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内生增长中的公共支出理论综述   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
自凯恩斯主义的诞生之日起,以公共支出为主要手段之一的财政政策就成为相机抉择的需求管理政策不可或缺的内容,公共支出不断扩大的趋势以及政府干预经济职能不断加强更加有力地支持了公共支出对国民收入的短期决定作用,而长期内,无论是强调需求管理政策的凯恩斯主义,还是主张自由  相似文献   

可再生资源约束下的内生增长模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于可持续发展,新经济增长理论主要关注耗竭性资源与环境问题对长期经济增长的影响。通过假设技术进步取决于研发投入,本文建立了一个包含可再生资源的内生增长模型,采用最优控制理论得到了模型的稳态增长解,并得出结论:可持续增长不能单方面强调技术进步,对可再生资源的合理利用也是实现可持续增长的有效途径。  相似文献   

中国企业年金的制度设计与政策选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王延中 《经济管理》2003,(22):29-35
企业年金是企业自主为本企业职工建立的一种养老保险,企业年金作为企业对职工的一项福利保障,补充了社会基本养老保险保障水平的不足,成为资本市场的重要参与者,对稳定企业人才队伍、推动经济发展和完善社会保障具有重要作用。本文研究了国外企业年金制度的发展和现状,指出我国建立和发展企业年金具有巨大的现实需求和发展前景,并对如何建立适合我国国情的企业年金制度模式提出了思路和政策建议。  相似文献   

本文对银行主导型金融体系与市场主导型金融体系促进经济增长优劣进行比较的实证文献进行综述,总结出四种观点及理论支持.基于内生增长模型对银行主导金融体系与市场主导金融体系对经济增长的促进作用进行比较分析,得出的结论是两种金融体系在促进经济增长上没有明显的优劣之分,但银行主导型金融体系在某些方面存在优势,因而作者认为目前中国银行主导型金融体系在促进经济增长上是有效的,强行将中介主导型金融体系转变为市场主导型金融体系的政策可能是误导的.  相似文献   

论文运用内生经济增长理论,分析论述了金融中介与经济增长之间的关系及内生机制,金融中介能够通过改变储蓄率和部分投资渠道或投资的社会边际生产力来影响经济增长,而金融发展对经济增长的影响表现出一定的模糊性,要分析其对经济增长的作用。必须将金融市场加以区分。  相似文献   

建立年金制度是一件企业、职工、国家“三赢”的事。尤其是对于职工来说,企业年金是一种补充养老保险,可以解决退休后待遇偏低的问题。企业年金的责任主体是企业,年金制度是企业依据自身经济状况建立的企业保障制度。建立企业年金的前提有三个:一是参加基本养老保险,二是具有经济承受能力,三是建立集体协商机制。在一些私营企业,由于还没有形成劳资协商、  相似文献   

社会保障制度选择是经济协调发展中的重要课题.本文建立了一个考虑存在收入差距的异质性个体的内生增长世代交替模型,综合考察了社会保障制度选择对经济增长和收入再分配的影响.分析表明,现收现付制对稳定状态的经济增长率有负面影响,但其收入再分配功能对提高社会总福利存在正向作用,通过数值模拟发现当收入差距较小时,现收现付制对经济增长的抑制作用较强,随着收入差距的拉大,收入再分配功能将逐渐居于主导地位,其综合效应可以改善社会福利.在一定的收入差异程度范围内,存在一个使社会福利最大化的最优现收现付制比率.基于对中国实际的分析,本文认为我国未来的社会保障制度改革应该注重发挥现收现付制的再分配功能.  相似文献   

王强 《经济论坛》2006,(7):116-118
一、企业年金概述企业年金源自于市场经济比较发达的国家,是一种属于企业雇主自愿建立的员工福利计划。在实行现代社会保险制度的国家中,企业年金已经成为一种较为普遍实行的企业补充养老金计划,又称为“企业退休金计划”或“职业养老金计划”,并且成为所在国养老保险制度的重要组成部分。在我国,企业年金是指在政府强制实施的基本养老保险之外,企业在国家政策的指导下,根据自身经济实力和经济状况建立的,为本企业职工提供一定程度退休收入保障的补充性养老保险制度。企业年金与基本养老保险、个人储蓄性养老保险共同构成了我国正在完善的城…  相似文献   

内生货币与经济增长--理论假说与中国经验事实   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从内生货币供给角度出发,研究货币与经济增长之间的关系,即货币超中性问题。通过将内生货币加入新古典生产函数,得到了货币供给增长率的增加将降低均衡状态时的资本密度,进而降低了稳定状态的人均产出这一与“托宾效应”截然相反的结论。根据中国1994—2003年季度数据在建立向量自回归模型与向量误差修正模型的基础上,检验货币增长率与经济增长率之间是否存在协整关系,并运用Granger因果性检验考察二者之间的因果关系。最后针对本文提出的理论假说与中国实际情况提出了相应的结论与政策建议。  相似文献   

针对技术标准促进经济增长问题,借鉴内生经济增长理论的思想,以罗默的研究与开发模型为框架,研究了高技术标准对罗默模型中各个参数的影响,分析了高技术标准促进经济增长的机理。  相似文献   

The authors analyze an endogenous growth model with economy–wide increasing returns, in which a public input is essential for private production. Within such a framework, it is shown that a continuum of equilibria and global indeterminacy can arise for reasonable parameter values, simply due to the presence of endogenous public policy. This can potentially account for "leapfrogging" or retroceding growth experiences. It is demonstrated how fiscal policy can serve as a selection device among different convergent paths.  相似文献   

A Two-Sector Model of Endogenous Growth with Leisure   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper analyses the equilibrium dynamics of an endogenous growth model with physical and human capital in which leisure enters the utility function. The inclusion of leisure introduces a potential source of non-convexities in our optimization problem and leads to the possible existence of multiple balanced growth paths. This multiplicity of optimal stationary solutions is linked to the assumption that education has no effect on the quality of leisure, and hence a relatively more educated economy may choose to grow faster, and devote more time to income-directed activities. To characterize the set of optimal solutions in our non-concave optimization framework we develop a new method of analysis that should be of interest in related applications.  相似文献   

We analyse the effects of public debt in a basic endogenous growth model with productive public spending. We demonstrate that a discretionary policy in general violates the intertemporal government budget constraint along a balanced growth path. A balanced government budget gives a unique saddle point stable growth path. With a rule‐based policy, two saddle point stable balanced growth paths can occur, depending on the intertemporal elasticity of substitution of consumption and on the primary surplus policy. Higher debt goes along with smaller long‐run growth and we derive a condition such that a deficit‐financed increase in public spending raises the growth rate.  相似文献   

The Microeconomics of an R&D-Based Model of Endogenous Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the microeconomic structure underlying a class of endogenous growth models in which product differentiation and stochastic quality growth coexist. The general equilibrium model generates a stationary stochastic equilibrium in which a nondegenerate ergodic distribution of firm size depends systematically on parameters of the model. Features of the model necessary for stable endogenous aggregate growth are explored, and predictions of the model are compared with microeconometric evidence on R&D intensity, firm growth, and concentration.  相似文献   

The Budget Deficit, Public Debt, and Endogenous Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the effects of public debt on endogenous growth in an overlapping generations model. The government fixes the budget deficit ratio. If the deficit ratio stays below a critical level, then there are two steady states where capital, output, and public debt grow at the same constant rate. An increase in the deficit ratio reduces the growth rate. If the deficit ratio exceeds the critical level, then there is no steady state. Capital growth declines continuously, and capital is driven down to zero in finite time.  相似文献   

This paper examines a dynamically optimal subsidy policy in a continuous‐time version of the endogenous growth model developed by Krusell (Krusell, P. (1998) “Investment‐Specific R&D and the Decline in the Relative Price of Capital”, Journal of Economic Growth, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 131–141), in which investment‐specific technological progress occurs endogenously because of R&D performed by monopolistic firms. It is demonstrated that a combination of the time‐invariant subsidy for investment and the time‐variant subsidy for R&D enables the market equilibrium to replicate the socially optimal allocation.  相似文献   

Growth Effects of Bubbles in an Endogenous Growth Model   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper examines the possibility of the existence of bubbles and their effects on the growth rate by using an endogenous growth model. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of steady-state equilibrium with bubbles is provided. If non-zero rates of the useless asset supply are allowed, a steady-state equilibrium with bubbles exists even if the growth rate of the bubbleless equilibrium is lower than the market interest rate. The growth rate in the steady state with bubbles depends positively on the supply rate of the useless asset. Dynamic properties of bubbles are also analysed.
JEL Classification Numbers: E52, O41, O42.  相似文献   

This paper examines theoretically and empirically the effects of public investmentrules on output growth in an economy with private and public capital. It is shownthat the decisions on public capital formation are closely associated with the growthrate of output and generate endogenous growth. A permanent change in the policyrule implies a new long-run growth rate of output, but the economy will onlygradually approach the new steady-state due to adjustment costs in private capitalaccumulation. The model predictions are tested using data from Canada for theperiod 1955-1999. The data support the endogenous growth hypothesis and thetwo central assumptions of the model: (i) the growth rate of output follows closelythe rate of infrastructure formation and (ii) private capital formation also followsthe rate of infrastructure formation but adjusts with a delay.  相似文献   

Patents in a Model of Endogenous Growth   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
This paper examines patent protection in an endogenous-growth model. Our aim is twofold. First, we show how the patent policies discussed by the recent patent-design literature can influence R&D in the endogenous-growth framework, where the role of patents has been largely ignored. Second, we explore how the general-equilibrium framework contributes to the results of the patent-design literature. In a general-equilibrium model, both incentives to innovate and monopoly distortions depend on the proportion of industries that conduct R&D. Furthermore, patents affect the allocation of R&D resources across industries, and patents can distort resources away from industries where they are most productive.  相似文献   

This paper considers an endogenous transition from a self-sufficient traditional economy to a market economy and its consequences on fertility and growth. The transition can occur if private intergenerational transfers are unable to secure old-age consumption as adequately as savings on capital markets; otherwise individuals stay in the traditional economy unless the mass-production technology in the market economy is sufficiently more advanced than individually accessible technologies. Markets emerge only if per capita output exceeds a certain level given a fixed cost of forming markets. The transition reduces fertility and promotes growth under plausible restrictions.
JEL Classification : E 20; J 13; O 10  相似文献   

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