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While the whole world has been severely affected by the financial crisis that originated in the U.S.,the governments of many western countries have injected enormous amounts of cash into their banking sectors in order to maintain financial stability.There is no denying that the U.S.economy has slipped into a recession.Meanwhile,ac-  相似文献   

Subprime mortgage crisis, which was triggered by a dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the United States,has interrupted china's peaceful rise and has major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets around the globe. Although the direct impact of the subprime crisis is rather small to china's economy since the exposure of several national banks to the U.S. subprime lending market is relatively limited, there is no denying that the U.S. subprime crisis has been dragging down world's major stocks for months and making it difficult for china's foreign trade. It is predictable that the impact of this financial tsunami will shed its shadow on china's economy sooner or later. Experts are of the view that China may not be directly hit by the crisis as a result of its strong economic fundamentals, limited exposure to this particular variety of assets,  相似文献   

With the increasingly large size and forward momentum of China's economy, one would think there has to be a well-developed dietary supplement industry.However, although China has been posting re-cord gains to its GDP, it is far behind the U.S., E.U.and Japan in regard to a well-defined and prosperous dietary supplement industry.With that said, having an established dietary supple-ment industry is not the measure by which countries are judged in terms of economic prowess.  相似文献   

For Asian countries which were given a hard by the financial crisis in late 1990s, it is now critically important for them to work with each other in fighting the economic recession and export slump. China, a big country in Asia, is now taking the opportunity to advocate regional monetary cooperation, increasing the amount of Chinese yuan held by other Asian countries.  相似文献   

According to the survey by World Bank, China has become the fourth largest economy in the world. According to the two countries' economic aggregate data released by China and the U. K., the value of china's economy has surpassed that of the U. K.  相似文献   

The Asian economy is the first to recover from the international financial crisis.In addition,cooperation among Asian countries has seen robust progress in the last ten years.Asian influence in the world has been rising steadily.Asian countries need to translate the diversity of our region into a driving force for more dynamic exchange and cooperation,we need to increase mutual understanding and trust,and take our cooperation to higher levels,Chinese President Hu Jintao said at the opening ceremony of th...  相似文献   

The U.S.suffers The United States is a nation famous for its power of innovation,universally acknowledged as the major factor that makes the U.S.the worlds' economic and political superpower.Without it,the U.S. would not have reached the level of prosperity it has in the world.But today,things are far from the optimistic picture than we once anticipated. Innovation sometimes turns into a monster, one which has struck again with the recent financial turmoil set off by the subprime mortgage crisis.  相似文献   

Survivor Is King     
"The greatest agony for Private Equity (PE) is that when the good projects loom, we do not have enough capital." aninvestor said. His words reflect the fact that, with the financial tsunami in Wall Street, overseas LPs are all lapsing into a shortage of cash flows, which is also causing difficulty for all kinds of funds that want to raise capital. Obviously, every sector in the financial chain has been affected, as shown by an urgent report from Sequoia Capital, a venture capital firm specializing in seeding, startups, and early growth stage investments, which reminds all enterprise partners to restrain their expenditures; this is compounded by the foreboding news that the United States has witnessed a his- toric "longest-ever IPO vacuum period" -toric "longest-ever IPO vacuum period" - there have been no IPOs on the NY Stock Exchange for ten consecutive weeks.  相似文献   

The World Bank (1997) once claimed that China's financial sector was the soft-belly in the economy. Financial sector reform has long been argued as neces- sary to raise efficiency in the use of the capital and in rebalancing the economy toward consumption-based growth, with- out which the country's growth sustain- ability is in jeopardy (see Lardy (1998); Prasad (2007)). Indeed, not too long ago, China's state banks were deemed “techni-cally insolvent” and their survival hinged solely on the nation's abundant liquidity. However, after the launching of banking reform, strong profitability has returned to state commercial banks recently. The aim of this paper is not to evaluate the effect of banking reform on bank performance, which is better tackled after the completion of a full credit cycle. Rather, our aim is to take stock on the progress in reforming China's state banks by reviewing the banking reform strategy and analyzing their recent strong post-reform financial performance which, however, cannot be entirely separated from reform efforts undertaken thus far.  相似文献   

Weakening export growth
The year 2008 could be regarded as a nightmare for many countries in the world. The financial turbulence, devastating many developed countries till now, has made people cut back on consumption to save more for their uncertain future, especially in the U.S. and EU countries.  相似文献   

at a seminar held recently that China‘s financial reform has made some tentative achievements in the past year after China‘s entry into the WTO. But as the key issue of modern economy, the financial reform in the future will have to face four arduous tasks.  相似文献   

Economic theory has it that, in a fragile economy, every country wants to expand its exports,and low currency values can help make products cheaper to international buyers. A country's trade balance is simply an accounting identity that by definition matches the flow of goods and capital. As the world leading economies trying to recover from the financial crisis, some signs of conflict began to surface.  相似文献   

As the influence of financial crisis continued to deepen, more and more opinions agree that the underlying causes of the crisis was due to the economy in international reserve currency issuing countries became imbalanced, with many economies passively being shocked. From this point of view, diversification is the basic trend of international monetary system. And, as the current financial crisis pressed countries to strengthen the regional cooperation objectively, it is just for RMB to enlarge the influences on surrounding countries at this time.  相似文献   

When the finance ministers and central bank governors of the Group of 20 began their first meeting on June 4 in Busan, South Korea, they expressed their concern about the recovery oFthe global economy and promised action taken to prevent the global economy from falling into the pit of a double-dip recession.  相似文献   

China is the second economy system in the world, the biggest creditor nation of the foremost economy system -- US, the nation which has the most foreign exchange reserves in the world, and one of the countries with most rapid economy growth. In the past 5 years, China has created the economic miracles under the worldwide financial tsunami for its economic growth rate over 8%.  相似文献   

The financial storm that has spread to the whole world has already influenced major economies at present. China, which is actively involving itself in the global economy, cannot get rid of its influence. Among the economic departments that are undergoing strong attacks, export industries are the worst influenced. According to the statistics by General Customs Administration, in November 2008,  相似文献   

1 Introduction
The global financial crisis, whose effects have been most severe on the world's largest banks, has created a vacuum in banking sector in Africa by stalling investment from the traditional investor. The world's largest banks, brought to their knees by the crisis, and having had to be bailed out, are in no position to continue investing in the banking sector in Africa. China, less severely affected by the crisis, with a burgeoning economy, and with banks that are awash with cash, is, in contrast,  相似文献   

Brazil is set to propose an "exchange rate anti-dumping" measure to the World Trade Organization that would allow countries to retaliate against trading partners that undertake competitive devaluations of their currencies.Brazil's Geneva office is working on the plan,which would mark an escalation of what Latin America's largest economy has dubbed the "currency war" - the battle against what it sees as the use of loose monetary policies by reserve-currency issuers such as the US to boost their exports.  相似文献   

By reforming long-time problems stock-owning rights and comprehensive governance on securities companies, the Chinese government has achieved a complete overhaul of the financial system. The year 2006 was a turning point in the epoch of China's capital market. Driven by such factors as a continuously booming economy, RMB appreciation, upgrade of publicly listed companies' quality and overall surplus of global fluidity, China's capital market began to awake from five years' stubborn recession. Its basic functions began to recover and the market made for high-speed growth.  相似文献   

How to deal with the problem of badassets and financial risks is now an in-creasingly important global issue forcommercial banks worid wide. Bad as-sets widely exist not only in develop-ing nations and countries whoseeconomy are experiencing a transitionperiod, but also in some developed na-tions. Due to the long-term practice ofplanned economy and the impactcaused by over heated economy in the1990s and the lack of efficient innercontrol mechanism, China's bankssweepingly face the chronicle pr…  相似文献   

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