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There is a long-standing discussion on the positive interactions between enterprise value creation and business competitiveness. The corporate value can be seen as being created from three major sources within the cycle – from employees, from processes, and from customers or investors through reinvestment. To achieve competitive advantages, a firm must create more value than its competitors in the industry. Emphasizing that, firms should explore the positive drivers of customer value creation, allowing for a true value creation that will lead to increments in competitiveness. In reality, however, there are also barriers that hinder customer value creation. Targeting the above issues that have not yet been explored or analyzed, we have collected related literature at the first stage. Based on these presumable assumptions, this paper then conducts an empirical study by surveying and analyzing the relevance given by the investigated leading machinery measuring equipment firms in Taiwan, regarding the concerns as drivers and barriers in relation to customer value creation. This paper especially aims to answer several key questions: What drivers revolving around employees and processes can facilitate the organization to create more value for its customers? Conversely, what barriers block the organization from creating value for customers in examining the same dimensions? Does value creation direct an organization’s profitability and competitiveness? Our questionnaire survey results show that the most recognized and agreed drivers of customer value creation in consideration of employees are “distinctive skills”, “personal experience”, “learning and training”, and “team work”; and, in regard to the firm’s processes, the key drivers are “innovation and evolution”, “R&;D capability”, and “capability for differentiation”. Conversely, the most recognized and agreed barriers to customer value creation in relation to employees are a “distrustful environment” and “inadequate knowledge”; and, in terms of processes, they are “short of core technology”, “poor resource support”, and “bad services and attitudes”. Furthermore, our in-depth interview outcomes reveal that “capital sufficiency” and “mergers and acquisitions” are in practice considered to be other important customer value creation drivers; in contrast, “cultural and structural barriers” and “short of mechanisms to measure customer value creation effectively” are viewed as additional critical barriers to customer value creation.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of service-dominant logic as the emerging organizing logic of marketing that would replace the traditional goods-dominant view, Vargo and Lusch (2004) originally proposed that among several other approaches to research and marketing practice that had emerged, relationship marketing would be subsumed by this broader view. More recently, however, Vargo (2009) suggested that because relationship marketing focuses on increasing the series of on-going transactions with a customer, coupled with the goal of enhancing their long-term patronage, that relationship marketing extends the goods-dominant perspective, rather than transcending into the service-dominant logic. This article counters that the relationship marketing view of the customer has already transcended the goods-dominant view to the to service-dominant view based on the way that customers are brought into the relationship as active participants in the service creation, and act as “co-producers” of value. To address the apparent goods-dominant approach in two widely used relationship marketing practices and measures, customer relationship management and customer lifetime value, this article proposes that these tools can be used from a goods-dominant view, but they can also serve as essential steps towards the practice of relationship marketing from the service-dominant logic.  相似文献   

Digitalisation opens new channels for financial transactions. Crowdlending and Digital Advice offer additional opportunities for customers to manage their assets. In the banking market, “FinTechs” are the most notable example of what Schumpeter described as “creative destruction”. They could threaten the existence of established banks. Therefore the banks should use the FinTechs as a testing laboratory for customer behavior and testing ground for a more modern marketing policy. This environment gives rise to concerns that there may develop an unregulated area of shadow banks. But it should be considered that a level playing field has to be ensured and that innovative processes and products are not stalled. A potential advantage of Digital Advice is that consumers can have the possibility to access the relevant information they need to make their financial decisions. Consumers, in turn, are only able to benefit from this advantage if competition between financial service providers leads to a supply of clear and comprehensible information about financial products and an appropriate degree of data security. The rise of Big Data analyses in retail banking allows a more precise estimation of creditworthiness risk as well as a consumer’s willingness-to-pay, propensity to switch and responsiveness to marketing offers. This not only impacts on competition, it represents major challenges for policymakers, authorities and consumers alike.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multichannel, multimedia communications framework based on the concept of Customer Lifetime Value. The framework begins with customer information from the company's database, segments the customers based on the value they provide to the company, and advocates sending targeted messages using differentiated modes of communication. The framework also closes the communication loop by identifying the appropriate modes of inbound communication for the four customer segments (“Icons,” “Go-Getters,” “Opulents,” and “Misers”), and proposes customized firm responses based on the nature/purpose of the inbound communication call. The article presents this framework in both B2C and B2B settings, offers managerial implications for implementing this framework and outlines future research directions.  相似文献   

In customer relationship management (CRM), it is critical for managers to understand how and when customers terminate their relationships with the company in order to make more accurate predictions for CLV. However, in many non-contractual settings, customer churn is not easily observed, which presents difficulty for estimating customer retention. In this research, we present a framework for estimating multichannel customer relationship dynamics in a non-contractual setting that flexibly allows for relationship revival and investigates the effects of different channel experiences and marketing communication on retention and profitability. We use a multi-segment, multivariate hidden Markov modeling framework to model three managerially relevant customer behaviors: purchase amount, purchase incidence, and channel choice. Using data from a multichannel clothing retailer, we uncover two latent relationship states that customers migrate to and from — an active state and an inactive state characterized by different levels of purchase frequency, responsiveness to marketing, and profitability. We find that an offline (retail-store) channel can be used to migrate customers from an inactive state to an active state, effectively serving the purpose of “education” or “revival,” whereas an online channel is most effective in keeping the existing active customers active, thus serving the purpose of “retention”. Using counterfactual analysis, we highlight an opportunity for the multichannel firm to optimize marketing strategies to dynamically manage and increase the retention and hence also the value of its customer base.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2022,98(1):111-132
This paper provides a framework for conceptualizing omnichannel integration as a continuum, identifies phenomena that determine how firms should position along that continuum, and summarizes empirical research regarding these phenomena. The framework combines the customer journey (search to purchase to aftersales) and channel choice (online vs. offline). This generates a range of omnichannel strategies, anchored by “Unconnected” on one extreme and “Complete” on the other. In between, “Vertical” strategies integrate channels over the customer journey, while “Horizontal” strategies integrate across channels at a given stage in the customer journey. We draw on more than 200 articles to identify 10 consumer and marketing phenomena (“determinants”) that influence where a firm should position along the continuum. This however raises challenges. For example, empirical research surprisingly finds many customers belong to an offline-focused segment. This suggests a Vertical strategy linking offline channels. However, today's turbulent retail environment questions whether the offline-focused segment will endure. Should the retailer cater to offline-focused customers or facilitate their progression to “multichannelism”? Another finding is that consumers strongly prefer consistency across channels. This suggests a Horizontal strategy. However, consistency might create channel cannibalization. How can the retailer avoid this? We discuss these and several other findings regarding the impact of the 10 determinants on omnichannel continuum strategy. We identify issues researchers need to research and managers need to consider when developing omnichannel continuum strategy.  相似文献   

Pay what you want (PWYW) is an increasingly popular sales strategy in which consumers voluntarily decide how much to pay for a product or service. PWYW has often been described as an exercise in the “empathy economy,” where consumers' payment choices might be seen as empowered expressions of their tastes and preferences, and sellers have a stronger incentive for empathizing with them. Beyond their economic interest, PWYW experiences also deserve significant attention in the social sciences given that they challenge several key assumptions of rational choice and neoclassical economic theory, as well as conventional consumer behavior and pricing theories. This paper analyzes three plays performed at the Beckett Theater in Barcelona using PWYW with very profitable outcomes. Our analysis shows that socio-psychological factors, such as payments attributed to others and satisfaction with the play, are the best predictors of customer payments.  相似文献   

Companies that are able to help clients make better decisions and enhance their business capabilities to flourish. However, there is often poor rapport between operating personnel who are in touch with end customers and executive personnel who make decisions. Through exploration and exploitation processes, new ideas and actions flow from the individual (i.e., operating personnel) to the organization (i.e., the rest of individuals and groups that form part of the organization). This paper examines the relative importance and significance of “the relationship memory” as a bridge between “exploration” and “exploitation” processes and its effects on the creation of “customer capital” through an empirical investigation of 139 small to medium‐sized enterprises in the Spanish optometry sector using structural equation modeling validated by factor analysis.  相似文献   

Firms that pursue cost leadership strategies tend to focus on operational efficiency but sometimes fail to fully hear the “voice of the customer.” Alternatively, firms pursuing differentiation strategies tend to focus on the customer, but sometimes to the detriment of operational excellence. To help address such imbalances, an emerging stream of supply chain research has introduced the concept of demand and supply integration (DSI). DSI involves coordinating the activities and processes reflective of a firm’s customer focus, with the operational, supply‐side activities that make demand fulfillment possible. This article contributes to this research stream by providing researchable propositions intended to foster support of a new dominant logic in supply chain management thought, describing how firms can best achieve “relevant” customer value by coordinating supply‐ and demand‐focused activities within and across their functional units.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore expectations among front-line employees regarding their customers and how these expectations can be understood in relation to strategies of customer participation and value co-creation. Two categories of expectations are identified; operative and interactive. In particular, the operative expectations reveal a service practice that is heavily structured by large-scale systems and ideals of rational efficiency. It is argued that co-creation needs to be discussed on both the strategic level, i.e. in terms of what the “customer”/market wants, and on the operative level, where the customer's direct contribution to the value-creating process has its focus.  相似文献   

In today's marketplace, the customer is presented with a myriad of products and services of greater variety and value than ever before. As competition becomes more intense, product and service providers are increasingly turning towards “service” or “service quality” as a means of achieving competitive advantage. Even in industries such as telecommunications, where significant technological advances have characterized the industry, companies are realizing that the best product no longer guarantees an advantage over the competition. The key ingredient in the formulation of a competitive service strategy is the proper measurement of service quality dimensions, as defined by the customer, and the continual monitoring of company performance along those dimensions. This article describes the process of identifying service quality dimensions as applied in two telecommunications network providers, one in Canada and one in Ireland. Results are compared and contrasted between the two countries.  相似文献   

直播电商的本质、逻辑与趋势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直播电商是直播与电商的结合,它具有强有力的经济赋能作用,展现新经济特征。从本质来看,直播电商围绕“人、货、场”核心要素重构,优化“成本、效率、体验”系统目标,总体上是在技术赋能和消费升级背景下,融购物需求与情感需求于一体,建构“货到人”沉浸式商业场景,满足消费者购物、娱乐、社交多维一体需求。从行为逻辑来看,直播电商以触发消费者购买为目标进行场景构建,直接或间接优化了福格行为模型中的能力、动机、触发点三要素的条件,同时缩短消费者决策链路,有效挖掘显性和隐性需求。从产业逻辑来看,直播电商有效链接供应端与消费者从而缩短供应链路,同时精准匹配供需,助力客对商(C2B)、消费直连制造(C2M)产业链路建构,可有效解决传统电商商家、平台、消费者的诸多痛点。从趋势来看,直播货品无边界化、直播场景向全渠道渗透、头部主播品牌溢出、供应链多元塑造、行业竞争加剧、行业监管加强等趋势明显。随着行业规范化程度的不断提高,直播电商对产业变革、经济赋能以及社会影响效应还将不断增强。  相似文献   

Restaurants are always seeking to better understand customer decisions. Mothers are of significance to restaurants as they have a direct influence on others, primarily children and spouses. This study focuses on what affects the restaurant food choices of “Moms” (a woman with at least one child 10 years or under). Three categories of factors were uncovered: externalities which occur outside of the restaurant environment, concurrencies which occur in the restaurant at the point of purchase, and confirming factors which cause an item to be confirmed or rejected after the purchase intention has formed. This article examines the externalities category.  相似文献   


Interest in the role of marketing has grown in recent decades due to its impact in brand value, value creation for customers, profitability of customer base, and organizational results. The paper shows an overall view on marketing research to explore the development of research trends, showing the high-frequency keywords at different time periods. Using bibliometric methods, the research analyzes publications between 1990 and 2017 found in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The paper shows the evolution of keywords to reveal emerging topics as demonstrated in the connections network which includes “advertising,” “consumer behavior,” “trust,” “innovation,” and “customer satisfaction.”  相似文献   

Existing research on supply chain relationships suggests that one of the underlying tensions between supply chain partners is that of opposing perspectives and goals in the customer?supplier relationship. In today's business world with requirements in constant flux, suppliers are often asked to accommodate “special” requests made by their customers, not part of the contractual agreement. Suppliers frequently fill requests to protect the relationship with the customer, even if they fall outside of what they consider their role as a supplier. Issues of supplier role conflict emerge when customers and suppliers have different views of what the supplier's role should entail. There is little research examining the potential for supplier role conflict in supply chains. Specifically, this research draws on literature from multiple disciplines to consider supplier role conflict that may stem from accommodation and the impact of this role conflict and supplier accommodation on the supply chain relationship and future accommodation behavior. Hypotheses are tested using two scenario‐based experiments. Results suggest that supplier adaptation and flexibility both have positive relational effects. If suppliers perceive accommodation requests as outside of their contracted role, supplier role conflict can have detrimental effects on the supplier's relationship perceptions and their willingness for future accommodation.  相似文献   

Responding to the Special Issue's call for “new thinking” on gender and governance in developing societies, we introduce our research on the social organization of development knowledge and its ethical implications. Our feminist-based approach, institutional ethnography, analyses the ruling relations of development and the standpoints represented in knowledge about development and its governance. Our paper offers an alternative to what we see as “the institutional standpoint” prevailing, but taken for granted, in business and society scholarship addressing development. Instead of theorizing development relationships between institutions and their “stakeholders,” we illustrate what can be learned about the social relations of development beginning from the experiences of local subjects. Our analysis of an environmental research and development project in Uzbekistan shows that being missed is knowledge about development subjects that could have revealed what is locally relevant and needed. Instead, we discover gender inequality being constituted, unknowingly, within this project's institutionally generated knowledge and the activities it authorizes.  相似文献   

This paper explores changes in technology-enabled omnichannel customer experiences in stores over a five-year period (2014–2019). It contributes to the omnichannel-experience-management literature through customer technology-enabled touchpoints within fashion retail. Adopting an exploratory qualitative approach, primary data were obtained using semi-structured interviews with millennial consumers. The findings demonstrate the growing importance of implementing and integrating in-store technologies to improve customer experience. From these, two models are developed: “technology-induced customer experience in-store”; and “technology-enabled customer shopping journey in-store”.  相似文献   

In spite of its commercial importance and signs of clear concern in public policy arenas, trade credit has not been subjected to systematic, extended analysis in the business ethics literature, even where suppliers as a stakeholder group have been considered. This paper makes the case for serious consideration of the ethics of trade credit and explores the issues surrounding slow payment of debts. It discusses trade debt as a kind of promise, but—noting that not all promises are good ones—goes on to develop an analysis of the ethics of trade credit grounded in an understanding of its fundamental purpose. Making a distinction between “operating” trade credit and “financial” trade credit, the paper provides an account of the maximum period for which it is appropriate for one company to delay payment to another from which it has purchased goods or services. The concern of commentators and policy makers that companies should not take too long to pay their debts is affirmed, but the understanding of what timely payment means is significantly finessed, with one conclusion being that, if debts have not already been settled according to acceptable standard terms of trade, cash should pass quickly back along the supply chain once the customer in the final product market has paid. The analysis has implications not only for companies that take credit but also for external parties that seek to rate companies or set regulations according to speed of payment—an approach that is shown to be misleadingly simplistic, albeit well intentioned. A corresponding important responsibility for suppliers, not to extend excessive credit (and thus act as a quasi-bank), also follows from the analysis developed. Having provided a novel analysis of an important business problem, the paper then discusses some of the related practical issues and makes suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

This study examines the importance of saving during adolescence as one way of obtaining larger sums of money, and investigates differences between adolescents who choose to save and those who do not. To this end, the strategies “saving,” “negotiating,” “selling,” and “earning” are taken into account in designing a questionnaire. Two measures of saving behaviors are used: “general tendency to save” and “saving by adjusting expenditure” when faced with an income constraint. The sample consists of 470 British school students from age 11 to 18. Results show that up to age 15, the strategies “saving” and “negotiating” are equally important and more important than “selling” or “earning.” When 15 or older, adolescents prefer “saving” above “negotiating.” Regression analyses reveal that adolescents who favor “saving” when confronted with a short‐term income constraint report a general tendency to save. Findings demonstrate the importance of developing positive financial habits early in life.  相似文献   


The fast-paced, highly competitive nature of quick service restaurants (QSRs) has motivated members of the industry to develop creative ways to optimize customer satisfaction. This search for competitive advantage has fueled an increased interest in employees as “internal customers” who are primarily responsible for external customer satisfaction. The hospitality industry is unique in that employees are part of the product; they directly provide the service component. This project surveyed over 900 hourly and salaried employees at 61 QSRs. The results indicate strategies and tactics to maintain satisfied and “actively” as well as “passively” committed employees. In turn these employees may be an employer's greatest marketing tool.  相似文献   

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