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《Business History》2012,54(6):822-840
This article tackles the transformation of the European luxury business since the 1960s, through the examples of the French fashion industry and the Swiss watch business. It argues that emerging Asian markets, that is, Japan between the 1960s and the 1990s and subsequently China since 2000, have played a key role in this process as the major outlets. It examines the strategies adopted to access East Asia markets and how they were affected by the emergence of luxury multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the 1980s. While department stores were a gateway to Japanese market since the 1960s, they gradually lost their bargaining power when French and Swiss MNEs began to internalise distribution and to implement a global brand management strategy. This feature is also a major characteristic of the distribution of luxury goods in China, where MNEs are directly involved.  相似文献   

This study conceptualises the dichotomy of luxury goods consumption (‘externalised luxury’ vs. ‘internalised luxury’) in terms of six dimensions: on the one hand ostentation, materialism and superfluousness (which refer to luxury as a social statement) and, on the other hand individual lifestyle, emotions/hedonism and culture (which refer to luxury as individual style). Through this literary framework, it presents a series of propositions that might be tested in future research, one for each dimension, about retail strategies and operations for fashion luxury brands. Implications for retail managers of luxury companies are discussed for each proposition, considering the main aspects of retailing strategies and tools (e.g. assortment, sales force, in-store experience and atmospherics) together with possible theoretical developments.  相似文献   

Many countries in East and South East Asia have erected trade barriers at various times since 1945. Many retail markets have therefore been closed to outside influence and investment. In the 1990s however such measures are being reversed and markets in East and South East Asia are becoming increasingly open. This openness is both a willing embrace of outside investment and a less willing acceptance of external pressures. This paper reviews the changes taking place and concludes that those retailers taking advantage of the opportunities are faced with a variety of problems. Indeed, it would seem that the removal of international trade barriers simply leads to their replacement with more difficult domestic market policies.  相似文献   


There have been a number of studies of foreign retail entry into Japan but few that consider the moves of Japanese retailers to other Asian countries. Nonetheless expansion into Asia of Japanese retailers, notably since the early 1990s, has been considerable. Many have been attracted by the large size of several national markets. Large Japanese trading houses have played a significant direct and indirect role in the international moves of Japanese retailers. China has become the major place of investment for Japanese retailers with 21 retail companies established by Japanese firms. The history of the internationalisation of Japanese retailing shows three phases of development. A first phase is characterised by department stores, a second phase is a slowing of activity in the late 1990s and a third phase of rapid expansion is presently evident. The key to the current phase is the establishment and strength of non-retail supply firms in the same East Asian region into which retailers wish to expand.  相似文献   

Recently, due to the international financial crisis, the decline in domestic economic growth and in the real estate market, the central and local governments have issued a series of policies and measures designed to stimulate the real estate industry. On the one hand, the central government starts stimulating the real estate market by tax relief, relaxation of credit and security housing construction. On the other hand, with the support of the central government, more and more local governments have implemented their own new real estate policies in order to promote the recovery of the local market.  相似文献   

以2007-2012年我国外商持股上市公司为研究对象,以知识资本模型和知识资本—洗钱模型为基础,对比离岸国家(地区)与非离岸国家(地区)对我国的外商直接投资,研究洗钱对我国外商直接投资的影响。结果表明:洗钱对我国外商直接投资有显著影响,绝对市场规模对外商直接投资进入我国制造业、房地产及整体行业有抑制作用;相对市场规模对外商直接投资进入我国制造业、批发零售业、房地产及整体行业有促进作用;劳动力丰裕度严重抑制外商直接投资进入我国制造业、批发零售业、房地产及整个行业;贸易成本和距离均与我国外商直接投资量成反比。  相似文献   

East Asia accounts for a large and growing share of worldwide anti‐dumping (AD) activity. East Asian countries have long been the main targets of AD actions, accounting for about one‐third of all AD actions during the 1980s, more than 40 per cent of all AD actions during the 1990s, and almost 50 per cent of all AD actions in recent years. After controlling for factors that might influence filings such as the exchange rate and trade volume, it is found that East Asian countries are subject to about twice as many cases as either North American or Western European countries. Moreover, the trend in filings against East Asian countries is increasing, meaning that in recent years the propensity for countries to direct their AD filings against East Asian countries is growing. One concern is that the growing intensity of AD use against East Asia is driven by China‐PRC. Importantly, but a rising propensity is found even excluding China‐PRC.  相似文献   

中国上市公司资本结构与企业价值的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在有摩擦的市场环境中,资本结构可以通过改变资本成本,改善公司治理,促进公司现金流的良性循环,达到提升企业价值,使现有股东财富最大化的目的。运用价值管理的新型计量工具——经济增加值(EVA),实证分析我国上市公司信息技术行业,电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业,房地产业,批发和零售贸易行业近年来的企业价值和资本结构之间的相互关系,得出如下结论:信息技术行业的资本结构与企业价值显著负相关;我国上市公司短期负债普遍占主导地位,除电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业外,其他三个行业的短期负债均与企业价值显著负相关;房地产行业长期负债率明显高于其他三个行业,并且也只有房地产行业的长期负债显著与企业价值正相关。  相似文献   

Omnichannel retailing has revolutionized the way retailers create strategies for engaging customers in making purchase decisions. Phygital is a new-age transformative form of omnichannel retailing that emphasizes combining the physical and digital elements, with a particular focus on the human touch to satisfy social and symbolic consumer needs. Extant research has not fully addressed the role of phygital in luxury fashion retail. We explore the research question regarding how human interactions with experienced salespeople add value to the phygital experience. In doing so, we contribute to the luxury marketing literature by addressing the research gap by elucidating the role of phygital functionality in enhancing rapport building, social engagement, and developing trust and commitment, which results in a seamless customer experience, along with enhanced loyalty and patronage. Through 18 in-depth qualitative research interviews conducted with luxury retail managers and senior retail leaders, we provide guidelines to managers and practitioners at retail firms, to create actionable growth-oriented strategies focused on leveraging phygital capabilities.  相似文献   

目前,大部分大型民营企业的资本配比基本实现主业、房地产、金融证券投资三分天下,而且后两者比例越来越高。实业是经济的基础,当实业家都被"逼"成了投资家,我们不禁要问,谁来拯救实业之心。  相似文献   

我国房地产融资模式的改进与制度创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王诚庆 《财贸经济》2005,(11):69-72
我国房地产融资模式自上世纪90年代初的第一次创新之后,经过10多年的经济增长和市场发展,目前已发展到了亟须进行以融资渠道多元化为核心内容的第二次创新的阶段.本文从我国房地产融资结构的现状出发,讨论了为了维持房地产业的持续健康发展和有效地防范金融风险所需进行的融资工具创新问题和制度创新问题.  相似文献   

Japanese retailers have a long and mixed history in Southeast Asia with a period of expansion in the 1980s and 1990s being followed by a long period of decline and stagnation. Recently, some Japanese retailers have renewed their interest in Southeast Asia. Based on an overview of the major retail trends in Southeast Asia and identification of those Japanese retailers that are currently expanding in the region, this article develops propositions about the underlying factors and processes. It argues that the interest in Southeast Asia, while being mostly justified by retailers through reference to the growing middle-class populations in host countries, is as much based on developments in Japan itself, such as the saturation and stagnation of markets and the emergence of exportable, flexible, and comprehensive business models. Japanese retailers are intensifying activities at a time when strong domestic companies with retail interests have established themselves in host countries and therefore partnerships with them seem to fulfill more than the need to comply with investment regulations or deal with complex environments. Shopping malls play a role as locations for specialty stores but are also transplanted from Japan. Companies are making efforts toward more comprehensive internationalization and this involves human resources in headquarters in Japan as well as working together with other Japanese companies, thus satisfying the need for local embeddedness but at the same time maintaining corporate identity and advantages.  相似文献   

随着产品内分工的发展,东亚区域生产网络的日益深化已成为东亚区域经济发展不可逆的趋势。本文梳理了东亚区域生产网络的表现和特征,对东亚区域生产网络引起的东亚贸易结构变化进行了探讨,分析了东亚区域生产网络对东亚各经济体的影响,揭示了东亚区域生产网络存在的缺点和潜在问题,并提出在东亚区域经济合作不断深化的背景下,促进东亚区域生产网络进一步发展的策略。  相似文献   

仇怡 《商业研究》2004,(24):155-157
20 0 1年 ,我国正式成为世界贸易组织的一员 ,这既为我国改革开放的深入发展提供了机遇 ,同时也将使我国各产业处于激烈的全球竞争之中。房地产业作为我国的基础与先导产业 ,加入世贸组织无疑将对其影响深远。特别是我国的房地产业与发达国家相比差距较大 ,为此必须强化竞争意识 ,更新观念 ,才能使我国的房地产业立足于市场化和国际化  相似文献   

在传统的商业地产开发模式中,地产商与零售商为相互独立的追求各自利益最大化的个体,这种各自利益的最大化必然会引起商业地产开发运营过程中的冲突。本文分析了地产与零售企业间协同网络的形成机制和增值机制,并运用动态合作博弈模型分析两者协同效应的利益分配机制,从理论上证明两者协同产生的收益是可以在地产商和零售商之间合理分配的,两者的利益是耦合的,由此论述了地产与零售企业间协同效应的形成机制。  相似文献   

An Asian currency unit (ACU) is necessary to deepen Asian financial markets and to convert national currencies into a single monetary policy. However, the experiences of the European Currency Unit and the European Exchange Rate Mechanism crisis in 1992–93 have indicated the danger of the so‐called gradual approach. This study evaluates the effects of welfare should the ACU indicator become a long‐term constraint of the People's Republic of China and Japan, the big two in East Asia. Our results indicate that the constraints of countries’ own baskets (e.g. real effective exchange rates) are still better before the launch of a true single currency. That is, pegging to an ACU indicator could hardly be sustained in the long‐run if East Asian countries have not reached a consensus about a regional monetary union.  相似文献   

The late 1980s era of leveraged buyouts (LBOs) and dramatically increased levels of corporate debt saw some of its most profound impacts in the US food retail industry. Highly leveraged food retailers committed to servicing their huge debt burdens were forced to divest assets and cut capital expenditure programmes, while rival non-LBO retailers found entry or expansion attractive in markets dominated by IBO firms. In addition, well-capitalized European food retailers, seeking to enter and develop their operations in the USA, were presented with major opportunities. This paper considers the US expansion of the European food retail giants Ahold and Sainsbury during the LBO and post LBO periods. Within the wider context of the deleveraging of the US food retail industry in the 1990s, an accelerating rate of consolidation and a progressive gaining of competitive advantage by the larger multi-regional US chains, the challenge of the European retail giants in the post-LBO reconfiguration of the US industry is assessed.  相似文献   

李勇坚 《全球化》2020,(2):85-98,136
全球零售电子商务发展整体仍处于快速增长阶段,电子商务在零售业中的地位越来越重要。全球电子商务市场格局也正在发展变化,以中国为代表的发展中国家市场正在占据全球零售电子商务市场的主导地位,发展中国家本土化平台正在崛起,各个国家之间发展水平存在着较大差异,有着较大的增长潜力。发达国家在平台地位、商业模式创新等方面仍占据着优势,但其主导地位正在下降。电商整体上出现了线上线下深度融合、电商自有品牌方兴未艾、移动电商高速增长等趋势。从监管上看,对电商进行征税也成为一种重要手段。  相似文献   

This article analyses retail trends in the main European countries, and particularly format evolution and competition amongst retailing firms. On the basis of the existence of European retailing landscapes that are sometimes similar without ever being identical, the article analyses the impact of the main factors of change on different national markets. Whilst retail internationalisation and new entrants, commercial policy, legislative environments, technological innovations, consumers and buying behaviour will have a convergence effect on different countries' retail structures, substantial differences will still exist. European retailing in the coming years will probably be characterized by increasingly less marked differences between countries than one finds today, but market segmentation, variety and differentiation of retailing formats and brand names will be stronger within each country.  相似文献   

This research investigated how the use of a prominent versus subtle branding strategy and status consumption affect consumers’ intention to buy luxury products across emerging and mature markets. To this end, an experimental study with consumers in India (emerging market) and the United States (mature market) was conducted. The results suggest that Indian (but not U.S.) consumers with a higher status consumption tendency are more willing to purchase prominently branded luxury products than subtly branded ones. On the other hand, U.S. (but not Indian) consumers with a lower status consumption tendency are more willing to purchase subtly branded luxury products than prominently branded ones. The paper discusses these findings, highlights their contribution to luxury research, and illustrates their practical value for luxury companies interested in targeting mature and emerging markets.  相似文献   

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