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In light of the increasing interest in hedonic aspects of consumer behavior, it is clear that consumer taste plays a critical role in judgment and decision making, particularly for hedonic products and services. At the present time, however, our understanding of consumer aesthetic taste and its specific role for consumer behavior is limited. In this article, we review the literature from a variety of fields such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, and consumer behavior in order to develop a conceptual definition of consumer aesthetic taste. We then explore various issues related to taste and develop a conceptual framework for the relevance of expertise vs. taste in consumer decision-making. Finally, we present an agenda for future research on this important topic.  相似文献   

While most consumer socialization research has focused upon the development of consumer orientations that young people can enact, little research exists on how children and adolescents develop consumer orientations that have relevance for adult consumer behavior. This article addresses the concept of anticipatory consumer socialization by focusing on a variety of consumer cognitions and how they are acquired.  相似文献   

我国商业银行消费信贷风险管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着消费信贷规模的不断扩大,消费信贷风险逐渐暴露出来,已严重阻碍了消费借贷的健康发展。消费信贷风险产生的主要原因是:个人征信系统不完善,房价和车价的下降致使部分消费者“断供”,商业银行贷款管理方面存在漏洞和瑕疵,抵押物变现困难,消费贷款市场竞争不规范,消费信贷风险防范法规体系不完善等。为促进我国消费信贷业务的健康、快速发展,应进一步完善个人信用征信系统,建立个人信用评价体系,建立科学的消费信贷评价模型,逐步完善与消费信贷相关的法律体系、商业银行组织机构和业务流程以及消费贷款担保制度。  相似文献   

Self-control is a critical aspect of consumer behavior that has wide-ranging implications for individual and societal welfare. The present research builds upon previous work regarding consumer spending self-control by examining the financial, decision making, social, and psychological consequences of low consumer spending self-control. Further, the relationship between consumer spending self-control and general self-control is explored, contributing to a greater understanding of how more general traits translate into spending-related outcomes. This research includes investigations of allocations to retirement accounts, responses to credit limits, resource depletion effects from repeated decision making, and the potential for broader negative social and psychological consequences from low consumer spending self-control.  相似文献   

加强交叉性金融产品和服务的消费者保护工作,有利于维护金融稳定.我国目前在交叉性金融产品与服务的消费者保护方面存在诸多问题,这些问题与金融消费者保护法制建设整体滞后、“机构监管”模式滞后于金融业交叉融合发展趋势、对消费者知情权的保护规定不完善和监管机构的金融消费者保护工作缺乏统筹规划和协调等有直接关系.借鉴国外有关立法和保护金融消费者的经验,我国应尽快出台金融消费者保护指引,统一金融消费者的法定概念,对金融服务提供者的交易行为制定通用规则,在保护金融消费者权益的基础上构建交叉性金融业务分类体系和统计标准,将金融机构处理消费者投诉作为监管机构受理消费者投诉的前置程序.  相似文献   

拓展中部地区农村消费信贷的实证分析——以湖南省为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实证分析农村信贷与农民收入增长之间的相关性,认为中部地区农村信贷余额的增加对农民收入增长的作用比较明显。通过剖析湖南农村消费信贷存在的问题,揭示制约农村消费信贷发展的障碍,提出应采取诸如提升农民消费信贷的有效需求、加强金融机构消费信贷的有效供给、完善农村消费信贷的社会环境等措施,以拓展中部地区农村消费信贷工作。  相似文献   

秒杀作为一种新兴的网络营销方式正日益受到关注,但对于秒杀情境中消费者购买决策的心理过程及行为机制还少有研究.基于理论研究和实证分析,文章分析了秒杀式营销下消费者的购买决策过程,指出消费者参与秒杀有求廉、求同和求新3种动机;秒杀式营销下的消费者簇群可以划分为冲动型、理智型和摇摆型;秒杀情境下消费者存在计划性秒杀和即时性秒杀两种购买决策型态.最后,针对理论分析,提出了企业开展秒杀式营销的策略建议.  相似文献   

针对金融消费者这一特殊消费群体,从行为经济学的角度分析开展金融消费者调查的必要性,在统筹考虑开展消费者调查的各种影响因素的基础上,给出设计调查问卷问题的基本准则,通过科学设计调查模型,以可信度、内容有效度和效标关联有效度为度量准则,论证分析借助问卷这一调查方式的有效性,从而达到有针对性开展消费者金融素养教育和依法维权的目的.  相似文献   

秘鲁的金融消费者保护体系比较复杂,银行、保险和私人养老金监管局全面负责银行业、保险业、小额信贷机构和私人养老金行业的金融消费者保护事项,而金融消费争议处理职责基本上赋予了一般消费者保护部门——国家保护竞争与知识产权机构。一般消费者保护机构与金融消费者保护机构之间既有分工又有合作,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

现代市场经济条件下,消费信用不断向广度和深度发展,以银行为媒介的消费信用更为普遍。经济周期波动、社会不可抗力、银行管理不善、消费者理财不善及恶意欺诈等是消费信用蕴涵的主要风险。消费信用经济的扩大化,使得很多家庭在遇到就业、医疗、婚姻等问题时的脆弱性增加,导致消费者负债额的不断上升,消费者破产制度无疑是应构筑的最关键的和最后的一道防线。  相似文献   

河南是家电下乡活动首批试点,在开发农村消费市场上取得了一定成绩,如在一定程度上缩小了农村与城市消费市场增速差距,但也存在一些问题,如农民收入低限制农村消费市场空间的释放等。通过对河南家电下乡活动的研究,给开发农村消费市场带来不少启示,如增加农民收入是开发农村消费市场的关键,改善消费硬环境、完善农村社会保障制度、转变农民消费观念是开发农村消费市场不容忽视的因素。  相似文献   

当前,国际金融危机的影响仍在向更深领域蔓延,全球经济复苏步伐缓慢,部分经济体债务负担沉重,西方贸易投资保护主义有再次抬头的趋势。在此形势下,加快发展我国的消费金融市场,对于刺激居民消费需求,大规模启动国内消费市场,促进经济发展方式由传统的投资和出口拉动型向消费驱动型转变,具有较强的现实意义。为此,在深入分析我国消费金融市场发展的现状和不足,并在借鉴西方发达国家的先进经验的基础上,提出加快发展我国消费金融市场的政策建议。  相似文献   

The number and rate of development of new consumer legislation necessitates the evaluation of existing legislation. This paper summarizes and categorizes, in detail, the impact of select pieces of consumer legislation on consumer decision making. It is an implied objective of the paper to provide a perspective for future public policy formulation. The pieces of legislation evaluated in the paper are: (1) unit pricing; (2) product labeling; and (3) disclosure of interest rate provisions for consumer credit. The impact of these pieces of legislation have been minimal, indicating the need for an educational program for consumers.  相似文献   

根据基于信任的消费者决策模型和创新搜寻理论,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,实证解析消费者可持续性感知对共享参与意愿的影响机理以及消费者信任中介作用的边界条件。通过调查问卷收集样本数据,运用结构方程模型进行实证分析,得到以下研究结论:经济可持续性感知和社会可持续性感知以及消费者信任是影响消费者共享参与意愿的关键因素,并对共享参与意愿有直接影响;消费者信任在经济可持续性感知与共享参与意愿之间,以及社会可持续性感知与共享参与意愿之间有中介作用;消费者创新搜寻会削弱消费者信任的中介作用,但消费者信任在共享经济下的重要性得到进一步确认。研究结论揭示了共享经济可持续性影响消费者共享参与意愿的复杂机制,为共享经济平台企业实施可持续发展战略和差异化营销策略提供了理论和实践启示。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,消费者需求偏好的个性化和多元化趋势日益显著。数字技术的发展让消费者对商品和服务的个性化需求得以显性化,同时个性化需求驱动了数字贸易的发展。数字经济背景下消费者的地位发生了巨大变化,消费者开始在数字贸易中居于核心地位。数字贸易中消费者行为方面的有关内容,包括消费者搜寻与购买决策、消费者反馈与信息不对称、消费者注意力与信息过载。数字贸易中消费者权益方面的有关内容,则包括数字贸易对消费者福利的利弊影响、消费者数据安全与隐私保护。  相似文献   

消费者情感依恋是消费者与产品或者品牌之间的情感联结,是研究消费者忠诚形成的一条新路径,也是近年来消费者行为研究的新视角.综观20多年来国外心理学依恋理论及营销学中有关消费者情感依恋的研究成果,人们对情感依恋理论的起源、内涵、影响因素及作用机理已有相当了解,这对于企业与消费者形成稳固的长期关系、赢得持续竞争优势具有重要的...  相似文献   

Three situational factors may directly affect consumers' brand intentions: the likelihood a given situation will occur for the consumer, the likelihood the product will be a part of the situation, and the likelihood that a given brand will be consumed in the situation. Models relating situational effects and consumer attitudes to brand intentions are discussed in this article. The literature on situational influences in consumer behavior is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

消费信贷是当今世界各国促进信用消费的主要形式,对经济增长具有积极意义。后金融危机时代,我国经济发展速度稳步上升,发展个人消费信贷是保持经济继续平稳较快发展的重要途径。本文在阐述消费信贷理论的基础上,对陕西消费信贷的现状和存在的问题进行分析,在借鉴美国消费信贷的经验及启示的基础上,有针对性地提出进一步发展消费信贷的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Although marketing researchers have recognized the importance of early life experiences in shaping patterns of consumer behavior in later life, they have inadequate theoretical and methodological bases for investigating consumption-related issues over the life course. As a result, relatively little is known about the changes consumers experience over time, how they respond to these changes, and how early life experiences affect their consumer behavior. The life course approach, developed as an interdisciplinary program for studying various aspects of behavior, offers a framework for filling gaps in previous efforts to study consumer behavior over time. The purpose of this article is to advocate the life course approach for studying various types of market behavior. First, the author presents a general conceptual life course framework that serves as a blueprint for discussing theoretical perspectives and organizing, integrating, and reporting consumer research relevant to the life course paradigm. Second, methods of data analysis compatible with life course research are discussed. Finally, select areas of interest to marketing researchers (materialism and compulsive consumption) illustrate how the life course approach might contribute to previous efforts to study these consumer behaviors in an innovative way.  相似文献   

审美是商业的最高境界之一,随着消费水平的提高和社会文化的进步,消费审美需求日益强烈,消费审美推动商业的发展,商业的发展又提升了消费者的意识和能力,研究商业美学离不开消费美学。本文在以上认识的基础上,引荐《商业美学》一书。  相似文献   

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