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Summary LetX andY be two random vectors with values in ℝ k and ℝ∝, respectively. IfZ=(X T,Y T) T is multivariate normal thenX givenY=y andY givenX=x are (multivariate) normal; the converse is wrong. In this paper simple additional conditions are stated such that the converse is true, too. Furthermore, the case is treated that the random vectorZ=(X 1 T , …,X t T ) T is splitted intot≥3 partsX 1, …,X t.  相似文献   

Let the random variables X and Y denote the lifetimes of two systems. In reliability theory to compare between the lifetimes of X and Y there are several approaches. Among the most popular methods of comparing the lifetimes are to compare the survival functions, the failure rates and the mean residual lifetime functions of X and Y. Assume that both systems are operating at time t > 0. Then the residual lifetimes of them are Xt=X?t | X>t and Yt=Y?t | Y>t, respectively. In this paper, we introduce, by taking into account the age of systems, a time‐dependent criterion to compare the residual lifetimes of them. In other words, we concentrate on function R(t ):=P(Xt>Yt) which enables one to obtain, at time t, the probability that the residual lifetime Xt is greater than the residual lifetime Yt. It is mentioned, in Brown and Rutemiller (IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 22 , 1973) that the probability of type R(t) is important for designing as long‐lived a product as possible. Several properties of R(t) and its connection with well‐known reliability measures are investigated. The estimation of R(t) based on samples from X and Y is also discussed.  相似文献   

LetX 1,…,X m andY 1,…,Y n be two independent samples from continuous distributionsF andG respectively. Using a Hoeffding (1951) type theorem, we obtain the distributions of the vector S=(S (1),…,S (n)), whereS (j)=# (X i ’s≤Y (j)) andY (j) is thej-th order statistic ofY sample, under three truncation models: (a)G is a left truncation ofF orG is a right truncation ofF, (b)F is a right truncation ofH andG is a left truncation ofH, whereH is some continuous distribution function, (c)G is a two tail truncation ofF. Exploiting the relation between S and the vectorR of the ranks of the order statistics of theY-sample in the pooled sample, we can obtain exact distributions of many rank tests. We use these to compare powers of the Hajek test (Hajek 1967), the Sidak Vondracek test (1957) and the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. We derive some order relations between the values of the probagility-functions under each model. Hence find that the tests based onS (1) andS (n) are the UMP rank tests for the alternative (a). We also find LMP rank tests under the alternatives (b) and (c).  相似文献   

D. A. Ioannides 《Metrika》1999,50(1):19-35
Let {(X i, Y i,)}, i≥1, be a strictly stationary process from noisy observations. We examine the effect of the noise in the response Y and the covariates X on the nonparametric estimation of the conditional mode function. To estimate this function we are using deconvoluting kernel estimators. The asymptotic behavior of these estimators depends on the smoothness of the noise distribution, which is classified as either ordinary smooth or super smooth. Uniform convergence with almost sure convergence rates is established for strongly mixing stochastic processes, when the noise distribution is ordinary smooth. Received: April 1998  相似文献   

Prof. Dr. W. Stute 《Metrika》1992,39(1):257-267
LetX 1, ...,X n be an i.i.d. sample from some parametric family {θ :θ (Θ} of densities. In the random censorship model one observesZ i =min (X i ,Y i ) andδ i =1{ x i Y i}, whereY i is a censoring variable being independent ofX i . In this paper we investigate the strong consistency ofθ n maximizing the modified likelihood function based on (Z i ,δ i , 1≤in. The main result constitutes an extension of Wald’s theorem for complete data to censored data. Work partially supported by the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft”.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the relationship between regression analysis and a multivariate dependency measure. If the general regression model Y=f() holds for some function f, where 1i1< i2<···im k, and X1,...,Xk is a set of possible explanatory random variables for Y. Then there exists a dependency relation between the random variable Y and the random vector (). Using the dependency statistic defined below, we can detect such dependency even if the function f is not linear. We present several examples with real and simulated data to illustrate this assertion. We also present a way to select the appropriate subset among the random variables X1,X2,...,Xk, which better explain Y.  相似文献   

N. Giri  M. Behara  P. Banerjee 《Metrika》1992,39(1):75-84
Summary LetX=(X ij )=(X 1, ...,X n )’,X i =(X i1, ...,X ip )’,i=1,2, ...,n be a matrix having a multivariate elliptical distribution depending on a convex functionq with parameters, 0,σ. Let ϱ22 -2 be the squared multiple correlation coefficient between the first and the remainingp 2+p 3=p−1 components of eachX i . We have considered here the problem of testingH 02=0 against the alternativesH 11 -2 =0, ϱ 2 -2 >0 on the basis ofX andn 1 additional observationsY 1 (n 1×1) on the first component,n 2 observationsY 2(n 2×p 2) on the followingp 2 components andn 3 additional observationsY 3(n 3×p 3) on the lastp 3 components and we have derived here the locally minimax test ofH 0 againstH 1 when ϱ 2 -2 →0 for a givenq. This test, in general, depends on the choice ofq of the familyQ of elliptically symmetrical distributions and it is not optimality robust forQ.  相似文献   

Let X 1, . . . , X n be independent exponential random variables with respective hazard rates λ1, . . . , λ n , and Y 1, . . . , Y n be independent and identically distributed random variables from an exponential distribution with hazard rate λ. Then, we prove that X 2:n , the second order statistic from X 1, . . . , X n , is larger than Y 2:n , the second order statistic from Y 1, . . . , Y n , in terms of the dispersive order if and only if
$\lambda\geq \sqrt{\frac{1}{{n\choose 2}}\sum_{1\leq i < j\leq n}\lambda_i\lambda_j}.$
We also show that X 2:n is smaller than Y 2:n in terms of the dispersive order if and only if
$ \lambda\le\frac{\sum^{n}_{i=1} \lambda_i-{\rm max}_{1\leq i\leq n} \lambda_i}{n-1}. $
Moreover, we extend the above two results to the proportional hazard rates model. These two results established here form nice extensions of the corresponding results on hazard rate, likelihood ratio, and MRL orderings established recently by Pǎltǎnea (J Stat Plan Inference 138:1993–1997, 2008), Zhao et al. (J Multivar Anal 100:952–962, 2009), and Zhao and Balakrishnan (J Stat Plan Inference 139:3027–3037, 2009), respectively.

Estimation with longitudinal Y having nonignorable dropout is considered when the joint distribution of Y and covariate X is nonparametric and the dropout propensity conditional on (Y,X) is parametric. We apply the generalised method of moments to estimate the parameters in the nonignorable dropout propensity based on estimating equations constructed using an instrument Z, which is part of X related to Y but unrelated to the dropout propensity conditioned on Y and other covariates. Population means and other parameters in the nonparametric distribution of Y can be estimated based on inverse propensity weighting with estimated propensity. To improve efficiency, we derive a model‐assisted regression estimator making use of information provided by the covariates and previously observed Y‐values in the longitudinal setting. The model‐assisted regression estimator is protected from model misspecification and is asymptotically normal and more efficient when the working models are correct and some other conditions are satisfied. The finite‐sample performance of the estimators is studied through simulation, and an application to the HIV‐CD4 data set is also presented as illustration.  相似文献   

Summary In an extension of the two decision approach [Bauer, Scheiber andWohlzogen, 1975] a Bayes solution is aimed at for the three decisiony>y o,yy o or no classification on the basic of the measurement of a positively correlated random variableX, which can be measured more easily and/or with smaller expense. Assuming a bivariate normal distribution forX andY optimal decision regions for the measuredx are derived in the case of constant or exponentially increasing losses.
Zusammenfassung In Erweiterung des Zwei-Entscheidungsproblems [Bauer, Scheiber undWohlzogen, 1975] wird eine Bayes-Lösung für die drei Entscheidungeny>y 0,yy 0 oder keine Zuordnung aufgrund der Messung einer mitY positiv korrelierten, einfacher und/oder billiger zugänglichen ZufallsvariablenX angestrebt. Optimale Entscheidungsbereiche für die Messungenx werden bei Voraussetzung einer bivariaten Normalverteilung fürX undY unter der Annahme konstanter oder exponentiell wachsender Verluste bestimmt.

A time series {Yt} ‘causes’ another time series {Yt}, in the sense defined by C.W.J. Granger, if present Y can be predicted better by using past values of X than by not doing so, other relevant information (including the past of Y) being used in either case. In this paper we (1) classify the possible causality relationships between two series X and Y, using an analogy to events in a sample space; (2) review existing work and present some new results on alternative characterizations of the more important causality events; and (3) compare several recent procedures for the empirical detection of causality.  相似文献   

Let X 1,X 2,…,X n be a random sample from a continuous distribution with the corresponding order statistics X 1:nX 2:n≤…≤X n:n. All the distributions for which E(X k+r: n|X k:n)=a X k:n+b are identified, which solves the problem stated in Ferguson (1967). Received February 1998  相似文献   

In this study, a Shewhart‐type control chart is proposed for the improved monitoring of process mean level (targeting both moderate and large shifts which is the major concern of Shewhart‐type control charts) of a quality characteristic of interest Y. The proposed control chart, namely the Mr chart, is based on the regression estimator of mean using a single auxiliary variable X. Assuming bivariate normality of (Y, X), the design structure of Mr chart is developed for phase I quality control. The comparison of the proposed chart is made with some existing control charts used for the same purpose. Using power curves as a performance measure, better performance of the proposedMr chart is observed for detecting the shifts in mean level of the characteristic of interest.  相似文献   

Michael Cramer 《Metrika》1997,46(1):187-211
The asymptotic distribution of a branching type recursion with non-stationary immigration is investigated. The recursion is given by , where (X l ) is a random sequence, (L n −1(1) ) are iid copies ofL n−1,K is a random number andK, (L n −1(1) ), {(X l ),Y n } are independent. This recursion has been studied intensively in the literature in the case thatX l ≥0,K is nonrandom andY n =0 ∀n. Cramer, Rüschendorf (1996b) treat the above recursion without immigration with starting conditionL 0=1, and easy to handle cases of the recursion with stationary immigration (i.e. the distribution ofY n does not depend on the timen). In this paper a general limit theorem will be deduced under natural conditions including square-integrability of the involved random variables. The treatment of the recursion is based on a contraction method. The conditions of the limit theorem are built upon the knowledge of the first two moments ofL n . In case of stationary immigration a detailed analysis of the first two moments ofL n leads one to consider 15 different cases. These cases are illustrated graphically and provide a straight forward means to check the conditions and to determine the operator whose unique fixed point is the limit distribution of the normalizedL n .  相似文献   

Let X and Y be absolute neighborhood retracts (this is a large class of spaces) with X compact, and let F:XY be an upper hemicontinuous correspondence whose values are compact and contractible. It is shown that any neighborhood of the graph of F contains the graph of a continuous function f:XY. The relevance of this result to fixed point theory is indicated. It is also shown that if X is ‘locally infinite’, then F can be approximated in the stronger sense of the graph of f being close to the graph of F and every point in the graph of F being close to some point in the graph of f. A conjectured generalization of the main result is stated.  相似文献   

Two random variables X and Y on a common probability space are mutually completely dependent (m.c.d.) if each one is a function of the other with probability one. For continuous X and Y, a natural approach to constructing a measure of dependence is via the distance between the copula of X and Y and the independence copula. We show that this approach depends crucially on the choice of the distance function. For example, the L p -distances, suggested by Schweizer and Wolff, cannot generate a measure of (mutual complete) dependence, since every copula is the uniform limit of copulas linking m.c.d. variables. Instead, we propose to use a modified Sobolev norm, with respect to which mutual complete dependence cannot approximate any other kind of dependence. This Sobolev norm yields the first nonparametric measure of dependence which, among other things, captures precisely the two extremes of dependence, i.e., it equals 0 if and only if X and Y are independent, and 1 if and only if X and Y are m.c.d. Examples are given to illustrate the difference to the Schweizer–Wolff measure.  相似文献   

Suppose the observations (X i,Y i), i=1,…, n, are ϕ-mixing. The strong uniform convergence and convergence rate for the estimator of the regression function was studied by serveral authors, e.g. G. Collomb (1984), L. Gy?rfi et al. (1989). But the optimal convergence rates are not reached unless the Y i are bounded or the E exp (a|Y i|) are bounded for some a>0. Compared with the i.i.d. case the convergence of the Nadaraya-Watson estimator under ϕ-mixing variables needs strong moment conditions. In this paper we study the strong uniform convergence and convergence rate for the improved kernel estimator of the regression function which has been suggested by Cheng P. (1983). Compared with Theorem A in Y. P. Mack and B. Silverman (1982) or Theorem 3.3.1 in L. Gy?rfi et al. (1989), we prove the convergence for this kind of estimators under weaker moment conditions. The optimal convergence rate for the improved kernel estimator is attained under almost the same conditions of Theorem 3.3.2 in L. Gy?rfi et al. (1989). Received: September 1999  相似文献   

It is shown that if (X 1, X 2, . . . , X n ) is a random vector with a logconcave (logconvex) joint reliability function, then X P = min iP X i has increasing (decreasing) hazard rate. Analogously, it is shown that if (X 1, X 2, . . . , X n ) has a logconcave (logconvex) joint distribution function, then X P  = max iP X i has decreasing (increasing) reversed hazard rate. If the random vector is absolutely continuous with a logconcave density function, then it has a logconcave reliability and distribution functions and hence we obtain a result given by Hu and Li (Metrika 65:325–330, 2007). It is also shown that if (X 1, X 2, . . . , X n ) has an exchangeable logconcave density function then both X P and X P have increasing likelihood ratio.  相似文献   

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