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Germany experienced a devastating period during the First World War due to severely restricted import possibilities and a general shortage of foodstuffs. This study uses the heights of some 4,000 individuals who served during the Second World War to quantify biological living standards from the 1900s to the 1920s, and focuses primarily on socioeconomic inequality during this period. The results suggest that generally the upper social strata, measured by fathers' occupation, exhibited the tallest average height, followed by the middle and lower classes. These socioeconomic differences became more pronounced during the First World War when the rationing system provided a limited food supply. Wealthier individuals were able to purchase additional foodstuffs on black markets. Therefore, children from upper‐class families experienced only a small decline in average height compared to their counterparts from the middle and lower social strata.  相似文献   

Internal migration dominates population mobility in Indonesia; according to the 2010 census, there were almost 30 million permanent migrants, around 12.5 percent of the population. The effects of this internal migration on the second generation continue to be under-explored. This paper investigates the long-term impact of parents’ migration on their children’s intergenerational per capita expenditure when adults. We argue that parental migration affects the human capital investment on their children, which has a direct impact on the children’s outcomes when adults and on their deviation from the parents’ economic status, hence their intergenerational mobility. We pooled the five waves of data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), and we tackled the self-selection of parents’ migration using an endogenous treatment regression. Our findings show that despite the fact that parental migration increases the education level of children and their per capita expenditure, it increases intergenerational mobility of the children as adults compared with non-migrants’ children when they live in urban areas as adults, come from the poorest parents, or had migrated during childhood. The left-behind children have more intergenerational mobility only if their father migrated, while there is no significant impact on intergenerational mobility if their mother migrated. The results are consistent with the persistence of Indonesian individual inequality.  相似文献   

妇女社会地位客观反映了社会和谐、性别平等与妇女发展,研究新疆妇女社会地位与受教育程度关系具有重要的现实意义。本文采用抽样调查的方法,从新疆14个地州市分层随机抽取41个县区(市)的18岁-64岁的社会群体作为调查对象,选用教育、就业、杜会保障、政治参与和政治态度、家庭婚姻、性别认知和态度等方面的14个变量来构建测量妇女社会地位的指数,并依据第三次全国妇女社会地位调查数据分析了新疆妇女社会地位和受教育程度的现状,以及妇女受教育程度对其社会地位的影响。结果表明:第一,新疆妇女受教育水平存在地域、性别、城乡间的差异;第二,新疆妇女受教育年限每增加1%,其劳动收入平均增加0.385%;第三,新疆妇女受教育水平与社会地位呈显著的正相关关系。最后提出了提高新疆妇女社会地位的对策建议。  相似文献   

I. IntroductionSince China’s reform and opening-up, its economy has witnessed rapid growth togetherReal Regional Income Gap39 ?2006 The Authors Journal compilation ?2006 Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences with a substantial increase in household income. Sustained rapid economic growth has led to an increasingly larger “pie” for distribution. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China preliminary estimation indicated that GDP …  相似文献   

张弘  陈姝 《南方经济》2017,36(9):37-57
社会身份和偏见在合作的演化中扮演了重要的角色。文章提出了一种基于标签机制的空间囚徒困境博弈,以探讨身份、偏见和合作的关系问题。通过引入基于身份相似性的选择性交互,我们发现,假如个体拥有适度的偏见,高水平的合作就能够得到支持。无论是过低还是过高的偏见程度都不利于合作的演化,这意味着适度的偏见能为社会中的个体带来利益。由我们的分析可知,高水平的合作来源于群体异质性和群体之间的明确边界。借由群体异质性和群体边界,种群可以在背叛者侵入某个群体时将之淘汰,防止其进一步腐蚀整个种群。通过引入异质的偏见属性,我们还发现,适度水平的偏见可以在演化过程中得到自然选择的青睐。因此,文章既可以回答偏见的社会功能问题,又可以解释偏见从何而来的问题,为我们理解合作演化和人类的身份现象提供新的见解。  相似文献   

When and why did the Portuguese become the shortest Europeans? In order to find the answer to this question, we trace the trend in Portuguese living standards from the 1720s until recent times. We find that during the early nineteenth century average height in Portugal did not differ significantly from average height in most other European countries, but that when, around 1850, European anthropometric values began to climb sharply, Portugal's did not. In a panel analysis of 12 countries, we find that delay in human‐capital formation was the chief factor hindering any improvement in the biological standard of living in Portugal.  相似文献   

The link between circumstances faced by individuals early in life (including those encountered in utero) and later life outcomes has been of increasing interest since the work of Barker in the 1970s on birth weight and adult disease. We provide such a life course perspective for the U.S. by following 45,000 individuals from the household where they resided before age 5 until their death and analyzing the link between the characteristics of their childhood environment – particularly, its socioeconomic status – and their longevity and specific cause of death. White U.S.-born males living before age 5 in lower SES households (measured by father's occupation and family home ownership) who survive to age 70 die younger and are more likely to die from heart disease than those living before age 5 in higher SES households. The pathways potentially generating these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Specific features and trends of interregional differences in the social development of Russia’s Northern Regions are considered, using methods of econometrics and mathematical statistics. Statistical characteristics point to the process of convergence of the northern regions against the background of their high social differentiation. Based on the methods of principal components, factor analysis, and Ward’s hierarchical cluster analysis, we grouped the northern regions by their social development level into four types: highly-developed, developed, developing, and problem. A purposeful governmental regional policy must be developed for each type to level their uneven development and raise the living standards of the population in the northern regions.  相似文献   

Views differ on whether living standards in Australia improved between 1890 and 1940. The pessimists, relying principally on product and incomes measures, argue that living standards stagnated; the optimists, using augmented measures of well-being, argue that living standards may have improved. This paper contributes to this debate between the pessimists and optimists by using alternative measures of living standards, namely the height and body mass index (BMI) of male Australian army recruits of World Wars I and II. The nature and usefulness of these measures is examined. The major findings are that the height data indicate an unequivocal improvement in living standards in the period under consideration. The BMI data tend to support a similar conclusion, but the results are ambiguous and there are difficulties in using them alone to determine exactly what happened to living standards.  相似文献   

This paper considers whether ethnicity conditions the return and access to health capital in China. Given that the wage-height relationship reflects the labor market earnings returns to childhood and adolescent health capital, differences in the labor market returns to height by ethnicity reflect ethnic differences in access to health capital during childhood and adolescence. We theoretically motivate the role of height in earnings by providing a Bioeconomic rationale for stature and height determining individual wages, and estimate height-augmented Mincerian earnings functions with data from the 2006 China Health and Nutrition Survey. Our results show that when the effects of unobserved genetic influences on adult height are accounted for, the labor market return on height is higher for Chinese ethnics. This suggests that in China there are ethnic disparities in access to the inputs that produce childhood and adolescent health capital.  相似文献   

赵俊  董志强  佘哲 《南方经济》2020,39(4):15-28
儿童的竞争偏好是一种重要的非认知能力,对儿童早期人力资本形成至关重要。已有研究发现,在社会竞争(与他人竞争)情境中,留守儿童和非留守儿童存在竞争偏好差异。文章基于实地实验,从自我竞争的视角进一步探讨留守儿童的竞争偏好。结果表明:在自我竞争情境中,留守儿童和非留守儿童之间无论是在竞争偏好方面,还是在为自己设定任务目标方面,都没有显著差异。这意味着,父母缺席主要影响儿童的社会竞争态度,对儿童挑战自我或自我提升的意愿影响并不显著。在不涉及社会交往的竞争时,留守儿童和非留守儿童一样具有较高的进取心。  相似文献   

基于 2011-2012 年中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查数据(CLHLS),将家庭养老分为经 济供养与生活照料、精神慰藉与居住方式四个方面,实证分析了社会养老对城镇居民家庭养老影 响的性别差异。研究发现,对女性老年人而言,社会养老挤出了老人的经济供养与精神慰藉状况, 并与其居住方式依然属于负向的关系;对男性老年人而言,社会养老会对老人的经济供养和生活 照料有替代效应,而对精神慰藉与居住方式没有起到显著的影响。通过解释机制发现,原因在于 老年家庭决策权力在其中起到了调节效应。研究结论认为在完善社会养老的同时,应在老龄政策 中引入性别差异因素,针对不同性别的城镇老年人提供更加精准化的养老政策措施,协调社会养 老与家庭养老的关系,注重老年赋权的调节效应,切实解决老年人的养老困境。  相似文献   

建设一个"生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主"的社会主义新农村不仅是党和国家十分关心的问题,更是广大农民的期盼。本文运用木桶理论对社会主义新农村和农村社会保障之间的关系和现状进行研究分析,得出社会主义新农村建设离不开农村社会保障体系的建立健全,两者是相互联系,互动发展的。现阶段我们要积极探索适合我国国情的农村社会保障体系,加快建设社会主义新农村的步伐。  相似文献   

张晨寒 《特区经济》2007,226(11):187-188
根据调查发现河南省新乡市餐饮业农民工已经逐渐脱离土地,面临着较大的城市生活风险,却缺乏社会保障。同时他们对城镇社会保险认同度低,主要因为对该制度缺乏信任,对保费的经济承受力低。应建立信息充分的社会保险机制,消除其顾虑;允许单项参保,降低保费,把他们分层分类的吸纳进城镇社会保险制度。  相似文献   

城市扩张造成的失地农民问题,不仅给失地农民的生产生活、自身发展及社会保障带来严重影响,而且造成了一股强劲的非常态社会情绪,如果处置不当,极可能成为影响社会稳定的一大变数,给社会稳定造成极大压力,必须予以高度重视。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,新疆农村经济社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,农民收入大幅度提高,生活水平显著改善,但城乡收入差距扩大的趋势仍未扭转,农民持续增收的难度不断加大。本文运用格兰杰因果检验的方法,对新疆社会保障的支出与农民收入增长的关系进行了分析,发现社会保障支出对农民收入增长具有重要的促进作用,而农民收入水平也同时影响着社会保障支出的变动,从而得出了二者互相促进、相辅相成的结论。  相似文献   

郑晓冬 《南方经济》2021,40(2):123-140
研究他人幸福感对个体幸福感的影响有助于更加全面地理解和评价公共政策的真实效果,如何有效识别幸福感人际传递的因果关系是分析幸福传染效应的核心问题。文章利用2014年和2016年中国劳动力动态调查(CLDS)数据,以社区为参照单位讨论与检验了人际间的幸福传染效应及其作用机制。研究发现:在控制了个人、家庭与社区层面的相关因素后,社区其他人的幸福感对个体幸福感有显著的正向影响。同时,分别以社区其他人的父母教育程度以及受访时间和天气作为工具变量,并进行两阶段最小二乘估计(2SLS)的结果依然支持“幸福会传染”的结论。此外,包括指标、样本和方法调整在内的稳健性检验仍显示结果一致可靠。从群体差异来看,幸福的传染效应更加明显地发生于农村、家庭收入较低,以及自身幸福感和社会资本处于中高水平的群体。幸福在人际间传染的主要渠道有两条:一是个体通过捕捉模仿或认知联想他人的情绪与行为来改变其精神健康与社会信任水平,进而影响其幸福状态;二是他人积极的情绪与反馈有助于社会网络的构建与发展,从而通过促进社会互助影响个体的幸福感。幸福传染效应的存在为完善政策与项目的全面评估、加强社会文化基础设施的建设,以及促进正能量的传播等提供了参考与启示。  相似文献   

统筹城乡社会养老保险实施路径与战略布置   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
童广印  薛兴利 《特区经济》2009,240(1):220-222
统筹城乡社会养老保险的基本路径是:"城乡分割→统一筹划、制度有别→制度统一、标准有别→城乡一体化",到2030年建立起覆盖全面、标准适当的城乡一体化的社会养老保险制度。措施有:明确城乡"制度统一,标准有别"的社会养老保险改革的条件和内容;重点抓好农村养老保险制度建设,进一步改革与完善城镇社会养老保险制度,缩小城乡差距;打破传统的社会养老保险对象的划分标准,建立城乡一体化的社会养老保险管理体制等。  相似文献   

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