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于义彬 《水利经济》2011,29(2):46-48,61
从水资源配置的内涵出发,对水资源配置中的水量分配、取水许可和水权转让等关键环节进行剖析,并结合当前我国水资源配置实践,提出水资源配置工作中应重点注意的问题:科学确定流域或区域的水资源可利用量;建立主要控制性指标;加强流域水资源统一管理;扩大公众参与在水资源配置中的作用;充分发挥市场对水资源配置的作用;加强水资源监测与统计工作。  相似文献   

针对流域水量冲突问题,基于博弈视角建立了三阶段流域水量协调分配博弈模型,并以常德市澧水流域为例进行案例分析,对流域水量冲突管理过程进行了研究。研究结果表明:阶段一是基于个体理性的顺序博弈,处于上游的地区具有取水优势,而下游用水主体则可能不能满足其基本的用水需求,易引发冲突;阶段二引入政府调控,其节水水平有了很大的提高,且能保障各地区的基本用水需求,但由于信息不对称,很难达到均衡状态;阶段三实现了政府与市场相结合,通过调整市场水权交易价格和水资源税率对流域水量冲突进行协调分配。  相似文献   

刘玒玒  崔尧  赵雪  李鹏 《水利经济》2019,37(6):60-65
我国的流域水资源配置主要从流域管理者角度出发,追求流域整体利益最大化,由于忽视了流域内各用水户的个体利益和协商意愿,导致流域内部分用水户对水资源配置方案的满意度较低,方案可行性较差。因此,将用水户对配置方案的满意程度定义为用水户满意度,并将其量化为最低满意度函数和协调满意度函数,为用水户参与水资源配置方案决策提供通道。最终,建立基于用水户满意度准则的流域水资源合理配置模型,并以黑河流域为例进行实例验证。结果表明:①基于用水户满意度准则的流域水资源合理配置模型能够满足水资源配置的公平性。②流域内各分区对水资源配置方案的协调满意度与各自的水资源配置权重成正比。③当最低满意度取值较高时,流域水资源管理机构在制定配水方案时更强调配水的公平性;反之,则更强调用水效率,易出现部分区域缺水情况,影响流域水资源配置的公平性,应避免该情况出现。  相似文献   

针对我国流域初始水权配置的紧迫性.按照流域特点鲜明、地域南北兼顾以及水资源丰缺程度等原则.选择了黄河流域、松辽流域等5个流域或子流域作为典型流域.在综合分析典型流域初始水权配置实践的基础上.从配置思想、配置目标、配置原则、弱势群体利益的保护、配置结果的和谐性、政府宏观调控作用和水权制度建设等方面.对我国流域初始水权配置工作提出建议.以期尽快完善我国水权制度建设.  相似文献   

我国水资源流域管理创新对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从水资源流域管理的必要性出发,指出流域管理是现行《中华人民共和国水法》的要求,有利于水资源高效配置和水权制度改革,有利于经济社会可持续发展,有利于防洪规划的实现和防洪能力的提高,有利于协调、解决上、下游之间的矛盾。为了加强水资源流域管理,应加强流域机构的职权;加强流域水资源质与量统一管理;加强流域水资源价格管理,建立起节水机制;加强流域水环境管理与保护;加强流域水权交易的准市场制度建设。  相似文献   

伊犁河流域生态恢复与大农业协调发展对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
剖析伊犁河流域生态环境以及土地资源类型和分布特征,探索土地资源潜力和利弊因素,寻求适合于当地农林草协调发展的关系及其大农业生产与生态建设的最佳方式和途径;提出以全流域为整体合理分配水资源、进行土地资源综合利用及其生态建设,恢复良性的生态环境措施,实现该区生态与大农业可持续协调发展等对策。  相似文献   

水土保持综合治理措施效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈维杰 《水利经济》2006,24(1):22-25
流域水权尤其是经济水权的初始分配是现代水权制度建设的首要环节,其具体步骤依次是监测评价水资源、测算生态水权、进行水资源规划、计算基本用水、分配经济用水。其中经济用水的分配要坚持效率优先、兼顾公平,尊重历史、适当微调,政府主导、统一配置等原则。流域经济水权的分配应逐次进行,首先是省级地方政府代表本区域的用水户的利益以政治民主协商的方式分得水权,然后以相同的方式直至把水权分给县级政府。县级政府负责把水权证颁发给具体的用户和部门。  相似文献   

冯晨  吴凤平 《水利经济》2023,(1):31-39+104
开展跨境河流水资源合作是解决日益严峻的全球淡水资源短缺、缓解资源环境冲突的有效方式。为探析各流域国策略选择,推动跨境水资源合作发展,引入合作的超额收益、收益分配比例、机会收益、惩罚成本等影响因子,运用演化博弈模型,探讨了流域国博弈策略动态演化过程及影响因素;利用数值模拟方法研究了跨境河流流域国间策略演化规律,并选取典型水资源合作案例进行了比较分析。研究结果表明:流域国水资源合作的成本越低、合作发展产生的超额收益越高、背叛合作的机会收益与惩罚成本之间的差额越小,越有助于演化博弈的稳定策略向流域国合作发展方向演进;超额收益分配比例影响流域国间合作,影响方向取决于双方投入的成本与收益分配比例。基于跨境河流流域国间合作演化规律的探讨,可进一步为全球跨境河流水资源争端解决与合作发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以跨界水问题突出的中亚咸海流域为例,对上下游国家进行了不同水资源策略下的无限次重复博弈分析,并进行参数分析验证其合理性。结果表明:无限次重复博弈可为破解跨界水合作困境提供有效出路。在无限次重复博弈中,不论采用何种博弈策略,耐心程度都是开展跨界水合作的基础。引入惩罚项的博弈策略,使得博弈双方达成合作的可能性更大;博弈双方重视未来利益且在一定约束机制的条件下,将倾向选择合作策略。突破跨界水治理困境、实现流域可持续发展需要流域国家从流域整体利益最大化角度提升互信、寻找共同利益交汇点和利益平衡点,必要时可通过流域机构进行协调并对双方行为进行约束。  相似文献   

水资源供需矛盾的日益加剧导致不同国家在国际河流水资源分配问题上的矛盾冲突增加。在上下游型的国际河流中,不同地理位置的国家围绕水资源分配展开动态博弈。占据地理优势的上游国家先行采取的取水、排污策略对下游国家的水量水质造成不利影响,对下游国家的取水利益构成威胁可能导致冲突发生。在丰水年份,上下游国家之间的水资源分配冲突主要集中在上游排污问题上;在缺水年份,冲突则来源于水量分配不均以及上游排污两个方面。  相似文献   


Total factor productivity in communal agriculture in Zimbabwe grew at 1.73% per annum from 1975 to 1990. Growth was negative before independence in 1980 and then reached over 8% a year, but turned negative again after 1985. The success following independence can be explained by the widespread adoption of modern technology, especially in maize production. Adoption was driven by the reorientation of government policy towards the communal sector, which led to improved price incentives and public provision of essential infrastructure investments, such as marketing depots and farm credit facilities. However, the high costs of support proved to be unsustainable and productivity declined from 1985.  相似文献   

This work analyses a two‐stage price–location game between a profit maximising firm and a primary producers' cooperative. According to the results, the location equilibria are not fixed but depend on the intrinsic competitiveness of the spatial market. As the intrinsic competitiveness rises, the cooperative tends to be located closer to the middle point of the market. The limited differentiation in location entails an efficiency loss which is nevertheless smaller than that associated with the competition of two profit maximising firms (pure duopsony) on exactly the same spatial market. The superiority of a mixed duopsony lies in the fact that the resulting equilibrium locations entail lower total transportation cost relative to those of a pure duopsony.  相似文献   

True sustainability demands that we seek to more than ‘prop up’ traditional approaches to our environment; rather, it requires that we redress current shortcomings in the planning and design of our urban environment at both bio-regional and local scales. Nourishing Urbanism proposes a shift in the urban and non-urban paradigm relating to energy, water and food; all face significant climate-related challenges—and are united by land-use policy, planning and design. We need a renewed planning and design framework for cities and regions that allows the retrofitting of today's urbanity, and prepares our cities for a new tomorrow. Nourishing Urbanism seeks to provide a malleable planning and design framework that embraces the symbiosis between urban and non-urban, and provides for the well-being of the human condition through recommending policies and technical solutions that readdress land use, ultimately impacting the security of our energy, water and soil resources, as well as infrastructure, food supply, health and design.  相似文献   

<正>2009年,四川省粮食行业协会(学会)在省粮食局直接领导下,在全国粮食行业协会和省民政厅、省社科联的指导下,紧密联系各市、州粮食行业协会(学会)和全省粮食工作者,坚持以邓小平理论、  相似文献   

Most measures of inequality focus on the distribution of income and resources. A potentially important additional source of inequality stems from unequal property rights protection. The aim of the present paper was to examine the existence and patterns of systematic within-country inequalities in effective land rights in Rwanda. While a large qualitative literature discusses the comparative land rights of different groups, there is a lack of systematic quantitative evidence on the existence of land right inequalities. The results of estimations drawing on data on the land tenure arrangements of over 17 000 Rwandan households do indeed suggest within-country inequalities in land rights. In particular, despite recent reform efforts to improve women's land rights, a gender gap in land rights was observed that persisted throughout the 2005–2011 period studied, highlighting that institutional development takes time and that changes in de jure legislation do not automatically translate into changes in effective rights. Moreover, conflict-displaced households and households resettled to newly constructed village settlements all report weaker land rights than their respective comparison groups.  相似文献   

In this study we develop a new methodological proposal to incorporate risk into a farm‐level positive mathematical programming (PMP) model. We estimate simultaneously the farm nonlinear cost function and a farmer‐specific coefficient of absolute risk aversion as well as the resource shadow prices. The model is applied to a sample of representative arable crop farms from the Emilia‐Romagna region in Italy. The estimation results confirm the calibration ability of the model and reveal the values of the individual risk aversion coefficients. We use the model to simulate different scenarios of crop price volatility, in order to explore the potential risk management role of an agri‐environmental scheme.  相似文献   

The conventional formula for the optimal export tax (derived from a partial equilibrium model that ignores importers’ welfare) is extended to include the deadweight loss to the domestic economy associated with the tax. Applying the extended formula to the tax Russia imposes on its exports of logs, results suggest ignoring the marketing channel causes the optimal export tax for a primary commodity to be understated. The degree of understatement increases as the supply of logs and processing/marketing inputs become less price elastic, and as buyer and seller power in the downstream (lumber) industry increases. For plausible values of model parameters, however, the degree of understatement is modest, less than 19%.  相似文献   

文章分析了林业企业创建学习型组织的必要性,描述了林业学习型企业的特点,指出林业企业创建学习型组织的基本框架。  相似文献   

Rapidly growing demand for year‐round fresh food, regardless of the weather or climate, is driving demand for controlled environment agriculture systems. Sales from greenhouses (GHs) are growing at 8.8%, while sales from vertical farms (VFs) are growing at 30%. It is commonly believed in industry circles that a VF cannot economically compete with a GH, due to the high cost of powering artificial lighting. Nonetheless, researchers have yet to analyze the economics underlying a VF, let alone compare the profitability of a VF to that of a GH. This research gap is particularly relevant to Canada, as it is uniquely positioned to be a leader in the VF market. Below, we report the results of a detailed simulation of the profitability of growing lettuce in a VF and in a GH located near Quebec City. Surprisingly, we find that the costs to both equip and run the two facilities are very similar, while the gross profit is slightly higher for the VF.  相似文献   

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