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While evidence suggests trust plays a fundamental role in maintaining successful buyer-seller relationships in Japan, little is known conceptually as to how foreign sellers can best develop trust in the minds of their Japanese customers. In this research, we develop and test a multi-component model of US seller actions that manifest key trust-building processes (intentionality- and capability-processes) which sellers find effective in building trust with their Japanese buyers. In this unique cultural context, theory suggests trust develops when sellers demonstrate benevolent intentions toward the buyer and exhibit a strong capability to fulfill business promises. An analysis of 181 US sellers in Japan demonstrates that a combination of trust-building efforts is recognized as being critical in seller attempts to develop and sustain trust on the part of their Japanese customers. Importantly, cultural sensitivity mediates the impact of intentionality-based practices on buyer trust, while capability-based activities directly influence trust.  相似文献   

In this article we report on the design, prototyping and results of a research effort aimed at identifying whether and how trust affects the innovativeness of a partnership between two players. The methodology combined an experiment and two questionnaires. The research aimed to increase our understanding of trust and its impact on the innovative outcome of cooperation and to derive some guidance for economic actors, namely R&D managers and executives who intend to build innovation-oriented relationships with their business partners. Specifically, we investigated the effect of trust on partners' creativity and willingness to invest financially in a joint development. Our results show that more trustful partners invest higher amounts in the alliance, while there seems to be an optimum amount of mutual trust between partners who maximize their joint creativity and innovativeness; if the level of mutual trust is below or above this threshold, their joint creativity seems to increase less or even to decrease. Our findings suggest that joint development projects should always include explicit trust development activities at the beginning of the project, and that the amount of trust in the joint team should be monitored to avoid the negative consequences of excessive trust.  相似文献   

Understanding the creation of value in business relationships has been a long-standing goal of researchers and managers alike. By adopting a relational perspective, recent research on business relationships has made much progress in understanding value-creating processes. As the sales function is thought to be a pivotal part of the value-creating processes in business relationships, the evolving view on creating relationship value clearly has implications for our understanding of the role of sales in these processes. In contrast to its importance, the question of how the sales function contributes to creating value in business relationships has been largely neglected in extant literature. The objective of our paper is to answer this question by systematically linking the relational value creating process to the sales function's content. Interpreting value creation as interaction process, we identify four features of value-creating processes in business relationships suggested in recent research (i.e., jointness, balanced initiative, interacted value, and socio-cognitive construction) and, based on these, outline a framework that is used to define a set of tasks that are key to creating value in business relationships and hence become critical for sales in its hitherto neglected role as co-creator of relationship value. We illustrate the various tasks of this new role of sales with data from 43 interviews with sales managers and salespeople. Along with related normative recommendations in extant literature, the interviews provide support for the validity and relevance of our framework for understanding the role of sales in creating relationship value. This framework puts forward a much-needed first effort towards a theory of sales' role in creating relationship value and offers several opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

There has been a shift from transactional to relational exchange and relationship marketing both in the business to business and professional services contexts. This paper seeks to explore the manner in which personal relationships affect the process and outcomes of purchasing of professional business services. Specifically, it focuses on the role of the professional service providers as boundary spanners in the formation of personal relationships. These personal relationships constitute the underlying basis of long-term relationships between the purchasing and provider organizations in such complex service settings. The findings of this study demonstrate that the manner in which the boundary spanners cultivate relationships support the concept of relationship specific tasks. It extends this conception by use of the data to outline the chronological process over time Understanding the roles, function, and ultimately importance, of these relationships facilitates the identification and development of appropriate strategies to manage these relationships.  相似文献   

Clustering, the grouping of firms in close geographic proximity to one another, can enhance the performance of affiliated firms by providing access to complementary resources. Despite that some studies have produced empirical evidence supporting the positive impact of clustering, other studies have found no such evidence. Consequently, the consideration of clustering alone to explain differences in firm performance may be insufficient. This study seeks to determine whether the enhancement of firm performance comes as a consequence of clustering at the location level, interorganizational trust at the relationship level, or resource and knowledge management (i.e., the mechanisms of system dependence) at the firm level. Examining a sample group of Taiwanese manufacturers investing in China, we find that interorganizational trust, resources, and the mechanisms of system dependence all have a positive impact on performance. Further, we find that resources interact with clustering to positively impact firm performance.  相似文献   

Existing research on buyer-seller relationships has focused on the role played by trust in shaping the dynamics of interpersonal interaction between the buyer and the seller. While this is undoubtedly an important variable in governing the interactional dynamics it is by no means the only variable. The paper begins by reviewing the existing literature on buyer-seller relationships. The role played by emotions is articulated. Finally, it is recognized that the emotions that emerge in a buyer-seller relationship do so at multiple levels. A model and propositions highlighting the impact of emotions on interpersonal relationships are developed. Illustrative cases are used to ground the propositions empirically.  相似文献   

This research is concerned with how knowledge creation influences new product performance through creativity, which includes novelty and appropriateness. The following relationships are examined in our proposed model: (1) the influence of knowledge creation on new product performance; (2) the influence of novelty and appropriateness on new product performance; and (3) the influence of knowledge creation on novelty and appropriateness. A questionnaire was designed and mailed to the sampled Taiwanese manufacturing companies. The analysis results show that knowledge creation helps research and development personnel create novel and appropriate products, which in turn increase new product success. New product performance is affected by both novelty and appropriateness, the former of which has a greater influence. Through additional exploratory analyses, in which socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization are antecedents, we show that socialization's effect on new product performance is fully mediated by novelty and appropriateness, but internalization's influence is only partially mediated. Meantime, the influence of externalization on performance is fully mediated by novelty, but not by appropriateness. Combination has a direct influence on new product performance. Finally, this research provides theoretical and managerial implications based on these results.  相似文献   

This paper explores value processes, their effects, and their management in business relationships. Over time, scholars progressively moved their interest from the value of the objects exchanged to the value of business relationships. However, how value is related to interactive processes that characterize business relationships still remained unclear. With this scope, the paper brings to the fore recent studies on the role of actors' perceptions of value and the interactive features of the business context. The empirical research involves 77 interviews carried out over two years with actors internal and external to the Mikron Tool's business network, a Swiss leader in manufacturing high-precision tools. The study shows that four key value processes – value creation, value communication, value measurement, and value appropriation – determine specific consequences that must be managed to achieve effective business relationships. Moreover, empirical evidences highlight the relevance of value representation in affecting the four value processes. The study contributes to an improved understanding of value management in interactive and interdependent business contexts. Also, it draws attention to the need for a better integration between the traditional economic view of value and recent insights from the fields of organizational psychology and sociology.  相似文献   

Power in business-to-business relationships has been a core theme in industrial marketing research. However, diverging approaches have been used to study power resulting in inconsistent empirical findings. In this paper we explore the complexities of establishing, nurturing and sustaining cooperative relations, investigating the interplay between power symmetry, trust and goal congruence. We draw on the narrative approach in research to understand interorganizational relationships as shared meanings and how these evolve over time. We study two cases where organizations seek to achieve seamless interorganizational relationships but find themselves engaged in rather antagonistic or unpredictable positions. We show how goal congruence mediates the relationship between power symmetry or asymmetry, and the respective development of trust within organizational structures, processes and formal roles. We make a contribution to business-to-business marketing literature by showing that goal congruence becomes a prerequisite for the development of trust, irrespective of whether symmetrical power dependence predominates. We discuss how this novel insight may inform the strategies for developing interorganizational relationship in practice.  相似文献   

New business ventures have rather limited resources, generally suffer from liabilities of smallness and newness and rely on external business relationships, typically with suppliers, for developing and acquiring necessary resources. Yet, to date, research on how new ventures develop initial relationships with suppliers and how these affect the nascent business has been limited. Taking the business network perspective and relating it to studies of supply chain and supplier involvement in product development, our study contributes to the rather limited body of knowledge on new ventures' supplier relationships. Empirically, we draw on a longitudinal, in-depth single-case study of the first two years of operation of a start-up. Our study shows that the development of the key initial supplier relationships starts from open-ended expectations of mutual future relational benefits and involves a stepwise ‘inter-definition’ of solutions in interaction between the parties. We observe that interdependences arise between the new venture and its key suppliers and these enable but also limit, the development paths of both partners. We argue that the key initial supplier relationships extend a new venture's resource and capability base and are an integral part of a new venture's business model.  相似文献   

Which relational atmosphere would allow clients and suppliers to fully benefit from their innovation partnerships? Adopting an interactionist approach, we hypothesized that elements of a partnership atmosphere mediate the relationship between partnership type and relational performance. Based on taxonomic analysis of 160 cross-industry vertical innovation partnerships (VIPs) with differing contractual, relational, and organizational arrangements, we identified four VIP types: free, project-based, elaborated, and exclusive. Our results did not support a direct effect from VIP types on performance. However, we found that a trustful atmosphere enables achieving and exceeding expected benefits in both project-based and exclusive VIPs, whereas a familiar atmosphere enables achieving and exceeding expected benefits only for exclusive VIPs, and interdependence allows exceeding benefits only for project-based VIPs.  相似文献   

Research into two important control mechanisms for managing the supply chain relationship - contracts and trust - is on the rise. However, our understanding of how they influence innovation in a firm remains rather unclear. Thus, the primary objective of this study is to examine the individual and interactive effects of contracts and trust on firms' innovation performance and the contingent effects of environmental uncertainty on those relationships in China. The empirical results from a survey of Chinese manufacturing firms indicate that there is a positive relationship between trust and firms' innovation performance, an inverted U-shaped relationship between the use of contracts and firms' innovation performance, and that contracts and trust are substitutes. Moreover, we find that environmental uncertainty enhances the effects of trust, but does not influence the impact of contracts on innovation performance.  相似文献   

It is the aim of this study to assess the influence of the determinants of the transaction, dyadic, and business environment level on relational governance and ultimately performance. We build an integrated framework for relationship management drawing from literature of transaction cost economics, marketing channels, and business networks. Dutch suppliers of potted plant and flower products (N=174) provided data for the empirical analysis. Our results show that joint planning, one of the constructs of relational governance, is positively influenced by interorganizational trust, information obtained from the network, physical transaction-specific investments (TSIs), and by fixed lines as the exchange mode. Joint problem solving, the other construct of the governance, is solely influenced by the two dimensions of trust. These two constructs of relational governance effect positively our performance measures. Managers should consider carefully each of the determinants of relational governance for the management of a relationship. As shown in our study, the success is dependent on some of the determinants of the three analytical levels of our integrated framework.  相似文献   

Building trust in buyer–seller relationships is a focal issue in relationship marketing. However, there are mixed results concerning the performance outcomes of trust. Also, no attention has been given to linking supplier performance aspects to the development of trusting relationships. In this study we propose a conceptual model of supplier performance drivers and customer loyalty consequences of trust in supplier–organizational customer relationships. We test the model relationships using data from three different countries, namely, France, Hungary, and the U.K., in an effort to assess the extent to which the development and outcomes of trust are consistent across different countries. The results suggest that supplier performance in product quality and sales service quality is conducive to trust building across all three countries. Supplier performance in technical repair service support enhances trust in the market contexts of France and Hungary, but has no significant effect in the case of the U.K. Nonetheless, supplier performance in complaint handling has a positive effect on trust in the U.K. and French contexts, but no link is established in the context of Hungary. Further, the results show that trust enhances customer loyalty across all countries. Moreover, we find that firm size negatively moderates the trust–loyalty relationship in all the countries, with this link being not significant among larger firms in France and Hungary. The results have important theoretical and practical implications for international relationship marketing.  相似文献   

Focusing on the Small and Medium sized Enterprise (SME) sector, this paper presents the owner manager (OM) process of evaluating business to business (B2B) relationships facing dissolution. Although research has brought new insights to the dissolution of relationships, few researchers have empirically examined how B2B relationships facing dissolution could be evaluated with a view to changing the negative state of the relationship into a positive one. Using SME OM experiences of evaluating relationships facing dissolution, the purpose of this paper is to extend dissolution research through the use of the critical incident technique to explore and interpret the OM evaluation process. The findings extracted from fifty-one critical incidents recounted by twenty-five OMs suggest that the OMs evaluation of B2B relationships facing dissolution is a dynamic process where OMs evaluate both past interactions and anticipated future interactions in the context of the state of the relationship before the critical incident occurs. These evaluations concentrate on relationship closeness, current and future relationship rewards and costs and relationship performance. During the process of evaluation OMs consider the relative state of the relationship: close relationships are those where mutual cooperation at interpersonal and B2B levels' is nurtured whereas arms-length relationships are those where satisfaction, trust and commitment is low. Depending on these different relationship states, the evaluation produces different outcomes regarding the OM's evaluation of past interactions and on the future of the relationship. If the outcome is that future interactions are expected to result in a positive net value to the SME OM, the relationship continues. In contrast where the evaluation outcome is a negative net value, the dissolution of the relationships proceeds now or in the future. The key contribution of this paper is that this is the first documented exploration and interpretation of the OM evaluation process when facing the dissolution of a B2B relationship.  相似文献   

The current study provides empirical insight into the nature of creating relational rents when managing business relationships in the context of the emerging Russian economy. Addressing both formal and social business network relationships, the study aims to understand the role of a systematic and purposeful approach to building and managing business relationships in order to generate superior relational advantage. The study explores the effects on both subjectively and objectively measured relational rents. Additionally, the role of institutional context in both shaping relationships and obtaining relational rents is considered through the inclusion of dysfunctional competition and institutional support. The results of a survey on a sample of 148 business-to-business firms demonstrate the leading role of the business relationship portfolio in generating relational rents, as well as the supporting role of relational capabilities in building this relationship portfolio. These effects are significantly affected by institutional moderators, demonstrating multidirectional effects on the mechanisms behind building relationships and obtaining the associated relational advantage.  相似文献   

This paper explores where and how marketing accountability of a supplier meets customer perceived value in a business relationship setting. If the supplier's firm implements marketing accountability processes, marketing activities are improved, as well as the communication of the value proposition to customers. The supplier's value proposition is in turn reflected through the creation of superior customer perceived value, which triggers attitudinal and behavioral value outcomes. Hence, the marketing accountability of the supplier, through its external manifestation with customers, ultimately influences the supplier's financial results. The aim of the paper is to discuss the external effect of marketing accountability in a business relationship context, which is often suppressed by the prevailing focus on the internal manifestations of marketing accountability, or the inside-out approach. As marketing accountability is an evolving field, bibliometric co-citation analysis is carried out to gain a better understanding of the marketing accountability's domain and scope. On the grounds of the relationship marketing theory and resource-based view, qualitative research was carried out and insights from interviews with marketing managers from different industries were analyzed. The paper concludes by suggesting the operationalization of the marketing accountability construct and pointing out the need for a multilevel and dyadic design of further empirical studies for testing the proposed external effect of marketing accountability.  相似文献   

Partners must engage in integrative interaction in order to combine diverse expertise and experiences into effective learning. Results from 103 pairs of customer and supplier organizations in China indicate that trust and vertical coordination are useful ways to characterize this integrative interaction and together they promote learning. Structural equation analysis suggests that collectivist but not individualist values are important foundations for integrative interaction between partners that result in learning. These findings were interpreted as reaffirming the value of effective relationships for coordination between partners and suggesting that collectivist values can be a source of effective organizational relationships.  相似文献   

Some of the common organizational requirements prescribed for generic business strategies of cost leadership and differentiation are empirically examined in a study consisting of 69 business units. The results suggest the fit between business unit strategy and the internal organization of multi-business companies does have an effect upon business unit performance.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that companies who move away from the traditional Hong Kong business model by adopting ‘up-grading’ strategies enjoy superior performance. A set of 14 variables is used to capture the dimensions of strategy, encompassing the business, technology and design domains. The results of both comparative and configurational approaches show that there are indeed performance benefits to be had. The broader implication is that Hong Kong manufacturing firms are beginning to escape the ‘iron fetters’ of a business model originally imposed on them by both material and ideational constraints, and to reap performance benefits as a result.Howard Davies is an Associate Dean in the Faculty of Business at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. David Ko completed his DBA thesis under Prof. Davies's supervision.  相似文献   

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