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GATT1994第4条是WTO规则体系中唯一一条直接涉及文化产品贸易待遇的条款,其对于文化产品特殊性的认定,国内配额措施背离于多边贸易规则之禁止数量限制原则并在特定条件下例外于WTO体制基石之国民待遇的允许,经历了长久的争论与谈判,体现了文化贸易在多边贸易体系中的独特地位。然而GATT1994第4条的内容却遇到了科学技术的巨大挑战,在文化多样性作为全球公认价值的今天,其适用范围的大小也成为文化价值诉求能否顺利实现过程中的重要问题。  相似文献   

International trade in services has not been governed by the GATT in the past. Opinion is divided over whether there is a real need for any separate agreement on services. The following article asks to what extent flows of goods and services can be properly separated in the first place, and whether it makes sense to attempt such separation.  相似文献   

本文采用国际市场占有率指数、显性比较优势指数和贸易竞争力指数对金砖四国创意商品和创意服务的国际竞争力进行比较研究。结果表明:中国和印度的创意商品具有优势,创意服务的竞争力较弱,俄罗斯和巴西的创意服务优势明显,创意商品的竞争力很弱,金砖四国处于全球创意产业价值链的不同节点。因此,要重视创意服务在创意产业中的重要地位,发挥文化资源优势,对我国创意资源进行整合,加大创意产业资金投入,落实积极的人才发展战略,加快制定鼓励创意产业发展的科技、财税和金融政策,加强金砖国家间创意产业合作。  相似文献   

基于文化产品和服务进出口数据,对中国文化贸易结构、国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数、显示性比较优势指数的分析表明,尽管中国是文化产品出口第一大国,但文化贸易结构不合理,文化产业总体国际竞争力较弱且发展不平衡;中国文化贸易的竞争优势主要体现在手工艺品、设计、视觉艺术品和新媒体这些外围的文化产品中,具有核心内容的影视媒介、音乐媒介、出版物及版权、文化休闲娱乐服务等文化出口比重低、竞争力弱。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the older market has emerged as an extremely important one because of its increased purchasing power for most consumer goods and services. The tourism and leisure industry is also targeting people aged 65 years and older, because many possess a relatively large share of discretionary money that they want to spend on travel. This has resulted in increasing attention by the mass media and the advertising industry in particular. This paper discusses the main types of information sources that are used by older adults when they make decisions about tourist and travel destinations, and particularly focuses on the importance of word‐of‐mouth sources and personal experiences. It also explores the influence of the mass media on trip decision making for older adults, and discusses the importance of brochures, magazines and television as information sources for older adults. Finally, it critiques the lack of senior models in advertising campaigns for travel products that are aimed at the older market.  相似文献   

When the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was concluded in the late 1940s, there was hardly any mention of international transactions in services. At that time, the issue of international trade in services was of minor importance. In addition, attention was initially focused on measures hampering trade at the border. With the principal output of the majority of the sub-sectors of the service industry being “nontangible”, trade impediments relevant for the international exchange of services are of a more subtle nature. These impediments gained importance as the volume of international transactions in this sector increased considerably during the last decade—a development paralleled by the mushrooming of non-tariff barriers in the field of merchandise trade.  相似文献   

We build a multi-sectoral North-South trade model to analyze international intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. By comparing the Nash equilibrium IPR protection standard of the South (the developing countries) with that of the North (the developed countries), we find that the former is naturally weaker than the latter. Moreover, we show that both regions can gain from an agreement that requires the South to harmonize its IPR standards with those of the North, and the North to liberalize its traditional goods market. This demonstrates the merits of multi-sectoral negotiations in the GATT/WTO.  相似文献   

在总结中美创意产业贸易特征的基础上,运用显示性比较优势指数(RCA)和贸易竞争力(TC)指数,采用UNCTAD数据,从创意产品和创意服务两方面来分析比较两国创意产业的国际竞争力。然后,根据"钻石"模型剖析两国创意产品和创意服务竞争力存在差距的原因。结果表明:中国创意产品具有很强的国际竞争力,但还处于初级形态,依靠的是低成本优势;创意服务竞争力水平很低,虽然有了一定的提高,但相关的资源优势还没有充分利用。最后,从发挥文化资源优势、引进和培养人才、促进产业集聚、加强知识产权保护等方面提出了提高中国创意产业竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

本文利用1999~2007年中国省区面板数据和系统GMM方法研究了中间产品和服务贸易的国际R&D对中国技术创新效率的影响,结果表明:中间产品和服务贸易的国际R&D对中国的技术创新效率有显著的影响。研究结果同时显示:中间产品的国际R&D促进了东中西部的技术创新效率的提高,服务贸易的国际R&D对东部影响显著,对中西部不显著。人力资本吸收能力显著影响了国外研发的外溢,但对中西部不显著。因此,提高国内研发的转化率、增加人力资本存量和调整服务业结构是政府的政策导向。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(5):663-677
Demarketing is a way for managers to cope with excess and/or undesirable demand for their products or services. In this article, we revisit the original framework and modify the classification scheme of demarketing concepts introduced by Kotler and Levy to reflect more contemporary issues. Previously, general demarketing topics addressed ways to curb excess demand due to temporary shortages, chronic overpopularity, and product elimination—all from a microenvironmental perspective. Herein, we add macroenvironmental concepts of protective demarketing and preventive demarketing. Formerly, selective demarketing addressed either undesirable or unprofitable consumption of the legitimate product/service; today, however, many firms across several sectors are fighting against the undesirable consumption of illegitimate products/services, such as pirated and counterfeit goods. We thus introduce the notion of combative demarketing. We conducted personal interviews with several industry experts to provide insight regarding current demarketing tools. Our discussions highlighted various measures that managers can employ to manage consumer demand, including using smaller packaging to reduce sugar/fat content, increasing the price of water, limiting visitor access to national parks, and educating consumers to identify counterfeit goods.  相似文献   

乌拉圭回合通过的一系列多边贸易协定标志着WTO法的新发展,使原来仅以货物贸易关系为调整对象的GATT法律体系发展成为既调整货物贸易,又调整技术贸易和服务贸易三大法律关系的WTO法律体系:WTO法的新发展既体现在对GATT法律体系的扩充,又体现在对GATT立法内容的修订与补充上:文章在论述WTO法新发展的基础上,探讨我国外贸法与外贸制度中迫切需要完善的若干问题。  相似文献   

The international regulation of health, safety, and the environment has come far. Spurred by the United States, the United Nations established in the 1980's a tight net of rules that define minimum standards for the production and marketing of hazardous goods. The rules are for the most part non-binding. The successful conclusion of the GATT Uruguay Round now makes it imperative to balance the rules of international product safety law against the liberties demanded by international free trade. This challenge offers new perspectives for the development of international product safety law.  相似文献   

国际服务贸易发展态势及其对我国的启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈凯 《国际贸易问题》2006,288(12):53-57
1980年以来,国际服务贸易以高于货物贸易的速度发展,成为推动各国经济增长的重要力量。国际服务贸易的内部结构同时也发生了较大的变化。把握服务贸易迅速发展和服务产业国际转移的机遇,促进我国服务业内部结构升级成为摆在我们面前亟待解决的问题。重视人力资本积累和逐步加快服务贸易自由化是实现这一目标的重要举措。  相似文献   

随着国际贸易的纵深发展,当今社会贸易种类已由传统的货物贸易向现代服务贸易转变,生产者服务业作为服务贸易中最核心、附加价值最高的组成部分在后工业经济时代发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文采用中国与有代表性的发达国家美、日、德、法、意经济体间生产者服务部门产业内贸易比较测度,揭示出当今中国在急需产业转型、效益提升的关键时期与发达国家间生产者服务业产业内贸易的现状与问题。同时,文中应用我国与发达国家间生产者服务业产业内贸易受约因素的面板数据分析,发现2000-2005年间,中美、中德、中意专利产业内贸易不存在,仅有产业间贸易,说明我国与发达国家间专利技术方面的差距所在。基于文中的研究提出我国要大力提升专利业发展、继续巩固货物贸易比较优势,提高科研、提升人力资本和加强环保,这将对我国与发达国家间生产者服务业产业内贸易增长发挥促进作用。  相似文献   

Trademarks (TMs) shape the competitive landscape of markets for goods and services in all countries. As a key element of branding, they can inform consumers about the quality and content of goods and services. Yet, researchers are largely unable to conduct rigorous empirical analysis of TMs in the global economy because TM data and economic data are organised differently and cannot be analysed jointly at the industry or sector level. We propose an ‘algorithmic links with probabilities’ (ALP) approach to match TM data to economic data and enable joint analysis with these data. Specifically, we construct a NICE class‐level concordance that maps TM data into trade and industry categories forward and backward. This concordance allows researchers to analyse differences in TM usage across both economic and TM sectors. We apply this ALP concordance for TMs to characterise patterns in TM registrations across countries and industries and to investigate some key determinants of international technology flows by comparing bilateral TM registrations and bilateral patent grants. We find that international patenting and TM flows are jointly determined by trade‐related influences with significant differences in intellectual property usage across industry sectors and income levels.  相似文献   

浙江省运输服务贸易影响因素及其发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用主成分回归分析法对浙江省运输服务贸易的影响因素进行实证分析。研究表明:货物贸易进、出口额,沿海港口货物吞吐量,交通运输业产值及从业人员是影响浙江省运输服务贸易的主要因素。在此基础上,提出了发展浙江省运输服务贸易的对策建议。  相似文献   

International trade in services: A portrait of importers and exporters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We provide a novel set of stylized facts on firms engaging in international trade in services, using unique data on firm-level exports and imports from the world's second largest services exporter, the United Kingdom (UK). We show that only a fraction of UK firms engage in international trade in services, that trade participation varies widely across industries and that service traders are different from non-traders in terms of size, productivity and other firm characteristics. We also provide detailed evidence on the trading patterns of service exporters and importers, such as the number of markets served, the value of exports and imports per market and the share of individual markets in overall sales. We interpret these facts in the light of existing theories of international trade in services and goods. Our results demonstrate that firm-level heterogeneity is a key feature of services trade. Also, we find many similarities between services and goods trade at the firm level and conclude that existing heterogeneous firm models for goods trade will be a good starting point for explaining trade in services as well.  相似文献   

Although there is general agreement on the fact that the new protectionism of the industrialised countries is damaging to developing countries, the majority of the latter show hardly any interest in a return to the classical GATT system. Prof. Körner provides an explanation for this apparently paradoxical attitude on which be bases his case for a reform of the existing system of international trade.  相似文献   

中国内地创意产品贸易的发展及国际竞争力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为一个新兴产业,创意产业已引起众多国家的高度关注,创意产品已成为世界贸易中重要的出口产品。文章通过实证分析得出:中国内地创意产品贸易发展迅猛,顺差逐步扩大,贸易地位逐步提升,贸易商品结构相对稳定,国际竞争力很强。战略上高度重视,加强政府扶持,加大科技投入与发挥民间组织力量是进一步提升创意产品国际竞争力的重要举措。  相似文献   

This paper examines how it is possible for firms in controversial sectors, which are often marked by social taboos and moral debates, to act in socially responsible ways, and whether a firm can be socially responsible if it produces products harmful to society or individuals. It contends that a utilitarian justification can be used to support the legal and regulated provision of goods and services in these areas, and the regulated and legal provision of these areas produces less harm than the real alternative—illegal and unregulated supply. Utilitarianism is concerned as much with harm minimisation as good maximisation, and both are equally important when it comes to maximising welfare (Bentham 1789, 1970; Mill [1863] 1964). Any adequate theory of CSR must, therefore, have the capacity to handle a business that minimises harm as well as those that more straightforwardly maximise good. In this paper we therefore attempt two tasks. First, we argue that the legal but regulated provision of products and services may be better from an overall utilitarian perspective than a situation in which these harmful or immoral goods and services are illegal but procurable via a black market. Porter and Kramer’s (2006) strategic CSR framework is then presented to describe how firms in these controversial sectors can act in socially responsible ways. This model highlights the importance of firm strategy in selecting areas of socially responsible behaviours that can be acted upon by firms in each industry.  相似文献   

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