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刘勇 《国际贸易问题》2008,302(2):113-118
世贸组织《反倾销协定》具有理论依据缺失、明确与模糊的法律条款并存、同时许可与管制成员方采取反倾销措施等特点。基于《反倾销协定》的以上特点,尽管反倾销措施具有若干负面效果,文章认为它仍然将继续成为各成员方保护国内产业、消除国际贸易自由化所带来的消极影响的重要手段,同时有关反倾销的争论也将持续下去。  相似文献   

世贸组织体制下的保障措施是一种进口救济措施。本文拟对区域贸易中实施的保障措施及其争论予以分析,探讨世贸组织争端解决机构对相关争端案的裁决,在此基础上,提出解决问题的设想,并为中国订立区域贸易协定的保障措施条款提供参考性建议。  相似文献   

现实世界中,知识产权的立法和保护已经在WTO成员域内得到普遍遵守,知识产权的执法问题也得到高度重视和关注。网络环境下,知识产权问题呈现出加强合作和注重技术等新特点。入世十年来,中国已经制定和完善了相关知识产权法律法规,特别是网络环境的知识产权保护。在国际层面逐步加强网络环境中的知识产权执法已经是势不可挡,中国对此依然面临着巨大挑战。  相似文献   

It is often alleged that PTAs involving the EC and the US include a significant number of obligations in areas not currently covered by the WTO Agreement, such as investment protection, competition policy, labour standards and environmental protection. The primary purpose of this study is to highlight the extent to which these claims are true. The study divides the contents of all PTAs involving the EC and the US currently notified to the WTO, into 14 ‘WTO+’ and 38 ‘WTO‐X’ areas, where WTO+ provisions come under the current mandate of the WTO, and WTO‐X provisions deal with issues lying outside the current WTO mandate. As a second step, the legal enforceability of each obligation is evaluated, and judged on the extent to which the text specifies clear obligations. Among the findings are: (i) EC agreements contain almost four times as many instances of WTO‐X provisions as do US agreements; (ii) but EC agreements evidence a very significant amount of ‘legal inflation’ (i.e. non‐legally enforceable provisions) in the WTO‐X category, and US agreements actually contain more enforceable WTO‐X provisions than do the EC agreements; (iii) US agreements tend to emphasise regulatory areas more compared to EC agreements.  相似文献   

中国加入世界贸易组织的十年间,根据TRIPS协定的要求和应对经济全球一体化的挑战所需,进一步推进知识产权制度变革,体现了三个特点,即将履行国际义务与本国国情相结合、知识产权权利人利益与公众利益的平衡、面向新世界的战略性导向发展。本文建议根据当今国际上加强知识产权实施机制和各国知识产权制度趋同的新形势,中国应继续推进知识产权制度朝着纵深方向变革,大力提升知识产权国际竞争力。  相似文献   

This study examines the institutional arrangements that define the characteristics of national legal systems that are used to protect intellectual property (IP) assets embedded in outward FDI. The focus of the study is on how the institutional underpinnings of IPR regimes affect the costs and risk of using legal arenas to enable effective use of IP assets. Following a property rights approach it is postulated that formal and informal institutional arrangements influence how IP regimes affect the transaction costs and risk associated with converting ownership rights over IP into economic rights. Informal institutions are considered to affect the behaviour of agents involved in enforcing legal rights. This behaviour influences how IP law is implemented in legal arenas and thereby impacts on the efficacy of IPR regimes to help secure economic rights from the use of IP assets. Using data on outward FDI from the USA to 42 host countries the results find that the strength of informal institutions connected to the enforcement of IP in a country directly affects outcomes and positively moderates the effect of formal legal aspects of IP law on FDI flows. The results highlight the importance of informal institutional aspects connected to the behaviour of enforcement agents when using national legal systems to protect IP rights in cross-frontier transactions.  相似文献   

We build a multi-sectoral North-South trade model to analyze international intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. By comparing the Nash equilibrium IPR protection standard of the South (the developing countries) with that of the North (the developed countries), we find that the former is naturally weaker than the latter. Moreover, we show that both regions can gain from an agreement that requires the South to harmonize its IPR standards with those of the North, and the North to liberalize its traditional goods market. This demonstrates the merits of multi-sectoral negotiations in the GATT/WTO.  相似文献   

在有关TRIPS的谈判中,发达国家未能实现其所有目的,虽屡次试图加强TRIPS的保护水平,却总是成效甚微。鉴于此,双边自由贸易协定,而非多边条约,成为了他们新一轮努力的重点。在这方面,美国无愧于其中"翘楚",其近年所为,对"超TRIPS条款"的扩张起了推波助澜作用。这使发达国家得以规避TRIPS中有利于较不发达国家的规定,并为进一步制定不平等国际规范奠定了基础。本文主要分析了美式FTA中与公共健康有关的超TRIPS条款,以证明上述观点,并提请发展中国家注意国际知识产权立法中的这一双边趋势及其潜在的不利影响。  相似文献   

在经济全球化条件下将劳工权利保护纳入WTO制度是一种必然的趋势。文章对WTO的宗旨、相关条款和运行机制等方面进行了分析,认为WTO制度内存在纳入劳工权利保护的空间。将劳工权利保护纳入WTO制度会提高劳工权利保护的权威性、有效性、合理性和公平性,增加了世界经济发展的稳定性和可预见性。  相似文献   

WTO知识产权争端解决实践十三年:回顾与评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO成立后,其争端解决机制获得普遍赞扬,也因此掩盖了一些内在问题。对WTO知识产权争端的实证研究表明,至少在本领域,权力导向仍在起作用。作为乌拉圭回合产生的新协定,《TRIPS协定》并不完备,在非违反之诉的适用、WTO与WIPO的合作与协调等体制性问题上,仍有很大的不确定性。知识产权问题本身的敏感性和复杂性,也彰显了WTO争端解决机制中普遍存在的参与问题。  相似文献   

针对产品生产和加工方法贸易措施的违法性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在GATT—WTO体系内部,针对产品生产和加工方法贸易措施的合法性,以及如何规范允许使用的针对产品生产和加工方法贸易措施的讨论甚为激烈,成为最有争议的焦点问题之一。本文根据对WTO协议中的GATT第1条、第3条、第20条,以及《技术性贸易壁垒协议》相关条文和案例的研究,分析了针对产品生产和加工方法贸易措施的违法性及其可能的负面效应,以供进一步的研究参考。  相似文献   

作为WTO协议附件1A的协议,TBT和GATT都规定了成员方的国民待遇义务,两者在适用范围上有一定的交叉,如果申诉方同时提起这两项协议项下有关国民待遇义务的申诉请求,争端解决机构就可能面临累积适用两项规则或者适用其中一项规则的选择。根据广义的冲突定义,这两项规则之间存在潜在的冲突,虽然争端解决机构可以依据司法经济原则避免冲突的产生,但是更好地避免冲突的路径是依据相关的冲突规则选择其中一项规则排除另一项规则的适用。  相似文献   

艾素君 《国际贸易问题》2007,298(10):114-119
特殊与差别待遇,是世贸组织处理发展中成员方经济发展问题时必须遵循的一项基本原则。但是,世贸组织有关区域贸易协定的现有规范却缺乏对发展中国家的特殊考虑,这不利于发展中国家参与区域经济合作,促进其经济发展。多哈部长宣言授权成员方在区域贸易协定的谈判中考虑发展问题,但是发达成员和发展中成员在此问题上存在争议,尚未达成共识。发展中国家应当积极参与谈判,争取保留授权条款,同时在24条中引入特殊和差别待遇。作为交换条件,发展中国家可以接受就南南型区域贸易协定向世贸组织进行通知并由其进行审查。  相似文献   

In these remarks, I argue that a plausible reason that anti‐dumping actions are so widely abused for protectionist purposes is that they represent a rare instance of essentially unilateral actions that are permissible within the WTO: under the banner of anti‐dumping actions, governments can block imports and provide their industries with import relief without fear of retaliation or demands for compensation from their trading partners. Cognisant of the great potential for abuse of anti‐dumping actions, the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VI represents an extraordinarily detailed attempt by WTO member governments to ‘reign in’ this potential through a detailed set of rules governing the acceptable methodologies and procedures for initiating anti‐dumping actions. But as long as the underlying incentives for abuse remain, governments are likely to continue to find new and increasingly ingenious ways to respond to these incentives without running afoul of the rules. To create incentives for the use of anti‐dumping measures that are more in line with a cooperative international environment, I suggest extending WTO compensation provisions to cover anti‐dumping actions. In this way, the WTO might in effect ‘harness retaliation’ and convert it into a tool of international order in the area of anti‐dumping actions.  相似文献   

在对哥伦比亚有关入境口岸限制措施的审理中,WTO专家组第一次适用《关税与贸易总协定》第5条做出裁决。在裁决中专家组解释了该条的适用范围和所规定的具体义务,明确了成员方在不同情形下对过境运输货物的义务,对成员方有关贸易管理措施的实施具有指导意义。  相似文献   

国内支持是农业谈判三大支柱之一,通过研究WTO最新的模式草案,并与乌拉圭回合农业协定相比较,可以看出国内支持谈判具体取得的进展;接着通过研究我国农业国内支持的实施现状,分析了我国入世承诺执行情况,结果表明我国很好地履行了入世承诺;最后根据模式草案的规定,指出今后我国农业政策的调整方向。  相似文献   

Traditional thinking about intellectual property rights (IPR) suggests that as a country strengthens its IPR standards, firms will move their governance structures away from equity based institutions such as foreign direct investment (FDI) towards more market-based relations such as licensing agreements. This hypothesis is explored by examining the behavior of Hollywood studios in both the feature film and video markets in 40 foreign countries. The analysis reveals that the behavior of Hollywood studios is more complex than this: although moderate IPRs are associated with a high degree of licensing, both high and low standards of IPR encourage more integrated governance structures.  相似文献   

I review the various interrelationships between innovation in service industries and the need for intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. A number of service sectors engage in significant innovation, particularly in information technologies, the internet, digital entertainment, and financial services, suggesting that IPR are of increasing importance in those areas. Other service sectors have not made much use of IPR to date but emerging patterns of innovation indicates that doing so will become a more central element of commercial strategy. A review of available survey evidence supports these views. I discuss how fundamental principles of IPR may be applied to various services and note certain gaps in policy regimes that should be filled in order to meet the needs of these sectors.  相似文献   

“特保条款”及其对我国出口贸易的负面影响评析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
“特保条款”是世贸组织保障机制的重要组成部分。中国《入世议定书》和《工作组报告书》中的“特保条款”具有专门适用于中国的特定性、单向性与歧视性。在这些“特保条款”的过渡期限内,任一世贸组织进口成员都可以针对给其造成或威胁造成市场扰乱的某一中国出口产品提起“特保”立案申请,这就必然会给我国的出口贸易带来不利影响。本文在比较分析各类保障条款的基础上,对“特保条款”的适用现状与不利影响进行分析与评价,并提出若干应对措施。  相似文献   

The design, manufacture, distribution, and sale of software constitutes a rapidly growing and remarkably lucrative global industry. Leaders of most software companies understand that intellectual property rights (IPR) typically are vital to competitive advantage and company success. Theft of intellectual property (IP) in the form of software piracy is brazen, extremely costly, lowers incentives to innovate, and threatens the very existence of some companies. IP theft, therefore, is a daunting challenge for managers of software firms. In this article, we make several contributions that should prove helpful to software designers, managers, responsible users, and broad stakeholders of software innovation and use—that is, almost all of us. In doing so, we provide an overview of international legal, ethical, economic, and systemic considerations, and we share an analysis of the drivers of consumer software piracy. We then discuss strategic considerations and introduce a decision-making typology, which may help legitimate companies to devise strategies and tactics to manage their software IP in the face of widespread piracy.  相似文献   

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