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Abstract:  We examine performance, and persistence in the performance, of UK 'ethical' or SRI funds and find that performance appears to be time-varying, showing that conclusions on performance itself are influenced by whether a static or time varying model is employed. Given evidence that many UK funds which claim to be international in nature may exhibit home bias in their portfolio allocations, we also propose a new measure for performance of international funds that allows for this and show that such recognition has important implications for the conclusions drawn with respect to these funds. We find evidence that supports persistence in performance, particularly at longer time horizons. There is some evidence that for domestic funds, past 'winning' SRI funds outperform 'losing' SRI funds to a greater extent than their control portfolio counterparts.  相似文献   

We evaluate the conditional performance of U.K. equity unit trusts using the approach of Lynch and Wachter (2007, 2008) relative to three conditional linear factor models. We find significant time variation in the conditional performance of some trust portfolios and individual trusts using the lag term spread as the information variable. The conditional performance of the trusts is countercyclical and larger trusts have more countercyclical performance than smaller trusts within certain investment sectors. These patterns in conditional trust performance cannot be fully explained by the underlying securities that the trusts hold.
Jonathan FletcherEmail:

We evaluate the performance of UK unit trusts with international equity objectives between January 1985 and December 2000 relative to domestic benchmark strategies. We use performance measures based on Jensen (1968) , Ferson and Schadt (1996) , and the Chen and Knez (1996) law of one price (LOP). We find more favourable trust performance using the Jensen and Ferson and Schadt measures relative to the LOP measure. There is evidence of inferior performance by some international trusts using the unconditional LOP measure. The charges and investment sector of the trust also has an impact on the performance of the trusts using the LOP measure.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We apply a recent nonparametric methodology to test the market timing skills of UK equity and balanced mutual funds. The methodology has a number of advantages over the widely used regression based tests of Treynor-Mazuy (1966) and Henriksson-Merton (1981) . We find a relatively small number of funds (around 1%) demonstrate positive market timing ability at a 5% significance level while around 19% of funds exhibit negative timing and on average funds miss-time the market. However, controlling for publicly available information we find very little evidence of market timing ability based on private timing signals. In terms of investment styles, there are a small number of successful positive market timers amongst Equity Income and 'All Company' funds but not among either Small Stock funds or Balanced funds, although a few small stock funds are found to time a small stock index rather than a broad market index.  相似文献   

Abstract:   The issue of whether or not asset prices are more volatile than the underlying fundamentals is an empirical question with implications for market efficiency. Recent research suggests that the volatility of closed end fund returns in the USA is significantly higher than the returns on assets held by the funds. This has been attributed to noise trading as closed‐end fund shares are predominantly held by individual investors. This study demonstrates that UK investment trust returns exhibit similar excess volatility in spite of the prevalence of institutional investors. However, big investment trusts in terms of market capitalisation show greater excess volatility than small trusts. Although most of the excess volatility appears to be idiosyncratic, investor sentiment index is the most important variable associated with residual returns.  相似文献   

This study investigates the selectivity and timing performance of a large sample (79) of UK investment trusts over a long period (15 years) by applying a number of models. There are few studies in this area in the UK. It is often argued that investors hold investment trust shares to obtain diversification and managerial skills. Managerial skill, if present, should be observed in the form of superior selectivity and timing performance measures. The general decline in the level of discount observed in the industry over the sample period suggests that excess returns could be obtained by holding investment trusts shares. We use single index and multifactor models for the analysis. Positive but statistically insignificant, selectivity estimates and negative, and at times significant, timing estimates are observed.  相似文献   

We investigate the investment style positioning of UK equity unit trusts (mutual funds) over the 24-year period from 1987 to 2010 and assess if fund manager claims to follow a particular style strategy are evidenced in practice. Generally, UK unit trusts do not, in fact, consistently track declared styles but subject their funds to style switching or rotation. Nor do funds switch to become simple index trackers, as has widely been reported, but exhibit a mix of behaviour that we refer to as ‘market-momentum styling’. Our contribution is to offer a coherent, end-to-end picture of the evolution of investment styles over an economic cycle. In so doing we evidence that fund style positioning is subject to rotation and becomes subordinated to past portfolio performance or style momentum. Even this result is conditional as we go on to demonstrate that style investment is very likely to be driven by broader economic conditions, thereby creating market-momentum styling by default. This is arguably not a style at all and calls into question the intent behind fund ‘strategies’.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of a sample of 101 United Kingdom unit trusts within an Arbitrage Pricing Theory framework and considers the relationship between performance and the investment objective, size and expenses of the trusts. Also, portfolio strategies using past trust performances to rank the trusts fails to generate significant abnormal returns relative to two different benchmark portfolios.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We use the arbitrage performance bounds of Ahn, Cao and Chretien (2003) to evaluate UK unit trust performance between January 1988 and December 2002. We find that trust performance is sensitive to the admissible stochastic discount factor used for both the average trust and the majority of individual trusts. The investment style, size, load charge, and annual charge of the trust all have an impact on trust performance. We find for some trusts, the Jensen (1968) and Ferson and Schadt (1996) measures do not satisfy arbitrage bounds by the base assets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the selectivity and timing performance of the Fidelity sector mutual funds during the 1989–1998 time period. We use the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industry Group Total Return Indexes, and the Dow Jones Subgroup Total Return Indexes as benchmarks. When we use the Dow Jones Industry benchmarks, our results indicate that many sector fund managers have positive selectivity but negative timing ability. We also find that the results are sensitive to our choice of benchmark and timing model.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Mutual fund performance is normally measured by comparing results of active management with those obtained by one or several benchmarks that should represent the fund's investment. In this context, this paper examines the effect on mutual fund assessment if a relevant benchmark is omitted. This effect is analysed in three elements of active management: stock selection, market timing, and seasonality. The latter is defined as fund management at specific moments of time with the objective of achieving positive abnormal returns to improve performance. For a sample of Spanish mutual funds, we find that the omission of style benchmarks, particularly that corresponding to small-cap stocks, leads to greater evidence of negative market timing and positive seasonality at year beginning. However, the positive abnormal returns of the seasonality at year end, month end and especially at the beginning of July hold regardless of benchmark omission. The paper therefore also analyses the relation between performance and seasonality, finding that positive seasonality at year beginning and at July beginning improves performance; however, at other moments it implies a possible window dressing strategy in mutual fund management.  相似文献   

An Examination of the Long Run Performance of UK Acquiring Firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines a comprehensive data set of large domestic takeovers by UK listed companies between 1984 and 1992. The contribution of this paper is to show, by using a series of models of abnormal returns, together with the Ibbotson (1975) 'Returns Across Time Series' model and a simple cross-sectional model of returns across all listed UK companies, that the average abnormal return for up to two years post-acquisition is unambiguously and significantly negative. In particular, acquirers financing a takeover through equity, and single (as opposed to regular) acquirers exhibit significant negative performance. There is also some evidence to suggest that diversifying acquirers perform worse than non-diversifying acquirers and that recommended bids are associated with poorer subsequent under-performance by acquirers than are hostile bids.  相似文献   


The influence of changing economic environment leads the distribution of stock market returns to be time-varying. A conditionally optimal investment hence requires a dynamic adjustment of asset allocation. In this context, this paper examines the improvement in portfolio performance by simulating portfolio strategies that are conditioned on the Markov regime switching behaviour of stock market returns. Including a memory effect eliminates the empirical shortcoming of discrete state models, namely that they produce a standard and an extreme state in stock returns. So far, this has prevented the regimes from being used as a valuable conditioning variable. Based on a discrete state indicator variable, is presented evidence of considerable performance improvement relative to the static model due to optimal shifting between aggressive and well diversified portfolio structures.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Australian Multi-sector trusts we examine selectivity and market timing performance and extend the analysis to include the relatively new measure of volatility timing. This is of particular relevance to our data set, as high levels of volatility persistence are prevalent in Australia. In addition we consider the stability, asymmetry and seasonality of the various performance and risk measures. A survivorship adjustment procedure is also employed in order to assess the impact of survivorship on selectivity, market timing and volatility timing performance.  相似文献   

We examine the performance of U.K. unit trusts with international equity objectives between January 1985 and December 2000 using four international factor models. The international version of the Carhart (1997) model performs the best in explaining the cross-section of international stock returns. There is little evidence of superior performance by international trusts relative to the global models. We also find that the choice between a local and global version of the Carhart model has a significant impact on the relation between the investment sector of the trust and performance.JEL classification: G10, G12  相似文献   

This paper uses a conditional performance measure to test whether real estate investment trust (REIT) managers announcing stock repurchases have private information about their firms' prospects. We use stock price to condition for public information and measure the managers' implied private information by the covariance between repurchase size and subsequent stock payoffs (or operating performance). Results show that managers have private information but mostly with respect to long-term as opposed to near-term payoffs. We also find that repurchase size is positively related to a stock's idiosyncratic return volatility, perhaps because noisy stocks deviate farther from fundamental value, offering informed managers larger profit potential. JEL Classification G12 G14 G35  相似文献   

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