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The protection of intellectual property is of growing concern as an issue in international trade. Both the NAFTA and the TRIPS provide chapters on intellectual property, a subject matter included in multilateral trade agreements for the first time. These provisions were designed to reassure owners of such property that their rights would be protected in participating countries. Few industries are as dependent on adequate protection than the patent protected segment of the pharmaceutical industry. It is only through enforceable patent policies that drug companies can generate sufficient revenues to undertake the costly research and development that make the introduction of new products possible. This article examines recent trends in intellectual property protection on a global basis, focusing on differences and similarities within the pharmaceutical industry both in the European Community and the United States. Despite the focus on the pharmaceutical industry, the trends discussed should be of interest to any firm that utilizes intellectual property in its overseas activities. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Digital commerce does not yet exist in a widely available, commercially viable form. Substantial amounts of innovation will be required to improve and customize existing technology and to create necessary new technologies for the digital marketplace. Recent months have witnessed the establishment of a broad array of new enterprises, joint ventures and business alliances aimed at preparing for a digital future. Driven by consumer demand, this trend will accelerate over the coming years. The author points out that a number of factors will be critical, however, in order for electronically harnessed information to become an established norm. For the software industry, the most important factor is strong protection of intellectual property rights. This is essential to the promotion and development of new applications and services. The author views the emergence of a digital marketplace as dependent on the combined advancements in technological safeguards and encryption techniques, and strong national and international legal safeguards for copyrighted materials.  相似文献   

本文总结了我国知识产权法律保护制度的现状,并分析了我国知识产权法律保护制度存在的问题.  相似文献   

本文总结了我国知识产权法律保护制度的现状,并分析了我国知识产权法律保护制度存在的问题.  相似文献   

知识产权的制度经济学派从不同角度论证了知识产权保护可以提高资源配置效率.知识产权应该保护毋庸置疑,但是知识财产本身的特性决定了知识产权保护具有两面性.  相似文献   

Trade dress is a means of identifying and differentiating the product of a vendor by visual (and very occasionally auditory) cues of a form other than written language. The use of trade dress certainly goes back into pre-Roman times, and was very likely used well before then. Trade dress remains important in societies both highly literate and substantially illiterate, and in some respects has increased in importance in both.  相似文献   

Intellectual property protection and management (IPPM) are important operational and strategic issues especially for global companies. Most prior discussions of this topic focus heavily on the legal aspects of this topic. However, by the time legal action becomes necessary, the stakes and costs have risen to very high levels for all parties. This article argues that the nonlegal aspects of IPPM are perhaps more important in practice and can be designed to forestall or limit more expensive legal action. This article provides some guidelines and practical advice for companies that would like to improve their IPPM processes. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the main traits of the historical development of the pharmaceutical industry, using the lenses of the evolutionary approach to economic and industrial change. After a brief overview of the main evolutionary concepts which guide the subsequent discussion, our presentation identifies four main eras: from the formative stages (from the late 1800s to War World II) to the so-called Golden Age (the 1940s to the mid-1970s), the biotechnology revolution (the 1970s to the new millennium, approximately) and what we label the ‘Winter of Discontent?’ (the first decade of the new century). Within all these epochs, we discuss the main trends in technology, firms' strategies and structures, patterns of competition, demand, regulation and institutional developments. Section 6 concludes the article, briefly discussing some main implications for the present and future of the industry on the one hand and for the relevance of an evolutionary approach to the analysis of corporate and industrial change on the other.  相似文献   

Private property forms the bedrock of the business/society relationship in a market economy. In one way or another most societies limitwhat people can claim as property as well as theextent of claims they can make regarding it. In the international arena today intellectual property rights are a focal point of debate. Many developing countries do not recognize the monopoly claims of patents and copyrights asserted by business as legitimate. This paper reviews contemporary areas of dispute and then presents the tasks facing the construction of a fair intellectual property rights regime.Paul Steidlmeier is Associate Professor of business policy at the State University of New York in Binghamton. He is the author of a number of articles on business and society and of a recent book,People and Profits: The Ethics of Capitalism (Prentice Hall).  相似文献   

作为世贸组织三大支柱之一的与贸易有关的知识产权,正越来越多地成为国际贸易摩擦的焦点。为履行加入世贸的义务,中国正在逐步加大知识产权保护的力度,但同时,中国也面临着前所未有、来势汹涌的知识产权维权浪潮。毋庸质疑,知识产权是一把双刃剑。中国的企业只有经历它所带来的磨砺和阵痛,才能明白自我约束和自我保护的益处,也只有这样,中国的企业才能适应和学会在国际市场上用规则对话。  相似文献   

1984年洛杉矶奥运会富士公司耗费巨资成为该届奥运会的全球赞助商,柯达公司则首开奥运会埋伏营销先河。奥运会埋伏营销愈演愈烈的主要原因一是在于奥运的全球赞助"TOP"计划昂贵的入门费用,二是奥运会赞助计划运作体系的复杂。目前奥运会埋伏营销形态五花八门,包括直接侵害奥运标志、赞助赛事转播的主要媒体、赞助次类项目、赞助杰出的运动员、发动与赛事相关的广告战、进行与赛事相仿的促销活动、与没有竞争关系的赞助商合作、策划与赛事相仿的活动、利用赞助商尚未想到或无法涵盖的空白点等,世界各国奥林匹克知识产权保护意识也在不断强化,我国也出台了多项奥林匹克知识产权保护的相关规章,奥林匹克知识产权保护对埋伏营销的警示主要表现在:一是我国埋伏营销侵权法律规制还存在缺陷,二是应当建立清晰全面的赛事品牌保护计划,三是建立公众和企业的知识产权意识。  相似文献   

Risks associated with the dissipation of intellectual property rights of foreign firms transferring technology to China have received some attention in the academic and professional, trade-based literature. An innovative Australian manufacturer and designer of large, high-speed catamaran ferries (INCAT) recently entered into a joint venture with a Hong Kong-based partner (AFAI) to manufacture ferries in China, without any formal, institutional protection of its proprietary knowledge. Key findings uncovered through an in-depth analysis of this case include the identification of novel bundles of firm-specific resources and capabilities that sustain a firm’s intellectual property and, ultimately, its competitive advantage in the face of dissipation risks, and a combinative competency of the firm in creating these bundles. This study illustrates a case in which the conventional means of protecting intellectual property need not always be followed to best ensure the firm’s retaining its competitive positioning in foreign markets.  相似文献   

潘倩 《价格月刊》2020,(1):89-94
美国知识产权调查是由美国企业向美国国际贸易委员会提出,对可能存在的知识产权侵权行为作出裁决的制度。过去十几年间,中国一直是遭受美国知识产权调查最多的国家,严重影响我国企业的出口和产品国际形象。相对而言,中国企业知识产权储备和应对意识严重不足,应诉态度比较消极,缺乏相应的应诉资源,这也让我国出口企业更容易成为美国知识产权调查的对象。应注重提升我国企业的知识产权意识和发挥政府的保障作用,从源头上降低知识产权调查风险。遭遇调查时,注重对应诉资金的筹集与使用、合理选择应诉团队、科学选择抗辩理由,提高胜率。同时积极运用调解、诉讼内并购、反诉等手段,尽可能取得好的结果,减少损失。  相似文献   

先进制造业和现代服务业融合是顺应新一轮科技革命和产业变革、增强制造业核心竞争力,更是推进粤港澳大湾区经济转型升级的关键点和构建现代产业体系的主攻方向。本文在厘清两业融合发展基础概念的基础上,以现代服务业的重要组成知识产权服务业为切入点,尝试构建分析研判新一代信息技术产业和知识产权服务业发展融合度的指标体系。在此基础上,本文聚焦新一代信息技术产业开展了实证研究,结果显示当前湾区内新一代信息技术产业与知识产权服务业存在着需求定位不清晰、服务不规范等问题,两业融合状况仍有较大提升空间。据此,本文围绕合作路径、业务关联、业态模式、政策环境等维度提出了若干对策建议,以期为保障现代服务业推动粤港澳大湾区先进制造业高质量发展提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

This article models a North–South negotiation where the North provides a quid pro quo in exchange for the strengthening of the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in the South. We show that when Northern and Southern firms compete on quantity in the Southern market, the South's optimal choice is either complete protection or complete violation, irrespective of different levels of IPR protection being available. We show this to depend on the Southern government's valuation of the quid pro quo and the Northern firm's level of technology.  相似文献   

After China's entry into WTO, the task relating to our country's intellectual property protection is very urgent, which is embodied in thefollowing aspects: First, with regard to the current quantity of patent application and its distribution in different areas, the proportion of foreign patentson invention is very big, which is about 70%. To take hi-tech for example, computers account for 70%, mobile telecom accounts for 90%,integrated circuit accounts for 90%, biotechnolo…  相似文献   

张昊  张凤新 《商》2014,(23):21-23
企业综合竞争力是企业优势的源泉。因此研究企业综合竞争力,便于建立适合我国企业综合竞争力的评价模型,进而能够推动企业的快速健康成长,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。随着国内医疗体制的改革,医药企业不断增加,整个医药行业得到了长足的发展。本文选取医药行业作为研究背景,运用层次分析法结合模糊综合评价方法对医药企业的综合竞争力进行研究探讨,构建用于评价医药行业内综合竞争力的模型,为医药企业分析自身发展状况提供有力的参考。  相似文献   

In today's environment, timing is a critical part of business strategy. Nowhere is this truer than as regards managing intellectual property in an increasingly global marketplace. The creation and protection of intellectual property assets often depends on consistently taking the right legal action at the right time. The consequences of failing to do so can be disastrous but may only be felt at a later time or in other markets. The difficulty for business people lies in the fact that the time-sensitive aspects of intellectual property cannot be managed effectively by relying on intuition or resolving to see a lawyer when the need arises. This article provides a basic primer on the critical role of timing in identifying, creating, and protecting intellectual property assets. It discusses the most common types of intellectual property—patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets—and compares the role of timing in the creation and protection of each asset type. Most importantly, it summarizes the key issues of timing in the creation and protection of intellectual property.  相似文献   

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