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飞利浦190CW7 飞利浦第一款19英寸宽屏液晶190CW7姗姗来迟,作为飞利浦第一款19英寸宽屏产品,190CW7出身名门气质优雅,心怀宽广又不失聪颖,在其柔美的外表内,不仅有19英寸高清晰宽大屏幕,更拥有5ms的响应时间和DVI数字接口所带来的卓越显示效果。  相似文献   

有人把液晶称之为“象征现代的一种不可思议的物质”。实际应用液晶的历史还很短,但目前作为液晶主要应用领城之一的液晶显示器市场规模,1992年日本已达到4000亿日元的水平,预计到本世纪末可达到1兆亿日元,大有取代现有阴极射线显示器的势头。液晶显示器目前在画面质量与成本方面与阴极射线显示器相比还有一段差距,但近期在这一方面改进工作进展很快,液晶显示器生产厂都在加紧研究开发工作。  相似文献   

当天气越来越冷的时候,电脑城里却出现越来越热的情况。降价和促销的浪潮随着春节的逼近一波高过一波。其中CRT与LCD(液晶)之争无疑又上升到了白热化的程度。有人认为,这是CRT显示器最后的挣扎,是回光返照;也有人觉得,LCD在一段时间内不可能完全取代传统的CRT,双方都有各自的市场。那么,你在选购时该如何冷静面对LCD和CRT呢?该给你的眼睛找一个什么样的家呢?  相似文献   

LG 194WT;三星940BW;飞利浦200WB7;优派VX2235WM;LG L226WTQ;惠普w2207。  相似文献   

一些消费者在购买液晶显示器的时候,往往会倒在一些新名词的脚下。事实上,随着目前大家对液晶显示器知识的了解越来越多,很多人在购买液晶显示器的时候开始注意到了LCD所采用的面板的问题,比如主流的TN面板,以及定位中高端的广视角面板等。但是,对于所谓的形形色色的屏幕名词,很多人却反而不甚了解。比如像黑钻屏、镜面屏、玻璃屏等等都是一知半解.为了让大家更好地了解液晶显示器,下面,我们就针对目前市场上在售的比较常见的关于屏幕的定义做一个详细的介绍,让大家对这些屏幕看个通通透透。  相似文献   

显卡与液晶显示器不搭配的情况 分辨率下降 大家在选择液晶显示器时,很少会去注意到与显卡的搭配!因为在一些比较普通的应用条件下,用户是很难发现显卡与液晶显示器的搭配问题的,但是在游戏下,这个问题就会特别明显。例如,集成显卡搭配22英寸宽屏液晶显示器,在普通的日常应用情况下,根本不会发现有任何不妥,但是当运行主流的游戏时,用户要么就得把分辨率降下来,要么就干脆玩不了。  相似文献   

在日前举行的苹果巴黎展会上.优派(ViewSonic)展示了一款为iPod量身打造的液晶显示器——viewDock。这款液晶显示器能够非常方便地同iPod进行连接,其拥有一个专为iPod设计的扩展坞.能够直接连接iPod产品。不需要外部连接线就能够在显示屏上观看视频或者播放歌曲。  相似文献   

韩蕊 《经济研究导刊》2013,(25):89-90,138
冠捷是台湾著名电视机生产厂商,以AOC品牌行销全球。随着个人电脑的推出及电脑监视器市场的需求,冠捷转产显示器,AOC品牌由于其良好的品质、丰富的售后服务经验与基础及高素质的研究开发能力,在国际市场上极具竞争力。但由于西安是西北地区,IT业不太发达,所以冠捷在西安的销售情况不是很好,因此为了提高冠捷液晶显示器在西安的销售业绩,为冠捷液晶显示器制定一个西安营销策略。  相似文献   

Summary. Some economic models like those of endogenous growth motivate the analysis of a class of recursive models sharing the property that the return function is not bounded along feasible paths. We consider a strategy of proof which allows to deal with many unbounded recursive models exploiting bounds to the rates of growth rather than to the levels.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply the idea of k-local contraction of Rincón-Zapatero and Rodriguez-Palmero (Econometrica 71:1519–1555, 2003; Econ Theory 33:381–391, 2007) to study discounted stochastic dynamic programming models with unbounded returns. Our main results concern the existence of a unique solution to the Bellman equation and are applied to the theory of stochastic optimal growth. Also a discussion of some subtle issues concerning k-local and global contractions is included.  相似文献   

On optimal cycles in dynamic programming models with convex return function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. In this paper we study the behavior of optimal paths in dynamic programming models with a strictly convex return function. Such a model has been investigated in Dawid and Kopel (1997) who assume that the growth of a renewable resource is governed by a piecewise linear function. We prove that in their model the optimal cycles undergo the following qualitative changes or bifurcations: a cycle of period n“bifurcates” into a cycle of period n+1 for increasing elasticity of the return function. We also show that under the assumption of a concave differentiable growth function the qualitative properties of the optimal policy remain valid: oscillating behavior is optimal. Furthermore, we demonstrate numerically that the period of a cyclic optimal path increases if the convexity of the return function (measured by the elasticity) increases. Received: January 22, 1997; revised version: October 13, 1997  相似文献   

高效液相色谱在食品安全分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玉 《经济研究导刊》2010,(36):109-110
目前,高效液相色谱法(HPLC)作为化学分离分析的一种重要手段得到广泛应用。综述了高效液相色谱技术在食品中的农兽药成分残留、添加剂、霉菌毒素及其他食品营养成分分析中的应用。  相似文献   

刘浩旭 《城市建设》2010,(5):441-442
本文针对先进数字化制造技术在实际应用中的问题,通过分析我国数控技术与产业的现状,综合当今世界数控技术的发展趋势,探讨了我国数控技术发展方向。研究了知识获取、知识表示和知识推理在数控编程中的应用;在对智能数控编程系统的体系结构研究的基础上,以uG为平台利SQL Server数据库和UGOpen API及Visual C++开发工具,开发了智能数控编程系统;通过编程实例的应用验证了课题研究的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

试论零售商业景气扩散指数的编制与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确无误地测定零售商业景气运行状况 ,就必须综合地考虑影响其变化的相关景气测量指标的波动及其相互影响 ,基于这一认识 ,需要编制零售商业景气扩散指数 ,并以此作为测定和评价零售商业景气波动的综合尺度  相似文献   

A market is liquid if no individual's actions have a big effect on the prices of goods traded in that market. Perfectly competitive markets are therefore perfectly liquid. It is well known that market liquidity can be achieved by increasing the number of traders so that individual trades are small compared to total trades. We show that even when there are only few traders, market liquidity can be achieved through large short sales in which net trades are small relative to gross trades. In particular, for a natural variant of the market game which permits unlimited short sales, we show that there is always a Nash equilibrium allocation arbitrarily close to a competitive equilibrium allocation. Of course, not all NE are near competitive. Only the large-short-sales NE are nearly liquid and hence close to CE.  相似文献   

This paper has examined the experience of the European Common Market with medium-term planning and programming since its establishment in 1968. It has been shownthat planning on the industry level and an inward-oriented economic policy are closely interrelated and that French planning was successful in a more-or-less autarchical environment. With entry into the Common Market, however, much of the usefulness of French planning has disappeared. In turn, its generally outward-looking stance, reflecting the interests of the other EEC countries in trade with non-member nations, has not been conducive to applying French methods of planning on the Common Market level.Programming in the EEC has been largely limited to the preparation of five-year projections and guidelines for policy making. But there have been substantial differences between projections and realization, and the projections have been of little value for public and private decision-making. Nor is there evidence that the Community's policy guidelines would have been followed by member country governments.The usefulness of projections could be enhanced if these were prepared for periods of 2–3 years and linked to multinational budgeting as well as to short-term policy making. In turn, a draft programme prepared by a group of senior statesmen, assisted by high-level experts, and subject to public discussion could provide a basis for reaching agreement on structural policies to be carried out during a four-year period corresponding to the tenure of the Commission. In this say, medium-term programming could become a programme of action for the Common Market.  相似文献   

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