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Hüther  Michael  Vogel  Markus 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2021,101(6):439-445
Wirtschaftsdienst - Der Subsidiaritätsgedanke sollte von den politischen Entscheidungstragenden sowie von im europäischen Mehrebenensystem mitwirkenden Akteur:innen beachtet werden. Dazu...  相似文献   

Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and investor-state dispute settlements (ISDS) have become highly controversial. The authors review the evidence and discuss the pros and cons of BITs and other investment agreements. Many observers are concerned that Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) regulations on investment protection could be abused by international corporations to obtain unjustifi ed compensation from EU member states. These concerns are to some extent legitimate and should be considered more seriously in the EU negotiation strategy. International investment agreements (IIA) are necessary when host countries of FDI do not have reliable and independent judicial systems. To avoid abuse and to account for the increasing role of global production chains, agreements require more precise defi nitions, and ISDS needs to be more transparent and independent. With the EU developing its own new approach independently (and differently) from the one taken in the past by its member states, the current negotiations of “mega-regionals”, as well as the fi rst standalone EU IIA with China, offer the unique possibility to answer current critique around international investment law. Is there, in the current documents, an IIA2.0 that strengthens the right to regulate and holds up high protection standards for investors? The exclusion of ISDS from TTIP negotiations risks missing a unique chance to improve the current less than perfect international investment regime.  相似文献   

Pflegestandards versus individuelle Pflege — In der Palliativpflege genügen die herk?mmlichen Qualit?tsma?st?be nicht. Denn hier geht es um Beziehungen, Trauer, Liebe, Leben, existentielle Fragen und Krisen. Das kann mit Uhren, Ma?b?ndern, Waagen, Skalen und Tabellen nicht erfasst werden. Ein Zwischenruf von Susanne Kr?nzle.  相似文献   

Vor allem in Deutschland n?hrt das schwache Wachstum der Produktivit?t im Dienstleistungssektor eine allgemeine Wachstumsskepsis und den Glauben, Wohlstand entspringe prim?r der Industrie. Tats?chlich h?ngt die Produktivit?t aber von der gesellschaftlichen Wertsch?tzung, der Qualit?t und der Nachfrage sowie von den damit verbundenen Investitionen in den Kapitalstock ab, unter denen das Humankapital und andere Formen immateriellen Kapitals an Bedeutung gewinnen. So kann auch die reale Produktivit?t der Dienstleistungen weiter zunehmen. Ihre Wertproduktivit?t wird ohnehin steigen, solange die durchschnittliche Produktivit?t der Volkswirtschaft überhaupt w?chst.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the merits of including pluralist methods, theories and paradigms into the traditionally mainstream. They also evaluate the progress made by German faculties in this regard. The pluralism debate is in itself plural. There are numerous international and Germany specific dimensions and associated critiques of mainstream economics. Different approaches to economic policy must be organised in a manner which guarantees theoretical and paradigmatic pluralism — on which economic policy proposals ought to be based. Another view focuses on the educational effect and states that the mental frames of economics students are subject to manipulation; the foundation of their thinking is narrowed and recontextualised in an emotionally and politically highly charged semantic environment.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the impact of the financial crisis on macroeconomics and on research into financial markets. The cornerstones of the economic mainstream were made obsolete by actual developments in recent years, and there are now signs that a fundamental paradigm shift is possible. After the failures stemming from the extensive deregulation of financial markets, economic policy now faces the challenge of actively reshaping the regulatory design of this central area of economic activity.  相似文献   

The EU suffers from a democratic deficit that arises not first and foremost from a lack of institutional competencies, but rather from the double weakness of politics vis-à-vis economics and law at the European level. This “functional democratic deficit” renders the existing mechanisms of democratic control increasingly ineffective. Especially for its citizens, a politically integrated Europen Union might be difficult to grasp, and it may only be reached gradually through a continuous process of dynamic development; however, “United in Diversity” seems to be the better alternative, and not only for historical reasons. The direct elections for the European Parliament, although not denying deficits of democratic legitimacy and participation at the Union level, should not be underestimated in their legitimising influence for the Union as an associated structure of members without obvious hierarchies.  相似文献   

We argue that self-binding rules in the context of the stabilisation of the eurozone — both monetary and fiscal — are important for a successful long-term European economic policy. The present loss of reputation due to the breaking of fundamental rules such as the no-bailout clause generates high cost, especially with respect to raising money in the financial markets, because no institutional stability and political credibility exist. We propose to install a compliance system similar to what large enterprises have introduced. It would perfectly fit into the system of regulatory principles of the social market economy, but also focus on administrative and implementation issues.  相似文献   



Konjunkturschlaglicht: Risiken für Preisstabilität  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Im Zuge der politisch und gesellschaftlich propagierten „Verkehrs- und Klimawende“ wird der Stärkung des Schienenverkehrs in Deutschland eine zunehmend...  相似文献   

High levels of debt caused by the financial crisis are forcing countries to take measures to reduce debt. Financial repression is a debt reduction opportunity based on measures imposed on the financial markets by governments which manifests itself primarily in lower real interest rates. Financial repression is regarded as another characteristic of a “new normality” in the global economy with low potential growth rates and low interest rates, high levels of public debt as a result of the financial crisis. The article describes this phenomenon and attempts to evaluate its empirical relevance.  相似文献   

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