食解馋的李玲困在了家里。庆幸的是,之前她已在“我买网”(www.womai.com)下了订单,买了干果、饼干、饮料一箩筐,在家里边看大片边享口福。她发现,在我买网购物不仅方便,商品也丰富,还能买到一般超市没有的特色产品,价格也比商店便宜些。她已经很少去超市了。  相似文献   

This paper explores the evolution of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) from 1988, when Australia first proposed it, to the present day. The analysis follows the tradition of the game theory of international politics and utilizes a variant of the scenario bundle mehod of Reinhard Selten (1977). The model explains APEC as an informal process rather than a full blown international organization, and why ASEAN is the decisive player in Pacific cooperation. An analysis of historical events since the creation of APEC leads to the hypothesis that an OECD style organization, which Australia had originally hoped for, will not be established in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

2010年APEC13成员参加了茂物目标评估,文章就评估的四个领域,即关税、非关税、服务贸易、投资进行了分析,阐明了参加评估的成员在推进自由化中取得的成就,指出了今后继续推进自由化的具体领域。  相似文献   

The creation of a region-wide economic agreement in Asia has become a hot topic among trade policymakers in the region. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2010 Summit Statement clearly states that members should pursue a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) by building on various ongoing regional cooperation frameworks including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)+3, ASEAN+6, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This paper attempts to streamline the policy arguments over sequencing issues by clarifying the pros and cons of various paths toward a future region-wide agreement in Asia. The paper presents two possible approaches: consolidation versus expansion. It then identifies how the two approaches differ in terms of evolutionary parameters including the timing of negotiations, scope of agreement, and development of membership. The driving forces behind the evolution of regional agreements in each approach are also clarified. The second half of the paper analyzes three possible paths toward a region-wide agreement—ASEAN+α free trade agreements, TPP, and the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA)—in terms of both evolutionary parameters and driving forces.  相似文献   

This paper uses new data to examine whether APEC achieved its aim of reducing trade transaction costs by 10% over the 2002–2010 period. An inversion of the familiar gravity model makes it possible to infer trade costs based on the observed pattern of trade and production across economies. Analysis of trade costs calculated in this way shows that although intra- and extra-APEC trade costs fell during the sample period, they did not do so substantially more quickly than elsewhere in the world. Indeed, the region taken as a whole did not meet the 10% reduction goal. However, a considerable number of individual economies not only met the goal, they greatly exceeded it. Consistent with their outward oriented development strategies and leverage of global and regional value chains, some APEC economies saw very rapid falls in their trade costs over the 2002–2010 period, Viet Nam being a standout performer. Overall, about one third of the forum's membership for which consistent data are available met or exceeded the 10% reduction goal. APEC's two Trade Facilitation Action Plans can therefore be seen as having had mixed records of success.  相似文献   

This paper aims to establish a firm understanding of the structure and determinants of bilateral portfolio investment among APEC economies. The paper demonstrates that APEC membership has a significantly positive relationship with financial transactions among members. That is, as compared with non-members, APEC member economies purchase more equities and long-term bonds from other APEC member economies. However, the APEC membership effect is not uniform: the positive effect of APEC membership is mainly due to the overshadowing role of East Asian countries. This finding is especially evident for equities, rather than for long-term bonds. This paper also shows that a large part of the regional financial market integration in the APEC region is due to strong linkages of intra-regional goods trade in the region.  相似文献   

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