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再论经理人股票期权的会计确认   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢德仁和刘文(2002)提出了经理人股票期权会计确认的利润分配观。本文在此基础上进行进一步论证,认为经理人股票期权赠予交易的经济实质是股东为激励经理人而将部分剩余索取权(在财务会计意义上就是利润分配权)让渡给经理人,而不是经理人直接用服务来交换股票期权,经理人股票期权赠予并不以经理人服务的投入为必备前提,经理人股票期权赠予交易内含的价值运动是具有一定价值的剩余索取权(所有者权益)从现有股东那里来,流到经理人处去。因此,在经理人股票期权赠予交易的会计确认上,应将经理人股票期权的对应项目确认为企业的利润分配。  相似文献   

This paper explores interorganizational cost management (IOCM) practices in the exchange process. IOCM can be defined as buyers’ and suppliers’ coordinated efforts to reduce costs. Past research has primarily argued that such practices depend on component characteristics, relationship characteristics, and characteristics of the transaction. Based on a study of three buyer–supplier relationships, this article also finds variations in IOCM practices between six main activities in the exchange process. In this process, the supplier's management accounting is found to be more important than recognized by prior research. The deepest collaboration around IOCM issues and the greatest joint use of suppliers’ management accounting in the three cases typically occurs in earlier activities in the exchange process, including supplier selection, joint product design and joint manufacturing process development. In later activities in the process, during full-speed production as well as in product and manufacturing process redesign, suppliers’ managerial accounting plays a lesser role in our study.  相似文献   

Haugen and Baker (1996) report that a long-short stock selection strategy based on more than 50 measures of accounting information and past return behavior would have generated excess returns of approximately 3% per month. We find that the Haugen and Baker strategies do not provide attractive returns after transaction costs if an investor already has access to strategy portfolios based on book-to-market and momentum. We also provide an extensive analysis of transaction costs over a long sample and we report results of independent interest to researchers in market microstructure.  相似文献   

会计职业资格的性质及其角色实现是一个同时涉及有限理性、机会主义、人力资产专用性、不确定性与复杂性、信息不对称、氛围等交易成本存在原因的产业组织问题。文章试图将交易成本整合到传统的成本收益分析中,构建一个完整的交易成本分析框架,以分析会计职业资格的性质及其角色实现。文章认为,会计职业资格是鉴别会计人员职业能力、节约会计专门人才供需双方交易成本的一种重要机制,其角色实现需要关注其内在基础、约束条件、核心保证与总体效果。这给会计职业资格各方提出了诸多对应性要求。  相似文献   

This paper formalizes a two-step representation of accounting measurement and uses it to formalize a general rationale for conservatism as a measurement principle. A transaction's economic substance manifests itself in characteristics of the transaction, and an accounting rule is a mapping from transaction characteristics to an accounting report. Managers who have stakes in the accounting report are able to influence transaction characteristics. Such earnings management is ex post rational for managers but ex ante inefficient. To safeguard against such ex post opportunism, the optimal ex ante accounting rule is conservative in the sense that it requires more verification of the transaction characteristics favorable to managers. Thus, this rationale for conservatism is as general as the managers' ability and incentive to inflate transaction characteristics. By opening the black box of accounting measurement, the two-step representation also formalizes some classic accounting concepts, such as relevance, reliability, verifiability, verification, and accounting-motivated transactions.  相似文献   

Travel Time Partners, Inc. is a travel agency which offers lifetime memberships to its customers. These lifetime memberships entitle the members (among other benefits) to receive a travel magazine. The transaction described in this case offers interesting accounting possibilities for class discussion. The case can be viewed either as a revenue recognition problem or a liability measurement problem. The sliding scale refunds offered on lifetime memberships, the discounts on classified advertisements and the accumulation of points leading to travel discounts for lifetime members, add interesting accounting complexities. The case can also be used to discuss the ethical behavior of management with respect to accounting issues and the role of the auditor in the preparation of financial statements.  相似文献   

Despite recent regulatory concerns regarding off-balance sheet financing, and concerns about lease accounting in particular, relatively little is known about how financial statement users view lease transaction structuring compared to other forms of earnings management. We examine sell-side financial statement analysts’ views on lease transaction structuring and its impact on their assessments of management credibility. Although operating leases often act as the prototypical example of transaction structuring, survey responses suggest that lease structuring and related voluntary reconciliations do not raise the same concerns for analysts as do other earnings management activities (which lower analysts’ perceptions of management credibility). Our findings are consistent with prior research demonstrating that, with precise accounting standards, managers are more likely to attempt earnings management by structuring transactions, but auditors are also less likely to adjust such attempts, and suggest that financial statement users may also be less concerned with transaction structuring than with other forms of earnings management.  相似文献   

We connect conservative accounting to the cost of capital by developing an accounting model within an asset pricing framework. The model has three distinctive features: (1) transaction-cycle-conformity, where the book value equals the value of cash at the beginning and the end of a cash-to-cash transaction cycle; (2) a revenue recognition principle, where uncertainty affects the amount of revenues recognized; (3) a matching principle, where expenses are matched with revenue with a conservative bias due to uncertainty. We demonstrate how the growth rate of expected earnings, the accruals-to-cash ratio, and the expected earnings yield relate to the expected stock return.  相似文献   

Here we analyse divestiture announcement effects for UK multinational corporations accounting for the location of the unit sold. We find some bias in market reactions with larger abnormal returns for UK divestitures when compared to overseas sales. US sales generate larger returns than those in Continental Europe or the Asia-Pacific region. We analyse the determinants of abnormal returns using accounting and transaction data, supplemented with country specific data for overseas sales. Abnormal returns for UK sales are explained by financial characteristics of the selling firm but the size of the transaction relative to the firm is the most significant factor in overseas divestitures.  相似文献   

The Statement of Changes in Financial Position (SCFP) is an important financial statement for external users. From a teaching point of view, however, the development of the SCFP has not been understood clearly by many accounting students.In order to properly understand the SCFP using either the working capital basis or cash basis, students need a framework for analyzing the impact of various transactions on the Statement. This article provides the accounting instructor with an alternate method for teaching the relationship between any transaction and the SCFP.  相似文献   

This paper investigates what are referred to as ‘open information transactions’. Such transactions are in contrast to traditional transactions, where typically two parties to a transaction are the only ones with information about the transaction. For example, in a sale, the seller and the purchaser typically are the only ones with information about the transaction. However, some emerging technologies, such as blockchain accounting, supply chain social media, and hashtag commerce are making information about the transactions potentially openly available to others. This paper investigates some of the implications and strategies that include the use of that open information. For example, open information in accounting and supply chain transactions provides the potential for both business intelligence analysis of the information and possibly misleading and illusory transactions, analogous to those that have garnered the recent attention of the Justice Department in cryptocurrencies. Finally, this paper suggests that blockchain transaction processing will provide reliable information in those settings where there is a “single truth” feed of information flow for the phenomena of interest, no ability to do off‐blockchain transactions (or a large penalty cost) and limitation to a single identity for each enterprise on the blockchain.  相似文献   

从净收益视角看公允价值和历史成本计量属性的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
论文在决策有用性的会计目标框架下,以权益投资者的企业价值评估为视角,探讨了会计计量属性的选择和应用问题。在资产负债会计体系下,即便采用公允价值计量也无法反映企业的整体经济价值。企业价值需要借助金融模型估计,传统收入费用会计体系下的净收益指标是模型中的关键变量,但资产负债表中公允价值的引入使净收益的计量失去了逻辑一致性。这对权益估价模型的应用造成了干扰,从而损害了财务报告对投资者的有用性。论文认为对投资者提供公允价值信息的最佳方式是单独披露,而不是表内确认。最近FASB为应对金融危机对有关会计准则的修订反映了计量方法多样化的趋势,但计量方法的优势并不取决于该计量方法是否符合计量对象的具体特点,而是是否符合会计系统的整体目标。  相似文献   


We examine the changes in Croatian accounting regulation, in the context of 2013/34/EU Directive implementation and analyse indirect effects of IFRS on national reporting regulation for non-listed companies. The main goal is to determine the level of conformity between Croatian accounting rules and IFRS as adopted by EU. Analysis shows that IFRS are used in the great extent as a source for provisions in Croatian Financial Reporting Standards (CFRS). There are only a few major differences between Croatian financial reporting standards and IFRS. However, there are a number of IFRS standards that are considered not to be relevant in the context of CFRS, as CFRS are intended to be used only by SMEs. Nevertheless, the management is permitted to use provisions and guidance from IFRS, if CFRS provisions are not applicable to a certain transaction or event.  相似文献   

Traditional microstructural theories of asset pricing emphasize the role of volume as a trend indicator. With the availability of large transaction data sets, one has started recently to incorporate more information of the trades, such as the time between trades, to describe the multivariate dynamics of transactions. Without knowing a priori the relation between the observed components of a trade—price, duration between trades, and volume—one may follow the principle of ‘letting the data speak for themselves’. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the informational content of both volume and durations to predict transaction returns using explorative non-parametric methods. The empirical results for transaction data of IBM stock prices confirm the role of volume as a trend indicator. After a sell (buy) expected returns are decreasing (increasing) with volume and increasing (decreasing) with durations. A.forecasting exercise shows that the superiority of the non-parametric model over simple parameterizations carries over to out-of-sample prediction.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a postal survey designed to examine the teaching of taxation in UK universities. The project looks at taxation in undergraduate accounting degree programmes and adopts an objective centred focus. The principal aim of the survey was to examine the relationships between some characteristics of individual tax courses, including the course objectives and coverage, staffing, teaching and assessment methods, in an attempt to draw some conclusions on the nature of tax education in UK accounting degrees. The results of the survey and consequent analysis may provide taxation and accounting educators, professional bodies and researchers into accounting education with an insight into approaches to, and methods used in, taxation teaching. It may also present a framework for comparative international research in tax education.  相似文献   

雷曼兄弟事件中的会计问题及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年9月15日美国第四大投行雷曼兄弟宣告破产,其中暴露出来的风险管理、公司治理、会计政策选择等问题受到广泛关注。本文在介绍投行的回购业务和会计处理的基础上,重点介绍了雷曼兄弟面临的资产负债表压力和回购政策选择,并在分析回购105交易的会计处理及相关问题后,从会计原则的遵循、高管的诚信、信息披露的完善和中介服务水平的提高等方面总结了雷曼事件的启示。  相似文献   

We propose regression-based tests for mean-variance spanning in the case where investors face market frictions such as short sales constraints and transaction costs. We test whether U.S. investors can extend their efficient set by investing in emerging markets when accounting for such frictions. For the period after the major liberalizations in the emerging markets, we find strong evidence for diversification benefits when market frictions are excluded, but this evidence disappears when investors face short sales constraints or small transaction costs. Although simulations suggest that there is a possible small-sample bias, this bias appears to be too small to affect our conclusions.  相似文献   

Adjusting journal entries constitute a necessary component of accrual basis accounting and are critical to the accuracy of financial statements. However, accounting students often struggle to comprehend these accounting entries, which is a concern given that failure to understand early topics in accounting courses has been found to impact course performance and selection of undergraduate major. Perceiving accounting as a language, we utilize psycholinguistic theory to understand how an instructor may improve coherence of students’ mental structures of accounting problems. We conduct an experiment to investigate the extent to which a simple instructor intervention, requiring that the initial deferral transaction be recorded, is able to improve student performance on the subsequent deferral adjustments, and whether this improvement is consistent across problem sets that differ in task difficulty. Consistent with our theoretical prediction, we find that this intervention results in improved performance. The beneficial effect of the intervention is found to differ across problem‐set task difficulty. Implications for accounting education are discussed.  相似文献   

We explore the extent to which differences in countries’ formal and informal institutions reduce cross‐border leveraged buyout transactions and the potential influence these same institutions have on how private equity (PE) investors choose to enter these transactions. Although institutional differences have frequently been viewed as barriers to cross‐border investment, we find evidence that these same differences may motivate a PE firm's decision to enter the transaction with a syndicate of firms rather than undertaking the transaction on their own. Cultural differences between a PE firm and the target nation are significantly related to the choice to enter the deal via a multinational syndicate. The varying nationalities within the syndicate contribute to enhanced familiarity, with average institutional distances between the syndicate and target firms being significantly lower than for single‐PE‐led deals. Overall, deals undertaken by syndicates are more likely to be successfully completed and require less time in negotiation. These results persist even after accounting for selection bias with regard to target country choice. We explore whether other features of the syndicate are responsible for improved deal outcomes, such as repeated transactions with the same partners, but find no evidence that this is the case.  相似文献   

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