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原产地效应的存在是一种客观现象,由于产品的原产地会影响消费者在市场上对产品的态度和评价,最终会影响到消费者的购买行为。而绿色农产品的质量特征受其生产加工区域特定的地理环境和自然资源条件的影响,具有明显的地理区域特征和品质特征,在市场营销中原产地效应更加突出,对消费者的产品质量评价和购买行为的影响也更大。  相似文献   

原产地品牌实质上是地理区域的品牌化,是以某些具有特殊传统、资源或声望的特定地理区域名称为名的品牌,具有巨大的品牌价值运作潜力和资产价值。本文以呼伦贝尔绿色农产品原产地品牌作为研究基础,通过探讨原产地品牌对提升呼伦贝尔绿色农产品竞争力的作用,重点对呼伦贝尔绿色农产品原产地品牌的构建问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

原产地效应对品牌建设具有重要意义,是利用品牌原产地撬动品牌无形资产的重要工具和途径。本文将原产地效应理论与河南省农产品品牌建设相结合,首先对原产地效应理论和河南省农产品品牌建设的相关研究成果进行回顾,然后在综合河南省农产品品牌建设过程中存在问题的基础上,提出基于原产地效益的河南省农产品品牌建设策略。  相似文献   

在广泛阅读文献和思辨基础上,对原产地内涵、原产地形象及其特征、原产地形象影响因素、原产地形象形成机理、原产地形象效应及其原因、原产地形象效应调节因素、原产地形象效应作用机理以及基于原产地形象效应的企业经营策略等进行了全面探析,澄清了一些模糊认识,弥补了一些研究缺陷和不足,研究结论能够更好地指导企业经营工作。  相似文献   

中国已签署区域自由贸易协定中原产地规则的结构特征与限制效应(包括行业限制效应)具有一定差异,且实证分析结果表明原产地规则的限制水平对出口贸易具有显著的区域贸易约束效应,而累积条款则具有一定程度的区域贸易创造效应,因此有必要通过原产地判定标准及其采用方式的合理选择来确定优惠原产地规则的限制水平,并逐步采用更为便利的累积规则和原产地证书签发制度,提升贸易自由化和便利化水平,构建更高效的全球和区域价值链,促进我国制造业和进出口贸易结构转型升级。  相似文献   

原产地规则是自由贸易协定的核心内容,规定了产品“经济国籍”的认定标准,是确定货物能否享受优惠关税的重要依据。文章以RCEP文本为基础,结合区域累积属性、中间材料吸收原则和“原产地声明”制度等内容提炼出了RCEP原产地规则的主要特征。在此基础上,具体分析RCEP统一的原产地规则如何整合碎片化的经贸制度安排,降低商贸交易的制度性成本,进而优化区域内资源配置,产生正向贸易创造效应;阐述如何打通中日韩之间的自由贸易通道,突破美国在关键零部件和重要设备方面对我国的封锁。最后,文章提出要系统研究我国与RCEP其他成员国间的关税减让情况,合理安排中间品进口;优化原产地证明模式,鼓励符合条件的企业申报成为经核准出口商;加强对重点企业和产业的指导,提升RCEP利用率;防范RCEP相对较低的区域价值含量标准可能产生的贸易转移效应;加强原产地信息互换,警惕原产地自主声明中企业失信的潜在风险。  相似文献   

NAFTA汽车原产地规则的贸易投资效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原产地规则是区域贸易体制重要的组成部分,发挥着十分重要的作用,NAFFA汽车原产地规则则是区域原产地规则中的典型代表。本文从经济模型分析和实证经验检验两个方面,对NAFFA汽车原产地规则的贸易与投资效应的研究表明:NAVFA汽车原产地规则促进了NAFFA成员间汽车产品贸易的增长,提升了汽车零部件贸易的地位;NAVFA汽车原产地规则限制了散件组装业务和转口贸易,并在短期内增加了对NAFTA以外产成品的直接进口;在长期中,由于区外投资逐渐形成生产能力,最终导致产成品当地生产对区外进口的部分替代。  相似文献   

原产地形象效应研究领域内相关成果述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原产地形象效应作用机制与混合型产品原产地形象效应是原产地形象效应研究中两个重要的子领域.本文对上述两个领域的研究成果进行了综述与评价,并对今后该领域的研究方向阐述了笔者的观点.  相似文献   

当前WTO多边贸易谈判受阻滞,区域贸易协定迅速增多,而每一个区域贸易协定都有其特定的原产地规则。许多国家从自身利益出发,通过制定和实施对本国经济有利的原产地规则,创造了相对有利的贸易环境。中国目前正在积极寻求区域经济合作,已签订的区域贸易协定有三个,正在进行的区域贸易谈判数目更多,我国应充分借鉴发达国家的经验,在区域贸易谈判中争取对我国经济发展更为有利的原产地规则。  相似文献   

区域性优惠原产地证是基于区域优惠贸易协议产生的,是成员国之间享受相互关税减免待遇的凭证。目前,区域性优惠原产地证的挤出效应越来越明显,与普惠制原产地证相比,优惠幅度更大,范围更广,有助于提升出口产品在自贸区伙伴国的认可度。我国外贸企业使用区域性优惠原产地证机会较少,且对其认识不足,外贸主管和签发部门应积极普及和宣传区域性优惠原产地证和自贸区协定相关政策,外贸企业对出口产品的生产加工管理要符合自贸区协定原产地认定条件,并在自贸区扩大宣传并建立分支机构,外贸业务人员要认真学习自贸区协定和其他国际贸易规则。从而提高区域性优惠原产地证的使用率,为出口企业创造更多机会,争取最大效益。  相似文献   

文章探究了中国市场大量出现的“品牌名称双语化”现象,检验了双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序对消费者品牌评价的影响及其中介机制。两个研究结果表明,双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序和有利的来源国形象对消费者品牌评价的交互作用显著。具体而言:当双语品牌名称的“左中右英”(vs.“左英右中”)呈现顺序对应于有利的中国来源国形象,或当“左英右中”(vs.“左中右英”)的呈现顺序对应于有利的欧美来源国形象时,能够提高消费者的品牌评价。其中,当双语品牌名称的不同呈现顺序与消费者相应的有利来源国心理图式相匹配时,图式一致性效用发挥中介作用。文章丰富了品牌命名理论,同时为企业根据消费者的来源国形象感知调整双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序提供了导向性参考。  相似文献   

This research explores the different effects of brand origin country and made-in country on consumers’ product evaluations and purchase intention. It is found that made-in cues have significant impacts on quality evaluation while brand origin cues influence purchase intention more prominently. Product quality is perceived lower when a brand from developed country is manufactured in developing countries, however, this may not affect consumers’ purchase intentions.   相似文献   

This paper deals with the effects of partitioned country‐of‐origin associations on consumer product quality evaluations. The main objective of this research is to examine the cognitive processes by which country‐of‐origin information influences the consumer's evaluation of a product. To study the psychological process by which the country‐of‐origin associations are integrated in the formation of related behavioural deliberation, a hypothetical structural model was developed. The model contains seven theoretical constructs, i.e. country of design, perceived product sophistication, country of assembly, perceived manufacturing excellence, country of parts, perceived product quality and perceived product design. Data were analysed via structural equation models using Analysis of MOment Structures (AMOS) 5.0. Results show that countries that already have positioned themselves around a reputation for technological innovation related to product development and manufacturing may expect consumers to transfer those associations to new products from the country.  相似文献   

The dairy incident in 2008 influenced Chinese residents’ attitudes towards domestic and foreign brands in the market. This paper highlights the strong consumer perceptions existing in the Chinese dairy market towards the country of origin of dairy products. Chinese residents generally believe dairy products from foreign countries are superior than those from China. A new theoretical framework is developed to explore the driving factors of country‐of‐effects and its corresponding impacts. Consumers’ image of different countries and national stereotypes, consumer ethnocentrism and animosity, product familiarity and experience, product involvement and some cultural value differences were found to drive country‐of‐origin effects. These effects directly impact on consumer's perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association and loyalty towards the related goods in the market, then influence the brand equity of products from different countries. This study provides a better understanding of country‐of‐origin effects on consumer behaviour, and will help relevant domestic and foreign firms improve their business strategies in China.  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of an experimental study conducted to assess the effect of expert reviews, price, and country of origin, on consumers' evaluations of imported wine quality and value. The study revealed a main effect of expert reviews on quality and value perceptions, and that the effect of expert review is higher than the effects of price and country of origin. The study also revealed that country of origin effect is significant on perceived quality but not on perceived value. Moreover, the study revealed that the effect of country-of-origin information is significant when price information is also present, but becomes not significant when expert review information is added.  相似文献   


The consequence of strategic decisions of Western brands to source their products from offshore countries, largely from the Far East, has added a lot of unfavorable origin countries to their products' labels. Thus, scholars and marketing practitioners are becoming aware of the negative downstream consequences of unfavorable countries of origin in consumers' product evaluation. This research work suggests that, depending on the parameters (cues) that consumers consider along with the country of origin cue, their product evaluation can follow either cognitive, affective, or normative processing. This research study offers a unique framework associated with process-specific parameters that are manifested in weakening the effect of unfavorable country of origin in previous research.  相似文献   

Stereotypes of individuals in relation to countries may affect their attitudes toward products from these nations (the country of origin effect). The objective is to analyze the country of origin effect for Brazilian beef in Europe, considering the role of moderators such as gender, age, and product involvement. It was concluded that beliefs in relation to countries and their impact on attitudes toward products from these countries may differ according to demographic issues. We also conclude that aspects related to communication, distribution, and differentiation of Brazilian products have received the worst evaluation by consumers who participated in the survey.  相似文献   

基于合理性理论视角的来源国效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于制度理论中的合理性理论视角,对来源国效应进行了剖析,认为来源国效应本质上是通过合理性感知这一中介机制来发挥其对消费者态度和行为的影响的。消费者会分别基于来源国的绩效和制度形象形成对实用合理性和社会合理性两种判断,进而决定采取何种态度或行为。因此,企业可以通过绩效行为和制度行为来发展提升其来源国合理性的策略。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to consider country of origin in terms of its association with brand heritage and its implications in fashion branding, thus providing a new perspective within the context of retail and wholesale brands. This qualitative study demonstrates how country of origin is widely used as a communicative tool by retail and wholesale brands, associated with brand heritage. However, the way country of origin is manifested and/or associated (e.g., brand name, color, etc.) varies depending on a brand's history, positioning, brand value, and the type of market sector that the retail and wholesale brands are targeting.  相似文献   

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