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Different rating and investment companies have recently pointed out Spain’s brightening growth outlook, which has energized the Spanish stock market. By anticipating greater interest in the behaviour of the Spanish stock market, we show that the best trading strategy is that in which the investor enters long or short after the opening of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) till the end of the trading day at 17:30. This strategy should be complemented with that of entering long or short from the opening of the trading day till the closing price before the opening of the NYSE in no-coincidence phases.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of size- and value-based strategies in the Italian stock market in the period 2000–2018. Previous research argued the impossibility to define properly value-sorted portfolios due to the inaccuracy of book-to-market ratios available for Italian listed stocks. Using more accurate data, we implement portfolios sorting based on value and growth stocks, to assess the relevance of the value factor in the Italian stock market. We find that the capital asset pricing model fails to explain the cross-section of returns on the different strategies while the Fama and French three-factor model provides a better fit. The results show that all three factors are significant in explaining Italian stock returns during the sample period. Unlike previous studies, which either found no value effect at all or no clear-cut results when testing the book-to-market variable, we find that the value factor is statistically significant and the associated risk premium is of a considerable size.  相似文献   

This article examines the profitability of dual moving average crossover (DMAC) trading strategies in the Finnish stock market over the period 1996 to 2012. It contributes to the existing technical analysis literature by comparing for the first time the performance of DMAC trading portfolios of individual stocks to the performance of index trading strategies based on trading on an index that consists of the same stocks. The results show that their relative performance varies over time, whereas previous studies have documented outperformance of index trading strategies over trading strategies of stock portfolios. Moreover, the great majority of 3020 DMAC strategies examined in this article outperform the corresponding buy-and-hold (B and H) strategy for both trading targets (i.e., OMX Helsinki 25 index and individual stocks included in the index) in out-of-sample tests. In addition, the decomposition of the full-sample-period performance into separate bull- and bear-period performance shows clearly that the outperformance of DMAC strategies over B and H strategy is mostly attributable to their better performance during bearish periods.  相似文献   

This Paper investigates the variability of the risk premium in the Italian stock market, over the period 1978–89. We have modelled voatility using two different approaches: ARCH-M models and non-parametric models. The estimate of the ARCH-M models confirm the existence of both an ARCH process in the variance and a time-varying risk premium. Also the non-parametric specification confirms the existence of a time varying risk premium. Moreover in both models the acceleration in the inflation rate has a negative effect on stock prices.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of asymmetry information and illiquidity related to cluster trading on information integration efficiency in the Chinese stock market. The results show that information asymmetry and illiquidity related to cluster trading both negatively affect market efficiency in the Chinese stock market. While the effect of information asymmetry on market efficiency dominates in the informational period, the effect of illiquidity related to cluster trading dominates in other periods, when trading is less concentrated. Noise trading has a positive effect on market efficiency by greatly reducing the illiquidity related to cluster trading; however, its effect on information asymmetry is not significant. Our results provide insight into investors’ trading strategies.  相似文献   

This paper documents a strong contemporaneous relationship between foreign equity trading and market volatility in Indonesia and Thailand. Although foreign selling accounts for only a small portion of daily trading, it has the highest explanatory power for market volatility in both countries. Trading within foreign and local investor groups is often negatively related to volatility. The findings are robust to different sub-periods and different measures for volatility and trading activities. We explore two economic explanations for the asymmetric effects of foreign and local investors.  相似文献   

This paper documents a strong contemporaneous relationship between foreign equity trading and market volatility in Indonesia and Thailand. Although foreign selling accounts for only a small portion of daily trading, it has the highest explanatory power for market volatility in both countries. Trading within foreign and local investor groups is often negatively related to volatility. The findings are robust to different sub-periods and different measures for volatility and trading activities. We explore two economic explanations for the asymmetric effects of foreign and local investors.  相似文献   

Summary. We construct a simple trading process that is based on the maximization, at each stage, of the total distributable surplus. We show that this process converges to a Pareto optimal allocation.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of institutional monitoring on opportunistic seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) in the Korean stock market. With a firm’s accrual quality as a measurement for the degree of information asymmetry between managers and investors, we hypothesize that the managers of firms with poor accrual quality are likely to engage in opportunistic SEOs, but such opportunistic activity is weak in firms strongly monitored by institutional investors. The empirical findings indicate that opportunistic SEOs tend to be deterred by institutional monitoring.  相似文献   

The theory of Walrasian equilibrium yields a set of prices at which the aggregate competitive demand for each commodity equals its aggregate competitive supply. However, even at equilibrium prices the theory of competitive equilibrium does not explicitly offer explanation regarding the manner in which trades are actually executed. This paper considers a model where trade takes place in a decentralized fashion and examines in a dynamic game-theoretic framework, the role of social institution of money and markets in facilitating exchange. The steady state Nash equilibrium derived in the paper demonstrates how, depending on the level of transaction costs associated with a market setup (synonymously, trading posts to exchange possible pairs of goods) appropriate monetary trade emerges, which like a hub and spoke network (Starr and Stinchcombe, 1999) makes some markets non-functioning and in equilibrium only the markets having trade through the medium of exchange continue to exist. However, despite the obvious advantages of a market setup in reducing search costs, pure random search for a complementary trading partner (as considered by Ostroy and Starr, 1974; Kiyotaki and Wright , 1989; and others) prevails in many economies, especially, in many developing economies. This paper models this feature of developing economies by introducing differences in transaction costs across agents and shows why sustainable equilibria might exist exhibiting random search for certain commodities even in the presence of established markets.  相似文献   

We present an agent-based simulation of an asset market with heterogeneously informed agents. Genetic programming is applied to optimize the agents’ trading strategies. After optimization, insiders are the only agents able to generate small systematic above-average returns. For all other agents, genetic programming finds a rich variety of trading strategies that are predominantly based on exclusive subsets of their information. This limits their price impact and prevents them from making systematic losses. The resulting low noise renders market prices as largely informationally efficient.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a generalization of the prior VAR and EGARCH model to explore the linkage between returns and volatility transmissions in the U.S. stock market, the Chinese stock market, and the global gold market from 10 July 1996 to 20 July 2018. We found that past returns of the U.S. stock market can predict the current returns of the other two markets, and that significant reciprocal volatility transmission existed within and across all three markets. We further implemented average out-of-sample (OOS) forecasting to show that a risk-adjusted portfolio, such as mean-variance with sample estimator, does not outperform an equal-weighted portfolio. This provides insights for individual investors and helps to explain the ongoing disagreement in the portfolio literature concerning the effectiveness of risk-adjusted portfolios and equal-weighted portfolios when the number of assets is small.  相似文献   

This article applies multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) and multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis (MF-DCCA) to investigate cross-correlation behaviours between two kinds of stock markets trading volumes and investor fear gauges covering the data of U.S. stock markets from 2 January 2004 to 31 July 2018. The empirical results show that the dynamic relationship between stock markets trading volume fluctuations and different kinds of investor fear gauges are multifractal and find that the dynamic relationship is strongly anti-persistent. Moreover, financial crisis in 2008 has a significant impact on the cross-correlated behaviour, suggesting that stock market trading volume fluctuations and investor fear gauges are more susceptible to each other during the financial crisis period. Through the rolling windows analysis, we also find that the stock markets trading volume fluctuations and different kinds of investor fear gauges are anti-persistent dynamic cross-correlated.  相似文献   

The paper aims at providing empirical evidence about (i) the influence of macroeconomic variables and economic policies on country risk and (ii) the influence of macroeconomic variables and country risk on the main Brazilian index of the stock market (Ibovespa). The study analyzes the role that macroeconomic fundamentals plays, but also the role that the credibility of the regime of inflation targeting and the reputation of the central bank play in lessening country risk and in the improvement of the stock market performance. The empirical evidence was obtained through the application of ordinary least squares (OLS), generalized method of moments (GMM) and GMM systems. The results found suggest that monetary policy and public debt management, as well as credibility and reputation affect country risk and the performance of the Brazilian stock market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the profitability of index trading strategies that are based on dual moving average crossover (DMAC) rules in the Russian stock market over the 2003–2012 period. It contributes to the existing technical analysis (TA) literature by comparing for the first time in emerging markets the relative performance of individual stocks’ trading portfolios with that of trading strategies for the index that consists of the same stocks (i.e., the most liquid stocks of the Moscow Exchange). The results show that the best trading strategies of the in-sample period can outperform buy-and-hold strategy during the subsequent out-of-sample period, although with low statistical significance. In addition, we document the benefits of using DMAC combinations that are much longer than those employed in previous TA literature. Moreover, the decomposition of the full-sample-period performance into separate bull- and bear-period performances shows that the outperformance of the best past index trading strategies over is mostly attributable to the fact that they managed to stay mostly out of the stock market during a dramatic crash caused by the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

This article aims at highlighting the relevance of the Efficient Market Hypothesis versus rational bubbles hypotheses in order to account for the Belgian financial history since 1837. We use unit roots and cointegration techniques (following the works of Diba and Grossman [1988] and Dwyer and Hafer [1990]) and apply them to long-run time series of real stock prices and dividends. Our results tend to reject any hypothesis of rational bubbles but show great evidence of cointegration between stock prices and dividends for the 19th century sample (1837–1900, yearly). There is no evidence of cointegration for the intermediate sample (1958–88, quarterly). As the absence of rational bubbles and the validity of the Efficient Market Hypothesis should imply cointegration, we conclude that the time-invariance of the theory is questionable.  相似文献   

The role of immigration in the evolution of the labor force in Italy is analyzed. The author notes that not only is there a growing number of foreign immigrants, but return migration of natives to Italy is greater than Italian emigration. It is also noted that neither Italian migration policy nor the statistical system have evolved to cope with these new conditions. The high level of illegal immigration is also described, and the author concludes that such immigrants either find work in positions Italians no longer wish to fill, or in the black, or illegal, economy.  相似文献   

The event study methodology of Brown and Warner (1985) is adopted and augmented to evaluate the effect of the launch of multilateral trading systems on risk and return in equity markets. The methodology is supplemented with various techniques, such as the nonparametric ranking test and kernel regression, to find out if announcements about the introduction of Chi-X Australia generated abnormal returns (ARs). Asset pricing models are fitted with interaction variables, while GARCH, threshold ARCH (TARCH), exponential GARCH (EGARCH) and power-ARCH (PARCH) are used to determine changes in systematic risk. We find evidence in favour of Fisher’s separation theorem and detect a new market anomaly, which we call the ‘Fisher market anomaly’. Our results show that Chi-X system testings affect ARs. Consistent with the adaptive expectations theory, we confirm that the first announcement about the launch of Chi-X affected systematic risk the most. In addition, we identify industry and firm effects in risk analysis.  相似文献   

This study examines the sensitivity of the Spanish stock market at the industry level to movements in oil prices over the period 1993–2010, paying special attention to the presence of endogenously determined structural changes in the relationship between oil price changes and industry equity returns. The empirical results show that the degree of oil price exposure of Spanish industries is rather limited, although significant differences are found across industries. The oil price sensitivity is very weak in the 1990s, a period of fairly stable and low oil prices. Instead, the link between crude oil and stock prices seems to have increased during the 2000s, becoming primarily positive. This evidence highlights the key role played by aggregate demand-side oil price shocks associated with the global real economic activity in the link between oil price fluctuations and the Spanish stock market.  相似文献   

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