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在论述和分析我国银行引入境外战略投资者动因和外资金融机构对中资银行进行股权投资动因的基础上,对如何稳妥地引入境外战略投资者、境外战略投资者的本质和两面性、引进境外战略投资者应坚持贯彻"三公"原则、要防止引进境外战略投资者的负面影响和尽快制定完善<银行并购法>等问题,提出了一些看法与建议.  相似文献   

我国新一轮国有商业银行改革的一个重要特征是引入了境外战略投资者,监管当局甚至把引入境外战略投资者作为银行股份制改革和上市的一个重要条件。目前,四大国有银行中的建设银行、中国银行以及工商银行都已引入境外战略投资者。引进战略投资者主要是为了完善商业银行的治理结构。那么战略投资者的引进真的就能完善国内国有商业银行的治理结构吗?笔者认为并非如此。本文将从战略投资者的投资目的,25%的股权约束及国有商业银行的接受程度三个方面进行讨论。  相似文献   

国有银行引进外资作为战略投资者的原因包括:对股份制银行引进外国战略投资者做法的借鉴;在国家控股条件下试图完善银行公司治理和提高绩效的一次新尝试;银行监管部门的大力提倡。财务投资者冒充战略投资者入股国有银行、中外资战略合作没有达到一定深度和国际金融机构陷入财务危机,则是禁售期后战略投资者选择抛售离开的原因。本文认为,外国战略投资者的引进对实现国有银行在境外成功上市起到了积极作用,但改善银行公司治理、引进先进管理经验和技术的初衷并未达到。  相似文献   

自2003至2012年,我国国有商业银行的改革加速推进,采取了外汇注资、股份制改革、引进战略投资者等一系列重大举措,其中最受争议的是引入国外战略投资者.截止目前,我国已有大约30家银行从境外引入了战略投资者,很多银行在引入境外战略投资者的基础上,不断深化改革,还走上了境外上市的发展道路.不论是在引进境外战略投资者这一举措提出构想之初,还是引进过程以及对引进效果的后评价中,针对境外投资者是否能真正提高中国商业银行经营效率这一核心命题,业界和学术界都进行过激烈的讨论,成为了研究的热点.到底引入境外战略投资者是否能达到我们当初预期的效果?本文试图就近期国内外研究我国商业银行引入战略投资者之成效的相关文献作简要梳理和评论.  相似文献   

李娜 《经济论坛》2006,(16):104-105
近年来,我国一些股份制商业银行和地方性商业银行纷纷引进境外战略投资者,境外金融机构入股国内商业银行的案例迅速增加。境外战略投资者之所以进入我国银行,参与我国银行的股份制改革,本质上是为了获得高收益。从发展战略的需要看,目前,花旗等国际著名金融机构通过与中国内资银行建立战略合作关系这一最经济,最有效的方法,利用内资银行的网络、网点资源,可以完善其覆盖中国区域的全球服务网络。其次是为了获得丰厚的投资回报。境外金融机构一旦成为战略投资者,就会以其经营优势和管理经验与内资银行的网点、网络和客户等优势进行融合,以此…  相似文献   

境外战略投资者给我国银行业带来了什么   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内银行为何要引进境外战略投资者,境外战略投资者给中国银行业带来了什么,而境外投资者积极入股国内银行的真正用意又在哪里,等等;所有这些问题都值得我们密切关注.  相似文献   

对中国国有银行引入境外战略投资者路径选择的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于国有银行在中国国有企业改革中承担着政策性负担任务,导致其产生大量的不良贷款,使其不适应在中国金融逐渐开放条件下的发展,必须对其进行改革。其中一个办法就是引进战略投资者来参与国有银行的公司治理和风险管理。从外部环境、监管层、银行自身和战略投资者的优势四个方面阐述国有银行引入战略投资者的原因。面对境外战略投资者的"减持风暴"对中国国有银行的影响,提出如何慎重地引进对境外战略投资者、如何对引入机制进行改革以及境外战略投资者如何退出等对策。  相似文献   

近年来境外战略投资者频频减持乃至退出中国银行业,多年来中资银行引进境外战略投资者是否有效有待重新审视。本文利用综合网络DEA和倾向得分匹配方法(PSM)重新评估外资参股对我国商业银行经营效率的影响。估计结果显示,外资参股确实提高了商业银行的经营效率,这与大部分的文献结论相一致,但传统研究高估了外资参股对商业银行经营效率的影响。我们认为,中资银行引进境外战略投资者具有长远意义,但不应夸大外资参股的作用。由于外资参股效果的不同,商业银行引进境外战略投资者应当从自身条件和环境出发,趋利避害,做到适时适度。  相似文献   

随着交通银行、建设银行、中央银行、工商银行先后引进境外战略投资者并上市,国内外专家学者和媒体对国有银行引进境外战略投资者表现出广泛的关注,产生了截然相反的两种观点。这两种观点的主要分歧集中在股权转让的价格如何、应引进境外战略投资者还是国内投资者两个方面。一种观点认为,引进境外战略投资者加快了国有银行的进一步改革,有利于优化国有商业银行的产权结构,有利于改善银行的公司治理,因而是非常必要的,同时,股权转让价格是谈判形成的,并未低于账面净值,不能以事后的IPO价格倒推之前的股权转让价格;另一种观点认为,商业银行…  相似文献   

在当前放宽外资入股限制的背景下,研究推进我国商业银行引进境外战略投资者具有重要的现实意义。近些年,作为世界银行集团成员的国际金融公司成为多家中资银行引进的战略投资者,对中资银行完善公司治理、实现技术进步、发展普惠金融和绿色金融等方面发挥积极作用,其合作经验对我国引进境外战略投资者有较强的启示作用。中国银行业在引资前要合理规划目标,强调"引知"、促进差异化发展及"走出去";引资时要慎重选择对象,投资者需满足真正开展战略投资、软性资源雄厚和有利于维护中国金融稳定的条件;引资后为保障实现"双赢"的收益目标,政府要不断营造成熟完善的制度环境,银行要构建高效共赢的合作模式。  相似文献   

This article analyses the implications of the recently observed sharp expansion of foreign banks in the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) as measured by equity ownership. We show that the mode of foreign entry has a pivotal impact on the post‐entry performance of banks in CEECs. Foreign greenfield banks are characterized by superior cost efficiency, compared with domestic and foreign‐acquired banks. The efficiency of foreign‐acquired banks deteriorates in the initial year of acquisition, but improves thereafter. Banks acquired by foreigners have less market power relative to domestic and foreign greenfield banks. Overall, the CEEC banking sectors have benefited from the increased foreign bank participation, both in terms of higher efficiency and more competition.  相似文献   

外资银行的大举进入中国市场给中资商业银行带来了学习机会,同时也带来了竞争压力。但双方各有其自身的优势,通过合作将会促进双方的发展进步,因此,加强中、外资银行的金融合作对于双方来说是一种必要的方式。根据1993~2006年的面板数据对银行盈利、经营管理和抗风险能力进行实证研究,发现外资银行进入导致了我国商业银行资产收益率、费用率下降,提高了中资商业银行高管的平均收入、并对第二大股东持股比例产生了显著影响。最后建议中国商业银行在与外资银行的合作中,能够妥善处理与战略投资者的利益平衡关系,但又要注意外资银行的持股比例问题;在竞争中能够借鉴外资银行的先进技术和经营管理理念,进行自身管理机制的完善和经营机制的转型,最终能够提升风险管理水平和核心竞争力。在和外资银行的竞争合作中,能实现自身的战略目标,促使其成为国际一流的商业银行。  相似文献   

Utilizing hand collected data concerning foreign ownership in the Chinese banking sector, we examine whether foreign ownership improves the efficiency of Chinese banks. Foreign banks tend to provide cooperation in retail banking rather than in corporate or private banking. We find no robust evidence of an improvement in the efficiency of an average bank that receives foreign strategic investments. However, the bank cost and profit efficiency significantly improve when foreign strategic investments provide retail banking and internal control assistance respectively to local banks. These findings suggest that foreign investment improves local bank efficiency when it transfers technologies that are lacking in local banks.  相似文献   

This study examines the cost and profit efficiency of banking sectors in six transition countries of South‐Eastern Europe over the period 1998–2008. Using a stochastic frontier approach, our analysis reveals that the average cost efficiency of South‐Eastern European banks is 68.59 percent, and the average profit efficiency is 53.87 percent. Regressions on the determinants of bank efficiency show that foreign banks are characterized by higher profit efficiency but lower cost efficiency, and government‐owned banks are associated with lower profit efficiency than domestic private banks. However, the efficiency gap between foreign‐, domestic private‐ and government‐owned banks narrows over time. We also find that the market power of a bank has a positive association with both cost and profit efficiency. Institutional development, proxied by progress in banking regulatory reforms, privatization and enterprise corporate governance restructuring, also has a positive impact on bank efficiency.  相似文献   

The entry of foreign capital marked a significant change in the Korean banking sector. It played a critical role in transforming insolvent banks into profit-making banks. The acquisition of domestic banks by foreign private equity funds restructured the management by changing the corporate governance and pursuing result-oriented policies, while it had a negative impact on the national economy in general. Korea’s experience shows that the role of foreign private equity funds in the domestic banking sector needs to be evaluated from the perspective of both the performance of each bank and its effect on the national economy.  相似文献   

Our objective is to investigate empirically the behavior of foreign banks with respect to real loan growth during periods of financial crisis for a set of countries in which foreign banks dominate the banking sectors due primarily to having taken over large existing former state-owned banks. The eight countries are among the most developed in emerging Europe, their banking sectors having been modernized by the middle of the last decade. We consider a data period that includes an initial credit boom (2005 – 2007) followed by the global financial crisis (2008 & 2009) and the onset of the Eurozone crisis (2010). Our two innovations with respect to the existing literature on banking during the financial crisis are to separate foreign banks into two categories, namely, subsidiaries of the Big 6 European multinational banks (MNBs) and all other foreign-controlled banks, and to take account of the impact of exchange rates during the period. Our results show that bank lending was impacted adversely by both crises but that the two types of foreign banks behaved differently. The Big 6 banks remained committed to the region in that their lending behavior was not different from that of domestic banks supporting the notion that these countries are treated as a “second home market” by these European MNBs. Contrariwise, the other foreign banks active in the region were involved in fueling the credit boom but then decreased their lending aggressively during the crisis periods. Our results also indicate that bank behavior in countries having flexible exchange rate regimes differs from that in those in (or effectively in) the Eurozone. Our results suggest that both innovations matter for studying bank behavior during crisis periods in the region and, by extension, to other small countries in which banking sectors are dominated by foreign financial institutions having different business models.  相似文献   

This article uses a unique bank level data from 1991 to 2000 and evaluates how financial reforms affect banking efficiency of domestic and foreign banks in Pakistan. The results suggest that banking efficiency falls during initial reform period when banks adjust to enhanced competition but increases in more advanced stages of reform. While in general foreign and private banks show superior efficiency and factor productivity than do state-owned banks, the relative performance of foreign banks worsens after the consolidation stage of the financial reforms is over. We show the importance of link between bank size, asset quality and bank branches with efficiency indexes and also note that every 10% increase in share of nonperforming to total loans decreases banking efficiency by 6 to 10%.  相似文献   

外资银行进入对我国银行效率影响的实证分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文选取我国银行市场上占主要地位的14家银行1994-2004年的面板数据,就外资银行进入对我国银行业效率影响进行了实证分析.实证结果表明:外资银行的进入使得国内银行的流动性、非利息收入、经营费用和资产收益率降低,并使其资产质量下降,风险增加,但是技术外溢效应以及对国内银行盈利性的影响并不显著.而且,金融业的对外开放对国有银行造成的冲击小于股份制银行.本文还根据实证分析结果,提出相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how foreign bank ownership in the banking sector affects domestic bank behaviour and whether this relationship depends on the economic and financial conditions of the host country. This paper contains 795 individual banks in 39 countries covering the period 1999–2006. Foreign ownership is calculated using bank level data as a proxy for the degree of foreign bank ownership in the banking sector. First, we find that foreign bank ownership is associated with a decrease in both the profitability and overhead expenses of the domestic bank after applying the system panel Generalized Method of Moments model. Second, a lower level of economic development of the host country enhances the positive effects of foreign bank ownership on the income, profit and cost of domestic banks. Third, financial development plays an important role in determining the effect of foreign bank ownership. Fourth, while the use of aggregate foreign ownership data may provide us with a big picture, it may not explain why individual banks in the same country perform differently, which this study will answer.  相似文献   

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