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Human capital theory presumes that skill-accredited immigrant professionals can access positions in the labour market to match their skills and qualifications. It implies that employers have little power to influence the labour market outcomes of immigrant professionals. Using social identity theory, we examine the influence of similarity effect in recruitment decision-making involving immigrant information technology (IT) professionals in New South Wales, Australia. We assess how decision makers (N = 331) hiring IT professionals need to associate and identify with people that resemble themselves in some way more than those that do not, can influence their perception of the immigrant candidate's fit into their organisation. Particularly, we examine how the level of exposure to diversity, the decision maker's origin and the diversity of clientele can moderate the assessment of the candidate's fit to the organisation. We also assess how attire, name, accent and any overtly expressed religious affiliations influence employer perceptions. The findings indicate decision makers with lower levels of exposure to diversity or working in organisations with mostly Anglo clients tend to be more concerned of the fit regarding the Indians, South-east Asians and the Chinese. They were also more likely to be negatively influenced by the non-Anglo personal attributes.  相似文献   

This article examines the mismatches between supply of skills and attributes of immigrants and the demands of employers that influence workplace integration of skilled immigrants in Australia. It argues that, despite being skilled, immigrants still cannot meet the requirements of employers in doing their jobs effectively. There are mismatches, which happen mainly in the aspects of English proficiency, qualification and culture. The study followed a qualitative research design taking skilled immigrants from IT and engineering professional backgrounds and their employers in Australia as the interviewees. The results confirm that the workplace integration of immigrants is not only affected by the inherent capacities of immigrants, but the mindset of employers and their perception towards immigrants' overall qualities also manipulate the process. The results are, however, indicative only, as the study is confined to IT and engineering professional groups, and does not report the experiences of other immigrants.  相似文献   

This paper uses an employer survey of Northern Ireland (NI) service sector small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) to assess the nature and extent of labour market shortages arising from a lack of basic skills among the 16–25 year old workforce. Relative to literacy and numeracy skills, employers were found to place a slightly heavier weight on the more generic skills of attitude, communication and motivation. The rate of skills related to unfilled vacancies among service sector SMEs was found to exceed that of high-tech/ high value-added sectors which have traditionally been the focus of policy makers; it was also found that in instances where such skill shortages were due to a lack of basic literacy/ numeracy skills they exerted a negative impact on productivity performance. While employers were found to be highly supportive of existing delivery frameworks they were also open to alternative methods of basic skill acquisition based around the interests of young people and delivered outside the traditional qualifications framework. Finally, the lack of awareness among employers of a number of basic skills accreditation schemes and awarding bodies raises serious questions with respect to the effectiveness of such programmes.  相似文献   


Accounting is about measuring and communicating. Accounting bodies and employers have expressed opinions, which have been supported by research results, advocating that greater emphasis is placed on the development of communication skills throughout the education and training of accountants. Consequently, an increasing number of accounting programmes now include communication skills as educational objectives or learning outcomes, and have integrated activities into the curriculum specifically to develop these skills. It is important to recognise that certain factors can severely restrict the development of communication skills; a major factor is communication apprehension. Research suggests that the existence of high levels of communication apprehension will make efforts to improve communication skills ineffective. Previous research findings indicate that accounting students have high levels of communication apprehension. This paper compares and contrasts the levels and profiles of communication apprehension exhibited by accounting students at the (UK University) and those at the (ESP University). The levels of communication apprehension are also compared with those of students from other disciplines at the same institutions. The results confirm the high levels of communication apprehension in European accounting students. There are notable differences between the two countries however in certain underlying factors.  相似文献   

Enhancing the effectiveness of human resource and industrial relations professionals requires developing during their education and training the proficiencies they must be able to demonstrate when they enter the labor market. These proficiencies reflect their ability to combine traditional content and acquired skills in creative ways that add value to their employers. Implementing a proficiencies approach requires identifying the needed proficiencies, assessing the effectiveness of master's degree programs in producing these proficiencies, and identifying gaps to be filled. A qualify function deployment process is used to assess the leveraging power of content knowledge and acquired skills in developing these proficiencies.  相似文献   

农村剩余劳动力进城对城市就业与工资率影响的理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对城市劳动力市场划分为计划经济和市场经济两种体制下的专业与非专业技术劳动力市场 ,并分析农村剩余劳动力流入对各个市场上劳动力的影响 ,阐述了农村剩余劳动力流入对生产者的影响以及政府实行“保护”政策的经济理论本质。并相应提出了治本的方法是控制人口出生率 ;从中短期看 ,主要是对劳动者进行培训和加速第三产业的发展等  相似文献   

刘峥  范莹莹 《价值工程》2012,31(2):233-234
社会需求的层次和需求的能力应是我们制定人才培养目标和培养计划的主要依据。目前市场对应用型会计专业人才需求旺盛,但是由于传统会计教育在教育理念、课程设置、教学方法和教学手段等方面的更新与迅速发展的市场对会计人才的需求存在严重脱节。为了适应市场的需求,必须合理定位会计人才培养目标,进一步完善实践教学体系,积极改革实践性教学方法和教学手段,加强教师实践技能的培训,提高教师的实践能力。  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to factors that influence employers in their recruitment behaviour, especially as it affects immigrants. In order to address this gap in the literature, a case study of regional Australian employers is used to examine how organisation-based factors influence the employer screening and recruitment of immigrant professionals. The findings indicate that employers are not primarily driven by a human capital lens during the recruitment process. Rather they seem to be influenced by the place and specificity of the process. Some of the key factors which can either favourably or unfavourably influence employers include the organisational size, type, resource availability, ethnic diversity of clients, level of role criticalness, industry-based culture and management style.  相似文献   

COBIT是国际上公认的进行IT治理的最先进和最权威的标准。由于我国信息化水平的限制,目前尚不具备完全应用COBIT的条件。但仍可以借鉴COBIT中的IT治理思想,把它应用到对我国会计信息系统的治理当中来,制定出适合我国信息化水平的会计信息系统管理和控制标准,以提高对我国会计信息系统的管理效率。  相似文献   

Increasingly employers are using social media as a mechanism to screen potential job candidates. This study examined college students' perceptions of the amount and degree of information available to potential employers who use social media. The study employed a survey of college students to determine how much information they felt someone could learn about them through their Facebook page. Results indicated that participants did not perceive much information about key job categories could be derived from their pages and they planned very few changes even though many believed it highly likely an employer would review their page. A subgroup also had their pages reviewed by HR professionals. A comparison analysis revealed that in several key job‐related areas, such as potential unethical behaviours and communication skills, HR personnel felt that they were able to learn significantly more about the participants than the participants believed themselves.  相似文献   

This study examines the psychological contract from the perspective of new IT recruits that are located in the US and China. Psychological contract emphasizes the mutual exchange between employees and employers. Three hundred and ninety-five questionnaire responses from the graduating classes in the information technology discipline in the US and China (Shanghai and Beijing) were analysed. The results of this exploratory study reveal that new IT recruits from China and the US hold many similar beliefs on employer–employee obligations, such as employers' obligations to provide high pay, job autonomy, long-term job security, financial reward for obtaining IT certificates, exciting projects and opportunities to work on leading-edge technology, and employees' obligations to work extra hours when needed, to be loyal and to volunteer to do non-required tasks. Cross-cultural differences do exist however. US IT recruits as a whole place greater emphasis than their Chinese counterparts on rapid career advancement, having a motivating boss and completion of assignments on time, but less emphasis than their Chinese counterparts on receiving project milestone bonuses. Findings also suggest that, although employees can be from the same overarching culture such as the Chinese culture that emphasizes collectivism, there exist strong subculture differences even within the same country. New IT recruits in Shanghai tend to have beliefs that are at times closer to the US IT professionals than to their fellow IT new recruits in Beijing. The differences across cultures and subcultures are more extensive among female than male IT new recruits.  相似文献   

This study investigates the importance of diversity management in applicants' job choice decisions. According to the person–organization fit theory, individuals make assessments of fit between their personal values and the values of the organizations, and they make job choice decisions based on these assessments. A survey of 113 MBA job seekers concluded that women and ethnic minorities found diversity management to be important when accepting offers of employment. In addition, high achievers and new immigrants rated organizations with diversity management as more attractive as potential employers. The findings suggest a need to place a higher emphasis on diversity management in women and minority applicant attraction.  相似文献   

To what extent is labour market participation of mothers sensitive to economic incentives? We answer this question by studying the effect on labour market participation of a Norwegian family policy programme that clearly has affected the incentives to participate in the labour market of mothers with small children. From January 1999, all parents with one- and two-year-old children who did not use publicly subsidised day-care became entitled to a benefit, ‘Cash-for-Care’ (‘CFC’). The CFC reform has increased the price of publicly subsidised day-care relative to the price of own care. Economic theory of labour market participation postulates that the CFC reform would have a negative effect on labour market participation for the person most involved in childcare. The results show that the CFC reform has affected mothers' labour market participation negatively. The effects are much stronger for non-western immigrant mothers' than for native mothers. The results support the hypothesis that non-western immigrant mothers do react to changes in the relative prices of childcare and suggests that non-western female immigrants are quite responsive to changes in economic incentives.  相似文献   

高职物流信息技术课程教学设计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李瑞芳  何玲辉 《物流科技》2010,33(7):132-134
物流信息化的实现需要懂信息技术和物流专业知识的综合人才来推动和应用,目前,由于这类人才比较缺乏,影响了物流信息化的进程.所以研究如何培养这类综合人才是社会各方面尤其是高职院校值得探讨的问题。主要从高职物流信息技术课程教学现状.任务驱动、项目导向的物流信息技术课程设计和物流信息技术实训平台的建设几方面来研究高职院校如何培养物流信息技术人才。  相似文献   


This study examines interns’ perceptions of HR practices and their influence on person–organization fit, person–job fit, and intentions to join the organization. The hypotheses are developed with signaling theory and attraction, selection, attrition (ASA) theory. Utilizing a time lagged study design of 71 interns employed in a United States based service firm, we found positive perceptions of HR practices rated early in the internship were related to increased person–organization fit, person–job fit, and intentions to join the organization at the end of the internship. Our findings also showed that person–organization fit and person–job fit fully mediated the relationship between HR practices and intentions to join the organization.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of ‘networked’ and ‘flexible’ organisations for the work and skills of professionals/ Drawing on material from four different case studies, it reviews work that is outsourced (involving IT professionals and housing benefit caseworkers), work that is done by teachers contracted to a temporary employment agency and work organised through an inter‐firm network (chemical production workers). In each case work that was outsourced was managed very differently to that undertaken in‐house, with managerial monitoring replacing and reducing employees' discretion. New staff in these networks had fewer skills when hired and were given access to a narrower range of skills than their predecessors. By contrast, the production staff directly employed on permanent contracts in the inter‐firm network were given (and took) significant amounts of responsibility, with positive results for both their skills and the work processed. Yet, despite the negative impact they have on skills, outsourcing and subcontracting are a far more common means of securing flexibility than organisational collaboration.  相似文献   

The Arab Gulf's labour market is being overhauled. The private sector is increasingly being ‘obliged’ to more actively support nationalisation programmes. This study seeks to quantitatively determine the recruitment decisions of the employers. We collated the views of just under 250 UAE-based HRM personnel, in order to identify which factors (social, cultural, economic, regulatory, educational and motivational) are most significant as cited in the relevant literature. Not having the necessary educational qualifications and high reservation wage demands were found to have less of a bearing than does the perceived lack of vocationally orientated motivation and the ambiguities over the differing rights afforded to employees.  相似文献   

对虚假会计信息,理论及实务界曾一度要求注册会计师为虚假会计信息承担无限连带责任,但这种日趋严格的责任承担趋势却又会危及到该职业的生存。法经济理论分析表明,相关责任人应当按比例承担法律责任,这也是未来国际发展趋势。事实表明,注册会计师事务所与法院本身固有的局限,难以使之真正成为虚假会计信息认定及法律责任边界界定的适格主体,而司法鉴定中心则堪当此任。  相似文献   

Information technology professionals must continually align their competencies with new technological innovation and changing organizational technological climates. Existing theory and practice is deficient with respect to dynamic models of person‐organization (P‐O) fit. Social cognitive theory proposes a rich and well‐defined theoretical framework for understanding dynamic, interactive behavioral processes, and so is adopted as a basis for developing a model of P‐O fitting focused on the development of professional technical competencies. P‐O fitting is so named because it refers to organizational fit as an ongoing process of adaptation. The article begins by reviewing existing literature on P‐O fit and social cognitive theory to produce a set of propositions and a theoretical model of P‐O fitting as an adaptive, dynamic phenomenon. Applications of the model for both future research and practice are suggested. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Drawing from person‐organization (P‐O) fit theory, we explain how the provision of work‐life benefits (WLBs) increases job seeker attraction to organizations during the early recruitment stage because of a perceived value fit between job seekers and the organization. Our results from an experimental study using a sample of 189 MBA students who belonged to two generational groups (Millennials and Gen Xers) and were seeking employment during a period of economic recession support our expectations. We found that job seekers develop higher P‐O fit perceptions for organizations that supplement standard pay with WLBs in their recruitment materials compared with organizations that supplement standard pay with health care benefits or offer only standard pay. In turn, such organizations are assessed as more attractive prospective employers. We also found that generational group moderated the path between P‐O fit and job seeker attraction such that Millennial job seekers were more likely to be attracted toward organizations with which they had strong fit perceptions than their Gen X counterparts. Theoretical and practical implications of our findings are discussed. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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