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Andreas Haupenthal 《Applied economics》2017,49(39):3891-3898
During the first 8 months of 2015, there was an ongoing debate about whether or not Greece should remain in the euro area. Using an event study approach, we quantify the effects of Grexit-related statements made by six important euro area politicians (Merkel, Schaeuble, Tsipras, Varoufakis, Juncker, and Schulz) on intraday stock returns in Germany, Greece, and the euro area during the period of 1 January 2015–19 August 2015. We show that positive statements indicating that a Grexit is less likely lead to higher returns, and negative statements to lower returns. The overall impact of negative statements is more pronounced. The cumulative absolute effects on stock returns are sizeable as the statements contribute to a variation of up to 58 percentage points in the ATHEX. These large effects are of particular relevance as our study only captures an 8-month snapshot of the Greek Government debt crisis. 相似文献
Thomas Lux 《Empirical Economics》2000,25(4):641-652
This note reconsiders divergent results on the extremal behaviour of German stock returns that have been published recently.
In particular, investigations of this issue have arrived at different conclusions regarding the finiteness of the second moment
of the return distributions. Here we apply some newly developed, improved techniques for the estimation of the so-called tail
index to the time series of returns on various German stocks. We find evidence indicating that in the vast majority of cases
the tails are not fat enough to conform with an infinite-variance distribution. Conflicting results in previous studies are
shown to be due to different a priori choices of the size of the tail region.
First version received: Dec. 1998/Final version received: April 2000 相似文献
《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):313-323
In this paper, we empirically examine the volatility process of China's stock market returns using daily and weekly Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indices during January 1990 to August 2008. To investigate the property of the process, we used the FIGARCH (fractionally integrated GARCH) model including GARCH and IGARCH processes as special cases. Since the FIGARCH model allows fractional integration order, it can detect hyperbolically decaying volatility processes which cannot be explained by previous models with integer integration order. Our results show that the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indices exhibit long-term dependencies. The long memory properties of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets do not seem to be spuriously induced without exception. 相似文献
Recent empirical evidence suggests that stock market returns are predictable from a variety of financial and macroeconomic variables. However, with two exceptions this predictability is based upon a linear functional form. This paper extends this research by considering whether a nonlinear relationship exists between stock market returns and these conditioning variables, and whether this nonlinearity can be exploited for forecast improvements. General nonlinearities are examined using a nonparametric regression technique, which suggest possible threshold behaviour. This leads to estimation of a smooth-transition threshold type model, with the results indicating an improved in-sample performance and marginally superior out-of-sample forecast results. 相似文献
Bing Xu 《Applied economics》2013,45(25):2608-2627
In this article, we study whether the behaviour of oil prices can be used as a reliable predictor for the disaggregated industry-level stock market indices. We find strong evidence for the relevance of changes in oil price as a predictor for the returns of UK industry portfolios, while this relevance is heterogeneous across industries. In an out-of-sample framework, we find that both the contemporaneous and lagged oil price changes do predict UK industry stock market returns. The predictive power is more transient for the latter case, and mostly appearing after allowing for time variation in the relative performance. In addition, we find some evidence of asymmetry in the oil–stock price relationships. 相似文献
This article examines the long-term stock market performance of debt-free firms with high and low levels of debt capacity to see whether they are different. We use Fama and French’s (1993) three-factor and Carhart’s (1997) four-factor models to examine the subsequent 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5-year stock returns of firms that stayed debt free for 3- and 5-year periods. We measure debt capacity as the expected asset liquidation value of a firm, which is proxied by the firm-level tangibility measure defined by Berger, Ofek, and Swary (1996). We find that regardless of the level of debt capacity, zero-debt firms generate positive abnormal returns in the long run after controlling for key risk factors. We also find support for the notion that preserving debt capacity in the form of higher tangibility reinforces the positive abnormal returns over and above the effect of a zero-leverage policy. 相似文献
Dooyeon Cho 《Applied economics》2017,49(18):1821-1832
This article provides evidence that the forward premium involves structural changes in the trend function, which might affect the predictability of currency excess returns to be dependent on the choice of the sample period. Accounting for the shifts in trend for the forward premium reveals that currency excess returns for the Canadian dollar, Swiss franc, euro and pound against the US dollar are significantly predictable irrespective of the sample period selected. Another advantage of detrending the forward premium is that we can obtain more consistent slope coefficient estimates in the predictive regression, which enables us to make more consistent, dependable inferences about the excess return predictability. 相似文献
This article investigates whether economic variables have explanatory power for share returns in South Asian stock markets. In particular, using data for four South Asian emerging stock markets over the period 1998–2012, the article examines the influence of a selection of local, regional and global economic variables in explaining equity returns; most previous studies that have examined this issue have tended to focus on only local and/or global factors. Important factors are identified by distilling the macroeconomic variables into principal components. Economic activities, real interest rates, real exchange rates and the trade balance represent local factors. Regional factors are represented by interregional trade and regional economic activity while global factors are represented by world financial asset returns and world economic activity. The vector autoregression results suggest that the South Asian markets examined are not efficient. Both local and regional factors can directly and indirectly explain Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Sri Lankan stock returns while the lagged returns of the Pakistani stock market and world economic activity can explain Indian stock returns. 相似文献
Juan Equiza-Goñi 《Applied economics letters》2019,26(11):919-926
In this paper, we investigate the impact of oil prices on both aggregate and industry US real stock returns over the period 1973–2017. The empirical analysis contributes to the related literature introducing a state-dependent oil price (high and low) and the local projections approach. Our main finding is that, depending on the nature of the shock and industry, the negative effects of oil price shocks become exacerbated -and the positive effects get moderated- if oil prices are already high. 相似文献
In the past, there are a lot of studies which conclude that the holiday, asymmetry and day-of-the-week effects influence stock price volatility. Most of the studies are based on a class of generalized auto-regressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models. No one examines these effects simultaneously using stochastic volatility (SV) models. In this paper, using the SV model, we examine whether these effects play an important role in stock price volatilities. Furthermore, we consider spillover effects between Japan, UK and USA, where spillover effects in price level as well as volatility are taken into account. We are grateful to two anonymous referees for suggestions and comments. We also acknowledge Toshiaki Watanabe who gave us a lot of helpful suggestions and comments in the preliminary version of this paper. This research is partially supported from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) #18530158, 2006–2009, and Grant-in-Aid for COE Research) and the Zengin Foundation (Grant-in-Aid for Studies on Economics and Finance), which are acknowledged by H. Tanizaki. 相似文献
Long memory in volatilities of German stock returns 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We show that there is strong evidence of long-range dependence in the volatilities of several German stock returns. This will be done by applying a method using the difference of the classical log-periodogram regression estimator for the memory parameter and of the tapered periodogram based estimator. Both estimators give similar values for the memory parameter for each series and this indicates long memory. To support our findings we apply also a methodology using the sample variance and a wavelet based estimator to the data. Also these two methods show clear evidence of long-range dependence in the volatilities of German stock returns.First version received: December 2001/Final version received: March 2003The computational assistance of Eleni Mitropoulou and Björn Stollenwerck as well as the helpful comments of two unknown referees are gratefully acknowledged. Research supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under SFB 475. Stock returns were obtained from Deutsche Finanzdatenbank (DFDB), Karlsruhe. 相似文献
《International Review of Economics & Finance》2002,11(4):373-392
We explore the out-of-sample performance of domestic UK asset allocation strategies that use forecasts of expected returns from a linear predictive regression and those that are implied by asset pricing models such as the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) or arbitrage pricing theory (APT). Our findings suggest that using forecasts of expected returns from the predictive regression generate significant benefits in out-of-sample performance. We find the performance of the strategies using expected return forecasts implied by the CAPM or APT is lower than the predictive regression strategy. However, with binding investment constraints, the performance of the APT matches that of the predictive regression. 相似文献
Jakob B. Madsen 《Empirical Economics》2007,33(1):1-21
Empirical tests of the Fisher hypothesis give conflicting results, regardless of whether income growth is accommodated in
the estimates. This paper shows theoretically and empirically that standard methods of testing the Fisher hypothesis give
biased results and that the bias depends on the specification of the Fisher equation, the process governing inflation, measurement
of inflation expectations, and the time aggregation of the data. Alternative tests show that share markets take several years
to adjust to innovations in inflation and therefore that the Fisher hypothesis cannot be maintained.
Helpful comments and suggestions from Hans Christian Kongsted, Darrel Turkington and seminar participants at the University
of Western Australia, and University of Konstanz and, particularly, two referees, are gratefully acknowledged. 相似文献
In this paper nonlinear structures in German bank stock returns are investigated in a stochastic modelling framework. In the first step we show the existence of a nonlinear return structure by means of the McLeod-Li and the BDS test. In the second step we focus our analysis on the kinds of nonlinearity actually present in bank stock data. On the basis of the Hsieh test it is possible to discriminate with high power additive from multiplicative dependencies to provide guidance for the choice of an adequate class of stochastic models. It is shown that the multiplicative dependencies predominating the bank stock returns can be captured by low order GARCH models. 相似文献
Jin Guo 《Applied economics》2013,45(1):12-31
This article empirically examines the causality in mean and variance between stock returns and real economic growth in China before and after the outbreak of US subprime crisis. Using a nonuniform weighting cross-correlation approach and the multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model, we found no causality in mean or variance between China’s stock returns and real economic growth for the period before the subprime crisis. Interestingly, however, in the period after the crisis, we detected unidirectional causality in mean from real economic growth to stock returns and unidirectional causality in variance from stock returns to real economic growth. These new findings imply that the linkage between China’s stock market and its real economy has become stronger in the post-crisis period. The implication of our results is that Chinese policymakers should continue the deregulation and improve the efficiency of the stock market to sustain high economic growth rate in the future. 相似文献
This study analyzes the effect of corporate bond rating changes by international agencies on stock prices. This topic has
not yet been analyzed for the Spanish stock market, despite the growing importance of ratings in Spanish financial markets.
On an efficient market, rating changes will only have an effect if they contain some new information. The results from an
event study indicate that rating actions cause significant negative abnormal returns in issuing firms around the date of the
announcement. This evidence indicates an informational effect related to downgrades, which supports the hypothesis that credit
rating agencies provide information that may reduce the asymmetric information problem between firms and investors. In the
case of upgrades, our results are compatible with a redistribution of wealth between bondholders and owners or with the reputation
Sichong Chen 《International Review of Economics & Finance》2012,22(1):284-304
This paper explores the implications of a dividend yield model for predicting aggregate Japanese stock returns using long time-series data from 1949 to 2009. In addition to one-period return tests, we conduct statistical tests based on dividend growth forecasts and long-horizon return forecasts implied by one-year regressions to provide significant evidence for the predictability of aggregate Japanese stock returns. Our findings therefore strengthen the international evidence for the role of dividend yield in predicting returns. However, we find that direct long-horizon regressions are not a powerful way of testing the null hypothesis of no return predictability. Moreover, we find that current cash flow is a more important driving force than future cash flow in the stock market fluctuations, although the dominant force is attributed to expected future returns. 相似文献
Haze pollution has become the most important environmental issue in China in recent years. Using the data of PM2.5 concentration and stocks of listed companies located in Beijing between 2010 and 2014, this article investigates the effects of haze pollution on stock performances. Empirical results indicate that haze pollution has significant negative effects on stock returns and significant positive effects on stock volatilities, through the channel of investors’ mood. Furthermore, the effects of haze pollution on stock returns emerge gradually and the effects of haze pollution on stock volatilities weaken gradually over time during a trading day. 相似文献
Thomas Lux 《Empirical Economics》2011,41(3):663-679
We use weekly survey data on short-term and medium-term sentiment of German investors in order to study the causal relationship
between investors’ mood and subsequent stock price changes. In contrast to extant literature for other countries, a trivariate
vector autoregression for short-run sentiment, medium-run sentiment, and stock index returns allows to reject exogeneity of
returns. Depending on the chosen VAR specification, returns are found to either follow a feedback process caused by medium-run
sentiment, or returns form a simultaneous systems together with the two sentiment measures. An out-of-sample forecasting experiment
on the base of estimated subset VAR models shows significant exploitable linear structure. However, trading experiments do
not yield convincing evidence of significant economic gains from the VAR forecasts, and it appears that predictability of
returns from sentiment decreases during the recent market gyrations. 相似文献