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简议我国旅游资源分类与评价方案   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
与我国旅游学界许多同仁一样,旅游资源的分类与评价问题是笔者多年教学科研工作中接触最多的问题之一.到目前为止,关于旅游资源分类与评价的方案已有多个,如国家自然科学基金"九五"重点项目成果,郭来喜、吴必虎等的<中国旅游资源分类系统与类型评价>,国家标准<旅游资源分类、调查与评价>(GB/T 18972-2003),以及一些专项旅游资源如地质旅游资源、海洋旅游资源、红色旅游资源、体育旅游资源、民族风情旅游资源等的分类与评价方案.综观这些方案,笔者以为,最具权威性和代表性的是前面两个方案:郭来喜、吴必虎等的方案,可以认为是学术研究型方案的典型代表,而国家标准则是国家规范性质的实战操作型方案的典型代表.  相似文献   

旅游资源调查和评价信息系统的开发   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了配合国标《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》的实施.针对旅游资源调查和评价的实际工作的需要,应用最新的地理信息技术研究开发“旅游资源调查和评价信息系统”.对于实现旅游资源调查和评价的信息化、标准化具有重大的理论与实践意义。系统通过标准信息编码来实现旅游资源数据的规范化管理,能够实现旅游资源数据共享、数据互操作,为未来在全国范围内的旅游资源比较评价提供了可能性。  相似文献   

《旅游资源分类》问题的初步诊断分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何效祖 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):9-10
旅游资源分类是开展旅游资源普查、制定旅游发展规划和确定旅游开发项目重点的基础性工作。国家标准GB/T18972-2003《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》(以下简称“国标”)自2003年5月推出以来,各级旅游部门基本上都以此为依据开展工作。就笔者近两年参加评审的甘肃省各市县的几十个旅游规划,对旅游资源的分类与评价无不严格以“国标”为依据。但在应用过程中和笔者研究中,均发现“国标”确定的旅游资源分类结构,在个别地方仍存在不少问题。本文对“国标”中存在的7个概念模糊、3个前后重复、9个类型缺项和3种类型细分,进行了初步诊断分析,提出如下具体意见。  相似文献   

论农村旅游开发的资源凭借   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:37  
本文通过对江西安义古村旅游开发和浙江奉化腾头村现代农村旅游开发的比较分析,认为农村旅游开发的资源凭借主要是农事活动、农村聚落、农民生活、农业生态、农业收获物等农村事务要素的综合构成。  相似文献   

中国出境游客的消费偏好和兴趣特征研究已成为当前旅游学界研究的重要内容.现有研究主要围绕满意度调查和细分市场展开,在研究时效和话题覆盖方面存在一定的局限.文章借助网络大数据研究分析方法,基于游客情感分析理论,以赴澳中国游客发布在国内旅游网站的评论为素材展开分析,比较其与国际游客的差异性,继而解析主要影响因素.研究发现:(1)中国游客在吸引物类型和旅游活动两大要素上与国际游客存在较大差异;(2)目的地要素和吸引物类型均有可能引发中国赴澳游客的正负面旅游情绪,地标性景观和多样化特色较能引发中国游客的正面评价,而中国游客对澳文化资源和冒险性旅游活动评价较低;(3)中国游客对澳大利亚旅游城市的情感喜好,与其旅游资源的丰富程度和城市基本职能存在一定关联.这些发现与当前旅游研究的相关理论较为吻合,但与现存针对中国赴澳游客的满意度调查不一致.研究的意义在于开拓了研究游客偏好和评价的新方法,有助于更好地指导国际旅游目的地改进针对中国游客的营销策略和方式,具有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   

曾明星 《旅游学刊》2001,16(2):34-38
上海市旅游资源以现代化都市景观为主,自然的休旅游地缺乏,崇明岛是中国第三大岛,毗邻上海市区,岛内环境,因此,依据旅游资源与区位优势,崇明岛适宜发展绿色休闲度假旅游,并将最终建成为上海的“后花园”,旅游潜力巨大,本文就崇明岛发展绿色度假旅游作了分析,重点对旅游项目规划提出了设想并对岛内与岛外旅游线路进行了设计。  相似文献   

吕连琴 《旅游学刊》2004,19(3):55-60
国标《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》正式实施以来,河南省在全国率先开展了全省旅游资源普查工作。作为此次普查的主要参与者,笔者亲身体验到了旅游资源普查工作的繁重与艰辛、成功与不足,对《国标》也有了更深刻的理解和认识。本文对普查中所遇到的若干疑点问题进行了探讨,希望抛砖引玉,对今后其他地方的旅游资源普查工作提供参考。  相似文献   

王学典  肖静 《西部旅游》2023,(12):46-49
<正>文章主要对广西大新明仕旅游度假区核心区域——明仕田园的旅游形象感知进行研究,以“明仕田园”为特征词在携程旅行平台进行检索,并使用八爪鱼软件爬取游客在线评论,由此获得网络评价文本数据,通过使用ROST CM6.0软件,运用网络文本分析法分别对网络评价文本数据进行词频分析、社会语义网络分析以及情感分析。研究发现:第一,明仕田园旅游形象感知要素可划分为四个维度,分别为旅游资源、旅游特色要素、旅游设施及服务、旅游体验及评价,自然景观与互动体验项目是其核心吸引物;第二,游客对明仕田园影视剧要素感知度较高,明仕田园影视剧资源独具特色,有利于化解桂林遮蔽明仕田园旅游形象的问题;第三,游客对明仕田园的评价总体情感倾向为正面,并且正面情绪倾向评价数量大约是负面情绪倾向评价的2倍,负面情绪倾向评价占比相对较高,同时存在一定比例的中性情绪。  相似文献   

朱竑 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):8-9
旅游资源的调查和分类是为了通过恰当的评价,为更好的开发提供参照。国家标准GB/T18972-2003《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》(后文简称《国标》)应该说为各地旅游资源调查分类和评价提供了很好的规范性指导。但是,我们也不能否认,由于中国旅游发展阶段本身的局限和人们对旅游资源  相似文献   

增城市是广州市下辖的一个县级市,2004年广州市旅游局确定增城市按照《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》国家标准(GB/T18972—2003,以下简称“国标”)进行旅游资源普查的试点工作。这次普查历时1年,总结此次增城市旅游资源普查的工作体会,我们认为可以归纳为新的依据、新的目的和新的方法等“三新”:  相似文献   

湛江国际旅游资源开发和旅游服务质量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭晋杰 《旅游学刊》2001,16(1):54-57
地方国际旅游资源是珍贵的资源,但要使其充分发挥经济效益,就必须加以科学的规划和合理的开发.本文研究和分析了湛江国际旅游资源的开发利用和国际游客对我们旅游服务质量的评价及旅游业存在的问题.  相似文献   

Although sustainable tourism comprises economic, social and environmental aspects, economic analysis has been less evident in the literature. This paper takes an economic perspective to evaluate the contribution of holiday home owners to a local economy. Tourism destinations which are at the mature stages of the tourism lifecycle wish to maximise revenue from tourism while minimising costs such as overcrowding. A prime objective has to be to attract the more economically valuable tourists. In this paper an analysis of North Wexford in Ireland poses questions such as: How does the holiday home owners’ expenditure in the local area compare to that of traditional tourists? Do they purchase different types of goods? What levels of local expenditure do holiday home owners engage in for the upkeep or development of their second properties? What are the implications of these findings? The results show that there are clear economic benefits for an area that people deem attractive enough to build or purchase a holiday home in. This type of tourist has a high annual spend relative to other tourists and much of this expenditure seems to be concentrated in the local area. These findings need to be incorporated into the broader debate regarding the advantages and disadvantages of holiday home owners and the possibility of them comprising a route to sustainable development for local tourist areas.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the potential implications on off-season tourism of enhancing the cultural offer of Rimini, a popular Italian seaside holiday destination hosting about 12 million overnight stays per year. Since more than 9 million of these stays are concentrated in the summer season, in the last 20 years. Rimini has been undergoing a policy of seasonality smoothing, which mainly pivots around business and cultural tourism. This assessment has been carried out through discrete choice experiments submitted to a sample of about 800 tourists who visited Rimini outside the summer months. Since tourism can be viewed as a composite good, which overall utility depends on how the component characteristics are arranged, the choice experiments allow to disentangle the importance and the willingness to pay of tourists for different attributes of the holiday. The choice model incorporates a number of possible changes to actual tourism features (which are also the subject of public debate), including them in hypothetical alternative “holiday packages”. The conditional logit analysis of the choice experiments can highlight any synergy or trade-off between cultural and business tourism. Results suggest that business and leisure tourists share many features related to the use of the territory, while there are important trade-offs between these two groups and cultural tourists. Since business tourists have a higher willingness to extend their stay, a softer budget, and their demand is also complementary to the demand of summer tourists (Brau, Scorcu, & Vici, 2009), from the destination point of view investing in this market segment would be the best option. Although a “second best”, however, cultural tourists share with the local population of Rimini many aspects of the demand of territory (Figini, Castellani, & Vici, 2009). Hence, cultural tourism can play a fundamental role in the intermediate season as a tool for smoothing seasonality, to diversify investments and to give value to the city’s cultural heritage.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on volunteer tourism organisations that offer conservation expeditions, where volunteer tourists can assist in scientific research or ecological restoration. It seeks to identify organisational images and suggest how these images affect the expectations of volunteer tourists. Using the promotional material of volunteer tourism organisations, the contents of organisations' mission statements, promotional photographs and volunteer testimonies were analysed. Potential volunteer tourists were also asked to perform a multiple sorting procedure on the organisations' brochures to assess their images of volunteer tourism organisations. From the results, four groups of volunteer tourism organisations were identified and labelled ‘conservation research expeditions’, ‘holiday conservation expeditions’;, ‘adventure conservation expeditions’ and ‘community holiday expeditions’. It is proposed that organisations need to be aware of their perceived images in order to match their volunteers' expectations and needs, manage tourists' expectations and ensure the success of their volunteer tourism expeditions.  相似文献   

黑龙江省为我国山地旅游资源大省,但是长期以来其山地旅游的发展程度不高,对山地旅游资源的认识水平较低.因此,文章对AHM模型进行了改进,进而对黑龙江山地旅游资源进行定性评价,探讨了黑龙江山地旅游资源的影响因素及其相互关系,并在此基础上提出黑龙江山地旅游资源开发战略的目标与重点.  相似文献   

杨勇 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):59-72
以往关于消费者需求行为的研究多基于传统经济学框架的设定展开,认为影响消费者旅游需求的主要因素包含收入、目的地吸引力、交通等,普遍忽视了消费过程中的社会交往和具体情境。文章在理论分析的基础上,提出了若干命题,将消费者收入、社会交往和旅游情境等因素纳入旅游消费者需求的模型中,提出了若干研究命题。依据2014年春节“黄金周”旅游需求调研数据,采用排序选择模型验证了相关命题的正确性。计量结果表明,个人经济因素对我国消费者春节“黄金周”旅游需求影响较小,家庭结构、同伴等社会交往因素是影响其旅游需求的重要因素;我国消费者对于春节“黄金周”出游过程中遭遇的拥堵、旅游市场混乱等旅游情境问题具有一定的容忍度,但是,严重供需失衡导致的旅游情境问题依然对其旅游需求产生了显著的影响。  相似文献   

旅游资源与旅游吸引物:含义、关系及适用性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游资源和旅游吸引物分别是汉语界和英语界经常使用的重要概念,然而学术界对这两个概念的理解和使用方式不但存在国别差异,还存在概念内涵与外延理解的深层次分歧。文章通过梳理这两个概念的界定方式、含义理解、翻译使用等方面的分歧,从概念产生背景、语词本意、逻辑规则、现实含义等角度,逐一进行辨析,指出旅游资源和旅游吸引物这两个概念是中英文学术界创造的具有旅游学科独特含义的专属概念,它们总体上被用来指称旅游活动的对象。旅游资源一词容易引发诸多理解歧义,而旅游吸引物一词在含义上更为清晰、准确,有更大的使用空间;而常被我们用来作为旅游资源英文对译词的tourism resources,其在英语中的实际含义并非如此,使用频率也不高。文章还将旅游资源和旅游吸引物的概念界定方式进行了分类,概括了其间的核心差异,疏解了歧义,辨析了合理性。在此基础上,对利珀(Leiper)的旅游吸引物系统论做出了新的解读。  相似文献   

Australia is an increasingly important international holiday destination. Especially travel demand from Asia-Pacific countries has increased, which has led Australian policy-makers to believe the Asia-Pacific region will remain the largest growth market for holiday tourists. This article first presents an overview of the evolution and shifting geographical patterns of Asia-Pacific tourism to Australia between 1990 and 2010, and relies on this to explore the major determinants underlying these changes using a bootstrapped loglinear multiple regression analysis. Results indicate that income (GDP per capita) remains the most important factor explaining tourism demand, albeit that the Australian holiday market is becoming increasingly mature. Distance, as a proxy for travel costs, has large negative elasticity that has slightly increased over time as the effects of air transport liberalization have been off-set by oil prices’. The paper is concluded with an outlook on some possible opportunities and challenges for future tourism demand to Australia.  相似文献   

The number of tourists visiting casino resorts has risen in recent years. Tourists often view gambling as a leisure activity option that they can participate in during their holiday. This study aims to investigate the motives that influence tourists’ gambling intention. A list of potential motives is derived from the extensive tourism literature, and a sample including 462 respondents was collected in Macau. The survey results indicate that benefits, learning, pleasure, costing, and socialization are all motives for tourists to engage in recreational gambling. However, adventure, relaxation, prestige, and winning are not influencing factors among tourists who gamble during their trip. The study also explores the moderating roles of gender, age, and educational level on the relationship between different motives and gambling intention. Understanding the motives for why tourists gamble is useful for integrated resort operators to formulate marketing strategies for attracting tourists.  相似文献   

Wild living marine resources are a common pool resource in Norway, and successful development of marine angling tourism (MAT) – a form of consumptive wildlife tourism is dependent on healthy fish stocks. This article examines foreign tourists' non-compliance with Norway's 15 kg export quota, and the effects of the non-compliance on community wellbeing. Analyses of 528 responses to a 63-question questionnaire compare tourists' pro-environmental behavior at home, with behavior on holiday, and opinions on more stringent management regulations. No statistically significant correlations were found between pro-environmental behavior at home and support for more stringent regulations. Strengthening regulations would likely have a negative impact on both willingness to return and recommend. Findings suggest that the majority of tourists do not view fish as a resource that should be more tightly controlled, if their holiday fishing experience would be negatively affected. Results are compared against studies investigating management strategies for non-consumptive forms of wildlife tourism. Management solutions are identified which might mitigate non-compliance, positively influence environmentally responsible behavior, and address community wellbeing.  相似文献   

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