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市场化是解决水污染蔓延的根本途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在治理我国水污染蔓延的过程中,传统的治理方法表现出很大的局限性。在市场经济条件下,运用制度经济学的原理,采用市场化的治理方案,即排污总量一定的条件下,实行排污权交易的方法,才是根本上解决水污染问题的途径。  相似文献   

工业革命带来了工业的快速发展,同时也带来了它的副产品环境污染,这使人类享受物资财富的同时也面临越来越紧迫的生存危机。正确处理发展工业与保护环境之间的关系,是实现可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

This paper re-examines environmental regulation, under the assumption that pollution abatement technologies and services are provided by an imperfectly competitive environment industry. It is shown that each regulatory instrument (emission taxes and quotas; design standards; and voluntary agreements) has a specific impact on the price-elasticity of the polluters’ demand for abatement services, hence on the market power of the eco-industry and the resulting cost of abatement. This implies that the optimal pollution tax will be higher than the marginal social cost of pollution, while a voluntary approach to pollution abatement may fail unless the eco-industry itself is willing to participate.We thank Dominique Bureau, Olivier Godard, Émeric Henry, Nicolas Marchetti, Alain-Désiré Nimubona, Anne Perrot, Gilles Rotillon, Katheline Schubert, the editors Michael Crew and Anthony Heyes, and two anonymous referees for helpful discussions and suggestions. We also acknowledge valuable comments from seminar audiences at HEC Montréal, the University of Paris I, the University of Toulouse, and the DG-Entreprise of the European Commission in Brussels.  相似文献   

文章以1993-2006年中国制造业的对外贸易和污染物数据为基础,结合投入产出表,测算了我国制造业对外贸易中的污染含量,借以考察对外贸易对我国环境污染的影响。研究结果表明:通过对外贸易我国正在为发达国家承担了高额的环境成本。  相似文献   

随着工业化和城镇化进程加快,农村环境污染问题日益凸显。如何有效治理农村环境问题已成为社会普遍关注的焦点。与科层治理模式和市场治理模式比较,网络治理具有的多元主体平等、协同治理的独特自在性更契合农村环境污染治理的内在要求。论文首先阐释了农村环境污染网络治理的内涵及框架设计,进而针对农村环境污染网络治理面临的价值目标异化、治理主体权力结构失衡、治理层级结构单一和运行机制形式化的困境进行解构。最后从培育合作治理理念、明确治理权责、构建以政府为主导的多元治理网络结构和建设网络化治理机制提出对策。  相似文献   

Disutility of pollution and endogenous growth   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Endogenous growth is generally built on a positive externality hypothesis which is the opposite of a negative externality caused by pollution. We study a linear technology with simple assumption: an aggregate capital stock which represents a learning by doing effect and a pollution flow proportional to production. In this framework, we analyse the precise effects on growth of the disutility of pollution and its interaction with the utility of consumption in an economy without abatement technology. The decentralized equilibrium always leads to unlimited growth, but optimal growth is often limited (the negative effect of pollution dominating the positive effect of learning by doing). In this case, the optimal policy which leads the decentralized economy to follow the optimal growth path is to tax capital; in contrast with the optimal subsidy policy in an economy without pollution. When an abatement technology is introduced, the optimal solution can lead the economy to unlimited growth, whatever the form of the utility function.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to discuss the concept of cost-effectiveness of national air pollution abatement programmes, analyze it from a region-wide perspective, and outline a framework for integrating international and domestic environmental priorities. The paper refers to air protection policy priorities adopted by the government of Poland in 1990, and reviews policy instruments envisaged for their implementation. Additionally, it discusses international priorities and how the government of Poland attempts to address these in its policy.After defining cost-effectiveness, this paper reviews how the choice of policy instruments influences the costs of pollution control policy. Then, the recent Polish experience with charges, environmental funds, and transferable permits is confronted with the cost-effectiveness principles. The paper concludes that Poland has developed an extensive system of pollution fees which serves a revenue-raising purpose and gives modest incentives to abate, although the cost-effectiveness of this mechanism needs improvement. A potential role for transferable permits is emphasized.  相似文献   

本文以昆明市西山区为例,分析了城郊畜牧业在受环境影响的同时,也对城郊生态环境产生污染,特别是规模养殖和畜禽加工企业的废弃物及污水,并提出对从业人员进行生态意识教育、做好畜牧企业的布局规划、大力开发生态环保技术等对策意见。  相似文献   

Chinese economy has been driven to grow at extraordinarily high levels in the past two decades. Pollution from industrial increasing presents the complexity of "Market Failure" and "Government Failure", and also the latter is more serious. The traditional public sector management appears inadequate to deal with the new challenge in environmental protection that emerges. We should reform public management behaviors and form regulations that "growth" is not the highest priority for government.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact on air pollution ofchanges in the composition of manufacturing output indeveloped and developing countries. Pollutionemissions from manufacturing output are estimated ina manner which holds constant the effect of technologyand regulations allowing the impact of compositional changes alone on pollution to beestimated. The paper has three main findings; (1) theinverted-U estimated between per capita income and thepollution intensity of GDP arises due to both thecomposition of manufacturing becoming cleaner and theshare of manufacturing output in GDP falling.Compositional changes alone are not responsible forthe inverted-U between per capita income and percapita emissions; (2) changes to the composition ofmanufacturing output are consistent with the pollutionhaven hypothesis, however there is clear evidence thatrising per capita incomes are associated with afalling income elasticity of demand for `dirty'products. This fact may explain the compositionalchanges that occur with development; (3) in additionto the income elasticity effect, the analysis suggeststhat land prices and to a lesser extent the prices oflabour and capital, determine the proportion of dirtyindustry within a country's manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

随着农村经济快速发展,农村环境污染也越来越严重,已经严重影响人民的身体健康.文章在分析国内外学者对农村环境污染问题研究的基础上,通过入户调查座谈,并运用Logistic模型实证检验了农户对农村环境污染影响因素的认知程度.农户环保意识不强,乡镇企业污染严重并是造成农村环境污染的最重要因素,农业生产污染是重要的原因之一.在此基础上提出了提高农民的环保意识、调整乡镇企业产业结构、增加农村环境保护的经费投入等政策建议.  相似文献   

利用1999—2010年我国29个省级辖区的工业污染治理投资强度的空间面板数据,对我国各省级辖区工业污染治理投资强度的互动性进行实证研究。实证结果显示:各省级辖区在确定工业污染治理投资强度时,不仅考虑本辖区的工业污染水平,还会考虑相邻辖区的工业污染治理投资强度,即各省际的工业污染治理投资强度存在显著的策略互动性;相对于人均GDP和财政收入能力而言,省际环保策略是制约我国工业污染治理投资强度的关键因素。  相似文献   

We consider a model of regulation for nonpoint source water pollution through non-linear taxation/subsidization of agricultural production. Farmers are heterogenous along two dimensions, their ability to transform inputs into final production and the available area they possess. Asymmetric information and participation of farmers to the regulation scheme put constraints on the optimal policy that we characterize. We show that a positive relationship between size of land and ability may exacerbate adverse selection effects. We calibrate the model using data on a French watershed and we simulate the optimal second-best policy and characterize the allocation of the abatement effort among the producers.Authorship is equally assigned among the different authors.  相似文献   

中国区域污染形态及特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用1998—2008年我国各地区环境污染、经济发展等统计数据,对全国及四大区域的区域污染整体形态、区域污染治理效益差距、区域污染结构性特征进行定量对比分析。结果表明:区域间经济发展、工业发展水平差距在扩大,污染治理效益也存在差距;我国存在严重的结构性污染,单位面积经济产出越高,能源消耗越多的区域,单位面积环境负荷越重。  相似文献   

This paper examines a scheme of economic incentives for environmental protection, in which spatially differentiated pollution taxes are in use in compensating the pollution abatement costs. A simple mathematical model is described which determines an incentive system that encourages polluters to reduce the discharges to an acceptable level of ambient quality standards in a cost-effective manner. It is shown that the vector of pollution charges has to be proportional to the marginal abatement cost vector, but is smaller than the latter in magnitude. It is demonstrated that a necessary incentive effect may be achieved even if the total pollution charge is much lower (about three times) than the total abatement costs. It is also estimated how this charge incentive system reconciles conflicting criteria of cost-effectiveness and of equity. These conclusions are verified by numerical experiments with real data.  相似文献   

基于污染指数法的太湖流域水污染治理效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太湖流域水污染治理对我国水环境改善和生态文明建设具有重要的示范作用。为有效掌握太湖流域的水污染情况,以高锰酸盐、氨氮、总磷、总氮等为指标,对2005~2012年太湖流域水质变化趋势及变化原因进行了分析,并通过构建污染指数法对太湖流域水质的污染情况进行了评价。研究结果表明:经过治理,太湖流域水质确实得到改善,但仍然处于重污染范畴,而且水质改善速度缓慢。最后,针对太湖流域水污染现状,提出了相应的污染防治建议。  相似文献   

利用2012年7月我国环境保护部公布的重点环境整治行业信息数据及2001—2010年《浙江统计数据》,对浙江省城乡工业污染转移存在的问题及动因进行系统考察。研究结果表明:浙江绝大部分重点污染企业都分布在乡村,且呈分散独立经营状态,这增加了工业污染源整治的难度;政府对乡村地区的环保投入较少,导致城乡工业污染转移态势加剧、农村生态环境持续恶化;以污染密集产业为主导的经济增长模式与城乡二元结构下的污染天堂效应是浙江城乡工业污染转移的最根本原因。  相似文献   

The paper introduces the basic environmental pollution situation of China and points out that environmental pollution is bottleneck of China's economy development. Then it puts forward the main environmental pollution problems of China. At last, it brings forward the countermeasures to environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Pollution,abatement and balanced growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The analysis of endogenous growth models with pollution often concentrates on steady state trajectories, under the assumption that the steady state is in some sense stable. In the present note we provide examples showing that this issue should be dealt with carefully. We use the Rebelo Ak model augmented with a stock of pollutants causing a negative externality. It is found that optimal growth is not necessarily balanced (contrary to the outcome of the standard Rebelo model). Moreover, the existence of the externality may affect long run optimal growth rates.The author is grateful to an anonymous referee for comments. All remaining errors are the author's sole responsibility.  相似文献   

环渤海污染问题的原因和对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋环境专家"渤海可能变成'死海'"的警告使得"渤海碧海行动计划"出炉.然而,在"碧海计划"第一个"疗程"的结束之年,人们发现"碧海"药方疗效甚微,渤海依然笼罩"死亡阴影".那么,什么是《渤海碧海行动计划》,以整治海洋环境污染为任的计划实施后,为何污染反而加剧?渤海的污染治理如何能更见起色呢?  相似文献   

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