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检验了IFRS的强制采用对应计与真实盈余管理的影响,并进一步探讨了投资者保护在此过程中所扮演的角色。利用来自28个强制采用IFRS的国家和地区2001-2008年数据,研究发现:第一,强制采用IFRS后,公司应计盈余管理程度增大,真实盈余管理程度减小;第二,与直接强制采用IFRS的国家和地区相比,在间接强制采用IFRS的国家和地区,公司应计盈余管理更多、真实盈余管理更少;第三,在投资者保护更好的国家和地区,强制采用IFRS之后应计盈余管理显著增加;第四,在投资者保护更好的国家和地区,与直接强制采用IFRS的国家和地区相比,在间接强制采用IFRS的国家和地区,公司的应计盈余管理更少;第五,良好的投资者保护可以抑制应计盈余管理行为,但是对真实盈余管理行为几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

This article examines the influence of majority shareholder ownership on real earnings management. It investigates whether there is a conflict between or an alignment of majority and minority shareholders' interests. If majority shareholders' interests are aligned with those of minority shareholders, a greater majority shareholder ownership lowers real earnings management. On the other hand, if they are not aligned, majority shareholders' attempts to exploit minority shareholders will increase real earnings management. This study does not find a systematic relationship between majority shareholder ownership and real earnings management. However, real earnings management significantly decreases in the upward earnings management incentive bracket as majority shareholder ownership increases. This occurs primarily because majority shareholders are more sensitive to upward real earnings management, which has a negative effect on future performance. These results suggest that the larger the ownership of majority shareholders, the more they play a positive role in mitigating real earnings management. This positive role is only effective in the post‐Asian economic crisis period. These results may suggest that the economic crisis in Korea helped majority shareholders more conscious of the long‐term costs of real earnings management. These findings support the convergence‐of‐interests hypothesis, providing evidence by investigating real earnings management instead of accruals‐based earnings management.  相似文献   

与以往单纯从内部控制这一规则治理机制出发研究盈余管理的文献不同,引入关系型交易这一关系治理机制,探讨两种不同的治理机制及其交互作用对上市公司应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理行为的影响。检验结果表明,随着供应商/客户关系交易比例的增加,上市公司进行正向应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理的程度越严重;进一步研究发现,高质量内部控制有助于抑制供应商关系型交易诱发的正向应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理,但是对客户关系型交易诱发的应计/真实盈余管理无显著影响。  相似文献   

Using the unique Chinese setting in which the “delisting regulation” is based on accounting numbers, we separate earnings management into (1) earnings management responding to regulation and (2) earnings management prompted by market pressures and further document that earnings management responding to market pressures produces the accrual anomaly (Sloan, 1996) and earnings management responding to regulation does not. Initially unable to detect the accrual anomaly in China's stock market, we were reluctant to conclude that China's market is more efficient than that in the United States. After observing a disproportionate number of “big‐bath” loss firm‐years in the lowest decile of accruals for our sample, we estimated the apparent earnings distortion induced by the delisting regulation. When we excluded this distortion from our analysis, we documented the presence of the accrual anomaly in China's stock market. We conclude that the delisting regulation creates an artificial distribution of firm earnings in China that affects the market pricing of accruals and masks the accrual anomaly. The results have implications for policy makers and regulators in general, and those in emerging markets in particular.  相似文献   

通过对中国A股制造业上市公司2007年至2008年数据的分析,检验了高质量的内部审计质量与低水平的盈余管理间的关系。研究结果表明,内部审计质量与盈余管理抑制之间存在明显的相关性,从而为公司治理对财务报告的重要影响提供了新的经验证据。  相似文献   

将中国大陆1394家上市公司2004年至2007年期间5576份年报,分为熊市悲观样本组与牛市乐观样本组,用Givoly&Hayn(2000)的应计项目模型和Ball&Shiva-kumar(2005)的应计项/现金流模型进行实证检验。研究发现:熊市悲观样本组的应计利润以及非经营性应计利润较低,会计盈余下降周期与熊市悲观周期吻合;牛市乐观样本组的应计利润以及非经营性应计利润较高,会计盈余上升周期与牛市乐观周期一致。上市公司经营者(代理人)操纵应计项目以及刻意安排应计项目在牛市与熊市之间回转,使得熊市悲观周期会计盈余被低估而牛市乐观周期会计盈余被高估,以迎合投资者(委托人)牛市过度乐观而熊市过度悲观的情绪和盈余预期。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between managerial ownership and opportunistic managerial behavior relating to earnings management. Economics theory identifies two apparently conflicting effects of managerial ownership on managers' incentives: the incentive alignment effect and the management entrenchment effect. We construct a theoretical model demonstrating the two effects. This model suggests that as managerial ownership increases, earnings management decreases for both high and low levels of managerial ownership, while it increases for intermediate levels of managerial ownership if the sensitivity of the probability of managerial dismissal to the corporate performance is high enough and/or the manager's private benefit derived from managerial position is high enough. In a sample of Japanese firms, we find a significant nonmonotonic relationship between managerial ownership and discretionary accruals, consistent with our model.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that real earnings management (REM) activities can increase adverse selection risk in capital markets. Due to their opacity and the difficulties in understanding their implications, REM strategies may increase the level of information asymmetry among investors. This paper examines the association between earnings management through real activities manipulation and information asymmetry in the equity market. To estimate the level of adverse selection risk we use a comprehensive index of information asymmetry measures proposed by the market microstructure literature. For a sample of Spanish listed firms, we find that firms’ strategies of increasing earnings through REM are associated with higher information asymmetry in those firms that meet last year’s earnings. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that earnings management through real activities manipulation garbles the market, enhances private information production, and exacerbates information asymmetry in the stock market.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the constraints and opportunities facing trade unions in post‐socialist societies through a comparison of the Russian and Chinese cases. The paper charts the changing role of trade unions in the integration of state‐socialist economies into global capitalism and argues that this presents the trade unions with a dilemma: whether to reconstitute their traditional role through collaboration with management and the state apparatus, or whether to develop their ability to defend the rights and interests of workers. While the former offers the line of least resistance, there are progressive elements pushing for change in both trade union movements.  相似文献   

本文以新会计准则实施后沪深A股上市公司为研究对象,研究了业绩预告披露与盈余管理的关系.研究发现:披露业绩预告公司的盈余管理程度显著高于未披露的公司;强制披露业绩预告公司的盈余管理程度显著高于自愿披露的公司;且上市公司在披露业绩预告前预期到了盈余管理后的盈利状况,盈余管理的主要目的是为了"规避"或"迎合"业绩预告制度.研究还发现资产规模小、盈利能力差与负债高的公司更可能从事盈余管理.最后,结合实证研究结论,为提高业绩预告信息的可靠性、进一步完善业绩预告制度,提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

张少岩  李希富 《价值工程》2006,25(8):145-148
本文对沪市2000~2002年配股上市公司,是否存在盈余管理行为,进行了实证研究,并分析了上市公司为达到配股资格而进行盈余管理的手段,最后提出了规范上市公司盈余管理的对策。  相似文献   

以我国上市公司为研究样本,就新旧准则执行前后公司利润平滑行为进行了对比检验。结果发现,执行新准则后上市公司盈余波动性显著提高,应计利润项目变动与经营现金流变动的负相关关系明显减弱,这证明了新准则实施显著降低了公司盈余平滑程度。研究结论表明新准则执行对我国企业会计信息质量具有提升作用,这为我们全面认识和了解会计准则执行的效果提供了经验证据支持。  相似文献   

This study investigates the link between effective tax rates (ETR) and earnings management in a non‐Western context. It examines the use of accounting choice by Malaysian firms in response to an anticipated change in tax policy. We predict and find that large Malaysian firms with low effective tax rates decrease book income prior to a reduction in corporate tax in order to influence tax policy. Our empirical results are consistent with prior evidence in the US, that firms use accounting choice to realize economic objectives. The Malaysian evidence suggests that the result of a positive association between ETR and earnings management can be generalized outside the US context.  相似文献   

Using 665 rights offerings of Chinese firms, we demonstrate positive but diminishing price effects of successive announcements at the board meeting, the shareholders' meeting, the prospectus release date, and the ex‐rights date, but negative abnormal returns before the ex‐rights date. Public investors value the participation from shareholders of state and legal‐person shares in the rights offerings, which seem to be linked to the future firm performance. The results overall supports the hypothesis that Chinese company earnings are considerably manipulated in the rights issue process.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether consolidated earnings are managed to a greater extent than parent‐only earnings or vice versa in an attempt to exceed the threshold in Japanese firms. The analysis reveals that earnings management to avoid earnings decreases is more pronounced in parent‐only earnings for the period 1980–1999. Further, it reveals that the management of parent‐only earnings has been less pervasive following the introduction of the new consolidated reporting system in March 2000. In addition, this paper provides evidence suggesting that earnings management in consolidated earnings increased after March 2000. These results indicate that the new consolidated reporting system and principles might affect the earnings management behaviors of Japanese firm managers.  相似文献   

This study examines the associations between the provision of tax services by incumbent auditors and earnings management. We investigate whether three different effects of tax service provision play different roles in accounting practices. The three effects include the audit independence effect, the knowledge spillover effect, and the tax avoidance effect. If the provision of tax services by incumbent auditors harms auditor independence, firms may exercise greater earnings management (audit independence effect). However, if incumbent auditors gain incremental knowledge by offering tax services, the quality of their audit services could be enhanced, and therefore, reported earnings could be more conservative (knowledge spillover effect). If tax service fee leads to low taxable income, it could depress book income when book-tax conformity is high (tax avoidance effect). We find that the provision of tax services generally improves earnings quality by curtailing opportunistic accounting practices. The results also suggest that the negative association between the provision of tax services and discretionary accruals seems to be primarily driven by the knowledge spillover effect as opposed to the tax avoidance effect. Additional analysis is conducted in examining whether the tax avoidance effect exists in a sub-sample.  相似文献   

We offer new evidence on earnings volatility of men and women in the United States over the past four decades by using matched data from the March Current Population Survey. We construct a measure of total volatility that encompasses both permanent and transitory instability, and that admits employment transitions and losses from self employment. We also present a detailed decomposition of earnings volatility to account for changing shares in employment probabilities, conditional variances of continuous workers, and conditional mean variances from employment entry and exit. Our results show that earnings volatility among men increased by 15% from the early 1970s to mid 1980s, while women's volatility fell, and each stabilized thereafter. However, this pooled series masks important heterogeneity in volatility levels and trends across education groups and marital status. We find that men's earnings volatility is increasingly accounted for by employment transitions, especially exits, while the share of women's volatility accounted for by continuous workers rose, each of which highlights the importance of allowing for periods of non-work in volatility studies.  相似文献   

We document positive association between earnings management and insider selling after the fiscal year‐end for Hong Kong firms. This positive association is especially evident before the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. Our findings suggest that Hong Kong executives manage reported earnings to maximize their private benefits from insider selling. Additionally, we find that a higher proportion of independent directors (INED) on corporate boards moderate the positive association between insider selling and earnings management. Stricter monitoring of earnings management by INED is especially evident when no member of the family with majority ownership is present on corporate boards as a director. This suggests that the presence of family members with majority ownership on corporate boards significantly reduces INED's monitoring effectiveness. Our findings suggest that strict regulations are needed to control insider trading, and independence of corporate boards is important for monitoring of earnings management associated with insider trading. Furthermore, appointment of family members with majority shareholdings should be avoided to enhance independence and to monitor effectiveness of corporate boards.  相似文献   

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