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Innovation in business-to-business (B2B) contexts deals with highly dynamic, complex, and heterogeneous constellations of stakeholders with a diversity of goals, motives, and capabilities that further challenge successful management of B2B innovation processes and outcomes. Complex challenges, such as sustainability and digitization trends, push these B2B firms to embrace new innovation methods that help them manage disruptive change. Service design thinking has emerged as an innovation management practice emphasizing a human-centered innovation process of user interactions, creativity, and learning mindsets. In this article, we aim to evaluate the challenges and develop a research agenda on how service design can effectively enable stakeholders' engagement during the B2B innovation process. We argue that to advance service design opportunities for stakeholder engagement, we need to address the unique complexities and challenges of stakeholder engagement during innovation from a systemic and dynamic process perspective. From a systemic perspective, we zoom in on the building blocks of stakeholder engagement and address multi-level stakeholder engagement platforms (i.e., innovation networks). From a dynamic process perspective, we treat stakeholder engagement as an emerging process and zoom in on the temporal and relational connections and hybrid orchestration to allow for both structural and emerging stakeholder engagement during innovation. We develop a stakeholder engagement journey in which we integrate service and innovation stages and propose how service design activities can support and facilitate the aforementioned challenges and complexities. Finally, we identify concrete research questions and, accordingly, develop a research agenda for future research on stakeholder engagement in B2B innovation trajectories.  相似文献   

The continuing absence of innovation in Europe’s mobile services industry is identified and characterised here, with such examples as mobile Internet and mobile music. Innovation failure is a critical factor leading to a lack of high-income jobs, network effects, and price reductions for data services. Most mobile service innovations have been made in Japan in ‘clubs of operators’ with their suppliers. Apple USA followed the same model of control with its iPhone. Conversely, a lack of this critical type of competition characterises European operators. Revenues per citizen are in some countries similar to those in Japan, but with handsets with less functions. Europe and all other regions face the challenge of competing with Japanese and US innovators. The lessons to be learned are (1) becoming aware of the situation, (2) allocating spectrum that covers a sufficient population size to allow technological competition, and (3) developing a strong customer orientation.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of institutions in innovation from a service-ecosystems perspective, which helps to unify diverging views on innovation and extend the research regarding innovation systems. Drawing on institutional theories, this approach broadens the scope of innovation beyond firm-centered production activities and collaboration networks, and emphasizes the social practices and processes that drive value creation and, more specifically, innovation — the combinatorial evolution of new, useful knowledge. Based on this ecosystems view, we argue for institutionalization – the maintenance, disruption and change of institutions – as a central process of innovation for both technology and markets. In this view, technology is conceptualized as potentially useful knowledge, or a value proposition, which is both an outcome and a medium of value co-creation and innovation. Market innovation, then, is driven by the combinatorial evolution of value propositions and the emergence and institutionalization of new solutions.  相似文献   

With the 2008 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order amending both the definition of broadband and its data collection practices, the problems associated with data integrity and ZIP code aggregations in the United States will soon be forgotten. However, between 1999 and 2007, FCC Form 477 data remain the only viable, nationwide database of broadband provision in the United States. While broadband data from 1999–2004 and 2005–2007 are not directly comparable due to a modification in collection procedure, there is an absence of objective empirical analysis for the latter time period. Interestingly, although the FCC made the 2005–2007 data publically available on the Internet, password protected files largely prevented analysts from accessing, manipulating and analyzing these data. The purpose of this paper is three-fold. First, the process utilized for liberating these data from their protected format and integrating them into a geographic information system (GIS) is outlined. Second, the spatial distribution of broadband provision in the United States for 2005–2007 is explored. A mathematical programming approach is also utilized for comparing the relative efficiencies of ZIP code areas in acquiring broadband service given their demand-side socio-economic and demographic determinants. Finally, implications for public policy, particularly those associated with developing local and regional benchmarks for broadband provision, competition and access, are addressed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a typology for provider roles in defining business services. The starting point of the study is the underlying rationale of much of the service purchasing literature that buyers have or can easily access the necessary know-how to procure business services. If this does not hold, the implication is that buying firms would shy away from buying complex services. An alternative perspective recognizes that purchasing business services requires its own set of sourcing capabilities, which may be lacking. Buying firms may have limited know-how in terms of defining and articulating their requirements or not be fully aware of them in the first place. However, the buyer's lack of sourcing capabilities need not be an injunction to internalize the service. In these circumstances, service providers step in, help buying firms specify their requirements and play a key role in defining what is procured and how. We build on this interactive view of service definition to undertake a comparative case analysis of four business service contracting situations arrayed along two dimensions — buyer perceived uncertainty and provider's buyer-specific experience. We conclude that service providers play different roles in each case. These are classified as translating, re-engineering, developing, and fine-tuning roles.  相似文献   

The author proposes the introduction of a videophone communication service to cater for workers temporarily relocated away from their homes and families. An NTT market survey suggests that there is a perceived need for such a service. If the toll for the service is kept low, and communication centres are easily accessible, significant use of videophones may be expected in Japan.  相似文献   

中国砌石坝建设综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国是世界上建造砌石坝最早和最多的国家,截至20世纪末,据不完全统计,已建大、中、小型砌石坝水库2684座。笔者把中国的砌石坝建设分为试建和全面起步、发展、提高、进步五个阶段。文中介绍了砌坝技术、施工质量控制等级、质量控制技术以及质量验收条件等内容。  相似文献   

Using a single case study of a multinational industrial organization, this article examines the journey of a large technology manufacturer from goods-dominant logic to service-dominant logic. The findings indicate that four external factors – investors, competing forces in the market, customers and technological advancements – drive this reconfiguration. In addition, the study discusses four propositions that support the internal transformation process: First, a formal redefinition process of corporate cultural values facilitates the transformation to service-dominant logic. Second, new value creation practices in separate settings help transformation proceed more quickly. Third, restricting the transformation to deliberately selected markets and to complementary business models mitigates the risk of resistance. Fourth, setting the company in a pivotal position in the ecosystem leverages existing strengths. The results bring empirical insights to a research discussion that to date has been predominantly shaped by theoretical contributions. With this paper, we provide a contribution to the quest for more midrange theories in further developing the service-dominant logic of marketing.  相似文献   

The paradigm of design is changing. Designers now need to be equipped with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to participate in the global move towards a sustainable future. The challenges arise as Design for Sustainability deals with very complex and often contradictory issues. Collaborative learning experiences recognise that these complex issues can be addressed with the pooling of diverse knowledge, perspectives, cultures, skills and tools. Unless, however the process of collaboration is explored in detail, the opportunity for reflection, learning and improvement is lost. This paper proposes that by introducing and analysing collaboration within third level design education, the capacity for responsible design practice can be developed, leading to a transformative shift in how designers are taught as students and subsequently practice as professionals. Over two multidisciplinary projects devised and undertaken by design students from the University of Limerick (Ireland), Hogeschool Utrecht (Netherlands) and Virginia Commonwealth University (USA), the collaborative path is mapped and critical junctions identified. From this process of mapping and visualisation, collective narratives of the overall project experience are constructed (through the eyes of the participants and planners). This leads to a greater understanding and appreciation of the benefits and limitations of the collaborative experience.  相似文献   

堤防隐患探测技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
堤防隐患探测是我国堤防工程管理与加固处理的一项重要工作,近年来,随着科技的发展,探测技术不断提高.本文通过对探测方法的历史演进、各种技术对堤防工程的适应性分析,探讨了隐患探测技术的发展思路,以及应用于堤防工程的具体措施.  相似文献   

美国IBM公司正在向"服务产品化"转型.石油工程技术服务公司也正在走向服务产品化,以应对石油勘探与生产对石油工程技术服务提出的短服务周期、高可靠性、高稳定性、高质量、高性价比等要求.服务产品化的核心是提高服务、硬件、软件、管理的复用性.在服务产品化的基础上,结合可度量的、一定程度的客户化(个性化),石油工程技术服务公司可以在有效满足石油勘探与生产要求的同时,使本公司的效率最大化、利润最大化.石油工程技术服务公司实现服务产品化的途径包括:(1)实施服务产品化战略;(2)制定服务产品化开发规划;(3)研发、设计和生产服务产品;(4)推介与宣传服务产品.服务产品化的方法包括标准化、模块化、组合化和系列化.服务产品化是中国的石油工程技术服务公司发展的一个方向,需要关注、加强研究、确定实施方案并积极实践.  相似文献   

Configuring the after-sales service supply chain: A multiple case study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
After-sales service in firms manufacturing and selling durable goods has a strategic relevance in its potential contribution to company profitability, customer retention and product development. This paper addresses the configuration of the after-sales supply chain. Three configuration choices are analysed: The degree of vertical integration, the degree of centralisation, and the decoupling of activities (i.e. how activities are decomposed and separated organisationally). Exploratory case study research was performed over seven companies belonging to durable consumer goods industries. The empirical findings show that configuration choices vary, suggesting that no “one best way” exists. Moreover, many firms develop multiple configurations. Choices are influenced by drivers, including the attractiveness of the after-sales business, the strategic priorities, the characteristics of the physical product and the services offered, and the configuration of the manufacturing and distribution supply chain. The paper discusses how these drivers may lead to consistent configuration choices, and how choices are related.  相似文献   

The USA has steadfastly held to a flat rate for local telephone service, whereas most other countries are characterized by a user-sensitive (measured service) system of pricing. Economic theory suggests some method of measured service pricing more accurately reflects the true costs of local service. This article seeks to determine how many US consumers could be induced to switch to measured service pricing, and using ordinary least squares, derives a model of the demand for measured service. The factors are identified that will induce the US population to move towards a measured service rate structure. The findings indicate that consumers are quite responsive to both relative price (between a local flat rate and a measured service rate) and advertising.  相似文献   

Even in today’s turbulent business environment, there are companies in many industries that have enjoyed decades of relatively undisturbed success. However, eventually, after such prolonged periods of calm, existing market positions are challenged. We describe such companies as ‘Sleeping Beauties’ and discuss how they can reinvent themselves through opening up of their boundaries and moving from compartmentalized exploitation and exploration efforts to a more dynamic ambidexterity model. We analyse Swarovski’s open innovation journey in this regard, instigated as a response to recent changes in its business environment. Our analysis of this process offers useful insights for companies struggling with similar problems.  相似文献   

Currently, the FCC assigns radio licences after making a determination of the public interest. Conflicting licence applications are resolved through comparative hearings. This mechanism is cumbersome and unreliable. This article analyses three alternatives: Increasing the available spectrum; an auction; or, lottery of radio licences. The analysis deals specifically with the Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS). The analysis suggests that increasing the spectrum allocation will create more assignments than will be demanded by MDS. Rough calculations suggest that auctions offer a more efficient selection mechanism. Lotteries with resale of the license are better than hearings, but not as good as auctions.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study is to provide a preliminary look at the process by which consumers evaluate alliances between service providers. Specifically, the study demonstrates how the service quality of one partner can impact, or ‘spill over’ onto, consumers' evaluations of their transactions with a second partner, and how the performances of partners can have differing effects on customers' intentions to reuse a service partnership. The study tests hypotheses related to the quality, value, and reuse intentions of customers relative to the partnered service through a sample of 334 customers utilizing a seamless service alliance. Our results suggest that spillover effects of service partnerships can either result in beneficial gains for service partners or produce grave consequences when partner providers' service quality is substandard. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using four basic principles of service science, we systematically explore value-proposition design as one type of business model innovation. Service science combines organization and human understanding with business and technological understanding to categorize and explain service systems, including how they interact and evolve to cocreate value. Our goal is to apply a scientific approach to advance design and innovation in service systems. Our foundation is service-dominant logic, which provides perspective, vocabulary, and assumptions on which to build a theory. Our basic theoretical construct is the service system, entities that are dynamic configurations of four kinds of resources. Our core principles center on the way value is computed within and among entities, how interaction is based on access to resources and their capabilities, and on how value computation and interaction depend on symbol processing and language guided by mutually agreed-to value propositions. In this context, service science can inform and accelerate value-proposition design by systematizing the search for adaptive advantages that improve existing offerings, create new offerings, or reconfigure the value-creating ecosystem.  相似文献   

Dynamic behavior in mobile telecommunications markets is often the result of interactions between market actors. As the structure and dynamic complexity of such interactions tend to be difficult to identify, it is challenging for regulators to anticipate the effects of their policy decisions. This article uses system dynamics to evaluate the effect of technology harmonization and mobile number portability policies on mobile voice diffusion and service competition. This is realized by first modeling the endogenous feedback structure resulting in dynamic behavior in the mobile telecommunications market and then by configuring the model for retrospective simulations of the Finnish market. Based on the retrospective simulations, the effect of technology harmonization and mobile number portability policy decisions is analyzed and the usefulness of system dynamics is demonstrated.  相似文献   

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