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Dynamic strategic thinking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Market analysts and marketing strategists stress understanding the fundamental dynamics of a market, but how deeply do they think about the interplay of such fundamentals and what frameworks do they use in such thinking? How do business schools teach managers to think this way? The premise of this article is that in their strategizing, senior marketing executives, boards of directors, consultants, and financial analysts should see the market and the firm’s embeddedness in a market as a moving video rather than a static snapshot. The authors propose that what makes the video move are fundamental feedback effects that create the evolutionary paths that a market and a firm may travel. A taxonomy of systemic feedback regularities is presented with applications that demonstrate how the taxonomy and proposed soft mapping techniques can be use to construct dynamic mental models that help managers and consultants improve their dynamic strategic thinking and the strategic foresight of firms.  相似文献   

企业竞争力具有动态性质。企业竞争力的动态形成机制模型能揭示动态能力与企业资源、运作能力及企业竞争力的动态关系,以及环境动态性与企业战略的动态匹配对长期竞争力的影响。  相似文献   

奈达的"动态对等"翻译理论对世界翻译研究和实践的发展产生了重大的影响。奈达将信息论的相关理论应用于翻译研究,提出要实现动态对等,必须要平衡译文的信息传输负载,使译文的冗余信息与原文的冗余信息对等。翻译时要调整译文的冗余信息,实现"冗余对等"。  相似文献   

打造企业的动态竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动态竞争力是企业在动荡环境下面对竞争必须具备的基本条件,是现代企业发展必须具备的基本要素,企业可以从资源重组、学习管理和战略柔性等三个方面塑造自身的动态竞争力。  相似文献   

企业生产的动力学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生产过程中,由于某一企业的生产,必定对另一些企业产生经济拉动作用。那么这种拉动的规律是什么?会产生怎样的效应?利用物理学的动力学理论和数学方法对这些问题进行量化研究。其主要结果是:1,给出了经济动力场的概念,建立了动力场方程;2,深入地研究了Cobb-Douglas是生产函数,对数生产函数所诱生的动力场,得到了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

为了探讨模因的生命周期及其动态发展趋势,笔者采用归纳总结的方法,研究了影响模因生命周期其发展状态的重要因素。研究发现在传输阶段模因的复制忠实性、选择的媒介物会影响传输。在解码阶段潜在寄主的理解和兴趣、外界中的同化和异化模因、潜在寄主的解码能力会对解码产生影响。在感染阶段模因必须具备适合潜在寄主认知结构的能力,也涉及到威胁和诱饵,存储时间和模因的生存能力。生存能力包括外部异化模因、免疫力、普遍性等。在编码和传播阶段模因必须要有触发和动机和适当的反馈。最后从模因的四个阶段中总结出,模因的生命周期并不是简单重复,而是是螺旋上升,动态发展的。  相似文献   

从有形式契约与无形契约的角度分析动态联盟的本质,认为动态联盟本质上也是一种契约的组织形式.运用成本模型分析动态联盟优势,可认为在大型项目周期内动态联盟的组织形式在管理成本上优于一般企业的组织形式和其他企业联合体的组织形式,运用信息模型分析项目管理成本,则可认为信息成本降低更能突显动态联盟管理成本优势.合理解释了近年来企业动态联盟组织不断增加的经济现象.  相似文献   

固定资产折旧是经济管理中经常遇到的问题之一。本文通过动态分析与静态分析的比较研究,指出静态分析存在的局限性,阐明了动态分析可以克服静态分析存在的固定资产使用时期越长其收益越大的假象,从而更有利于领导正确决策。更符合经济管理之需要。  相似文献   

ERP项目管理的动态评价方法在ERP项目实施中起着重要作用,在建立了ERP项目管理动态评价的关键匹配指标中,分析得出组织匹配度包括人员匹配度、流程匹配度和数据匹配度是影响ERP项目成功与否的关键变量,建立了实现ERP项目管理动态评价的模型步骤.针对一个实例,开发了一个评价软件系统来实现所提出方法对ERP项目管理的应用.  相似文献   

Dynamic transformations for base-of-the-pyramid market clusters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extending scholarship on industry clusters, this article reconsiders the relationship between development and marketing opportunities in base-of-the-pyramid market (BOPM) nations. Recent literature on industry clusters suggests a set of theoretical themes regarding cluster efficiencies, governance, adaptability, and performance. These themes are scrutinized using an extended case employing longitudinal, ethnographic data collected from an indigenous leather-working cluster in West Africa. The authors’ findings provide guidance in identifying local clusters with global market potential in BOPMs. They lead us to a dynamic market-driven transformational model of BOPM clusters. Consequently, the authors recommend several keys for leveraging investments in boundary-spanning firms in BOPM clusters. Finally, the article demonstrates the value of microlevel, longitudinal analyses in assessing cluster performance in BOPMs. Eric J. Arnould (eamould2@ unl.edu; Ph.D. 1982, University of Arizona) is E. J. Faulkner College Professor of Agribusiness and Marketing and interim director of the CB A Agribusiness Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He spent more than 10 years trying to do less harm than good working on economic development problems in more than a dozen West African nations for a variety of stakeholders. Since 1990, he has been full-time academic teaching about consumer behavior, marketing and globalization, and research employing qualitative data. His research appears in major U.S. marketing journals and many other social science periodicals and books. He was a two-term associate editor of theJournal of Consumer Research and is a coauthor of Consumers (2nd ed., 2004), a textbook. Jakki J. Mohr (Jakki.Mohr@business.umt.edu; Ph.D. 1989, University of Wisconsin-Madison), the Jeff and Martha Hamilton Faculty Fellow is a professor of marketing in the School of Business Administration at the University of Montana. Herinterests are primarily in the area of marketing of high-technology products and services, with a focus on distribution channels and governance. Her early research focuses on organizational communication and learning between partners in strategic alliances/ partnerships and between distribution channel members. Her research has received several awards and has been published in theJournal of Marketing, the Strategic Management Journal, theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing, and other specialized journals at the intersection of technology and business marketing. In addition, she is the lead author of the book,Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations (2005). Before beginning her academic career, she worked in Silicon Valley in the advertising area for both Hewlett Packard’s Personal Computer Group and Tele Video Systems.  相似文献   

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