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This paper provides an alternative methodology for testing the degree of international capital mobility through the analysis of a causality direction between the exchange rate and the interest rate for Sweden. The change of exchange rate regime in Sweden in 1992 is used here to illustrate how the alternative exchange rate regimes, fixed and floating, affect the degree of international capital flows. On the basis of new Granger non-causality testing procedures developed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995), the results exhibit that Granger-causality is unidirectional, running from interest rate to exchange rate under the floating exchange rate regime. The implication of this result is that the hypothesis of high capital mobility is supported only under the floating exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

进口的低危化工品如果能抓紧报关、缴税、提箱的环节及时通关、及时拖箱.有可能避免疏港.节约2000元左右疏港费用.可以降低进口成本。  相似文献   

December15,1999wasadayofgreathistoricsignificance.Onthatday,throughthesuccessfultalksbetweenChinaandtheUSAonWTOentry,Chinalitlasttookadecisivestepalongtheroadtoamarketeconomy.Inacomment,theWTOsecretarygeneralsaidthatChinahadopenedthe"doorofhistory."C...  相似文献   

Changes in the nation's social climate, the proliferation of different consumer life styles, and changing the consumer needs and expectations explain a good deal about the evolution of store formats-but not all of it. Technological, economic, and competitive factors also play a role. Fortunately, marketing theory provides a number of useful analytical tools for tying these factors together, and this can lead to a better understanding of food retailing's past-as well as future.  相似文献   

《Consumer reports》2005,70(12):55

2006年7月18日,《南方周末》发布了中国顶级富豪精神世界调查报告,人均财富超过22亿元的60位内地富豪接受了问卷调查,内容涉及金钱、事业、两性、信仰等诸多方面。调查显示,多数富豪对金钱爱恨交加,内心充满不安全感,虽然拥有巨大财富,但并没有真正掌握自己内心的命运。这个“不安全感”在一定意义上是中国内地富豪心理的真实反映,用另一位学者的话说:“内地富豪还在围绕着财富、事业转,还没有达到围绕社会转的层次,远未达到‘企业家’这个境界和水平。现在还处在蝌蚪变青蛙的过程中。”  相似文献   

Several legislative efforts are under way that aim to impose greater congressional oversight of and influence on the monetary policy decision making of the Federal Reserve System. Some of these initiatives might do little harm or even make marginal improvements. But others pose more serious threats to the operational independence of monetary policy. Proposals to require the Federal Reserve to frame monetary policy decisions according to a mathematical formula imply a concrete simplicity of policy that is inaccurate and misleading. And the reporting requirements associated with these proposals threaten to negate the major advantage of monetary policy as a countercyclical weapon—speed. Proposals to subject the non-monetary policy functions of the Fed to the appropriations process provide Congress with additional leverage that could be used to apply pressure to monetary policy decisions. For its part, the Fed should continue to increase transparency through more timely and complete release of relevant information and analysis. To best promote the objectives of stable prices and maximum employment, the operational independence of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decision making needs to be preserved and protected.  相似文献   

2012年6月15日,全球知名的世界500强企业日立集团携手本刊及《中国教育报》刊社,在北京市北外附属外国语学校举行了"梦貘环保教室"的项目启动仪式。教育部教育督导团办公室副主任林仕梁、《中国教育报》刊社副社长林奇青、日立(中国)有限公司总经理小久保宪一、本刊主编于志宏以及北京市特级教师、北京市北外附属外国语学校校长林卫民等出席了启动仪式。  相似文献   

Business Economics - The author would like to add the following acknowledgement to his article: an earlier version of this essay was originally published in the Journal of Consumer Policy, 37...  相似文献   

Intereconomics - Going forward, international elites should instead strive for the application of one of the most liberal-minded principles of this current world order: self-determination.  相似文献   

Marketing Letters - The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. Carter A. Mandirk was not listed among the authors.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - The initial online publication contained a typesetting mistake in the author information. The original article has been corrected.  相似文献   

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