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As Indonesia heads to the polls in 2014, its economy is slowing. The end of the commodities boom and the global return to more normal monetary policy has exposed some weaknesses. Exchange-rate depreciation has absorbed some of the adjustment; but structural rigidities are still likely to limit the expansion of non-commodity sectors, and the increased fuel-subsidy bill for imported oil is putting pressure on the current account and the budget. The immediate focus is on demand-side consolidation to manage inflation and the currentaccount deficit.

For an economy like Indonesia’s to be overheating, and for monetary and fiscal authorities to be engineering a soft landing, when growth is below 6%, points to major structural problems. If Indonesia is to prevent the current rate of growth from becoming the new normal, there will need to be a substantial supply-side response to lift productivity, as well as a restructuring of the economy and the introduction of policies that make the economy more flexible in adjusting to shocks. The current economic slowdown has yet to trigger sweeping reforms; policy coordination remains problematic as Indonesia enters a big political year.

Compared with its neighbours, Indonesia is largely on the outside of the regional production networks, and its manufacturing sector does not play into factory Asia. Now, faced with lower commodity prices globally—and growth in non-resource sectors is critical— the lack of a large manufacturing base appears to be a weakness. Indonesia is attracting more foreign direct investment than ever and is climbing the global rankings of preferred economies in which to invest, but this is occurring without improvements to its investment environment or competitiveness. Indonesia can participate more fully in global supply chains and increase its potential for growth by upgrading its infrastructure, improving its investment environment, and using regional initiatives strategically to make strong commitments that reinforce its priorities for domestic reform.

In its hosting of APEC in 2013, Indonesia championed infrastructure investment where the lack of structural reform and macroeconomic constraints are inhibiting much-needed expansion, both in Indonesia and in the region. The positive outcome, albeit only a small step forward for the Doha Round, at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Bali, in December, also builds momentum for better regional and global cooperation. The priority now is for Indonesia to commit to, and show leadership in, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community.  相似文献   

Summary Political and economic stability prevailed in Indonesia to early June 2007. President Yudhoyono made some badly needed changes to his cabinet, but left the core economic team unchanged. This inspired further confidence in the government's economic policies, yet it still fails to satisfy public expectations. The Lapindo mudflow disaster continues to weigh on the government, with no clear strategy apparent.

The economy shows stable macroeconomic fundamentals. Growth remained at around 6% p.a., driven mainly by investment and exports. The exchange rate strengthened and the stock market continued its rise. The central bank lowered the policy interest rate further, but this is likely to have little effect on growth, and brings some macroeconomic risks. Increasing or even maintaining current growth rates could be a challenge, given that export growth depends strongly on the global commodity boom, and improvements in the investment climate remain uncertain.

The parliament passed the long-awaited new investment law, which promises a more open and friendly investment regime. Doubts surround the implementation of the law, however. There are concerns that the new negative list could be overly protective and that the continued role of the Investment Coordinating Board may cause coordination problems among agencies and with sub-national governments. Boosting growth in manufacturing could be the key to higher overall growth. Structural change in the manufacturing sector over recent years has seen labour-intensive industry decline in terms of both output and exports, mainly because of rigid labour policies.

Efforts to boost private sector investment in infrastructure still show limited success. Implementation of regulatory and bureaucratic reforms is ineffective, and domestic financing remains in short supply. Public provision of infrastructure needs to increase, but suffers from shortcomings in fiscal management and a mismatch between the often cross-district nature of infrastructure projects and the now strongly district-based budgetary authority. Electricity supply exemplifies how the lack of well-designed investment strategies limits Indonesia's growth potential. Power sector investment has stagnated despite strong growth in electricity demand, and current plans for coal-based capacity expansion lack thorough planning.

An emerging long-term challenge for policy makers is climate change. Ahead of the December UN climate change conference in Bali, recent reports have highlighted Indonesia's vulnerability to climate change and its contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, predominantly from deforestation. Slowing or halting of deforestation is unlikely to occur without large-scale international financial flows.  相似文献   

Book briefs     
G Antonelli and A Quadrio‐Curzio (eds) The agro‐technological system towards 2000 North Holland.

W J Baumol Superfairness: Applications and theory The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1986

E Boonzaier and J Sharp (eds) South African keywords: The uses and abuses of political concepts David Philip, Cape Town and Johannesburg, 1988

C Bryant (ed) Poverty, policy, and food security in Southern Africa Lynne Rienner Publishers. Boulder, Colorado, 1988

J Butler. R Elphick and D Welsh (eds) Democratic liberalism in South Africa: Its history and prospect David Philip, Cape Town and Johannesburg. 1987

D P Chaudhri and A J Dasgupta Agriculture and the development process: a study of Punjab Croom Helm, London, 1985

R Cohen (ed) Satisfying Africa's food needs: Food production and commercialization in African agriculture Lynne Rienner Publishers. Boulder/London, 1988

J M Conrad and C W Clark Natural resource economics: Notes and problems Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987

D E Janvry and K Subbarao Agricultural price policy and income distribution in India Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1986  相似文献   

Book briefs     
Key variables in social investigation, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1986, vii + 276 pp.

Reproductive change in developing countries, Insights from the World Fertility Survey, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1985, xvi + 301 pp, ISBN 0‐19‐828465‐9.

The world crisis in education, The view from the eighties, Oxford University Press, New York, 1985, vii + 353 pp ISBN 0‐19‐503503‐8

Reaching the Urban Poor, Project implementation in developing countries, Westview Press, Boulder Colorado. 1986, vii + 264 pp, ISBN 0‐8133‐7129‐5

Housing policy, An international bibliography, Mansell Publishing Limited, New York, 1986, ix ‐ 398 pp, ISBN 0‐7201‐1785‐2

Agribusiness and the small‐scale farmer: A dynamic partner for development, Westview Press, Boulder, 1985

Agriculture and employment in developing countries: Strategies for effective rural development, Westview Press, Boulder, 1985

Progress in natural resource economics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985

International agricultural trade: Advanced readings in price formation, market structure and price instability 1984

The role of markets in the world food economy, Westview Press, Boulder, 1983  相似文献   

In the 15 years since the Asian financial crisis, the Indonesian economy has benefited from a stable macroeconomic policy framework and prudent macroeconomic policy settings. Economic growth has been solid, inflation has been contained and government finances have strengthened. Indonesia weathered the global financial crisis better than many countries, and it subsequently benefited from the low global interest rates resulting from highly stimulatory monetary conditions in many advanced economies, especially the US.

In the middle of 2013, however, speculation on when the US Federal Reserve would begin to unwind its program of quantitative easing saw global interest rates jump. Short-term capital flowed out of Indonesia, causing the stock market to fall, the currency to depreciate and interest rates to rise. On top of this, GDP growth appeared to be slowing, the trade balance worsening and inflation increasing. In late September and October, the failure of the US to raise its legislated debt ceiling led to speculation that it might fail to meet some of its debt obligations, which fuelled financial-market volatility.

It is yet to be seen whether the Indonesian economy and its financial markets are sufficiently flexible to make a smooth transition to the new external reality. The policy tools available to the government to deal with the short-term economic challenges are limited: it introduced an economic policy package in August, and Bank Indonesia (BI) raised official interest rates in August and September, following two increases earlier in the year.

These pressures from global financial markets have drawn attention to the need for further structural reforms in Indonesia, including those aimed at deepening financial markets, strengthening financial-sector supervision, freeing up trade and encouraging competition, and maintaining the government’s revenue base in the face of falling commodity prices. While some reforms, particularly in financial-sector supervision, are already in train, it may be difficult for Indonesia to make serious gains on longer-term economic reforms before the 2014 presidential elections.  相似文献   

Book briefs     
Eastern Cape publication

Institute of Social and Economic Research

Development issues in the Eastern Cape: A review and assessment Working Paper 25, University of Rhodes, 1986, 96 pp. R5.

Richard N Langlois (ed)

Economics as a process ‘Essays in the New Institutional Economics’, Cambridge University Press, London, 1986, xi + 262 pp, R87,70

Paul Collier, Samir Radwan and Samuel Wangwe with Albert Wagner

Labour and poverty in rural Tanzania ‘Ujamaa and Rural Development in the United Republic of Tanzania’, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986, vii + 143 pp, £17,50

Allen Buchanan

Ethics, efficiency, and the market Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985, xi + 135 pp, £15,00  相似文献   

Sajogyo, Usaha Perbaikan Gizi Keluarga (ANP Evaluation Study 1973), Lembaga Penelitian Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, 1975. Rp 1000 pp. xiii + 195.

Committee on Economics Teaching Material for Asian Universities (ed.), Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 1: Macroeconomics, pp. 172.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 2: Microeconomics, pp. 1970.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 3: The Economics of Agriculture, pp. 245.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting. Volume 4: The Economics of Development, pp. 274.

New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1975 (Available through the Asia Office, The Agricultural Development Council, Inc. Tanglin P.O. Box 84, Singapore 10).

Seminar Hasil Penelitian Lapangan. Pusat Latihan Penelitian Ilmu2 Ujung Pandang (Seminar on Results of Fieldwork, Social Science Research Training Centre, Ujung Pandang), 8–11 December 1976, Hasanuddin University and Social Science Research Training Centre.

Seminar Hasil Penelitian Lapangan 1976, Pusat Latihan Penelitian Ilmu2 Sosial, Aceh (Seminar on Results of Fieldwork, Social Science Research Training Centre, Aceh), 6-9 December 1976, Syiah Kuala University and Social Science Research Training Centre.

Werner Rutz, Indonesien: Verkehrserschliessung seiner Ausseninseln (Transport Penetration of the Outer Islands), Paderborn, Germany, 1976. Pp. 182, 15 fold-in maps. DM58.00.

C.L.M. Penders (ed. & transl.), Indonesia: Selected Documents on Colonialism and Nationalism, 1830-1942. University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, 1977, pp. 347 + glossary and index.

J. D. Legge, Indonesia. second edition, Prentice-Hall of Australia, Sydney, 1977.

Tax Inspection For Foreign Bodies and Aliens, Indonesian Tax Guide For Foreigners, Jakarta, April 1975, pp. 75.

Drs. B. Usman, Kumpulan Karangan Pajak Sinar Harapan 1973-5, PT Sinar Agape. Press, January 1977, pp. 211 Rp 2500.

Drs. B. Boediono, Pajak Penjualan, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, Jakarta 1975, pp. 931.

Sritua Arief, Indonesia Growth, Income Disparity and Mass Poverty. Jakarta, Sritua Arief Associates (P.O. Box 2250, Jakarta), 1977.

Indonesian language version, pp. xviii + 150, Rp 5000.

English language version, pp. ii + 207, Price on application.

Kumpulan Bacaan Sosiologi Pedessaan (Readings on Rural Sociology), Lembaga Penelitian Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian, Bogor. 1975.

Direktorat Jenderal Industri Tekstil, Buku Petunjuk Industri Tekstil (A Guide-book to the Textile Industry), Jakarta, 1976. Pp. ix + 410. Rp 6750.

Brian Lynch. Indonesia: Problems and Prospects. Sorrett Publishing Company, Melbourne, 1977, pp. 183. Recommended price $A11.95.

Dr Ir Herman Soewardi. Respons Musyarakat Desa Terhadap Modernisasi Produksi Pertanian, Terutama Padi, Gadjah Mada University Press, 1976, pp. 175.

Douglas Miles, Cutlass and Crescent Moon. A Case Study of Social and Political Change in Outer Indonesia. Centre for Asian Studies, University of Sydney, 1976, pp. 160.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M. Arsjad Anwar, Thee Kian Wie, Iwan Jaya Azis, Pemikiran, Pdaksanaan, dan Perintisan Pembangunan Ekonomi[Concepts, Implementation, and Pioneering in Economic Development], Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia and PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1992, pp. xx + 700.

Adam Schwarz, A Nation in Waiting: Indonesia in the 1990s, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, and Westview, Boulder, 1994, pp. 370. Paper: A$24.95.

East Asia Analytical Unit, Expanding Horizons: Australia and Indonesia into the 22st Century,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, 1994, pp. xviii + 346. A$34.95.

Sjahrir, Pikiran Politik[Political Ideas], LP3ES, Jakarta, 1994, pp. xiv + 191.

Sjahrir, Persoalan Ekonomi Indonesia: Moneter, Perkreditan dan Nenca Pembayaran[Problems of the Indonesian Economy: Money, Credit and the Balance of Payments], Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1995, pp. xv + 205.

Sjahrir, Analisis Bursa Efek[Analysis of the Stock Exchange], PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1995, pp. xiv + 169.

Sjahrir, Ekonomi Indonesia dalam Perspektif Bisnis[The Indonesian Economy in a Business Perspective], PT Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika, Jakarta, 1994, pp. xvi + 239.

Sjahrir, Kebijakan Negara Mengantisipasi Masa Depan[National Policy: Anticipating the Future], Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, 1994, pp. xv + 251.

Sjahrir, Formasi Mikro-Makro Ekonomi Indonesia[Indonesia's Macro and Micro Economy], Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 1995, pp. xii + 313

F.B.A. Bouman and Otto Hospes, Financial Landscapes Reconstructed: The Fine Art of Mapping Development,Westview, Boulder, 1994, pp. xi + 416. US$45.00

Robert Cribb (ed.), The Late Colonial State in Indonesia: Political and Economic foundations of the Netherlands Indies 1880–1942,Verhandelmgen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 163, KITLV Press, Leiden, 1994, pp. xiii + 295.

Shinya Sugiyama and Milagros C. Guerrero (eds), International Commercial Rivalry in Southeast Asia in the Inierwar Period,Yale Southeast Asia Studies Monograph 39, Yale Center for International and Area Studies, New Haven, 1994, pp. ix + 222.

W.L. Korthals Altes, Changing Economy in Indonesia. Volume 15: Prices (Non-Rice) 1814–1940,Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, 1994, pp. 175. Paper: Dfl. 48.00.  相似文献   

Laporan Tahun Pembukuan 1960-65 [Report for the Fiscal Years 1960-65]. Bank Indonesia, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. xii + 3O1 and appendices.

Masalah Ekonomi Beserta Pemetjahannja [Economic Problems and their Solution]. Symposium organised by the Central Presidium of KAMI, 1-6 June 1968. Student Senate, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Djakarta, 1968. Mimeographed, pp. 260.

Business Prospects in Indonesia Today. Published by the Committee for the 17th August Celebration and the Indonesian Community in Hong Kong, August 1968. Pp. 182.

Statistical Pocketbook of Indonesia, 1964-1967. Central Statistical Bureau, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. lii + 418.

Data-data Statistik Pokok Pembangunan Ekonomi [Basic Statistics for Economic Development]. Badan Perent janaan Pembangunan Nasional, Djakarta, 17 August, 1968. Mimeographed, pp. 50.

Report of the Singapore Technical Fact-Finding Mission on the Development of Tourism in Bali. Economic Development Division, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Singapore, June 1968. Pp. 79, Sp. $3.00

Bank Negara Indonesia Unit I, Bulletin of Economic and Financial Statistics, July 1968. Mimeographed, pp. 29.

Indonesian Economic Review vol. 1, no. 1-, May 1968-. Djakarta, Berdikari Ltd (monthly).

Iklantara, No. 1-, August, 1968-, Djakarta, Iklantara Advertising Agency (monthly).  相似文献   

Book briefs     
World food marketing systems, Butterworth & Co, London, 1986.

Faces of hunger. An essay on poverty, justice and development, Studies in applied philosophy, Allen & Unwin, London, 1986. xiii + 178, distributed in South Africa by MacMillan South Africa, Braamfontein.

Decentralization and development — Policy implementation in developing countries, Sage Publications, London, 1983, 319 pp

Soviet interests in the Third World, Sage Publications, London, 1985, xi + 329 pp

No shortcuts to progress — African development management in perspective, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, London, 1983, xv + 223 pp.

Strategies for African Development, University of California Press, London, 1986, xii + 603 pp.

Labour and poverty In Kenya 1900‐1980, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986, xii + 296, £20,00  相似文献   

The arrival of a new year has brought with it an increased focus on Indonesia's 2014 legislative and presidential elections. While voters may be disillusioned with established political figures, a strong presidential candidate has yet to emerge. Many voters appear to yearn for an experienced and uncorrupt leader with new and proactive policies, which is why Jakarta's new governor, Joko Widodo, is being viewed as a potential candidate.

The Constitutional Court has made two major, controversial rulings in recent months: the first concerned the upstream oil and gas regulator BPMigas, the second the international-standard pilot-project schools (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional, RSBIs). The Court ruled both institutions unconstitutional and called for their immediate disbandment.

In 2012, Indonesia's year-on-year economic growth slowed slightly, to a still healthy 6.2%, owing to continued weak global demand for its exports and a contraction in government expenditure. In contrast, foreign direct investment and portfolio investment were particularly strong, with respective increases of 25% and more than 142%. At 4.3%, inflation for the 2012 calendar year still remains well within the government's and Bank Indonesia's expectations. However, inflation expectations are high for 2013, owing to likely reforms to energy subsidies; the expected effect of bad weather on food prices; and increases in minimum wages, which attracted attention in 2012 because of their magnitude and their apparent disparity among regions. Concerns also exist that these rises in minimum wages will hamper Indonesia's international competitiveness and could discourage investment in labour-intensive industries.

Minimum-wage policy is also controversial because of doubts about its relevance to the genuinely poor sections of society – those in informal employment or with primarily subsistence income, who constitute a large proportion of the population. Indonesia has experienced a steady increase in income inequality in the last decade, indicating that the benefits of strong economic growth have not been shared equally. Potential reasons for this increasing inequality relate to labour-market segmentation amid a growing middle class, weak institutional foundations, and commodity-driven growth.

It appeared in 2012 that Indonesia has also been one of the world's poorest performers in HIV/AIDS prevention in recent years. While prevalence rates are low, the number of new HIV infections in 2011 was more than four times that of any other South Asian or Southeast Asian country, and the infection rate among the working-age population has risen by more than 25% since 2001. Infection rates among high-risk groups are also alarmingly high compared with those of other Southeast Asian countries. Targeted prevention, treatment and support programs among these groups are paramount.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Yoshihara Kunio, The Rise of Ersatz Capitalism in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Pang Eng Fong (Ed.), Labour Market Developments and Structural Change: The Experience of Asean and Australia, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1988, pp. 296 + xvii, index.

Michael T. Skully and George J. Viksnins, Financing East Asia's Success: Comparative Financial Development in Eight Asian Countries, Hong Kong: Macmillan, 1987, pp. 242 + xiii. cloth: $82.95.

Felix Schmidt Der Beitrag des Staedtischen Informellen Sektors zur Sozialoekonomischen Entwicklung Indonesiens. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Stadt Bandung [The Contribution of the Urban Informal Sector to Socio-economic Development in Indonesia: The Case of the City of Bandung], Schriften zu Regional - und Verkehrsproblemen in Industrie Bandung], Schriften zu Regional - und Entwicklungslaendem, Bd 45, Berlin: Duncker and Humbolt, 1988, pp. 295 + xix. DM 68,-.

Jennifer Alexander, Trade, Traders and Trading in Rural Java, Singapore: Oxford University Press/ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series, 1987.

Colin MacAndrews, Land Policy in Modern Indonesia, Boston: Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain/The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1986, pp. 119 + viii.

Wolf Donner, Land Use and Environment in Indonesia, London: C. Hurst and Company, 1987, pp. 368 + xix.

Robert Repetto, The Forest for the Trees? Government Policies and the Misuse of Forest Resources, Washington: World Resources Institute, pp. 105 + viii. Cloth: $US 10.00.

Sjahrir, Kebijaksanaan Negara - Konsistensi dan Implementasi [Public Policy - Consistency and Implementation], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1987, pp. 230 + viii.

Mubyarto, Ekonomi Pancasila: Gagasan dan Kemungkinan [The Pancasila Economy: Concept and Possibilities], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1987, pp. 238 + ix.

M. Dawam Rahardjo, Perekonomian Indonesia: Pertumbuhan dan Krisis [The Indonesian Economy: Growth and Crisis], Jakarta: LP3ES, pp. 299 + xviii.

Anthony Reid, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, 1460–1680. Volume One: The Lands Below The Winds, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988, pp. 275 + xvii.

E.E. van Delden, Klein Repertorium: Index op Tijdschriften met Betrekking tot Voormalig Nederlands-lndie. Deel 1: Tijdschrift voor het Binnenlandsch Bestuur 1887–1900, Amsterdam: Koninlijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1986, pp. 79.  相似文献   

H. S. Kartadjoemena, The Politics of External Economic Relations: Indonesia's Options, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1977(?), pp. 179, $S 12.00

Ingrid Palmer, The Indonesian Economy since 1965: A Case Study of Political Economy, London, Frank Cass, 1978, pp. ix, 196, £11.00.

Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Economics, Graduate Program in Economics, Four Papers on Employment and Income Distribution in Indonesian Agriculture, Yogyakarta, pp. 118 + ii, mimeo.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Country Market Sectoral Survey, Indonesia: A Survey of U.S. Business Opportunities, U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1977, pp. 320.

Borrowing By Developing Countries on the Euro-currency Market P. A. Wellons, OECD, Paris 1977 $20, pp. 449.

Mayling Oey and Ketut Sudhana Astika, The Social and Economic Implications of Transmigration in Indonesia: A Policy-Oriented Review and Synopsis of Existing Research. L. P. E. M., Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, 1978, pp. 228.

Paul A. Meyer and Colin MacAndrews, Transmigration in Indonesia. An Annotated Bibliography. Gadjah Mada University Press, 1978, 245 pages.

Fox, James J., Harvest of the Palm: Ecological Change in Eastern Indonesia. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1977.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the existence of various ‘development paradigms’, little has been done to analyse the fundamental economic determinants of development.

Most important is the basic functioning of supply and demand which, in the traditional society, is determined by religion, customs and rules, resulting in a limited choice and volume of consumption, as well as limited production.

Stimulation of the economy can according to community development principles, be brought about by an increase in demand (needs) to serve as motivation for increased production.

Higher production though, necessitates a change in traditional values and the development of abilities and skills. This is primarily the field of community development.  相似文献   

Very little land outside of KwaZulu is occupied by black people in Natal. This paper considers the position of black people living in freehold areas and established urban areas in Natal.

The administrative structures that purport to cater for these areas embody both horizontal and vertical constraints on efficient social provision.

Land reform accordingly appears to offer little more than a worsening of the situation if implemented before these structural constraints have been addressed.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
R.E. Elson, Javanese Peasants and the Colonial Sugar Industry: Impact and Change in an East Java Residency 1830–1940, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. xxiv + 281. $24.95 (cloth). $13.95 (paper).

Olle Tornquist, Dilemmas of Third World Communism: The Destruction of the PKI in Indonesia, London: Zed Books, 1984, pp. x + 307. $17.95 (paper).

H. Crouch, Domestic Political Structures and Regional Economic Co-operation, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1984, pp. 101. US$9.

Audrey R. Kahin (ed.), Regional Dynamics of the Indonesian Revolution: Unity from Diversity, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1985, pp. xii + 306. US$25 00

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Prospects for Industrial Development and for a Capital Goods Industry in Indonesia, 1984. 3 vols. (Vol. I: Main Report, pp. 66).

Akimi Fujimoto and Toshiro Matsuda (eds), A Comparative Study of the Structure of Rice Productivity and Rural Society in Southeast Asia: Two Village Studies in Indonesia and Thailand, Tokyo: University of Agriculture, 1985.

W. Rutz, Die Städte Indonesians [The Cities of Indonesia], Berlin: Borntraeger, 1985, pp. x + 286.

Narongchai Akrasanee (ed.), ASEAN-Japan Relations: Trade and Development, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1983, pp. viii + 191. US$15.

Sueo Sekiguchi (ed.), ASEAN-Japan Relations: Investment, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1983, pp. viii + 274. US$16.

J. Panglaykim, Japanese Direct Investment in ASEAN: The Indonesian Experience, Singapore: Masruzen Asia, 1983, pp. viii + 97.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Perkembangan Pemikiran Ekonomi, Buku I: Dasar Teori Dalam Ekonomi Umum [The Development of Economic Thought, Book I: The Theoretical Basis In General Economics], Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1991, pp. xxviii + 429

Selo Soemardjan, Indonesia: A Socio-Economic Profile, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1988, pp. xi + 162

Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, Australia's Development Cooperation with Indonesia in the Agricultural sector, Volume 1: Main Report, Canberra: AIDAB, April 1991

Colin Barlow, Ria Gondowarsito, A. T. Birowo and S. K. W. Jayasuriya, Development in Eastern Indonesia: The Case of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1990, pp. v + 110

Jan G. I. Palte, Upland Farming on Java, Indonesia, Nederlandse GeografischeStudies 97, Amsterdam/Utrecht: Royal Dutch Geographical Society and Geographical Institute, University of Utrecht, 1989, pp. 256

Thomas Schweizer, Reisanbau in einem javanischen Dorf [Rice Cultivation in a Javanese Village, Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1989, pp. xvi + 718

Desmond Ball and Helen Wilson (eds), Strange Neighbours: The Australia-Indonesia Relationship, Sydney and Singapore: Allen and Unwin, 1991, pp. xiv + 268. $24.95

The World Bank, Indonesia: Family Planning Perspectives in the 1990s, Washington D. C.: The world Bank, 1990, pp. xxii + 143

Jan Breman, Labour Migration and Rural Transformation in Colonial Asia, Amsterdam: Free University Press for Centre for Asian Studies, 1990, pp. 82, Dfl. 19.50; £9.50

Kenji Tsuchiya, Democracy and Leadership: The Rise of the Taman Siswa Movement in Indonesia, Monographs of the Centre for Southeast Asian studies, Kyoto University, English Language Series, No. 18, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987, pp. xv + 230. US$16.00

BRIEFLY NOTED: Simme Veldman, Route Planning in a Centrally Assisted Liner System, Delft: Eburon, 1990, pp. 230

Richard Robinson, Power and Economy in Suharto's Indonesia, Journal of Contemporary Asia Publishers, Manila and Wollongong, 1990, pp. iv + 207  相似文献   

F. van Anrooy et al (eds), Between People and Statistics: Essays on Modern Indonesian History, The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1979, 316 pp. tables, diagrams. Paper: DF 139.50.

Sayogyo (ed), Ekologi Pedesaan, Sebuah Bunga Rampai (Rural Ecology, A Collection) Bogor, Yayasaan Obor and Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1982, pp 342 + xix.

Anthony Reid, The Blood of the People—Revolution and the End of Traditional Rule in Northern Sumatra, Oxford University Press, 1979, pp. xx + 288. $M48.00.

Colin MacAndrews and Chia Lin Sien (eds), Southeast Asian Seas: Frontiers for Development, McGraw-Hill International Book Company, issued under the auspices of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1981, 375 pp. (no price stated).

James J. Fox (ed.), The Flow of Life: Essays on Eastern Indonesia, Harvard Studies in Cultural Anthropology, No.2, 1980 US$30.

Hazel Moir, ‘Occupational Mobility and the Informal Sector in Jakarta’ in S. V. Sethuraman (ed.) The Urban Informal Sector in Developing Countries, ILO, Geneva, 1981, pp. 109–120.

Joel S. Kahn, Minangkabau Social Formations: Indonesian Peasants and the World-Economy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980, pp. xvi + 228.

Tsuyoshi Kato, Matriliny and Migration: Evolving Minangkabau Traditions in Indonesia, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1982, pp. 267. $22.50.

M. C. Ricklefs, A History of Modern Indonesia, Macmillan, London, 1981, pp. xv + 335. Paper, $16.95.

J. Spryt, Indonesia, An Alternative History of the Timeless Isles, Macmillan, Melbourne, 1979, pp. 214. Paper, $10.95.

G. W. Jones and H. V. Richter (eds), Population Mobility and Development: Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 27, Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1981, pp. xi + 474. $A9.00.

W. A. Stoever, Renegotiations in International Business Transactions: The Process of Dispute-Resolution between Multinational Investors and Host Societies, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts. 1981, pp. xiii + 381.

H. Eichberg, Sozialverhalten und Regionalentwicklungsplanung: Modernisierung in der indonesischen Relationsgesellschaft (West Sumatra); Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1981, pp. 283. D. M. 66.  相似文献   

Juergen B. Donges, Bernd Stecher, Frank Wolter, Industrial Development Policies for Indonesia, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tubingen, 1974, pp. 178.

Pan A. Yotopoulos and Jeffrey B, nugent, Economics of Development — Empirical Investigations, Harper and Row, New York, 1976, pp. 478.

Book Reviews

The Political Economy of Agrarian Change. Keith Griffin, Harvard University Press 1974.

Changes in Rice Farming in Selected Areas of Asia: The International Rice Research Institute 1975.

Yusuf Ahmed, Patrick O'Sullivan, Sujono and DerekWilson, Road Investment Programming for Developing Countries: An Indonesian Example, The Transport Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1976, pp. 132 plus appendices (pp. 77).  相似文献   

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