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This paper empirically investigates cross-listing's implications for companies in the newly-established capital markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Central and Eastern European companies face small capitalisation of local markets, limited liquidity and poor effectiveness of legal systems, all of which can have detrimental effects on stock pricing. We find that companies which issue Depositary Receipts and enter foreign markets experience a permanent value enhancement of about 26% around the event. We also observe that foreign listing significantly improves home market liquidity, which suggests that cross-listing helps to draw the interest of new investors and encourages them to start trading in both foreign and local markets. Moreover, we find that the pricing efficiency increases after foreign listing, which is reflected in reduced stock return autocorrelation.  相似文献   


Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows are of crucial importance for the process of reintegration of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the global marketplace. This paper explores the motives of foreign investors, host governments, and host companies in the FDI process taking place in CEE. The degree to which the motives of the three parties have been achieved is evaluated. The motives of foreign investors, host governments, and host companies are related to the strategic priorities of the FDI companies. The way in which these priorities have been realized is discussed. Recommendations for foreign investors' behavior in the CEE context are presented at the end of the article. The research data come from four countries: Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia.  相似文献   

Situated on a trading crossroads between Western Europe and Russia, Latvia has emerged as one of the most successful countries in Central Europe. This article provides a comprehensive review of Latvia's historical development, political structure, economy, investment, and foreign‐trade environment. It aims to be a useful source of information for foreign businessmen and investors interested in doing business in Latvia. In the fall of 1991, when the Baltic States separated from the Soviet system, no one predicted that these countries would make the transition to a market‐based economy as quickly and as effectively as they have. However, 11 years later, with notable growth and rising standards of living, such thinking is no longer considered overly optimistic. “It is the biggest, most complicated, and most promising piece of the new Europe,” wrote The Economist (1998) in reference to the Baltic region. Wherever there is new growth, there are many business opportunities to be found. Latvia's position in the center of this region is one indication of the business potential for those with the capacity to do business there. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Post‐China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China's telecommunication industry now needs to face a much stronger competition in a relatively open market that has a number of diverse rivalries. There are specific benefits and risks associated with both domestic telecommunication (telecom) companies and foreign investors in the telecommunication or information technology area. To meet with these new challenges and take advantage of the competitive, strategic advantages to penetrate the market, both China's telecom industry and foreign investors must understand the impacts of China's accession to the WTO on its telecommunication industry and hence make the necessary adjustments and/or implementation improvements. In specific, we carefully examine the impacts such as prices, quality, and local protectionism in this article. We draw the findings based on the data collected from a survey and the resulting statistic analysis.  相似文献   

As an investment banker in London, the author witnessed the massive run-up in Latin American public equities during the early 1990s and began to consider the potential for adapting the European model of development capital to Latin America. The author and a small number of other investors began looking beyond the public equity boom, recognizing that the biggest returns had already been made by local entrepreneurs who had entered the market early. Following in the steps of the local entrepreneurs who had been investing in and turning around local companies for years, the author and other investors established investment funds and sought out privately owned Latin American companies that were either poorly capitalized or mismanaged. In a matter of four years, foreign and indigenous pools of funds dedicated to private, unquoted investments in Latin America has grown from near zero to an estimated $1.5 billion. And the pool continues to grow. The author tracks this investment phenomenon and assesses the prospects for these and future Latin American funds, in light of the economic and political stabilization of many Latin American countries and the ambitious infrastructure development programs across the region.  相似文献   

Investment conditions in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe favor long-term strategic investments. Increasing competition pressures in the saturated West European beer markets coupled with shrinking demand challenged Interbrew SA, Belgium to enter the emergent prospective markets of Central and Eastern Europe by the acquisition of former state-owned enterprises. The study of Interbrew's case shows the linkages existing between investor internationalization strategy, motives, strategy implementation, and adaptation in the highly volatile markets of Hungary and Bulgaria. This case represents a good example of slow reactive strategy development in the Hungarian environment leading the investor to the loss of its first mover advantage. Using similar motives for its acquisitions in Bulgaria, Interbrew has successfully implemented a proactive adaptation of its initial Central and Eastern European strategy to the Bulgarian environment. The lessons from the case can be used by foreign investors to increase their chances for success in FDI acquisition in transitional economies. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article looks at multinational investments in Central and Eastern Europe from a relational matrix perspective. The matrix posits a set of business relationships as outcomes of environment, regulatory or cognitive, and cluster valence combinations of power, urgency, and legitimacy. BP's pursuit of petroleum reserves leading to the venture with Russia's TNK is offered as a case study pointing to two general propositions relating the conduct of global firms in the region. Data analysis relating foreign direct investment with degrees of perceived corruption supports the propositions of opportunistic behavior and acceptance of opaque environments by global petroleum companies. The legitimacy construct is shown to be most prone to erosion, and its diminution impacts a firm's operating flexibility.  相似文献   


The question of why multinational companies (MNCs) choose to locate in one region rather than another has been an important topic in IB research for many years, but has recently received even more attention. This paper presents the results of an econometric investigation of the locational determinants of Italian firms in Central and Eastern Europe. Italian firms have been very active investors in the CEE countries. Our results broadly confirm the findings of previous studies, but we also find that both trade liberalisation and market liberalisation are important influences upon the location decision. If the CEE governments wish to attract further (Italian) foreign investment, then further liberalisation of their domestic economies should be a policy priority.  相似文献   

In April 2007, Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) issued debt for USD 7.5 billion, the largest debt offering to date by a Latin American company. The conditions surrounding this issue, which was denominated and tradable in dollars, but payable in bolivars, were quite special, particularly when considering the strict foreign exchange control system put into place by the Venezuelan government in 2003. The fact that the bond issue attempted to fulfill the dual purpose of offering dollars to local companies and investors in the midst of prevailing exchange rate controls, while helping to finance PDVSA as a company, creates a unique dilemma that is ideal for class discussion. This teaching case provides the information necessary for estimating and proposing a price for PDVSA's bond offer.  相似文献   

Executive Summary Vietnam's evolving reform process is gaining momentum. Vietnam's Communist Party, however, continues to maintain strong control over economic affairs. Foreign companies with commercial expectations typically are forced into partnership with State instruments responsible for implementation of economic policy. Conflict is inevitable and many difficulties between the partners can be traced to fundamental differences in motivation between foreign investors and Vietnamese authorities. The authors analyze official policy statements and historical trends, examine some Joint Ventures to provide insights into the nature and source of these conflicts, and conclude with a discussion and implications for managers and foreign investors. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although it is the second largest country in Europe, Ukraine is still at an early stage in its transition to a market economy. Given its strong long‐term potential, it is a key country to monitor on the changing global landscape. This article provides a comprehensive review of Ukraine's historical development, political structure, economy, investment and foreign trade environment. It aims at being a useful source of information for foreign businessmen and investors interested in doing business in Ukraine. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The implementation of the Chinese government's “Go Global” policy in 2000 has led to an unprecedented surge in Chinese outward foreign direct investment (OFDI). While Asia remains a favorite destination, the 2008–09 global financial crisis has presented opportunities for Chinese companies interested in cross‐border mergers and acquisitions in the United States. Chinese companies are keen on the United States because of access to the world's largest market and technology. However, Chinese companies have had to deal with difficulties ranging from regulatory hurdles and cultural differences. Given that the majority of OFDI is still carried out by state‐owned enterprises (SOEs), the primary obstacle for Chinese investors at the federal level is the Committee of Foreign Investment to the United States. This has proven to be an insurmountable obstacle so far for Chinese telecom company Huawei. However, the US investment environment is not all gloom and doom for Chinese companies. There are success stories too like Haier, which has managed to overcome cultural differences. This article aims to do a comparative study of Huawei and Haier and highlight the lessons the companies offer for Chinese companies interested in investing in the United States. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

对外投资区位的选择与企业甚至国家的经济利益及经济地位息息相关。目前,影响我国企业对外投资区域的主要因素有企业竞争优势、市场需求潜力及资源互补等。当前我国对外直接投资总体发展较好,但与我国整体实力和经济状况并不相符,还存在选择投资的区位过于集中、投资行业结构不均衡等问题。我国企业在进行对外投资区位选择时,应综合考虑所投资地区的区位、市场、资源等因素,根据区位优势和产业优势选择相应的投资对策,以有效提升我国对外投资企业的国际竞争力水平。  相似文献   

The Turkish Republic was founded in 1923, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey is strategically positioned at the crossroads of Europe, the Black Sea region, and the Turkic‐speaking republics of Central Asia. It is also situated on the Mediterranean coast at close proximity to the Middle East, the Gulf States, and North Africa. It thus offers an excellent base for economic activities throughout the region. The country was a gateway from the ancient Silk Road to new markets and today is becoming a powerful focal point as a cultural and political intermediary as well as a regional trade center of growing importance. Turkey is the 17th largest economy in the world (Economist, 2003; World Bank, 2001). Turkish culture, history, and people have always fascinated scholars. In recent years, the country also has captured the attention of Western companies and investors. Once highly insular, the Turkish economy has been transformed over the past two decades into a vibrant liberal market within a rapidly modernizing society. It is regarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce as one of the top emerging markets. This article will explore the foundations of the Turkish economy, business system, and business culture from the perspective of foreign companies. Following a brief overview of the economy, the country's market potential is discussed. Next, entry strategies—including potential partnerships with indigenous firms—are recommended. Finally, we offer insights into the business culture, and provide tips for working effectively with Turkish business people. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

上市公司盈余管理、市场反应与政府监管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上市公司天然存在盈余管理的动机,伴生着规避盈余损失或盈余下降的行为,本文基于信号传递理论,对上市公司盈余管理行为引发投资者行为变化进而引起相关监管部门的重点监督进行研究。在以我国2006—2009年A股上市公司为样本的实证研究中,我们发现:上市公司普遍存在着盈余管理行为,投资者能够识别上市公司盈余管理行为并与上市公司形成利益共同体,共同追求超额收益。  相似文献   

Goran Radman (GR) joined Microsoft in 1996 and served until Fall 2008 as Microsoft Chairman, Southeast Europe (SEE) and Chairman, East and Central Europe (ECEE). Based in Croatia, where he enjoys sailing the Adriatic coast and islands, he spoke with the authors during 2008 and 2009 about his experience launching Microsoft's commercial presence in the region. His conversation ranged widely and incisively among such topics as Microsoft's business model, its market entry strategy, the role of partnerships, the structure and process of Microsoft's business operations, national business environments in the region, the role of country managers, and Microsoft's practice of knowledge management. This article captures highlights of these conversations. Goran Radman is currently founder and director of NAUTAR consultancy in Zagreb.  相似文献   

Today Philips is one of the largest foreign investors in EastAsia. The foundation for the company's East Asian position waslaid by investment in Taiwan in the 1960s and early 1970s, ata time when this country and the rest of the region were stilllargely ignored by other European investors. This article investigatesthe motives for Philips to play a pioneering role among Europeanfirms in large-scale investing in Taiwan. The author uses thetraditional method for direct investment analysis, known asDunning's eclectic paradigm. He also addresses shortcomingsin this method regarding individual company behavior, by addinga corporate governance analysis that is based on Freeman's stakeholdertheory. The resulting analysis shows that, although locationalfactors constituted the main precondition to direct investmentby Philips, the crucial reason Philips made its early investmentsin Taiwan was its chief executive officer's enthusiasm for thisparticular project.  相似文献   

Considering the strong gambling preference of retail investors in emerging markets and using the data of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2000 to 2018, this paper constructs an index of investor's gambling preference based on the theory of explicit preference and develops a factor model to capture the risk premium of gambling by introducing gambling factors. The results show that the factor model not only fits the gambling characteristics of the Chinese stock market well but also has strong explanatory power for common market anomalies. Through the index of capital gains over-hang (Wang et al., 2016), this paper further finds that facing different degrees of losses, investors will show different gambling preferences. The factor model also shows stronger explanatory power in the sample with more losses, revealing the investment characteristics of retail investors that the more you gamble and the more you lose. This study would be meaningful for exploring behavioral pricing factors, understanding emerging stock markets and supporting investment practice.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the local environment influences the strategic decisions of foreign investors entering Central and Eastern Europe. The current economic transition of the region offers unique opportunities arising from virgin markets and low labor costs. Foreign businesses have been eager to exploit the former, often pursuing first-mover advantages. However, the underlying structural problems of the economies in transition inhibit the development of business: in adapting to the new market environment, firms are in a process of fundamental restructuring. Moreover, the privatization process in the region creates both opportunities and obstacles for entry by acquisition. While the institutional framework is developing toward Western models, it remains incomplete. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Privatization is an essential part of the transition process in Central and Eastern Europe. In this process the major stakeholders have a variety of different objectives. The conventional Western literature views of the objectives of governments, investors, and privatized companies are identified. The research then studies the importance ol'thcsc in Central and Eastern Europe and the degree to which they have been achieved in Hungary, Poland, and Slovcnia for former state-owned enterprises (SOEs) which are now fully or partly private and for organic private firms. The paper concludes that the major objectives are more likely to be achieved by fully privatized former SOEs.  相似文献   

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