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The bilateral WTO Agreement on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft (TLCA) of 1992 regulated the permitted levels of support for the European and American aviation industries. In October 2004, the US unilaterally withdrew from the TLCA, right as Boeing was about to lose its market leader status. Together with the termination of the TLCA, the US requested the initiation of WTO dispute settlement proceedings against the EU as well as against the governments of Germany, France, the UK and Spain regarding alleged direct and indirect subsidisation of Airbus. In response, the EC requested, on that same day, the initiation of dispute settlement proceedings regarding certain US federal, state and local subsidies granted to the American aircraft producer Boeing, which the EC regarded as incompatible with WTO rules. What European subsidies exist for Airbus, and how extensive are they?  相似文献   

I propose a framework within which to interpret and evaluate the major reforms introduced to the GATT system in its transition to the WTO. In particular, I examine the WTO Agreement on Safeguards that has amended the GATT escape clause (Article XIX), and the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) that resembles a court of law under the WTO. Using this framework, I interpret the weakening of the reciprocity principle under the Agreement on Safeguards as an attempt to reduce efficiency-reducing trade skirmishes. The DSB is interpreted as an impartial arbitrator that announces its opinion about the state of the world when a dispute arises among member countries. I demonstrate that the reforms in the GATT escape clause should be bundled with the introduction of the DSB, in order to maintain the incentive compatibility of trade agreements. The model implies that trade agreements under the WTO lead to fewer trade skirmishes but this effect does not necessarily result in higher payoffs to the governments. The model also implies that the introduction of the WTO court, which has no enforcement power, can improve the self-enforceability of trade agreements.  相似文献   

The looming transatlantic trade war over genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has revived the debate on the appropriateness of the WTO.1 In this article, it is asserted that the present WTO remains the appropriate forum for addressing the GM dispute as its science-based approach harmonises members' food safety concerns with free trade interests. Calls for the recognition of consumer preferences by the WTO severely underestimate the dangers of disguised producer protectionism. This article is a revised version of a paper written during the author's sojourn at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. The author wishes to express his thanks to Professor László Csaba, Department of International Relations and European Studies, Central European University, for his assistance and helpful comments. See: Forum. New Transatlantic Trade War, in: INTERECONOMICS, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2002, pp. 124–137.  相似文献   

3月2日,国际贸易和可持续发展中心(ICTSD)战略分析和中国部主任成帅华博士参加了第三届WTO争端解决机制评估,并就中国参与争端解决机制和美中知识产权一案的影响作了专家发言。  相似文献   

China is “deeply regret” about the affirmative determination made by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) on China safeguard investigation involving certain passenger vehicles and light truck tires, government spokesman said on June 19.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、人口的膨胀以及城市化的扩张,土地资源越来越显得稀缺,土地承包经营纠纷也越来越多.由于土地承包经营关系到整个农村基层的稳定,因此土地承包经营纠纷的解决也越来越引起人们的关注.本文以我国土地承包经营到纷的解决机制为切入点,结合我国相关的法律法规以及现实情况,对我国的土地承包经营纠纷解决机制进行分析.  相似文献   



The airbus-boeing dispute: Implications of the WTO boeing decision  相似文献   


This paper integrates two contradictory predictions from the schema incongruity theory: a linear versus an inverted-U relationship between brand-extension incongruity and evaluation. It suggests two personality variables, namely, need for cognition and need for change that moderate the relationship. The major proposition that the relationship would be linear for individuals low in both personality dimensions and inverted-U for those high on both was supported by the data obtained through a questionnaire study. The highest evaluation was obtained for the moderately incongruent extension compared to the congruent and extremely incongruent brand extensions of an established brand for individuals high on both personality dimensions. Four innovative behaviour types identified on the basis of a combination of high and low categories of participants on the two personality dimensions also provided similar results. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings, limitations of the present study, and future possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

这次审议彰显了中国对世界经济所起的建设性作用,增强了世贸成员对中国贸易制度的了解,中方也听到了世贸成员对中国的更高期待。  相似文献   

Effectively designed complaint handling systems play a key role in enabling vulnerable consumers to complain and obtain redress. This article examines current research into consumer vulnerability, highlighting its multidimensional and expansive nature. Contemporary understandings of consumer vulnerability recognize that the interaction between a wide range of market and consumer characteristics can combine to place any individual at risk of vulnerability. While this broad definition of consumer vulnerability reflects the complex reality of consumers’ experiences, it poses a key challenge for designers of complaint handling systems: how can they identify and respond to an issue which can potentially affect everyone? Drawing on current research and practice in the United Kingdom and Australia, the article analyses the impact of consumer vulnerability on third party dispute resolution schemes and considers the role these complaint handling organizations can play in supporting their complainants. Third party complaint handling organizations, including a range of Alternative Dispute Resolution services such as ombudsman organizations, can play a key role in increasing access to justice for vulnerable consumer groups and provide specific assistance for individual complainants during the process. It is an opportune time to review whether the needs of consumers at risk of vulnerability are being met within complaint processes and the extent to which third party complaint handlers support those who are most vulnerable to seek redress. Empowering vulnerable consumers to complain presents specific challenges. The article discusses the application of a new model of consumer dispute system design to show how complaint handling organizations can meet the needs of the most vulnerable consumers throughout the process.  相似文献   

潘阳 《广告大观》2008,(12):27-29
万事万物皆有其遵循的发展规律,在恰当的时候做恰当的事情才是效率、价值最大化的正道,也是人类所追寻的智慧了。中国广告三十年,从学生到学者非一蹴而就,广告公司与企业之间从情人到朋友再到夫妻的关系转换也折射出市场趋于理性、成熟的成长轨迹。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,如何使我国的税收法制建设适应加入WTO后的新形势,这是摆在我们面前的重大问题。为适应加入WTO的需要,应进一步加快税收法制的规范化,完善税收立法,实施依法治税。经过多年的运行和发展,WTO逐步完善了多边贸易体制所要遵循的重要原则。综合起来,主要有非歧视原则、最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则、透明  相似文献   

田丰 《中国海关》2012,(6):72+19-72
中国在加工程度较复杂商品上的比较优势在强化,俄罗斯在特定动植物产品和矿产品上的比较优势在强化,两国贸易互补性在提高。  相似文献   

中小企业是我国经济发展的基础,有很多的优点,但其组织制度及管理水平还有待提高.本文就建立健全中小企业会计制度的必要性进行简要的分析.  相似文献   

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