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本文探讨了一些有关渔业补贴的议题,考察了全球渔业补贴总量及其变动趋势,并运用模型分析了补贴对捕捞努力量和渔业总成本的影响.  相似文献   

This paper estimates values for a few important parameters related to the Atlantic salmon market in Canada. Included among the estimated parameters are income and price elasticities of demand. Many economists are currently engaged in the study of economic feasibility of farmed Atlantic salmon in Canada. In these studies forecasts of demand for Atlantic salmon play a crucial role. Since there are no serious studies on relevant elasticity estimates, the researchers have so far relied on extrapolations of historical time series data on demand (see, for example, Marine Science Research Laboratory (198O), Ridler (1983)). In this study we have formulated and estimated demand equations for Atlantic salmon using Canadian data covering the period between 1955 and 1981. We have found a very high value for both price and income elasticities of demand. High elasticity values have interesting implications for salmon farming. The domestic market can absorb additional supplies for Atlantic salmon. A high price elasticity guarantees that there is scope for salmon fishermen to increase their revenue by selling a higher volume in the Canadian market. The value of income elasticity suggests that Atlantic salmon is a strongly superior good. Various pressure groups in Canada and elsewhere have been claiming that Atlantic salmon is an endangered species and restrictions on catches must be imposed to save the species from total extinction. Implications of such controls have been analyzed in the light of the calculated value of the elasticities. Cet article fait une estimation de valeurs pour quelques paramètres importants reiatifs à la vente du saumon de l'Atlantique au Canada. Re-venus et élasticité des prix à la demands sont inclus parmi les paramétres étudiés. Un certain nombre d'économistes étudient en ce moment l'-aspect économique de I'implantation d'élevages de saumon de l'Atlantique au Canada. Dans ces études les previsions portant sur la demande jop-uent un rolê-clé. Etant donné qu'il n'y a pas d'études sérieuses sur les estimations d'élasticité, les chercheurs se sont appuyésA jusqu'ici sur des extrapolations à partir de séries de données historiques sur la demande. Dans cette étude nous avons formulé et estimé des équations de demande pour 1e saumon de l'Atlantique qui utilisent des données canadi-ennes entre 1955 et 1981, Nous avons trouvé une très naute valeur pour l'éasticitéà la fois des pris et des revenus. La haute élasticité des valeurs a des implications intáressantes pour l'élevage du saumon. Le marché domestique peut aisément absorber une quantité supplémentalre de saumons. Une élasticité dans la gamine élevée des prix permet de garan-tir aux éleveurs de saumon une augmentation de leurs revenus par la vente d'un volume accru sur le marché canadien. La valeur de l'élasticité du revenu suggère que le saumon de l'Atlantique est une denrée su-périeure et qu'avec une augmentation du revenu réél per capita, la demande domestique augmentera à un rythme plus rapide. Plusieurs groupes de pression au Canada et ailleurs soutiennent que le saumon atlantique est une espèce en danger et que des restrictions sur les prises doivent Ctre imposées pour sauver ces espèces d'une extinction totale. Les implications de ce genre de contrôle ont áté ana-lysées à la lumière de la valeur calculée ces élasticités.  相似文献   

In their comment on our paper, Bing-Hwan Lin and Nancy Williams have raised some interesting issues, but some of them are peripheral to the objective of our original study. The central objective of our original paper is to estimate income and price elasticities of demand for Atlantic salmon in Canada and then to use the parameter values to evaluate the market potential of farmed Atlantic salmon which are now being produced in Atlantic Canada. Accordingly, a demand equation has been estimated using annual data for the period 1955–1981. The inverted form has given a good fit and the results are reported in the paper.  相似文献   

Import demands for Atlantic and Pacific salmon are estimated for Japan, the European Community and North America. Cross-price elasticities indicate that wild high-valued Pacific salmon (chinook. coho and sockeye) and farmed Atlantic salmon are substitute goods in the marketplace. This finding implies that movements in the prices of both fanned and wild salmon can be caused by supply or demand changes in the market for either type of salmon. This result in turn has important implications for future markets and prices of fanned and wild salmon in Canada and the United States La demande à l'importation pour le saunion de l'Atlantique et du Pacifique esl eslimée pour le Japon, la CEE et l'Amerique du Nord. Les valeurs d'elaslicité croisée montrenl que le saumon “sauvage” du Pacifique hautement prisé (chinook, coho et sockeve) et le saumon d'elevage de l'Atlantique peuvent se substituer l'un à l'autre sur le manhé. Cette consultation signifie quedes mouvements dans les prix des deux types de saunion peuvent étre causés par des fluctuation de l'offre et de la demande affectant l'un ou l'autre type. Cela comporte d'imponantes répercussions pour I'avenir sur le manhé el sur les prix du saumon tant sauvage que d‘élevage au Canada et aux États-Unis  相似文献   

Due to the successful development of Norwegian salmon farming, major salmon producing countries (such as Canada, the United States, Japan, Chile, Scotland, etc.) have actively attempted to duplicate this practice. This recent development has far reaching implications for the salmon industry. Therefore, a demand analysis of Atlantic salmon products is timely. While we applaud the work by Kabir and Ridler (hereafter, KR), we would like to comment on the specification of their econometric model and elaborate on the implications of KR's findings on fishery management.  相似文献   

11月19日下午,首届中国渔业保险和渔船安全论坛在北京举办,来自渔业行政主管部门、水产院校、渔船检验、渔港监督部门和互保机构的专家学者和工作人员共100多人参加论坛.此届论坛由农业部渔业局、渔政指挥中心、渔船检验局和中国渔船船东互保协会四家单位主办,由中国渔船船东互保协会具体承办,集权威性、国际性、理论性和实践性于一身.  相似文献   

The food incidence of polychlorinated biphenyls in farmed Atlantic salmon in Canada and its subsequent effects on the demand for farm-raised salmon has induced policymakers and stakeholders to develop new policies on food safety. This article analyzes consumer attitudes toward mandatory traceability and labeling systems for farmed Atlantic salmon in Newfoundland and Labrador. It identifies factors affecting consumers' decisions to purchase the product. Results show that consumers, on average, perceive the benefits of traceability and labeling systems on farm-raised Atlantic salmon in spite of its driving up the product price.  相似文献   

Counterfactual simulations of a partial equilibrium model of the world salmon market suggest safeguard tariffs imposed by the European Commission on salmon imports from Norway, Chile, and the Faroe Islands would do more to punish producers in the named exporting countries than to reward United Kingdom producers. The reason is that export supply is less elastic than import demand on a bilateral basis, which means that most of the tariff's incidence is borne by the targeted producers rather than EU consumers. The incidence problem is exacerbated by the feed quota (now biomass limit) that Norway uses to limit its production. A marketing fee that expands market demand is shown to be less distortionary than its tariff equivalent, and thus may be preferred from a second‐best perspective.  相似文献   

A simultaneous-equation model of the demand and supply of Norwegian Atlantic salmon in the United States and the European Community is constructed, and sensitivity analyses are conducted to measure the effects of changing exchange rates, the Norwegian supply of Atlantic salmon, and prices of North American Pacific salmon. Using monthly statistics from January 1983 through March 1987, the demand for Norwegian Atlantic salmon is found to be highly seasonal, and highly price and income elastic in the United States and the European Community. Chinook is found to be a weak substitute for Norwegian Atlantic salmon in the U.S., and frozen chinook, sockeye and coho in the European Community are also found to be weak substitutes for Norwegian Atlantic salmon. Nous avons élaboré un modéle à équations simultanées de la demande et de ?approvisionnement pour le saumon de ?Atlantique provenant de Norvège, aux États-Unis et dans la Communauté européenne, et nous avons precédé à des analyses de sensibilité afin de mesurer les effets de la variation des taux de change, des approvisionnements de saumon de ?Atlantique de Norvège et des prix du saumon du Pacifique provenant ?Amérique du Nord. En nous fondant sur les statistiques mensuelles recueillies de Janvier 1983 à mars 1987, nous avons constaté que la demande de saumon de ?Atlantique provenant de Norvège est extrêmement saisonnière et qu'elle est élastique par rapport aux prix et aux revenus, aux États-Unis et dans la Communauté européenne. Le saumon quinnat (chinook) s'est avéré un piètre produit de remplacement du saumon de ?Atlantique provenant de Norvège dans la Communauté européenne.  相似文献   

Commercial aquaculture, the cultivation of fish in managed systems, has received increasing attention in recent years as an alternative source of fish, employment and income. High value species particularly offer a better prospect of profitable farming. For example, Atlantic salmon, which is one of the more expensive species on the market, is now being farmed in Norway, Scotland, Canada, the United States, and several other countries. Norway has made rapid progress in Atlantic salmon aquaculture; farmed salmon have now replaced cod as her principal export species. In the opinion of some observers, Norway' s success in farming the Atlantic salmon is the most significant event in the history of European aquaculture (United States Department of Commerce, 1984).
Commercial aquaculture in Canada is still in its initial stage of development, but recently there has been increased interest in aquaculture as a means of generating incomes and jobs, and of acquiring technological expertise. The Science Council of Canada has urged a commitment towards commercial aquaculture; it cites Norwegian aquaculture that by the year 2000 could be producing fish worth U.S. $3 billion and be employing 50.000 people (Science Council of Canada 1985). In Canada, farming of Atlantic salmon is expanding rapidly on both east and west coasts. Canada' s output of farmed Atlantic salmon reached 174t in 1984 and is forecast to reach 1,200t by 1987, with a further immediate potential on the east coast of 2.000–3,000t. On the west coast, more than a million Atlantic salmon eggs have been imported for hatching and for cultivation in sea pens. The number of Atlantic salmon farms on the west coast is projected to more than double by the end of 1986.  相似文献   

株洲市是湖南省最重要的新兴工业城市,伴随着该市经济的高速发展和城市人口的急剧增长,湘江天然渔业资源发生了很大变化。本文对湘江株洲段天然渔业资源的现状、成因、影响和趋势进行了研究和阐述,并提出了相应对策。认为水质污染、乱采滥挖、水工建设以及酷捕滥捞等导致了湘江渔业资源的逐年衰竭,而且衰退趋势在今后相当一段时间里难以改观。这不但直接影响湘江的生态平衡和渔民的生产收益,而且威胁着沿岸广大群众的饮水安全。加大污染防治力度、控制水工建设、加强水域行政执法和开展资源研究保护等措施有利于遏制湘江渔业资源衰退趋势。  相似文献   

Variations in the efficiency of demersal trawlers operating in the English Channel were examined through the estimation of a stochastic frontier production function. The most important measurable factor affecting efficiency was the age of the vessel. However, unmeasurable factors accounted for about 65% of the variation in efficiency, and as much as 9% of the total variation in catches between boats. It is postulated that most of this variation was due to differences in skipper and crew skill. In contrast, "luck" accounted for around 11% of the variation in catches between boats.  相似文献   

浅谈中心渔港建设与渔港经济发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文指出了中心渔港存在的问题、建设的意义并提出了修订规划、合理布局,集中财力、突出重点,集聚要素、鼓励开发,统一领导、加强管理等渔港建设的政策措施。  相似文献   

实施减船转产转业项目需要注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,各地已经开始实施海洋捕捞渔民减船转产和转产转业项目。在项目具体实施过程中,有的也出现了一些情况和问题。现就项目实施过程中必须注意的10个关键问题提出一些粗浅看法。1.非受“协定”影响的对象不能申报减船转产和转产转业项目补助。本次海洋捕捞渔民转产转业政策实施的受惠对象是因受中日、中韩及中越北部湾渔业协定生效后影响而被迫退出外海传统作业渔场的渔民,原来不在上述协定涉及区域作业生产、没有受到协定影响的海洋捕捞渔民的减船转产和转产转业不是本项目的补助对象。有些地方因政策理解偏差、宣传不够等各种原因,出现了…  相似文献   

宁波市渔业考察培训团于2001年6月到澳大利亚和新西兰进行了渔业考察与培训。澳大利亚四面环海,海岸线长达2万余km。由于政府的重视,尤其是20世纪90年代以来,澳大利亚渔业呈现出强劲的发展势头,1999年全澳渔业产量和产值达2288万t、2038亿澳元。澳大利亚渔业发展有许多经验值得我们借鉴,特别是以下两个方面。(1)高度重视资源环境保护、确保可持续发展澳大利亚各级政府始终如一地坚持贯彻资源保护与环境养护政策。例如我们考察的新南威尔士州,渔业与环保方面法律、法规涵盖了从水产育苗到养殖、捕捞、…  相似文献   

本文以“依法治船”这条主线,全面阐述了我国渔船检验工作状况、存在的问题及今后工作的重点。  相似文献   

渔港规划建设的"五性"追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔港是海洋渔业发展的根据地,不仅是海洋渔业发展所必需,也是保障渔民生命财产安全、促进渔村经济繁荣和生活稳定的重心。我国现有的82个一级群众渔港经过“八五”及“九五”的建设,为渔业的产业化发展起了积极的作用。但由于渔港建设施工标准高、投入资金大,人们只限于就防波堤而建渔港,使渔港建设制约了经济的发展。当前,尤其是加入WTO后,渔港将成为接轨世界渔业的前沿,备受人们的关注。如何高标准、高质量建设渔港,是值得探讨的课题,笔者试从渔港规划设计的角度,就港口规划的前瞻性、市场性、综合性、文化性、生态性等5个方面提出自己…  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a growing concern that increased aquaculture production poses an environmental threat to the species targeted in so‐called reduction fisheries, the main source for fishmeal. The argument is that increased aquaculture production leads to higher feed demand, and then presumably to higher fishing effort in these fisheries. In this paper we address whether aquaculture production threatens sustainability of such fisheries. First, we ask under which management regimes can increased demand pose a threat to the species in question? Second, we investigate what is the market for fishmeal; is fishmeal a unique product or is it part of the larger market for protein meals which includes Soyameal? This is an important issue since the market structure for fishmeal is a key factor in determining whether increased aquaculture production can affect fishmeal prices, and thereby increase fishing pressure in reduction fisheries.  相似文献   

经国务院同意,我部从2003年起在长江流域实行禁渔期制度.该制度的实施,对养护长江渔业资源、促进沿江渔业经济持续健康发展起到了积极作用.为全面部署2004年长江禁渔工作,现通告如下:  相似文献   

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