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The nonatomic assignment model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary We formulate a model with a continuum of individuals to be assigned to a continuum of different positions which is an extension of the finite housing market version due to Shapley and Shubik. We show that optimal solutions to such a model exist and have properties similar to those established for finite models, namely, an equivalence among the following: (i) optimal solutions to the linear programming problem (and its dual) associated with the assignment model; (ii) the core of the associated market game; (iii) the Walrasian equilibria of the associated market economy. 相似文献
This paper evaluates IMF-led neo-liberal restructuring in post-crisisKorea. The main conclusions are that: the economic rebound in19992000 was both incomplete and unsustainable; restructuringcreated a ongoing credit crunch that continues to constraininvestment spending; Korea may have been pushed onto a long-termlow-investment, low-growth trajectory; insecurity and inequalityhave risen substantially; and the influence of foreign capitalhas dramatically increased. The paper concludes by suggestingthat Koreans should reject radical neo-liberal restructuringand consider instead reforms to democratise and modernise theirtraditional state-guided growth model. 相似文献
Dr. Erik Dietzenbacher 《Journal of Economics》1992,55(3):277-296
Within the context of a linear Leontief model, the LeChatelier-Samuelson principle examines the effects of an increase in some final demand on the output levels under the constraint that the production of certain goods is held at its original value. The principle states that the increase in any output is larger when fewer output levels are kept constant. The present paper discusses bounds for such incremental changes, second-order effects, the consequences on the markets for the products with restricted output levels, and generalizations of the original assumptions.I would like to thank two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. 相似文献
Youngsub Chun 《Economic Theory》2005,26(1):227-235
Summary. We investigate the implications of the separability principle in the context of bargaining. For two bargaining problems with the same population, suppose that there is a subgroup of agents who receive the same payoffs in both bargaining problems. Moreover, if we imagine the departure of this subgroup with their payoffs, then the remaining agents face the same opportunities in both bargaining problems. The separability principle requires that under these hypotheses, the remaining agents should receive the same payoffs in both bargaining problems. We begin with investigating the logical relations between separability and two other axioms, contraction independence and consistency. Then, we establish characterizations of the Nash and egalitarian solutions on the basis of separability.
Received: 12 August 2002, Revised: 22 March 2004, JEL Classification Numbers:
C71, C78.Youngsub Chun: This work was supported by the Brain Korea 21 Project in 2003. I am grateful to William Thomson, a referee, and an associate editor for their valuable comments. 相似文献
资源利用的责任原则——西部资源开发的市场法则 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
社会主义计划经济资源利用的责任原则虽然强调公平,但不利于提高效率,社会主义市场经济需要的是资源所有权具有排他性和完整性的制度安排,资源利用的责任原则也有外在性,也会产生财富分配效应、投资需求结构效应和消费需求结构效应,从而影响公平和效率,需要通过产权界定,实现外在性问题内在化,实现资源的有效利用。 相似文献
A generalization of Shapley-Shubik's (1972, Int. J. Game Theory, 1, 111–130) housing market in which there are m types of agents instead of two is considered. These games can have empty cores. A subclass of such games with nonempty cores is presented. 相似文献
Toshihiro Ihori 《Journal of Macroeconomics》1982,4(2):179-194
The purpose of this paper is to examine the implications of expansionary monetary policy financed by open-market purchases and to reconsider the assignment problem. We present a strict definition of open-market operations: a swap of money against bonds is achieved by just buying or selling bonds in the open market all through the adjustment process. Under this definition the open-market paradox given by Blinder and Solow is avoided. Even in the case of zero capital mobility, the assignment problem has an important economic meaning. 相似文献
罪刑相适应原则是当代各国刑法的一项基本原则,但并非当代刑法首创,它具有悠远的历史传统和深刻的理论基础.罪刑相适应的思想古已有之,当代社会罪刑相适应的价值主要定位于报应主义和功利主义的融合,从而实现公正和功利的有机统一. 相似文献
The recent Enron-type scandals have reinvigorated the corporate governance debate. The purpose of this paper is to situate
that debate in a much older and more fundamental debate about the organization of production. This paper presents a modern
reconstruction of a property rights argument for the democratic firm (a firm whose legal members are the people working in
it). The old “fruits of their labor” argument is reformulated using the ordinary responsibility principle that legal responsibility
is to be imputed to whoever is in fact responsible. Far from conflicting with private property, the responsibility principle
provides grounds for the just appropriation of private property. However, there is a conflict with the legal contract for
the renting of human beings, the employment contract, in view of thede facto nontransferability of responsibility. This recognition of the invalidity of the employment contract can be independently
arrived at using a modern reconstruction of an inalienable rights argument from the Reformation and Enlightenment. Finally
these arguments are applied to the corporate governance debate to suggest a rechartering of corporations so that shareholders
become debt-holders and the people working in a corporation become its legal members. 相似文献
罪刑相适应原则是当代各国刑法的一项基本原则,但并非当代刑法首创,它具有悠远的历史传统和深刻的理论基础。罪刑相适应的思想古已有之,当代社会罪刑相适应的价值主要定位于报应主义和功利主义的融合,从而实现公正和功利的有机统一。 相似文献
Lars Ehlers 《Journal of Economic Theory》2010,145(3):1269-1282
A widespread practice in assignment of heterogeneous indivisible objects is to prioritize some recipients over others depending on the type of the object. Leading examples include assignment of public school seats, and allocation of houses, courses, or offices. Each object comes with a coarse priority ranking over recipients. Respecting such priorities constrains the set of feasible assignments, and therefore might lead to inefficiency, highlighting a tension between respecting priorities and Pareto efficiency. Via an easily verifiable criterion, we fully characterize priority structures under which the constrained efficient assignments do not suffer from such welfare loss, and the constrained efficient rule (CER) is indeed efficient. We also identify the priority structures for which the CER is singleton-valued and group strategy-proof. 相似文献
Pittin R 《Review of African political economy》1986,(35):40-53
The author examines the law and practice concerning contraception and abortion in Nigeria in the context of the impact of these factors on women's rights and status. She concludes that both the law and current practices are designed to continue the subordination of married women to their husbands. 相似文献
That Coase's political convictions changed from an early socialismto a later neo-liberalism stands in apparent contrast to thetheoretical consistency of his early (The Nature of theFirm) and later (The Problem of Social Cost)contributions to economics. Offering further evidence abouthis early views in particular, this paper takes a fresh lookat Coase's views on competition and antitrust to show that heconsistently stressed the role of what we shall call the principleof institutional direction, and that this principleinvolves an important criticism of both neo-liberal and socialistviews on regulation and state intervention. 相似文献
通过双原子分子电子振动光谱的转动结构特点的理论分析,文章给出了双原子分子的电子振动光谱的转动结构的标识和检验方法,并根据共轭斜量法编写程序,由标出的双原子分子的电子振动光谱的转动结构计算分子常数。 相似文献
Kerstin Puschke 《Journal of Economics》2009,96(2):149-168
This paper shows that a firm prefers a process-based task assignment compared to a function-based one if the tasks are from functional areas which are neither too complementary nor too substitutable. We consider several projects (processes) with contributions from several functional areas. The organization can be structured along processes like product lines (M-form) or along functional areas like marketing or production (U-form). The U-form enables cost savings due to specialization or scale economies. The more effective incentives under the M-form might outweigh these savings if the functions are neither too complementary nor too substitutable. 相似文献