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为适应经济社会的发展需要,公共管理类专业的教学越来越要求加强实践教学,这也是这一学科内在的要求。目前,我校实践教学存在制度不完善,效果不理想、保障不足、缺乏评估和激励不足等问题,需要我们从强化意识、明确目标、教学计划修订、加强保障、完善机制等方面加以努力。针对教学中来自学校、社会、教师本身方面的障碍,可从转变观念、对外交流、教学研究、培训教师、重点选择等方面采取有效对策。  相似文献   

This study evaluates a program designed to stimulate girls'schooling through the creation of private girls' schools inpoor urban neighborhoods of Quetta, Pakistan. Enrollment growthin these randomly selected neighborhoods is compared to enrollmentgrowth in otherwise similar neighborhoods that were randomlyassigned to a control group. The analysis indicates that theprogram increased girls' enrollment around 33 percentage points.Boys' enrollment rose as well, partly because boys were allowedto attend the new schools and partly because parents would notsend their girls to school without also educating their boys.This outcome suggests that programs targeted at girls can alsoinduce parents to invest more in their boys. The success ofthe program varied across neighborhoods, although success wasnot clearly related to the relative wealth of a neighborhoodor to parents' level of education. Thus the program offers tremendouspromise for increasing enrollment rates in other poor urbanareas.  相似文献   

Governments faced with growing budget deficits are cutting manysocial expenditures, including costly food subsidy programsthat have provided benefits to the rich and poor alike. Becausethe poor spend a larger share of their income on food than dothe rich, however, such cuts usually have negative distributional,welfare and nutritional effects. This article discusses themethodological issues in estimating the effects of price andtax reforms in developing countries. I apply a model that Deaton(1988) developed to estimate price elasticities from cross-sectiondata, the only reliable and detailed data available in mostdeveloping countries. I use measures of both real income andnutrition to evaluate the effects of changes in the Moroccanfood subsidy program. The analysis suggests that subsidies oninferior foods not consumed by the wealthy would reduce thewelfare costs to the poor and limit the budgetary expendituresrequired.  相似文献   

Economists often advise governments to target their spending better when cuts are called for. This paper asks whether that advice is consistent with a political-economy constraint that limits the welfare losses to the non-poor from spending cuts. A simple theoretical model shows that the answer is unclear on a priori grounds, and so will depend on the specifics of program design and financing. A case study for a World Bank-supported social program in Argentina illustrates how cuts can come with worse targeting performance; the allocation to the poor falls faster than that to the non-poor. Some lessons are drawn for how the poor might be better protected from cuts.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether adolescents who are more aware of the risks on substance use in the early teenage years are later less likely to turn into binge drinkers or smokers. It also examines if reduction in substance use, due to high risk perception among adolescents, consequently improves their educational achievement. This research is important for two reasons. First, enhancing risk perception of substance use is an important strategy to prevent the youth from binge drinking and smoking. Second, adolescent substance use and educational achievement are key predictors of adulthood outcomes. We apply a bivariate probit model to a large representative dataset which codes youth risk perception, substance use, and educational attainment. The analysis shows high risk perception lowers the likelihood of substance use among the high school seniors. The resulting low alcohol use increases the chance of attending college and decreases the probability of dropping out of high school. The reduction in cigarette use caused by high risk perception has a similar effect on such two educational outcomes. It also increases high school graduation by 22%. Overall, this study suggests that enhancing recognition on the hazards of substance use is an effective policy intervention to reduce adolescent binge drinking and smoking, as well as improve educational attainment.  相似文献   

A political economy model of protection is used to determineendogenously the intersectoral patterns of protection. Threepropositions are derived that are consistent with the stylizedpatterns of tariff protection in rich and poor countries: Nominalprotection rates escalate with the degree of processing, protectionis higher on average in poor countries, and rich countries protectagriculture relatively more than they protect manufacturing,whereas poor countries do the reverse. Numerical simulationsfor archetypal rich and poor economies confirm that the endogenouslydetermined structure of protection is broadly consistent withobserved patterns of protection.  相似文献   

Targeting Outcomes Redux   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A newly constructed comprehensive database of 122 targeted antipovertyinterventions in 48 countries is used to examine the contestedissue of the efficacy of targeting interventions in developingcountries. Though the median program transfers 25 percent moreto poor individuals (those in the bottom two quintiles) thanwould universal allocation, a quarter of the interventions areregressive. Targeting is better in richer countries, in countrieswhere governments are more likely to be held accountable, andin countries where inequality is higher. Interventions thatuse means testing, geographic targeting, and self-selectionbased on a work requirement are all associated with an increasedshare of benefits going to poor people. Proxy-means testing,community-based selection, and demographic targeting to childrenshow good results on average but with wide variation. Self-selectionbased on consumption, demographic targeting to the elderly,and community bidding show limited potential for good targeting.The substantial variation in targeting performance within specificprogram types and specific targeting methods suggests that differencesin implementation are also important factors in determiningthe success of targeting to poor individuals.   相似文献   

A measure of efficiency for not-for-profit entities - developed by the authors in association with Edward Rhodes - is explained and illustrated by data from Program Follow Through, a large scale social experiment in U.S. public school education. A division into Follow Through and Non-Follow Through participants facilitates a distinction between “program efficiency” and “managerial efficiency” which is also illustrated and examined for its use in evaluating such programs. Relations to comprehensive audits and other possible uses are explored.  相似文献   

Bank Risk, Capitalization, and Operating Efficiency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simultaneous equation framework is used to test hypotheses about the interrelationships among bank interest rate and credit risk-taking, capitalization, and operating efficiency. A positive effect of inefficiency on risk-taking was found and supports the moral hazard hypothesis that poor performers are more vulnerable to risk-taking than high performance banking organizations. A positive effect of inefficiency on the level of capital is attributable to regulatory pressure on underperforming institutions. At the same time, firms with more capital are found to operate more efficiently than less well-capitalized banking organizations. A U-shaped relationship is detected between inefficiency and loan growth, indicating that operating efficiency improves at a decreasing rate as loan growth rate increases. This supports the hypothesis that entrenched managers who pursue a growth objective to enhance their own wealth tend to operate inefficiently.  相似文献   

The Indonesian Social Safety Net health card program was implementedin response to the economic crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997,to preserve access to health care services for the poor. Healthcards were allocated to poor households, entitling them to subsidizedcare from public health care providers. The providers receivedbudgetary support to compensate for the extra demand. This articlefocuses on the effect of the program on primary outpatient healthcare use, disentangling the direct effect of allocating healthcards from the indirect effect of government transfers to healthcare facilities. For poor health card owners the program resultedin a net increase in use of outpatient care, while for nonpoorhealth card owners the program resulted mainly in a substitutionfrom private to public health care. The largest effect of theprogram seems to have come from a general increase in the supplyof public services resulting from the budgetary support to publicproviders. These benefits seem to have been captured mainlyby the nonpoor. As a result, most of the benefits of the healthcard program went to the nonpoor, even though distribution ofthe health cards was propoor. The results suggest that had theprogram, in addition to targeting the poor, established a closerlink between provision of services to the target groups andfunding, the overall results would have been more propoor.  相似文献   

Graduating from a school during a time of adverse economic conditions has a persistent, harmful effect on workers’ subsequent employment opportunities. An analysis of panel data from OECD countries during the 1960–2010 periods reveals that a worker who experiences a 1 percentage point higher unemployment rate while the worker is 16–24 years old has a 0.14 percentage point higher unemployment rate at ages 25–29 years and 0.03 percentage points higher at ages 30–34 years. The persistence of this negative effect is stronger in countries with stricter employment protection legislation. A composite index for labor‐market rigidity is constructed and the index is shown to have positive correlation with the persistence. Moderating macroeconomic fluctuations is more important in countries that have more persistent labor‐market entry effects on subsequent outcomes.  相似文献   

British students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to attend non-selective state schools and are therefore more likely to take a wider variety of A-level subjects including applied disciplines such as Accounting. This is attributed to the performative pressure subjected by school league tables that incentivise schools to encourage students to select subjects that will yield the highest grades. However, many leading universities have restricted the chances of applicants holding particular combinations of A-level subjects that, in some cases, include Accounting. Interviews held within a large English university reveal that few students are aware of such restrictions, whilst corresponding quantitative data indicates that students who enter university with two or more restricted A-level subjects perform no differently on average than other students. Those entering university with an Accounting A-level, however, perform, better in their first year but exhibit lower degree performance, on average, by the end of their studies.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of short sellers on insider trading profitability using a natural experiment of a pilot program which relaxed short-selling constraints for randomly selected pilot stocks. We find that pilot firms experienced a significant decrease in insider trading profitability during the pilot program. The results are more pronounced for the pilot firms with poor information quality, and for the pilot firms without corporate restrictions on insider trading. Our evidence suggests that short sellers serve an important market disciplinary role by reducing insider trading profitability.  相似文献   

Explaining Welfare Reform: Public Choice and the Labor Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper seeks to identify factors which could plausibly have led to the contractionary welfare reform initiatives begun at the state and federal levels in the U.S. in the 1990s, initiatives concentrated on the AFDC program. A review of aggregate time series evidence, cross-section regression research, and studies of attitudes toward welfare spending and toward welfare recipients suggests a role for three types of factors. First, a major expansion of the U.S. welfare system in the late 1980s in terms of expenditures and caseloads may have led voters to desire to retrench by cutting back on the AFDC program, even though that program was not primarily responsible for the expansion. Second, declines in the relative and absolute levels of household income, wages, and employment rates among the disadvantaged population may have driven up caseloads and costs, increased the social distance of voters from the poor, heightened concern with work incentives, and may have led, more generally, to a decrease in the perceived deservingness of the poor. Third, a surge of births to unmarried mothers in the 1980s is suggested, by cross-sectional and attitudinal evidence, to have led to a reduction in voter support for the AFDC program.  相似文献   

Modern insurance products are becoming increasingly complex, offering various guarantees, surrender options and bonus provisions. A case in point are the with-profits insurance policies offered by UK insurers. While these policies have been offered in some form for centuries, in recent years their structure and management have become substantially more involved. The products are particularly complicated due to the wide discretion they afford insurers in determining the bonuses policyholders receive. In this paper, we study the problem of an insurance firm attempting to structure the portfolio underlying its with-profits fund. The resulting optimization problem, a non-linear program with stochastic variables, is presented in detail. Numerical results show how the model can be used to analyze the alternatives available to the insurer, such as different bonus policies and reserving methods.  相似文献   

New data on Thailand's industrial firms shed light on the originsof the East Asian financial crisis and on the response of themanufacturing sector to the structural adjust-ment program supportedby the international financial institutions. Before the crisis,Thai firms had declining profitability, but they neverthelessmaintained high levels of investment, often in domesticallyoriented areas (notably the auto sector). Thai firms financedthese investments with short-term borrowing from financial institutions,which in turn borrowed short term on foreign markets. That only40 percent of firms provided audited financial statements totheir banks meant that the financial sector had poor informationfor assessing the true riskiness of these investments. The financialstructure was thus vulnerable even to small shocks. How well did the adjustment program deal with the crisis? Thaifirms had difficulty increasing their exports quickly becauseof investment in the wrong sectors, a decline in regional demand,and bottlenecks that included red tape and poor customs administration.Because of the poor export response, the brunt of adjustmenthad to come through compression of demand and of imports. Inretrospect, the macroeconomic program— which assumed quickexport recovery— was too tight.   相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether business school education increases students’ stock market participation. We use unique stock ownership data of students from a business school in Sweden. We find a significant increase in stock ownership during and after their studies at the school compared to before entering the school. The marginal effects are 3.8% for the first two years of the core curriculum, 4.4% for the specialisation year, and 4.3% for the three years following graduation. The positive effect of business education on stock market participation is mainly driven by students interested in accounting or finance subjects, and the effect is more pronounced for females than for male students.  相似文献   

In economics, the issue of ‘future generations’ is mainly related to the environmental problems of resource consumption and pollution and their distribution over long time horizons. This paper critically discusses fundamental concepts in economics, such as efficiency and optimality, in relation to the incorporation of future generations in present day decision-making. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and discounting are used as a starting point and criticized for its inherent flaws such as incommensurability of values and its tendency to hide rather than reveal underlying values which are assumed to be fixed. We then investigate alternative approaches, in which, unlike in CBA, the preferences are not assumed to be a priori but must be constructed. Thus, interest groups or individuals must sit down together and figure out what things seem to be worth. The aim is to involve all interested parties in planning for the future.Similarly, on a national and regional level, increasingly stakeholder processes, deliberative and interest group procedures are used to develop strategies and visions for resource management and conservation. A similar case can be made for institutions at the international level. The legal examples provided in this paper show that rather than only installing an institution such as the guardian for the future on the global level, more ‘democratized’ bottom up approaches might be more appropriate.  相似文献   

Welfare programs are important in terms of reducing poverty, although they create incentives for recipients to maximize their income by either reducing their labor supply or manipulating their taxable income. In this paper, we quantify the extent of such behavioral responses for the earned income tax credit (EITC) in the USA. We exploit the fact that US states can set top-up rates, which means that at a given point in time, workers with the same income receive different tax refunds in different states. Using event studies as well as a border pair design, we document that raising the state EITC leads to more bunching of self-employed tax filers at the first kink point of the tax schedule. While we document a strong relationship up until 2007, we find no effect during the Great Recession. These findings point to important behavioral responses to the largest welfare program in the USA.  相似文献   

While innovative smaller companies are implementing employee wellness programs, many smaller firms may point to a lack of resources, such as staffing and financial resources, to establish and sustain a wellness program. The uncertain economy and rising health care costs have caused many smaller businesses to focus on core business strategies to keep the doors open and the business going. However, innovative companies realize that building a culture of health is a long-term business strategy directly related to improving the bottom line. This article highlights one company's approach to wellness and the results of the company's programs. It also outlines the components of a successful wellness program and suggests practical implementation steps for smaller businesses.  相似文献   

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